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Name: Date:
Grade: 4th Grade Requirement : 60%.
c. The Ideal Score : 57 pts.
kening Score obtained:
Objective: To read and extract information from a text at an implicit and explicit level.

● Read the questions carefully and then answer.
●Respond in a clear manner taking care of wording and spelling.

Read and become familiar with a wide repertoire of literature to increase their knowledge of
the world, develop their imagination and recognize its social and cultural value.
Analyze relevant aspects of narratives read to deepen their understanding:
determining the consequences of events or actions,describingthe environment and customs
represented in the text, explaining the physical and psychological characteristics of the
characters that are relevant to the development of the story.

I.- Circle the correct alternative (1 pt. each)

2.- This text is:
The author of the text is : a.- dramatic
a.-Oscar Collazos. b.- lyrical
b.- Marta Brunet c.- narrative
c.-Oscar Wilde d.- informative
d.- José Mauro Vasconcelos.

3.-The narrator of the text is: 4.- The brothers of the main character
a.- witness mentioned in chapter one are:
b.- omniscient A) Totoca, Jandira, Luis
c.- protagonist B) Totoca, Dindinha
d.- relative knowledge C) Edmundo, Totoca, Jandira

5.- Totoca was the brother 6. How did Zezé learn to read?
A) Eldest of Zezé A) Uncle Edmundo taught him
B) Largest of the family B) Alone, he was self-taught
C) Youngest of Zezé C) He already went to school.

7. Zezé admired uncle Edmundo for 8. What prize does Zezé win for being able to
A) He was a very kind man read?
B) He gave her an Orange-Lime plant A) A notebook
C) She wanted to be like him, wear a B) A wooden horse
bow tie and be a poet. C) A Lime-Orange Plant
9. What is Zezé's grandmother's name? 10. Why is Zezé told not to swear?
A) Juliana A) Because although they exist, only the elders
B) Dindinha say them and he does not know the context
C) Jandira B) Because Uncle Edmundo says them
C) Because he is a spoiled child.

11. The total number of Zezé's brothers 12.- A zoo is mentioned because
are: A) Luis and Zezé played that game in the
A) Totoca, Godoia and Luis backyard of their house
B) Edmundo, Gloria, Totoca, Luis and B) Zezé took his little brother one day to that
Jandira place
C) Jandira, Gloria, Totoca and Luis C) Zezé used to go with his little brother Luis to
that place.

13-. Zezé's family had to move to 14-. Faced with the sadness that prevails at the
another house because Christmas dinner, Zezé says that they do not
A) Her parents liked a bigger one celebrate the Birth of Jesus but his
B) That's how they usually did it A) His illness
C) Her father was fired from his job and B) His christening
they could no longer afford it. C) Funeral

15. Zezé and his little brother Luis are 16. Luis and Zezé don't get toys because
taken by the Postman because A) Jandira and Gloria refuse to take them,
A) They go to Rio San Pablo Street to Totoca leaves them forgotten on Río San Pablo
receive Christmas toys Street until Don Pasión arrives and takes them,
B) They help with the mail delivery but they are late because they stop for breakfast
C) They go to Casino Bangú to receive at the Casino Bangú
toys as gifts B) Gloria sends them off very late and even
though the letter carrier supports them, Totoca
does not arrive in time to help them get there
C) Although they got up very early, there was no
one to take them and when they found Don
Pasión to take them, he was going very slowly.
17. Luis gets depressed for not getting 18. Zezé affectionately calls his Lime Orange
the toys and Zezé comforts him by Plant like
telling him soon: A) Mijito
A) "I'm going to buy a nice car, full of B) Minguito
gifts, and just for you.... But do not C) Miguelito
weep, for a king does not weep."
B) "I'm going to ask Totoca to change
the tail on my little horse "Moonbeam" to
give it to you as a gift from Santa
C) "I'm going to buy you a nice car like
Don Manuel Valadares'."
II.- Write V if it is true and F if it is false (1 pt. each)
1. V The main character of the text is Zezé
2. F Zezé is a 10-year-old boy of good economic standing.
3. V Zezé is a very intelligent 5-year-old boy who lives in a slum.
4. V Zezé greatly admires his brother Totoca and aspires to be like him.
5. F Uncle Edmundo taught Zezé to read.
6. F Zezé is punished because he cuts the clothes line that the neighbor had laid
out for him
7. V Totoca and Zezé visit the house where they are going to change without their
parents' knowledge.
8. F Zezé chooses a small lime orange plant because he likes it best.
9. F Zezé and his brother Luís receive a beautiful Christmas gift in a nearby
10. V Zezé has been very fond of the Portuguese since he took him to the
doctor's office.
11. V The Portuguese promises Zezé that he will love him like a son.
12. V The orange-lime plant becomes your confidant, your best friend and
13. V Zezé's father repeatedly beats and humiliates him.
14. V Dad is out of work and so they will have to move house,
15. F Portugal told Zezé that there was a possibility of adopting him.
16. F Zezé's family was very wealthy.

III.- Write the number of the character corresponding to each description (1 point each).

Character N°

1.- DonPablo 4 Brother of Zezé who thinks he knows a lot about life. Answer
in clear
2.-Uncle Edmundo 6 Zezé's sister who defended him from the trouble
he was looking for every time he got into
3.-Minguito 5 Younger brother of Zezé, whom he loves and cares
for very much.

4.- Totoca 7 Zezé's neighbor who found out that Zezé could

5.- King Louis 2 A wise man as Zezé tells him

6.- Glory 3 Lime orange plant

7.-Alaíde 1 Zezé's father

handwriting and without spelling mistakes. (2pts each)

1.- Describe physically and psychologically the main character.

2.- What does Zezé do to be able to give a gift to his father? And what do you buy?
He shines shoes and buys cigarettes
3.- Why does Zezé keep the lime orange plant?
Because it is one of his only options, since his siblings had already chosen
4- Mi planta de naranja lima is an autobiographical work, in which Vasconcelos recreates his
childhood memories. What era and memories would you choose if you wanted to recount your
Free response
5. Zézé is a child who has grown up very fast, in the fifth chapter of the novel, he says: "The
poverty there, at home, was so much, that we learned from a very young age not to waste
anything." (p.158) Do you think the conditions in which he lives have made him grow up early? Do
you think that going through hardships in childhood makes children grow up faster? Why? Free

6. The teacher, Mr. Ariovaldo or Portuga are surprised when Zézé explains to them how naughty
he is at home and in the street, because they consider him a very good and formal child. Zézé
says that "It seems that the devil starts blowing things in my ear." (p.165) And it is that every time
he commits mischief Zézé says it is the Devil's fault. What do you think it is that Zézé calls Diablo?
What is it that makes him so naughty? Free response

7. At home they keep telling Zézé that he is bad and naughty, that he is the Devil's son: "There, in
my house they say that I have a snout, because I am not a person, but an animal" (p.159). (p.159)
Zézé believes that no one loves him and that is why he suffers so much that he even thinks of
throwing himself into a river. On the other hand, outside his home, everyone loves and appreciates
him, which can be seen when he gets sick and everyone visits him. To what extent do you think
children are influenced by the labels and roles assigned to them at home, which are often
undeserved? Were you awarded any as a child?
Free response
At the end of the novel, when his father tries to make friends with him by telling him that it will take
too long to cut down his tree, Zézé replies: "They've already cut it down, Dad: it's been more than
a week since they cut down my lime orange tree. (p.202) What do you think he means?
Indicate the number of the question to be answered, if there is not enough space, take a sheet of
paper from your notebook and attach it.

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