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Paper 1

1) Quranic Passages (1 – 15)

2) History & Importance of Quran

a. Revelation of Quran from 610 – 632 AD
b. Compilation of Quran under the rightly guided caliphs
c. Tafsir of Quran
d. Nasikh & Mansukh
e. Muhakamat & Mutashabehat
f. Quran as a source of guidance
g. Quran’s relationship with Hadith
h. Quran’s relationship with Ijma
i. Quran’s relationship with Qiyas
j. 3 main themes of Quran
k. The backgrounds of revelation of Quranic Passages

3) Life and Importance of Prophet (PBUH)

a. Events from his birth uptil first revelation
b. First revelation
c. Early years of silent preaching
d. Persecution faced by Prophet
e. Persecution faced by followers
f. Migration to Abyssinia
g. Socio-Economic Boycott
h. Visit of Taif
i. Isra wa’l Mairaj
j. Pledges of Aqaba
k. Events that led up to the migration to Madinah
l. Migration to Madinah
m. Events followed by migration to Madinah
n. Treaty of Madinah
o. Battle of Badr
p. Battle of Uhad
q. Battle of Trench
r. Relationship with Jews
s. Relationship with Hypocrites
t. Treaty of Hudaibiya
u. Letters to emperors
v. Conquest of Khyber
w. Battle of Mutah
x. Conquest of Makkah
y. Seige of Hunain & Taif
z. Year of Deputations
aa. Tabuk Expedition
bb. Farewell Pilgrimage
cc. Illness and Death
dd. Relationship with Makkans
ee. Prophet as the model of excellence
ff. Miracles of Prophet
gg. Prophet’s relationship with other states
hh. Position of Women in Islam
ii. Prophet’s relationship with non-muslims
jj. Prophet as a leader
kk. Prophet as the seal of all Prophets

4) First Islamic Community

a. 10 blessed companions
i. Account of their services during the life of Prophet
ii. Conversion stories of the first 4
b. Mothers of the faithful
c. Descendants of Prophet
i. Daughters of Prophet
ii. His grandsons
iii. Events of Karbala
iv. Institution of Imamate in Shia Islam
d. Scribes
i. Working of scribes
ii. Services of Zaid bin Thabit
iii. Services of Abdullah bin Masud
e. Important personalities
i. Abu Talib
ii. Hamza
iii. Bilal
iv. Abu Sufyan
v. Khalid bin Walid
vi. Zaid bin Harith
vii. Salman Farsi
viii. Jafar ibn Abu Talib
f. Emigrants & Helpers
Paper 2

1) Hadith (1 – 20)

2) History & Importance of Ahadith

a. Rules of Sanad & Matn
b. Compilation of Ahadith
c. Musnad & Musannaf collections of Ahadith
d. Earliest collections of Ahadith
e. 6 most authentic sunni collections
f. 4 most authentic shia collections
g. Individual & Communal responsibility in Ahadith
h. Hadith as a source of guidance
i. Hadith relationship with Quran
j. Hadith relationship with Ijma
k. Hadith relationship with Qiyas

3) Rightly Guided Caliphs

a. Abu Bakr
b. Umar
c. Uthman
d. Ali
e. Their relationship with other States
f. How they ruled (examples for leadership)

4) Pillars of Islam
a. Shahadah
i. Tauheed
ii. Risalah
iii. Shirk
iv. Benefits
b. Salah
i. Methods of Purification
ii. Conditions of Prayer
iii. Method of Prayer
iv. Friday Congregational Prayers
v. Eid Congregational Prayers
vi. Qasr Prayer
vii. Qadha Prayer
viii. Benefits
c. Saum
i. Details of Ramadhan
ii. Those exempt from Fasting
iii. Compensation for fast
iv. Benefits
d. Zakat
i. Details of Nisab
ii. Recepients
iii. Benefits
e. Hajj
i. Restrictions of Ihram
ii. Method of Hajj
iii. Faraiz, Wajibaat & Sunnah of Hajj
iv. Types of Hajj
v. Significance of Hajj rituals
vi. Difference between Hajj & Umrah
vii. Benefit

5) Articles of Faith
a. Belief in Oneness of Allah
b. Belief in Angels
c. Belief in Divine Books
d. Belief in Prophets
e. Belief in Last Day
f. Belief in Predestination

6) Jihad
a. Details of the 5 types of Jihad

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