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African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies

VOL.3, May-August, 2021



Dr. Anyaeji Adaora Vivian

Department of Educational Management and Policy
Faculty of Education
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Email:; 08035303087

The purpose of this research work is to find out the challenges of educational administration and
planning in Schools during COVID-19 Pandemic. The paper examined the meaning of educational
administration and planning and the concept of COVID-19 Pandemic. It vividly discussed the impact
of COVID-19 on Nigerian secondary schools in the areas of closure of schools, cancellation of
national and international examination, elongation of graduation year, non-payment of salaries of
some private school teachers and other social problems associated with it. The paper highlighted
some of the school administrators’ strategies in promoting teaching and learning in secondary
schools in the periods of COVID-19 Pandemic which include; audio conferencing, video
conferencing, electronic mail, WhatsApp and internet technology. The paper explained some of the
challenges faced by school administrators and teachers in using electronic learning during COVID-
19 Pandemic such as technical difficulties faced by teachers and students, network and internet
connection problems, inconsistent electric power supply etc. it suggested the way forward on effective
strategies for promoting teaching and learning by school administrators during and after COVID-19
Pandemic and recommended that the Federal and State Government should adequately fund
education in Nigeria, secondary school administrators should diversity sources of funding school
projects and administration, see the need to equip their schools with modern digital facilities that can
aid online education and the teachers should be trained and re-trained on the use of e-learning
Keywords: Educational Administration, planning, Secondary School, COVID-19 Pandemic.

Introduction schools during Covid-19. However, it was

challenging because of high cost of data,
Educational administration and planning in facilities maintenance, and lack of expertise in
secondary schools during Covid-19 was the use of ICT tools in secondary schools
challenging in all ramifications. The impact of administration.
Covid-19 led to the increase in the cost of
school facilities such as ICT materials, cost of According to Nwori and Omebe (2013),
maintaining school vehicles, laboratory, maintenance of adequate communication link
school library, studios, workshops, water is a strategy the management of secondary
closet, pit toilets, staffrooms, classrooms, schools must adopt to have a smooth
assembly hall etc. have gone beyond the implementation of goals of secondary
financial abilities of most school education in their institutions.
administrators. Most principals of schools
especially those in urban areas adopted the use
of Information Communication Technology in
school administration. ICT finds expression in Meaning of Educational Administration
digital technology such as the computer, and Planning
internet, e-mail, mobile phone, video Education Administration and planning is a
conferencing and different electronic means of achieving the goals of education
applications (Omebe 2018). The use of ICT through effective and efficient manipulation of
facilities provided a better alternative for available inputs. Aderonmu and Ehametalor
administration and planning in secondary (2005) defined education administration as

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

essentially a service, activity or tool through school closure were enormous for under-
which the fundamental objectives of the privileged students who tend to have fewer or
educational process may be more fully and no educational opportunity outside school. The
efficiently realized. Educational administration closure of schools, colleges and universities
is therefore, concerned with the utilization of does not only interrupted the teaching of
adequate resources and the harmonization of students, it also coincided with key assessment
relationships and interactions in a suitable periods and many examinations have been
environment in order to foster the attainment postponed or canceled as a result of Covid-19.
of the goals of teaching and learning. It also
involves the prudent management of resources According to Miks (2020), many international
and high degree of accountability on the part examinations such as Cambridge International
of organizational members. Examinations were cancelled. Other
international examinations that were canceled
Concept of Covid-19 Pandemic due to Covid-19 include; International
Baccalaureates, Scholastic Aptitude Test
Coronavirus Disease 2019 is a potentially (SAT) and American College Test (ACT).
severe, primarily respiratory illness caused by Apart from these, West African Examination
a Coronavirus and characterized by fever, Council for West African countries had their
coughing and shortness of breath. In some examinations postponed. The implications of
people, the disease also damages major organs these examinations cancellation was that,
as the heart or kidney. The most common way thousands of students were forced to defer the
that this virus spreads is through close contact start of their studies for their undergraduate
with already infected person. When people studies to a later year since the online plat
with Covid-19 breathe out or cough, they form for teaching and learning could not be
expel tiny droplets that contain the virus. used to conduct examination or assess
These droplets can enter the mouth or nose of student’s performance. Also, student’s
someone without the virus, causing the spread graduation was indirectly elongated. Many
of infection to occur. The disease is most families who were less privileged abandoned
contagious when a person’s symptoms are at their children education during the long time
their peak, though it is possible for someone schools were closed down. Disruption of
without symptoms to spread the virus. education due pandemic resulted to many
Droplets containing the virus can also land on social problems such as child labour, early
nearby surfaces or objects and when other marriages, unwanted pregnancies and
people touch such surfaces or pick up the exploitation among others. Students’ dropout
objects and then touches their nose, eyes or rate increased and majority of the
mouth, the virus spread. disadvantaged students did not return back to
school when the government re-opened
IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON NIGERIAN schools for the continuation of the academic
The Covid-19 pandemic led to the closure of Teachers, especially those in private schools
schools. The Federal Ministry of Education were not paid during the periods of the
through the permanent secretary on March lockdown. This made some of them unable to
19th2020 ordered the immediate closure of provide adequately for the needs of their
tertiary institutions, secondary and primary families. Covid-19 pandemic created a lot of
schools across the nation over the outbreak of havoc in the lives of many teachers; they faced
the disease in the country. All public and a lot of psychological problems such as stress,
private schools have to shut the doors of their fear, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness that
schools following the government directive. It led to lack of focus and concentration.
is worthy to note that secondary schools
provided adequate learning facilities but when School Administrators Strategies In
schools closed, children were deprived the Promoting Teaching And Learning In
opportunities for academic growth as well as Secondary Schools in The Periods Of
academic development. The disadvantages of Covid-19 Pandemic

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

Many school administrators especially those in multi-way audio and television link-ups
the urban areas adopted online teaching and are involved. For example, this process
learning using the following technological or device enables a teacher in one
devices: location to see, talk and listen to
students in one or more remote
(i) Audio-Conferencing: This process locations; so also would the students
represents a live, two way conversation see the teacher. This possibility of a
among groups at different locations teacher and his students seeing
connected by telephone lines or themselves has been one of the most
satellites. It requires a special powerful and attractive attributes of
microphone with amplifier device, videoconferencing, especially in
preferably voice-activated at each distance education. It thus helps to
location (Henich, Molenda and Russell, make the educational transaction at a
1993). That is, it involves the linking of distance to be virtually identical to a
more than two parties in a single call, traditional classroom setting (Garrison,
so that everyone can hear everyone 1989). Teaching in such a circumstance
else. At each location or site, there may will perhaps be easier because concepts
be participants who are using an and situations can be demonstrated
ordinary telephone or a group of people visually.
with loud-speaking telephone. It is also
viewed as a form of twoor multi-way (iii) Electronic Mail: Electronic Mail is
live long distance link between the general term that is used to refer to
teacher and student that is provided by systems that enable letters, messages
the telephone network. This process is etc to be sent from one individual,
simply called teaching by telephone. department, institution etc to another
Audio-Conferencing is such an solely by electronic means, without the
innovative technique that enables a use of a conventional postage or
tutor who is somewhere else to deliver internal mail system (Pervical and
his lecture to his audience in a Ellington, 1988). However, the concept
classroom setting or who are scattered of electronic mail covers a broad
in their different locations. It is a two- spectrum of systems and services
way communication activity and as a whose main common feature is that the
result has the advantage of high quality messages are converted to electronic
of interaction. signals for the purposes of
transmission. The transmission of
(ii) Videoconferencing: This is an online electronic mail requires a
teaching and learning method that telecommunication network. That is
could be holding between two or more why the vast majority of electronic mail
participants at different sites or is transmitted as computer-compatible
locations. It is a two-way exchange of data, and travels along data networks.
both live television images and audio
signals between two or more sites and
three or more individuals. In this (iv) Videotext and Tele-Text: The term
videoconferencing, such facilities as Videotext applies to an interactive two-
these are used. They include computer way system that is used for transmitting
with appropriate software, video text or graphics stored in computer data
cameras, microphone and speakers, as bases, through the telephone network,
well as telephone lines or other cabling for display on a television screen. A
to transmit audio and video signals distinguishing feature about videotext
(Roblyer, 2003). Thus, satellite is that it is specially intended as a
transmission as well as cable simple to use, low-cost information
transmission has been successfully used system that could cater for large
for videoconferencing in which two or number of users. It makes for effective

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

interaction between the users at the 1. Teachers and students faced many
same time. On the other hand, teletext technical difficulties which slowed
is a non-interactive, one way form of down the teaching-learning process.
videotext. It does the same thing as the Not all the teachers and students had
videotext but the difference is that both access to digital devices and internet.
the sender and the receiver do not have Children in rural communities in
the opportunity of interacting Nigeria were left behind as they were
immediately. not equipped to adapt to the new
methods of learning (Yusuf, 2005). A
(v) Internet Technology: The internet is a lot of Nigerian parents cannot afford
computer network used for worldwide to provide three square meals for their
communication. In fact, internet is the families not to talk of buying mobile
network of networks. A network refers phones or laptops, data and other
to a group of computers that share online devices for their children in
communication lines. The internet is order to participate in online learning.
veritable resource for online teaching 2. There was no direct communication
and learning. Teachers and students get between the learners and the teachers.
current information on different topics All students are not the same, there are
in different subject areas. It allows the variations in their level of confidence,
user to engage in inquiry by exploring capabilities as well as understanding.
nearly unlimited resources available on According to Albirini (2006), some
the internet. Web quest is a method of students who are slow learners may
using internet technology for teaching not comprehend easily without the
and learning. Students are guided and teacher being around to put them
assisted to obtain information from the through. Some of these slow learners
internet in order to write an assignment. depended on their friends to re-explain
The teacher must sort through websites the concepts of what has been taught
targeting information that are by the teacher, but now that they are
appropriate for students in terms of isolated from others how will they
reliability, clarity, accuracy, readability manage the situation? These learners
and graphic appeal. It is those sites may never catch up with their peers
identified by the teacher that the and they will continue to feel the
students will later go through in the effect of this gap long after the
course of writing their assignments or pandemic has ended.
class practice. 3. Management attitudes: The attitudes
of various managements in and
(vi) WhatsApp: It is another online outside institutions towards the
platform for teaching and learning development of e-learning related
during the COVID-19 lockdown. Class facilities such as the internet and
works, assignments are posted in the procurement of computers is rather
WhatsApp. The teacher and the slow in some instances, and in others,
students meet at the agreed time to there are no aids or support by the
learn using WhatsApp platform. The government at all.
students are required to have Android 4. Scheme of work differs from school.
phones and buy enough data that will The topic that was scheduled to be
last throughout the lesson periods. taught in a term in a school may be
scheduled for second term in another
school. There was no clear stipulation
Challenges Faced by School Administrators by the government in their educational
and Teachers in using Electronic Learning policies, there was no uniformity,
during COVID-19 Pandemic adequate quality control as well as e-
content delivery in the learning

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

5. Network and Internet connection education levy, donations, rentals, old students
problems: Unavailability of proper financial assistance could help in provision of
digital tools, inter-connection infrastructural facilities and smooth school
problems can cause serious setback to administration.
many students in their learning
process. Also, most of the schools that In addition, secondary school administrators
took part in the online teaching and should see the need to equip their schools with
learning find it difficult to assess their Modern digital facilities that can aid online
students. When the teachers give education. According to Taiwo (2005), the
assignment, they find it difficult to Federal and state governments should ensure
mark it and give students feedback that the inclusion of online teaching such as
except the assessment questions are integrated digital learning platforms, video
objectives. lessons teaching programme should also be
6. Inconsistent Electric Power Supply in incorporated into the school time-table.
most parts of the country and also
inadequate network services especially The teachers should be trained and retrained
in the rural areas adversely affected e- on the use of e-learning facilities. Capacity
learning. building is critical step for entering into the
7. Non-Inclusion of ICT Programmes in new global economic and educational
teachers training curricula and at the development. It should be considered as an
basic levels of education. There seems alternative medium through which teachers
to be no clear and definite ICT policy and students are empowered.
or curriculum for all levels of the Finally, parents should pay personal attention
Nigerian education. and supervise their children until they adapt to
online teaching environment.
The Way Forward on Effective Strategies
for Promoting Teaching and Learning by Conclusion
School Administrators During and after
COVID-19 Pandemic The catastrophe posed by Coronavirus in
Nigeria has revealed to us the benefits of
The Federal and state governments should online teaching and learning. However, online
adequately fund secondary education in education was seriously hampered by so many
Nigeria. However, secondary school factors such as high cost of computers, phone,
administrators should diversify sources of problem of network services, inadequate
funding school projects and administration. knowledge of use of e-learning facilities by
Alternative sources of financing secondary teachers and students. Therefore, the Federal,
education could provide a viable state government and non-governmental
supplementary source of government efforts in organizations should partner with secondary
financing secondary education. Martins (2011) school management in providing e-learning
and Okunamiri (2002) advocated that infrastructures and adequately fund secondary
secondary school administrators should be education in Nigeria for effective service
involve in a wide spectrum of income delivery.
generating activities from agricultural venture,
catering services, renting of school hall, extra- References
mural classes, parent-teachers association
projects, appeal for fund raising, Aderonmu, F and Ehametalor, B (2005).Role
communityinvolvement in school projects, of head teacher in academic
donations from rich individuals, among others. achievement in Secondary schools
in Vihiga district, Kenya.Journal of
Supporting the above alternative source of social sciences 1 (3) 84-92.
financing secondary education in Nigeria,
Ocho (2005) indicated that one of the sources Heinich, R, Molenda, M. and Rusell, J.D
of funds for secondary education development (1993).Instructional media and the
is fund raising. He opined that sources such as

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

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