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P1: Intro

P2: 1st part of Shahadah

P3: 2nd part of Shahadah


- Islam has 5 obligatory duties

- Hadith
- This means that shahadah is the 1st pillar of Islam
- It consists of 2 parts
o Tauheed (oneness of Allah)
o Risalah (apostleship of Muhammad)


- First part of shahadah is

There is no God but Allah

- It is mandatory to believe in to join the circle of Islam

- In this part, one declares faith in various aspects of oneness of Allah
o Unity in Lordship  “ Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of dawn” [113:1] & “Say: I seek
refuge with the Lord of Mankind.” [114:1]
o Unity in Existence  “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only.” [112:1]
o Unity in Perfection  “No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep.” [2:255]
o Unity in Singularity  “He begets not, nor is He begotten.” [112:3]
o Unity in Comparison  “There is none like unto him.” [112:4]
o Unity in attributes
- Going against any of the above is called shirk
- The doer of shirk is called a mushrik
- A mushrik will never enter paradise
- Allah has declared it to be an unpardonable sin  “Allah forgives not that partners should be set
up with Him, but He forgives anything else to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allah is
to devise a sin most heinous indeed.” [4:48]


- Second part consists of the following

Muhammad is Allah’s messenger

- This part is connected with the 1st part

o Believing/disbelieving in the 2nd part is believing/disbelieving in the 1st part
o The 1st part was delivered by Prophet (PBUH) in the best form
- In this part one declares belief in the following aspects of Muhammad’s apostleship
o Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
o He was merely a servant of Allah
o He bought a unique message
 Universality of message
 Preservation of message
 Complete message
 Message for all times
o We must obey him  “And obey Allah and obey the Messenger..” [64:12]
o He is the seal of all Prophets  “Muhammad… is the messenger of Allah and the seal of
prophets…” [33:40]

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