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Those exempt from Hajj and Restrictions of Ihram

P1: (those who are exempt)

- Compulsory on sane, adult, fit and rich muslims

- Definition of rich (for the purposes of Hajj):
o Sahib-e-Nisab
o Must have enough money to undertake the journey
o Must have enough money to survive for the number of days required to stay in
Arabia for Hajj
o Must have enough money to ensure that everyone dependent on the person going
for hajj must also be able to live normally for the number of days they’d be gone for
- This means that one is not required to sell their property, clothing etc to finance hajj
- For those not physically fit but rich enough:
o They can assign someone else to perform a hajj on their behalf
- One must be free from fear: this is applied in case of an oppressive ruler, if a retaliation is
feared, the person is not under an obligation to perform Hajj
- Female pilgrim must be accompanied by a mahram
- Anyone who doesn’t meet the above mentioned requirements are exempt from the
performance of Hajj

P2: (restrictions of Ihram)

- Definition of Ihram for males

- Definition of Ihram for females
- It is mandatory to wear Ihram before the boundary of Meeqat and make formal intention
- Forbiddened things while wearing Ihram
o Shaving or cutting of any body hair
o Trimming of nails
o Wearing perfume or applying perfumed oil
o Wearing anything with stiches for men
o Covering heads for men
o Gloves or face veil for women
o Wearing shoes over ankles for men
o Fighting or cursing
o Marrying or having marital relations
o Damaging plant life
o Harming, hunting or killing wild animals (unless there is a danger to life)
- A muhrim who for a genuine reason is compelled to violate any of the restrictions of Ihram
(apart from having marital relations) may do so but will have to pay dam
- Dam for any violation of Ihram is one of the following:
o Sacrificing a sheep
o Feeding 6 needy people
o 3 days of fasting
- Such violations (apart from marital relations) do not make your Hajj invalid

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