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"The boy who touched the stars"

When I was a teenager I read the story of a Mexican boy who became an astronaut despite being
the son of peasant parents, having no money, and not knowing English, but one day his father
asked him son what do you want to be when you grow up and he said daddy astronaut and he told
him if you want to achieve something in life fulfill this recipe: define your goal, recognize how far
you are from it, create and plan the way to reach your goal, put interest in education, commit
yourself, be constant and you will achieve your dreams. I always remember this beautiful reading
and wonder what happened to my dreams. Did I not comply with the recipe? However, even with
the best planning, achieving goals can be frustrating due to factors such as: consistency,
education, and commitment.

Perseverancemeans going little by little , without giving up in the attempt. Its value lies in
continuing to work on the same thing despite the results, favorable or not, it is the effort
of every day, it is not enough to be very smart intellectually, it means doing something
continuously. As the saying goes, drop by drop the water digs the rock through time.

The most powerful tool is education, because in spite of all this is the one that makes the
difference, it trains us intellectually and morally, it is the transmission of knowledge so that it
acquires a certain formation, it is our most powerful weapon that exists to change the world.

By committing ourselves, we use our capabilities to the best of our abilities to carry out the task
entrusted to us. Bearing in mind that we are aware of the conditions we are accepting and the
obligations they entail, since they imply a permanent effort towards the achievement of the
established objective. The absence of commitment turns the choice into a triviality. When the
decision is random, the action is meaningless.

In conclusion from these aspects I learned the value of being organized and to follow the recipe
that from the experience of others you learn to correct mistakes both professionally and in all
aspects of my life.
"The child that touched the stars"

when I was a teenager I read the story of a Mexican boy who became an astronaut despite being
the son of peasant parents, not having money, and not knowing English, but one day his father
asked him son you want to be great and he answered astronaut Dad and he told him if you want
to achieve something in life he fulfills this recipe: define your goal, recognize how far you are
from it, create and plan the path to reach your goal, put interest in education, commit, make the
effort, and be constant and thus achieve your dreams. I always remember this beautiful reading
and I wonder what happened to my dreams. Did I not comply with the recipe? However, even with
the best planning, achieving goals can be frustrating due to factors such as perseverance,
education, and commitment.

Constancy, means, go little by little, without faltering in the attempt. Its value lies in continuing to
work on the same thing in spite of the results, favorable or not, it is the effort of each day, it is not
enough to be very clever intellectually, it means to do something continuously. Well, the saying
goes drop by drop the water digs the rock through time.

The most powerful tool is education, because despite all this is the one that makes the difference,
it enables us intellectually and morally, it is the transmission of knowledge so that it acquires a
certain formation, it is our most powerful weapon that exists to change the world.

By committing ourselves, we put our capabilities to the maximum to carry out the task entrusted.
Taking into account that we know the conditions that we are accepting and the obligations that
these entail, since it supposes a permanent effort towards the achievement of the established
objective. The absence of commitment turns the election into a triviality. When the decision is
random, the action has no meaning.

In conclusion of these aspects I learned the value of being organized and to fulfill the recipe that
from the experience of others is learned the error is corrected both professionally and in all
aspects of my life.

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