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Louie Jay I.

Gallevo BSEd Filipino-2

Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
Welcome to my life, which is full of mazes and surprises. My name is Louie Jay I.
Gallevo, and I am currently in college studying education, specifically bachelor in
secondary education major in Filipino. On July 15, 2002, at four o'clock in the morning, I
was born in South Cotabato Provincial Hospital. My parents are Jerry F. Gallevo and
Irene I. Gallevo, and I have one brother, who is Reden I. Gallevo.
I started studying when I was four years old. My grandmother is the one who
served as my babysitter since my parents weren’t home for work, so my grandma
enrolled me in a daycare center. You may not believe this, but my grandma told me that
I always sleep and cry in school.
After that, my parents enrolled me in kindergarten and then in elementary school.
I was only five years old when I was in the first grade. I had to say that I was the cutest,
but I’m subsequent. My elementary days were incredibly awesome. I gained many
friends; I achieved honors and awards in academics and sports, specifically badminton.
It’s been quite jaded studying six years at the same school, but it’s totally fine with me
because I have friends to laugh with, have fun with, and learn with.
In 2015, I graduated from elementary school and enrolled in Koronadal National
Comprehensive High School. It’s great that I found true friends that same year, and it’s
quite funny how I always wanted a dancer and God gave me six super cool and
amazing friends that actually treated me like a true friend. I was a varsity dancer during
that time. I had so much fun with my co-dancers. We went to another place to compete
in any dances. It’s really unforgettable because we always bring home the bacon. I also
have a setback at this stage because my parents have decided to separate. Growing up
in a broken home, you can understand the feeling of wanting to be loved. But despite
those happenings, I graduated as an honor student with the "Batang Expression"
In 2019, I graduated from high school and became a senior high school student
at Kings College of Marbel Incorporated. I fell in love with the poetry this time. It’s like
my world revolves around poem. There's something in poem that I can relate to. I
learned so much from it. Also, this year is when I fell in love with someone. Honestly, it
wasn’t a pretty story. I fell deeply in love with someone, and when we broke up, it was
like my worst nightmare ever. But I learned that maybe we’re not really meant to be
together. Then, I realized that the difference between "someone loves" and "someone
hates" is the belief that whatever happens, I’ll be fine. During this time, also because of
the pandemic, I developed my skills as a poet, poetry performer, and vlogger. I
participate in many competitions throughout the region and also at the national level.
Even the pandemic can't stop me from achieving my dreams; I graduated with honors,
with the best in physical education, and with the best in research.
I owe a lot to good friends, challenging professors, and one exceptional family for
who I am now. I receive everything nice I own from them. I had several difficulties that
put my abilities and personality to the test. The difficulties I've faced have taught me
some valuable lessons. Happiness comes from good days and experiences come from
hard days—both of which are necessary for living. Failures teach me humility, while
success keeps me progressing. I'm studying extremely hard right now in order to
graduate from college and get a solid career that will allow me to support my family and
maintain our current standard of living with God's grace and direction. Life is like a roller
coaster; just keep that in mind at all times. Ups and downs are present. However, it's up
to you whether you shout or simply take it easy.

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