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Panasonic Portable Stereo Component System RX-DT600 Operating Instructions Before connecting, operating or adjusting thie product, ploase road OSe ‘hese insuctions completely. ‘iarrAL RUBIO ™ RQT2617-L “Thank you for purchasing this product For optimum performance and safety, please read these operating Insitutions carey. WARNING: ‘TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOIS: ‘TURE. CAUTION! ‘THIS PRODUCT UTILIZES A LASER. USE OF CONTROLS OF ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORM. ‘ANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECI. FIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION. EXPOSURE. DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOT REPAIR YOUR- ‘SELF, REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. Common Operations. Listening Listening to the Radio .. Listening to CDs .. Listening to Tapes CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT (eax ome) Recording Recording Compact Discs . Recording Radio Programs Recording Tape to Tape . General Information Concerning Compact Discs... cee] Conceming Cassette Tapes aaa 18 Troubleshooting Guide Maintenance 7 Technical Spectications ‘lf the set is not used for a long period of time or Is used only ‘rom an AC power source, remove all the batteries to prevent potential damage due to possibie battery leakage, ‘Avoid using or placing this unit peat sources of heat. Do no leave Lin an automobile exposed to direct sunight fora tong time vith the doors and windows closed as this may deform the cabin ‘*Avoid cuts, scratches, or poor connections in the AC powar cor, ‘8 they may result in possible fire or elecire shock hazard. Also, excessive Bending, puling or splicing of the cord should be avoldes. ‘¢Do not unplug the AC power cord by pling on the cord. To do so ‘may cause premature falure or shock hazard. ‘*Do not operate tho set on AC power in a bathroom, a6 @ potential shock hazard may rasult, ‘*When notin use, disconnect the AC power cord from the house- old AC outlet. ‘*The Function Selector switch doas not separate entire unt rom ‘mains even iin “TAPE! IER" positon. To operate on AC power To operate on battery power ‘Connect the included AC power cord to the AC socket of the unit and Battery installation ‘your household AC oui. Eeei-reagePeeePePSECHEEEE PEERS EEE EEEPPTSEPTEEEPEEET Unplug the AC power cord trom the household AC outlet and tne AC socket of the unt. Insert eight R20/LR20 (UM-1, nat included) battries into te batty ‘compartment, making sure that the batteries are insaled in the ‘esignated numerical order and that the proper polarities are maln- tained Household AC out (AC 220-240 V, 50 He) a + ee oun ® BKB) O CODED ® morn OIA O ‘Batti installed with incorrect polarties may leak and damage this unit. 1800 not mix batteries (old and new) or types (manganese and ‘akaling, etc). ‘ll Ye units not used fox along period of time ors uses ony rom an AC powor source, remove the batteries to provent potential damage from possibe battery leakage Battery removal Remove as shown in the gure bo!0w, Insert your ing and push ou the bats. Battery life \Wnen the OPERATIONIBATT indicator gous of (or die) cing play, replace all he batteries with new ones. cmmmarennasr iI) Bilt © Speaker system connection This unit can be used es a one-piece portals storeo radio cassette Fecoréer, or a three-piace component system, by attaching or de- ‘aching the speaker systom ‘Balore attaching or detaching the speakers, be sure to cisconnect the speaker cables from the speaker torminas. Be sure to set ‘SELECTOR to TAPE! totum of he unit bolore connecting! disconnecting the speaker cables. Attaching the speakers ‘Align the speaker with the main unit as shown i the figure, interlock the grooves and press down. Connect the speaker cable (biack) to the © (negative) speakor terminal, and the otner speaker cable (rec) to the @ (postive) speaker terminal SPEAKER(IMP2,7-80) ORO O1@ ‘When using the unit with the speakers attached, wind the speaker ‘cables a8 shown, [Nore] ‘Since a stiong magnet is usad for the speaker, keep magnetized ‘commuter passes, lckets or personal cro cards, recorded tapes, watches, oc. away rom the sa. The speaker magnet inthe sel may ‘damage thom. Detaching the speakers Unock the sneaker relsese levers by puling them in the creation ‘shown below, and slide each speaker up. ‘Connect ihe speaker cables tothe speaker terminals, , CG Basic controls Tuner controls No. ‘Name Ref. page © Speakers (Tweeter) @® Speakers (Woofer) @ Headphones jack (PHONES) @ Function selector (SELECTOR) © Operation/battery check indicator (OPERATION/BATT) © Edit recording speed/beat proot selector (EDITING/B.P) 16,17 @ Display section Graphic equalizer control (GRAPHIC EQUALIZER) 9 © Extra bass system controls (XBS LEVEL) 9 @ Volume control (VOLUME) 9 ~~ « lelelale No. ‘Name Ref. page @ Band selector (BAND) 0 ® Tuning control (TUNING) 10 CD controls Cassette deck controls No. ‘Name Refpage Naw ‘Name Ref page @® Repeat button (REPEAT) R @ Deck 1 cassette lid (DECK1) 1417 @ Ezsy CD record button @ Record button (@ [REC] ) Is —EASYCO RECORD) _ 15 & payback button (> PLAY) 7 (O (Remnory batan MEMORY HHH @ Rewind/review button (<4 REWREV) 14 @ Skipisearch buttons (-ea/-<4,>>/me1) 11,12 @ Fast torwardicue button (>> FFCUE) 14 @owen___——-—& stopreject bution (ura STOPRUECT aw iB ltmadaanadcnsteseal = @ Pause button (11 PAUSE) 4 fe 11 @ Deck? cassette lid (DECK) 14,07 @ CD eject button (4 CD EJECT) nN cme Rear panel section No. ‘Name @ Speaker cable compartments @ Speaker release levers @® Handle @ Speaker torminals (SPEAKER) @ Telescopic antenna Ref. page 10 No. ‘Name @® AC socket (AC IN~) ® Battery compartment cover ® Speaker cables Ref. page ES STOPIEJECT Turning the power on and off “The OPERATION/BATT indicator ights whan the power i tumed on. To listen to the radio g ‘Set SELECTOR to “RADIO”. pa To listen to CDs ‘Set SELECTOR to “CODD To listen to tapes nee Set_SELECTOR to “TAPE/ com 7 CH) Meee is sm ant ve = OPERATIONBATT indicator lights only while the tape is taveing Turning the power off: cad Set SELECTOR to “TAPE/ > os i ross STOP/EJECT ita apo traveling ‘The OPERATIONBATT indeator goes ot. Adjusting the volume Turn VOLUME to adjust the volume to the desired level. Tum it dockwise totum up the volume. Tum & counterclockwise to tum down the volume. Adjusting the deep bass (XBS) san Turn XBS LEVEL to adjust the oO deep bass to the desired level. Sum t cvs fo erease to doep base, Tur it counterclockwise to raduce the ‘ep bass, Adjusting the graphic equalizer control a0 mete Adust the graphic equalizer controls to eared settings. URAL Listening through headphones (not included) @-= Turn down the volume and connect the headphones to the PHONES jack. Plug type: Stereo min. Note: ‘Avid lstning for prolonged periods of time io prevent hearing damage. Selecting a radio station 1 =6 ‘Set SELECTOR to “RADIO”. 2 CB SHBAND as desired, = Tune in the desired station using TUNING. (7X: To higher the frequency 7: Totower the trequoney ‘Wen FM stereo broadcast is picked up, FM ST indestor wil ight. 3 iti When an FM stereo broadcast is accompanied by too much noise ‘Sitch the sound to monaural to reduce noise. ey Set BAND to “FM”. Zh FM ST indeatr now gos ot Adjusting the antenna For FM reception: ‘Adjust tha length and direction of the telescopic antenna. For AM reception: ‘Adjust the direction in which the unit is poled, For your reference: Radio broadcasts may be hard to receive in a building or moving vehicle because thelr signals are weak Whenever posite, use the nity a window. 9) ° 3 g 00ld eS ‘Set SELECTOR to “CaID ”. “NO DISC" appears on the display when ‘2 0D has not been insartes. Prese 4 CD EJECT, Insert the CD and close the disc lid, Insert the CO with its label side facing up. Za. Total play time “Total number of tracks Press >/11 to start play. Pay stars trom track 1 and continues to the last track, after which i automalieally stops. Number of track now playing Elapsed play tme of track now paying ® CED To stop play: ea, Press M/CLEAR. To stop play temporarily: Press D/A, ‘Tho elapsed pay time indication now Y) ashes. To resume pa Press DIM [nore] Interterence may atfoct radio of TV reception wren COs are played close to a radio of TV set. If this occurs, place the unit as fat away ‘rom the set as possible. Starting play from a specific track (Direct play) 1 In the stop mode, press Ga H/-4< or pe /mmi to specify Sy the desired track. 2 Ey Press >/ll to start play. ‘Adise can be played from a specific track to the and ofthe last rack. Il Skipping to the beginning of a track In the play mode, prees ese Hed/ pe of tape which canbe played on | Normal/T¥PE 1 ° (CrOVTYPE It x MetaT¥PE IV x To rewind or fast forward the tape zn] Inthe stop mode, press REW/ REV or FFICUE. hy roid Do not press PLAY during rewinding or fat forwarding, as this may Jam the tape. Bo sure to press STOP/EJECT before proceeding 10 the next operation To search a particular spot on a tape ere During playback, press REW/ REV or FF/CUE. x Tape pay is resumed when the button is wy released. ‘Automatic playback relay (Deck 2 to Deck 1) When Deck 2 playback has finished, Deck 1 playback starts auto matically, 1 Insert he playback tapes into Deck 1 and Deck 2. 2 Press Deck 2 PLAY. 3 Press Deck 1 PAUSE, then press PLAY. Full auto-stop uring playback. recording, fast forward or rewind when the tape Teaches ts end, to automatic stop system wil eloase the operation buttons. ‘Only normal tapes can be used wih this unit Easy CD recording ‘All the tracks are recorded in their origina! sequence onto a singe tape. ‘Only part ofa track may be racorded a he enc ofthe topside. (This track wll be re-recorded atthe beginning ofthe reverse side) 3,5 PProparation: Insert the CD. T =e 2 "| Set SELECTOR to “CID”. Press EASY CD RECORD to display the length of tape re- Quited. —Lengtn of tape cured os trecor al racks Press Deck 1 STOP/EJECT and load the tape which is longer than the length dis- Load the tape with its topside facing you, 4 Press [REC] oi ‘The CD is seo the pause mode at he star ofthe frst wack. Air a 10-se0ond blank is recorded on ‘tho leador tape, recording starts auto matcaly ‘The tape stops when the end of top side is reached. The CD is sat to te pause mode, ‘After @ 10-socond blank is recorded on the tape, the track which was paral recorded on topside is recorded trom is Deginaing 4,6 5 [BB] Press sTop/evecr ana turn re the tape over. 6 | Press [REC] To stop Press MICLEAR and STOP/ EJECT. Recording your favorite traci After programming your favorita tracks (868 page 13), perform steps 2106 above, ‘Type of tape which can be used for recording: Norma/T¥PE 1 ° (CrOTYPE x MelalTYPE 1V x L Nore] I the units brought near a TV set during recording, nolse may be recorded due to the effects ofthe signals fom the TV set. Mainain a ‘stance of at least 1.5 meters between the unit and a TV set. For your reference: ‘Any change made to the volume o fone quality ding coring wit not affect the recording ‘inorder to prevent role caused by fat batteries, it recom mended hal you ether suppl power to the und rom tha house: hold AC out ar rplace al tho beter wth rew ones when yOu I5 Using other methods to record (not easy CD recording) ‘Tracks on a CD can also be recorded inthe folowing ways. ‘#00 tracks can be recorded onto the remainder of recorded tape. ‘Tracks can be recorded trom the star ofthe tape’s reverse side. ck with a long play time can be recorded in theie orginal sequence. Preparation: Inged the CD. Set SELECTOR to “CID”. 2 Press Deck 1 STOP/EJECT and load the tape. Load the tape with its topside facing you ‘*Eitor nave the leader tape wound up im advance or locate ths postion where recording is o begin, 3 [a] _ Press (RED) to start recording on the tape. 0 pay tar simstanousy To take up the leader tape: Magnetic part of tape. Leader tape (Recording can be mace.) (Recording cannot be made.) To erase sound previously recorded on a tape: Recording new sound onto a pre-recorded tape automaticaly tases ‘what was previously recorded. To erase alte eound ona tape: 1. Load the tape withthe sce whose recrcng fs to be erased facing you. 2 Get SELECTOR to TAPE/ ED 3 Press REG]. > ‘Only normal tapes can be used with thie unt. Preparation: Take up the leader tape before provaeding 1 ‘Tune in the broadcast station, (Geo page 10, 2 ia Press Dock 1 STOP/EJECT ‘and load the tape. Loss the tape wih the sida to be re- Carded facing you. Press (REC). 3 [es To stop the recording: =a, Press STOP/EJECT. To stop the recording temporary: Press PAUSE. To resume recording, press PAUSE again | When too much noise is heard while recording an AM broadcast: ‘Set B.P (beat-proot selector) eee to whichever position yields eos less nolse. For your reference: ‘Any change made to the volume or tone qually ducing recording wil not alfect the recording. ‘in order to prevent trouble causod by ft batteries, i is recom- ‘mended that you either supply power to the unit fom the house hold AC outlet or replace all tho batteries with new ones when you fare recording eomething which is important to you, When the Deck 1 pause and record buttons are pressed, tape eaking stats by press 1 4 Press Deck 1 STOP/EJECT and load the tape to be re- corded. Load the tape with the side to be re- corded facing you Press Deck 2 STOP/EJECT and load the tape to be played Select the editing speed by setting EDITING/B.P. HIGH: “High speed NOR: Normal speed Press Deck 1 PAUSE, then press (REC). ED 6 Ce | Press the Deck 2 PLAY. S Eoting is start by means of he synchro-startfuneton. Do not set he "CD" or "RADIO" funcion selector during edn. Do not change the editing selector during editing, The playback sound may fter ‘Some TV tole gonerato noise that could be recorded during editing To prevent the possibilty ofthis, do-not use ths unit closer than 1.5m toa TV sot Flecorcing isnot affected by changes made to the volume or tone ‘ualty during the cording To stop the editing: oA Press the Deck 1 and Deck 2 ‘STOP/EJECT. For your reference: Rocording isnot affected by changes made tothe volume or tone ‘ualty during the recording. 17 Only compact dscs having this mark can be ‘sed wit hs unt. To remove a disc from its case Prees the canter holder an lit the dsc holding by he edges, 2 ? 5 To hold the disc Hold the cise by the edges 6o the surtace is not soled wit finger- prints Fingerprints drt and soratchos can cause shiping end distortion, ° x Se To store a disc in its case Insert the disc with fabel facing upwards and press downward atthe canter If the surface is soiled Woe gery wha sc, damp (wat eny ab (corey (earac) If the dise is brought from a cold toa warm environment, moisture may form on the disc Wipe off win a sot dy, knoe cloth before using the dsc Improper disc storage: You can damage cscs Ifyou etre them inte following places; ‘Areas exposed to droct aunight Humid or duty areas ‘Areas direcily exposed to a heat outet or heating appliance Handling precautions: '*Do not wita on the label side witha ballpoint pen or other wing ularsie. ‘*Do not use recor cleaning sprays, benzine, thinner, static eletio- ly prevention iquids or any other solvent, '*Do not sol with geri, - Selection of cassette tapes Cassette tape exceeding 90 minutes: ‘These tapes sre handy for their long playback and recording time but be careful about repeated stopping and starting, rewinding end fast forwarding ese tapes in shor intervals ae they are thin, tone to stretch and may become entangled in the deck mechanisin. Pe CSE EESEEESELEEE If the tape loosens, take up the slack ‘Tape slack may causo the ‘ape to break, To prevent erasure of recorded sounds rase-preventon tabs with a screwdriver or a similar Tab for sido A 2 Tab tor side 3 Taree one plo tec st sn wee D3 Improper tape storage: ‘You can damage tapes i you store them in the folowing places; ‘tn high temperature (95°C (85°F) or higher ot high humid (80% ‘or higher) areas ‘in. strong magnetic fla (near a speaker, ontop of a TV, et.) ‘This can erase a recording. ‘Areas exposed to rect sunlight ‘Adhesive ape Botore requesting service for this unt, check the chat below for & possible cause of the problem you ara experiencing. Some simple ‘checks ora minor adustment on your part may eliminate the problom andestore proper operation, tt you ae in doubt about some ofthe check pints, or the remedies incicatd inthe chart do not solve to problem, refer to tho drctory ‘of Authorized Service Cantors (enclosed with this unk) to locate & Convenient service center, or consult your deater for insiuctons. [ Problem Probable cause(s) Suggested Remedy ] Common problems No operation when unit fe Powered by dry batteries. Ts the AC power cord sill connected othe unt nile batteries are being uses? Disconnect the AG power cord ‘Ar the batteries Hat? Replace them wit new ones Atornatvoly, vse a household AC outlet as the Power source ave the batteries been Insaled inooracily with {heir (+) and (—) polaniies versed? ‘Align tne (+) and (-) polartiee conecty. While listening to CDs Play does not star. Has the GD been installed upeide down? Tnsial the CD withthe label side facing up. No dieplay of track ‘Has condensation formed on the unit's CD ‘Turn the unit on and leave ion for about an hour ‘numbers, et. section? before further operation. Certain sections are not Isthe CD diny? ‘Wipe it witha soft cloth played property. {the OD scvatcnea? Replace itwith @ new OD. While listening to tay Tape Is not ejected, "Are the batteries fat? Replace them with new ones o7, atemativaly, use a househols AC outet a¢ the power source and then Bertorm the operation once again. No recording. Have the erase-prevention tabs been removed? | Gover the holes wit adhesive tape. High level of noise; poor | Are the heads diy? Clean them: ‘sound quality. Have the heads been magnelized? Doragnetze hen ving ahead eraser avaiabe | from an audio store. While listening to the radio High evel of noise; ‘tations cannot be tuned | well, "Has the artonna been adjusted propery? Try changing is drecton, Noise heard during AM reception. ‘Are you operating the uni and a TV sei al the same tine? Pace the unit at a distance from the TV. ‘Altematively, tun off the TV's power. 19 Maintenance of external surfaces To clean thie unit, use a sof, dry cloth. the surtaces are extremely dity, use a sof clot dipped in a ‘s0ap-and water solution ora weak detergent solution. ‘Wing the cith well before wiping the unt. Wipe once again witha sot, ry cloth, Never use alcohol, paint thinner, benzine, ar chemically treated Cloths to clean this unt. Such chemicals may damage the fnigh of your unit Tape head care To assure sound quality for recording and playback, be sure to clean the tape heads aftr approximately every 10 houts of use, 1. Open the cassete is by pressing STOPIEJECT.. 2. Clean tne tape neacs, pinch roles and the capstan shafts with a ‘cotton swab (or @ sof, lint-free clan) sighly molstoned with Isopropyl alcohol Do not use any solution cthor than alcohol for head cleaning, | (E03 3. T Capstan Head | Capstan | Pirch ote Pinch aller Head It is recommended that the head assembly be demagnetized it {storion or poor sound ualty persists after cleaning the heads, Demagnetize them using 2 demagnatizer avaiable from an audio sere. Lens care ‘Open the disc id and clean the lens witha blower (not include), the lens is extremely airy, clean it with a cotton swab, (not included) Cotton swale ‘Radio Frequency range FM 88-108 Miz aM 525-1705 kite ‘ECD player ‘Sampling frequency Aas tte Decoding 16 bit Fear ‘Beam source ‘Semiconductor laser (wavelength 780 nm) No. of channels ‘2 channel, stereo Frequency Response 202-20 kHz (+0, SIN Dynamic Range 86.08 Wow and flutter Less than possible measurement gata DIA converter MASH (1 it DAC) Tape recorder ‘Track system 4 track, 2 channel, stereo Recording system AC bias Erasing system Magnet Monitor system Variable sound monitor Frequency range ‘Normal '30~14,000 Ha ™ Goneral Power requirement ac 290-240 V, 50 Power consumption: 42 W Battory 12V (Eight R2OLF20, UM-1 batteries) Power output 40.W (20 Wx2)...PMPO 15W (7-5 Wx2).. MS max ‘Speakors aw 2 Tweeter, 150m Jacks ‘Output SPEAKER; 2.7~89. Headphones: 320 811247297 mm Main unk; 2702473237 mm ‘Spesker box. 170x240x200 mm Weight 8.2kg without batteries Dimensions (WwxHXD) Note: ‘Specitications ao subject to change without notice. Wight and dimensions are approximate MASH is a trademark of NTT. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Central P.O. Box 288, Osaka 530-91, Japan >... RQT2617-L Fozaaho

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