Assignment Plus Question Bank-1

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Introduction to Chemical Engineering (CET-2023)


Home Assignment plus Question Bank-1

S. No. Questions COs
1. Discuss the significance of the subject, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering” at the 3 CO1 rd

semester level for the whole course of B.Tech. Chemical Engineering education.
2. How do you think that the introduction to the Department of Chemical Engineering would be useful in CO1
understanding the subject, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering” ?
3. Explain the fundamental difference between science, engineering and technology. CO1
4. Differentiate between chemistry and chemical engineering, chemical engineering and chemical CO1
5. Define chemical engineering, and discuss its origin and growth. CO1
6. What does a chemical engineer do? CO1
7. Why have you opted for chemical engineering discipline? CO1
8. Write a brief note on chemical engineering profession in the Third Millennium. CO1
9. Discuss the general aspects of chemical engineering profession. CO1
10. Describe the importance of communication skill, human relations, professional activities and technical CO1
readings for chemical engineers.
11. Name ten chemical/biochemical engineering journals and five professional societies related with CO1
chemical/biochemical engineering.
12. Write a brief note on chemical engineering profession-an Indian perspective. CO1
13. Define chemical process industries, and discuss their origin and growth. CO2
14. Write a detailed note on the chemical process industries today. CO2
15. What are different types of chemical process industries? Discuss their main product with their end CO2
16. Discuss the contribution of chemical process industries in the development of human civilization. CO2
17. Explain the role of chemical process industries in the health care of a country. CO2
18. How is the defense of a country dependent on the chemical process industries? CO2
19. Discuss the role of chemical process industries in meeting the various societal needs. CO2
20. Write a brief note on the present status of Indian chemical process (/bioprocess) industries. CO2
21. Write brief notes on the present status of American, German, British and Japanese chemical process CO2
22. What were the impacts of the two World Wars on the chemical process industries? CO2
23. Discuss Chemical Process Industries in the 21st Century. CO2
CO1: Introduction to Chemical Engineering: Origin, Growth, and Relation to other sciences
CO2: Knowledge of unit operations and unit processes and its application to chemical process
CO3: Gain an insight into involvement of chemical engineering in areas of energy, environment,
materials, health, bioengineering and safety etc.
CO4: Implementation of chemical engineering basics to simple systems.
CO5: Role of computer softwares, modeling, simulation etc. in chemical engineering education.

B.Tech. 3rd Sem. Autumn-2023

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