Question Bank Renaissance - The ModernAge in Europe.

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The Modern Age in Europe.

(A) Renaissance
Question Bank
Q1. What is meant by the term ’Renaissance’?
Q2. What is Feudalism?
Q3. Mention any two causes that led to the advent of
Q4.What caused the Greek scholars to come to Italy?
Q5. Name any two literary work of Shakespeare.
Structured Questions
Q6.The decline of Feudalism led to the rise of Renaissance.
Give three reasons.
Q7.Explain the theories introduced by Copernicus.
Q8.Write a short note on Leonardo Da Vinci.
Q9.How did the invention of printing press contribute to
Renaissance learning?
Q10.What were the factors responsible for the
development of spirit of enquiry during the Renaissance?
Q11.What impact did Renaissance have in the field of art?
Q12.Mention the impact of the Renaissance in the field of
English literature.
Q13.How did Rome become the centre of Greek culture?
Q14.Write a short note on William Shakespeare.
Q15. Why did the European traders and navigators feel the
need to discover new sea routes?

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