Ballistic Bites 3.0

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Name of Company/Business: ____________________________________________________

Date: ______________________

Production/ Creativity
Financial Marketing Managem
Operation / Total
STUDENT’S NAME Aspect Aspect ent Aspect
Aspect Originality 100%
30% 20% 15%
15% 20%


Evaluator’s Signature over Printed Name

Republic of the Philippines



The Ultimate Snack Attack

Malolos, Bulacan


I. Introductory Page

a. Names: Del Rosario, Tristan

De Vera, Ian Ralph

Diaz, Charline Mae

Address: Brgy. Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Phone Number: +63 920-5967-067


Email Address:

Social Media Accounts:

b. Nature of Business:

As a food business, Ballistic Bites will be engaged in the production, marketing,

and sale of Takoyaki. This will involve sourcing high-quality ingredients, preparing

Takoyaki balls, and offering them for sale through various channels such as food trucks,

online ordering, and catering services. Additionally, the business may also offer other

Japanese snacks and drinks to complement its core product. The ultimate goal of

Ballistic Bites is to provide a unique and enjoyable dining experience for its customers

while generating revenue and profits for the business.

c. Statement of Financing Needed:

As a starting capital for the business, the Ballistic Bites will require PHP

2,100,000 to cover its start-up costs in the Philippines. The start-up costs will cover the
purchase of a food truck, kitchen equipment, inventory, registration and licensing fees,

marketing and advertising costs, and working capital for initial operations. The owner will

contribute PHP 1,000,000 in personal savings towards the start-up costs, while the

remaining PHP 1,100,000 will be obtained through a business loan from a financial

institution. It's important to note that the actual costs may vary depending on various

factors such as location, size of the business, and specific business requirements.

d. Statement of Confidentiality of the Report:

Statement of Confidentiality

This report contains confidential and proprietary information belonging to Ballistic Bites

(Takoyaki) in the Philippines. The information contained in this report is intended solely for the

use of the intended recipient(s) and may not be disclosed, reproduced, or distributed to any

unauthorized persons or entities.

The contents of this report are the property of Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines

and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws and regulations. Any unauthorized

use, disclosure, reproduction, or distribution of the information contained in this report may

result in legal action being taken against the responsible party.

By accessing this report, you agree to keep all information contained within it confidential

and to use the information solely for the purposes intended. You agree not to disclose,

reproduce, or distribute any of the information contained in this report to any third parties without

the express written consent of Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines.

If you have received this report in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete

the report from your system. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the confidentiality of

this report.


Printed Name w/ signature Printed Name w/ signature


Printed Name w/ signature

Note: This is a business plan. It does not imply an offer of any securities.

Table of Contents

II. Executive
Mission .................................................................................................................................1
Goals ....................................................................................................................................1
Key to
Needs .......................................................................................................................12
III. Industry Analysis .................................................................................................................13
Outlooks and
Analysis of
forecast ...................................................................................................................14
IV. Environmental
Analysis ......................................................................................................14
V. Description of Venture .........................................................................................................15
Competitive comparison ......................................................................................................16
Size of
Office equipment/personnel .................................................................................................17
Background of entrepreneur ................................................................................................17
Future production/innovation................................................................................................18
VI. Production Plan ...................................................................................................................18
Manufacturing process.........................................................................................................18

Plant location .......................................................................................................................19
Plant lay-out..........................................................................................................................20
Physical and
Name of suppliers of raw
materials ......................................................................................20
Storage system.....................................................................................................................21
disposal .....................................................................................................................21
VII. Operation Plan.....................................................................................................................22
Flow of
goods .......................................................................................................................22
utilization ...........................................................................................................23
VIII. Marketing Plan....................................................................................................................23
Promotion .............................................................................................................................2
forecast.................................................................................................................... 21
Controls ................................................................................................................................2
market .......................................................................................................................22
Direct competitors.................................................................................................................23
SWOT analysis ....................................................................................................................23
IX. Organizational Plan .............................................................................................................24
Form of ownership ...............................................................................................................24
Identification of partners or principal shareholders ..............................................................24
Authority of

Job analysis..........................................................................................................................25
Policies, rules and regulation ...............................................................................................26
X. Assessment of
Technologies ................................................................................................................27
plans ................................................................................................................27
XI. Financial
Plan .......................................................................................................................28
Assumptions, cost of goods .................................................................................................28
Projected balance
sheet .......................................................................................................29
Project income
Projected cash flow statement .............................................................................................30
Sources and application of
funds ..........................................................................................32
XI. Appendix ..............................................................................................................................33
Letters of
Letter of intent.......................................................................................................................38
Market research data............................................................................................................39

Leases or
Price lists from
suppliers .......................................................................................................43
Contracts with customers/ clients.......................................................................................44
Brochures/ pictures of the products and materials ............................................................46
Registration of business/forms ..........................................................................................48

II. Executive Summary

Ballistic Bites is a startup Takoyaki business that aims to bring a unique and delicious

Japanese street food to the Philippines. Our menu offers a variety of Takoyaki balls that are

freshly cooked and served with a range of flavorful toppings and sauces. Our business model is

centered around a food truck that will allow us to bring our delicious Takoyaki to different

locations in the Philippines. The food truck will be outfitted with all necessary equipment and will

allow us to operate in a flexible and efficient manner. We believe that there is a significant

demand for Takoyaki in the Philippines, and we aim to differentiate ourselves by providing a

high-quality product that is both affordable and convenient. Our target market consists of

foodies, college students, and young professionals who are looking for a tasty and satisfying


To date, we have secured PHP 1,000,000 in personal savings from the owner and have

obtained a business loan of PHP 1,100,000. These funds will cover our start-up costs, including

the purchase and outfitting of the food truck, equipment, inventory, registration and licensing

fees, marketing, and working capital. We anticipate that our revenue will come primarily from

food truck sales, as well as potential catering and event opportunities. With our unique and

delicious menu, affordable prices, and efficient business model, we believe that Ballistic Bites

has the potential to become a leading Takoyaki brand in the Philippines.

Overall, we are excited to bring our love for Takoyaki to the Philippines and provide

customers with a high-quality and tasty product. We look forward to serving the community and

building a successful and sustainable business.

a. Vision

Our vision is to become the leading Takoyaki brand in the Philippines by offering a

delicious and unique product that customers will love.

b. Mission

We strive to achieve this by using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients,

offering a diverse range of toppings and sauces, and ensuring that each order is

prepared with care and attention to detail. We aim to create a welcoming and enjoyable

atmosphere for our customers, while also maintaining a focus on efficiency and

convenience through our food truck model.

c. Goals/ Objectives

We aim to build a loyal customer base through our high-quality, affordable, and

convenient food truck model, while also exploring potential catering and event

opportunities. We envision Ballistic Bites as a recognizable and trusted brand that is

synonymous with great tasting Takoyaki and excellent customer service. Ultimately, we

hope to bring a little bit of Japanese culture to the Philippines and make Takoyaki a

popular and beloved snack across the country.

d. Key to Success

We, at Ballistic Bites considers the following:

- Used of high-quality ingredients to ensure its deliciousness

- Serve different unique and flavorful menu to cater different tastes and preferences

- Efficient and convenient business model that can reach and serve to different locations

- Excellent customer service to create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere

- Investing in effective marketing and branding strategies that will help to advertise the product
e. Capital Needs/How will the money be used? Loan, if any/How it will be repaid with


To launch our food truck business and establish a strong presence in the market, we

estimate that we will need an initial capital investment of PHP 1.5 million. The breakdown

of our expected costs is as follows:

 Purchase and customization of a food truck: PHP 800,000

 Equipment and supplies (including Takoyaki grills, cooking utensils, ingredients,

and packaging): PHP 400,000

 Licensing and permits: PHP 100,000

 Marketing and advertising: PHP 100,000

 Working capital (including salaries and operational expenses for the first few

months): PHP 100,000

Loan and Repayment Plan:

To fund our capital needs, we plan to apply for a business loan from a reputable financial

institution in the Philippines. We anticipate that we will need a loan of PHP 1.5 million, which we

will repay over a period of five years with an interest rate of 8% per annum. We will use our

projected cash flows to ensure that we are able to meet our monthly loan repayment obligations.

We will also explore other potential sources of funding, such as equity investments or

crowdfunding campaigns, to supplement our capital needs and help us to achieve our goals

more quickly.

III. Industry Analysis

a. Outlook and Trends

The outlook for Ballistic Bites in the Philippines is positive, as there is a growing demand

for unique and flavorful food concepts among consumers. Takoyaki, in particular, has become

increasingly popular in recent years, and there is a significant opportunity for a high-quality and

innovative Takoyaki food truck business in the Philippines.

One trend that we see in the food industry is a growing focus on quality and authenticity,

with consumers becoming more discerning about the ingredients and preparation methods used

in their food. At Ballistic Bites, we will differentiate ourselves from competitors by using only the

freshest and highest quality ingredients and by adhering to traditional Takoyaki preparation


Another trend is the increasing popularity of food trucks, which offer a convenient and

flexible dining experience for customers. By operating a food truck, we can reach different

locations and events, building our customer base and generating revenue from multiple


b. Analysis of Competitors

As we enter the market, we will differentiate ourselves by offering high-quality,

authentic Takoyaki that adheres to traditional preparation techniques. We will also focus on

providing excellent customer service and building strong relationships with our customers

through social media and other marketing channels. By offering a unique and flavorful dining

experience, we believe that we can successfully compete with other Takoyaki chains and food

trucks in the Philippines.

c. Market Segmentation

By targeting these foodies, young professionals, students and event goers, we can tailor our

marketing messages and offerings to better meet their specific needs and preferences. For

example, we may offer student discounts or social media promotions to attract the student

segment, while focusing on convenience and quick service for the young professional segment.

Overall, market segmentation allows us to better understand our customers and offer them a

unique and customized dining experience.

d. Industry And Market Forecasts

The Takoyaki food truck industry in the Philippines has been growing in recent years, as more

consumers are looking for unique and flavorful food experiences. According to industry reports,

the street food market in the Philippines is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2021 to

2026, driven by the increasing popularity of mobile food trucks and food parks.

In addition, the Takoyaki market in the Philippines is also expected to grow, driven by the

increasing popularity of Japanese cuisine and the unique flavor and texture of Takoyaki. The

market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2021 to 2026, according to industry


IV. Environmental and Industry Analysis

Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) has a favorable environment to establish itself in the

Philippines. The Philippine economy has been growing steadily, resulting in an increase in

consumer spending, providing a favorable environment for the food truck industry to thrive.

Filipinos are known for their love of food and culinary experiences, making it a promising market

for Ballistic Bites to capture. The increasing use of social media and online food delivery

services provides an opportunity for Ballistic Bites to reach a wider audience and expand its

customer base. The Takoyaki food truck industry in the Philippines is relatively small but

growing, providing an opportunity for new entrants to capture market share. The industry is

highly competitive, with several established players and new entrants entering the market.

Ballistic Bites will need to differentiate itself through high-quality and authentic Takoyaki,

excellent customer service, and innovative marketing strategies. The food truck industry in the

Philippines is subject to various regulations and permits, which can be time-consuming and

expensive to obtain. Ballistic Bites will need to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations to

avoid any legal issues. Overall, with the right strategy and approach, Ballistic Bites can

successfully establish itself as a leader in the Takoyaki food truck market in the Philippines.

V. Description of Venture

a. Product(s) /Service

Ballistic Bites specializes in selling Takoyaki, a popular Japanese street food made with

a wheat flour-based batter and filled with diced octopus, green onions, and other savory

ingredients. The Takoyaki is cooked in a special Takoyaki grill, giving it a crispy exterior and a

soft, chewy interior. Ballistic Bites uses high-quality ingredients and traditional Japanese recipes

to create an authentic Takoyaki experience for its customers. In addition to serving Takoyaki,

Ballistic Bites may also offer other Japanese street foods and beverages such as:

 Ramen

 Sushi

 Bento boxes

 Green tea

Through this, we can provide customers with a complete Japanese culinary experience.

Customers can enjoy the food at the food truck or order for delivery through online food delivery

platforms. Ballistic Bites aims to provide a high-quality and convenient food experience for

customers who want to enjoy authentic Japanese street food.

b. Competitive Comparison

Ballistic Bites operates in a highly competitive market in the Philippines, where several

established players and new entrants offer Takoyaki to customers. Competitors like Takoyaki

Sensei, YumYum Takoyaki, and Gindaco have their unique offerings and customer base,

making it difficult for Ballistic Bites to enter and gain market share.

However, Ballistic Bites can differentiate itself by providing high-quality and authentic

Takoyaki using traditional Japanese recipes and high-quality ingredients. It can also focus on

offering unique and innovative Takoyaki flavors that its competitors do not have, such as vegan

or gluten-free options, to cater to a diverse customer base. By providing excellent customer

service and innovative marketing strategies, Ballistic Bites can establish itself as a prominent

player in the Takoyaki food truck market in the Philippines.

c. Size of business

The size of Ballistic Bites' business in the Philippines will depend on various factors such

as the number of food trucks it operates, its target market, and its revenue goals. Initially,

Ballistic Bites can start with a small-scale operation, such as one or two food trucks, to test the

market and gauge customer response. As it gains popularity and generates revenue, it can

expand its operations by adding more food trucks and expanding its menu offerings. The

ultimate goal for Ballistic Bites would be to become a prominent player in the Takoyaki food

truck market in the Philippines, with a sizable market share and significant revenue.
d. Office equipment and Personnel

As a food truck business, Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) will not require a traditional

office space. However, it will need a food truck equipped with necessary kitchen

equipment such as a Takoyaki grill, refrigerator, freezer, and cooking utensils. In

addition, it will need a point of sale (POS) system and a reliable internet connection for

order processing and payment transactions.

Regarding personnel, Ballistic Bites will need a team of skilled and experienced

food handlers and Takoyaki chefs to prepare and serve high-quality Takoyaki to

customers. Additionally, it will need a cashier to manage transactions and interact with

customers. The number of personnel required will depend on the scale of operations,

with one or two chefs and a cashier being sufficient for a small-scale operation, while a

larger operation may require additional staff. Finally, Ballistic Bites will need a manager

to oversee operations and coordinate with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.

e. Background of the entrepreneur(s)

 Tristan Del Rosario

o Studies Architecture in Bulacan State University

 Ian Ralph De Vera

o Studies Architecture in Bulacan State University

 Charline Mae Diaz

o Studies Architecture in Bulacan State University

f. Future Product/Innovation

One potential future product/innovation for Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines is

to introduce new flavors and variations of Takoyaki. While the traditional Takoyaki recipe is

already popular in the Philippines, there is always an opportunity to experiment with new

ingredients and flavors to attract more customers and retain existing ones.

For example, Ballistic Bites could introduce new types of fillings such as shrimp, squid,

or chicken, or experiment with different types of sauces to enhance the flavor of Takoyaki. In

addition, Ballistic Bites could offer customization options for customers, allowing them to choose

their own fillings and sauces to create their own unique Takoyaki. Another potential innovation

could be to offer Takoyaki in different shapes and sizes, such as mini-Takoyaki balls or

Takoyaki on a stick. Overall, by introducing new flavors and variations, Ballistic Bites can keep

customers interested and satisfied while maintaining a competitive edge in the Takoyaki market

in the Philippines.

VI. Production Plan

a. Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process for Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines involves several


 Preparation of batter: The batter is made by mixing flour, eggs, dashi stock, and other

seasonings. The mixture is stirred until it becomes smooth and free of lumps.

 Filling preparation: The octopus or other fillings are prepared by cooking them in boiling

water or on a grill. The fillings are then cut into small pieces and set aside.

 Takoyaki grill preparation: The Takoyaki grill is preheated and coated with oil to prevent


 Pouring the batter: The batter is poured into each of the Takoyaki molds, filling each

one about halfway.

 Adding the fillings: A piece of octopus or other fillings is added to each mold, along with

green onions, tenkasu (tempura bits), and other toppings as desired.

 Flipping the Takoyaki: The Takoyaki balls are turned over using a special Takoyaki pick

or skewer, to cook the other side.

 Basting with sauce: The Takoyaki balls are brushed with Takoyaki sauce and

mayonnaise and sprinkled with bonito flakes and aonori (dried seaweed flakes).

 Serving: The Takoyaki balls are removed from the grill and served hot.

b. Plant Location

The ideal plant location for Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines would be in a central

location within a major city, preferably near a commercial or business district with high foot

traffic. This would make it easier for customers to access the product and attract more potential

customers. The plant should also be located in an area that is easily accessible for delivery

trucks and has good transportation links to ensure efficient distribution of products. It is

important to consider factors such as proximity to suppliers, availability of utilities, and cost of

land and labor when choosing a plant location. Additionally, the plant should comply with all

necessary regulations and obtain the required permits and licenses to operate legally.

c. Plant Layout

20 Source: Webstaurant Store

d. Physical and Equipment

Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) will require the following physical space and equipment:

 Food Truck

 Kitchen Space

 Cooking

 Refrigeration and Storage

 Packaging Materials

 Point-of-Sale System

e. Names of suppliers of raw materials

The common ingredients used in Takoyaki are found in the local markets, seafood

suppliers, flour and batter suppliers, and vegetable suppliers. It is important for Ballistic Bites to

carefully research and select reliable and high-quality suppliers to ensure the success of their


f. Storage System

To ensure the freshness and quality of their ingredients, as well as the safety of their

customers, Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines should implement a proper storage

system. This may include a combination of refrigeration units, freezers, dry storage, and

shelving systems. It is important to maintain proper temperatures and humidity levels to prevent

spoilage and foodborne illness. The storage system should also be organized and labeled for

easy inventory management and rotation of products. Additionally, it is recommended to

implement a first-in, first-out (FIFO) system to ensure that older ingredients are used before

newer ones to avoid waste.

g. Waste Disposal

Proper waste disposal is important for any business, including Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki)

in the Philippines. The company should have a waste management plan that adheres to local

regulations and ensures that waste is disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

This may include separating organic waste from non-biodegradable materials, such as plastic

and paper, and recycling whenever possible. Ballistic Bites should also have appropriate waste

storage and disposal facilities, such as trash bins and waste compactors, that are properly

maintained and cleaned regularly to prevent unpleasant odors and the attraction of pests.

Employees should be trained on the proper disposal procedures and encouraged to minimize

waste through reducing, reusing, and recycling.

VII. Operations Plan

a. Description of the company’s operation

Ballistic Bites is a startup food business in the Philippines that specializes in selling

Takoyaki, a popular Japanese street food made of battered octopus. The company operates by

setting up food trucks in high foot traffic areas such as malls, food parks, and night markets.

Ballistic Bites offers a variety of Takoyaki flavors, including classic, spicy, cheese, and bacon. In

addition to Takoyaki, the company also offers other Japanese-inspired snacks such as yakisoba

and karaage. The operation involves sourcing high-quality ingredients from local suppliers,

preparing the food in-house, and serving customers directly from the food stalls. Ballistic Bites

aims to provide customers with a unique and satisfying food experience that is both affordable

and convenient.

b. The flow of orders for goods and/or services

The flow of orders for goods and/or services at Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the

Philippines starts with customers placing their orders at the storefront or through online

channels such as Foodpanda and Grab. The orders are then relayed to the kitchen staff, who

begin to prepare the Takoyaki balls according to the customer's specifications. Once the order

is ready, it is passed on to the cashier or a delivery staff member, who confirms the order with

the customer and collects payment.

For online orders, delivery personnel are dispatched to deliver the orders to the

customers' specified locations. In case of a large catering order, Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) will

coordinate with the customer for the appropriate date, time, and location for the event.

Inventory is tracked through an automated system that keeps track of the ingredients

and supplies used in making the Takoyaki balls. Staff members also perform regular inventory

checks to ensure that supplies are properly stocked, and orders are placed with suppliers to

replenish inventory as needed.

c. Technology utilization

Ballistic Bites can utilize technology to streamline its operations, increase efficiency, and

improve customer experience. One way to do this is by implementing an online ordering system

that allows customers to place their orders through a website or mobile app. This can help

reduce wait times for customers and increase the speed of order processing. Additionally,

Ballistic Bites can leverage social media and digital marketing to promote its products and reach

a wider audience. The company can also use technology to automate some of its back-end

processes such as inventory management, accounting, and payroll, which can help reduce

costs and improve accuracy. Furthermore, Ballistic Bites can explore the use of data analytics to

gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can inform its product development

and marketing strategies.

VIII. Marketing Plan

a. Pricing

The pricing for Ballistic Bites' Takoyaki in the Philippines will be competitive and reasonable,

taking into consideration the cost of production, overhead expenses, and the pricing of

competitors. The pricing strategy will also take into account the target market and the perceived

value of the product. To attract price-sensitive customers, Ballistic Bites can offer combo meals

and promotional discounts during certain periods. Additionally, premium pricing can be applied

to the product to convey a sense of exclusivity and high quality to customers who are willing to

pay more for a superior experience. Overall, the pricing strategy of Ballistic Bites will aim to

balance profitability with customer satisfaction.

b. Distribution

The distribution strategy for Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines will involve a

combination of direct and indirect distribution channels. The direct distribution channel will

involve selling the products directly to customers through its physical stores and online

platforms. The indirect distribution channel will involve partnering with third-party retailers, such

as supermarkets and convenience stores, to distribute its products to a wider audience.

To ensure effective distribution, Ballistic Bites will leverage technology to optimize its

distribution channels. This will involve implementing a robust inventory management system to

track and manage the movement of products across its distribution network. Additionally, the

company will invest in a reliable logistics network to ensure timely and efficient delivery of

products to its customers. Overall, the company aims to create a seamless and convenient

shopping experience for its customers, regardless of their location in the Philippines.

C. Promotion

One effective promotional tool is social media marketing. Ballistic Bites can create social

media accounts on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a

wider audience. The company can also use paid advertising on social media to target specific

demographics and increase its visibility.

Another promotional tool is influencer marketing. Ballistic Bites can partner with social media

influencers who have a large following in the Philippines and ask them to promote the brand and

its products.

The company can also offer promotions and discounts to customers, such as buy-one-get-

one-free offers or discounts for first-time customers. This can help generate interest in the brand

and incentivize customers to try Ballistic Bites' products.

Finally, the company can participate in local events and food fairs to showcase its products

and reach a wider audience. By combining these promotional tools, Ballistic Bites can increase

its brand awareness, generate interest, and drive sales in the Philippines.

d. Product forecasts

The table and chart below reflect our projected sales for the next five years.

e. Controls

To ensure the smooth operation and success of Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines,

it is important to have proper controls in place. This includes financial controls to monitor cash

flow, budgets, and expenses. Operational controls are necessary to manage inventory, quality

control, and production processes. Human resource controls should also be implemented to

ensure that employees are properly trained, motivated, and compensated. Marketing controls

should be in place to track the effectiveness of advertising and promotional efforts. Regular

performance evaluations of all aspects of the business should also be conducted to identify

areas for improvement and to make necessary adjustments. By having these controls in place,

Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) can ensure that they are operating efficiently and effectively towards

their business goals.

f. Target Market

The target market for Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines is primarily young adults

and students, aged 18 to 35 years old, who are always on-the-go and in search of convenient

and affordable food options. Takoyaki is a popular snack in the Philippines, and Ballistic Bites

aims to cater to this demand by offering high-quality Takoyaki that is both affordable and easily

accessible. Additionally, the company also targets foodies who are looking for unique and

flavorful food experiences. Ballistic Bites positions itself as a modern and innovative brand,

using social media and other digital platforms to connect with its target market and promote its


g. Direct Competitors

- Gindaco

- Takoyaki Sensei

- Yum Takoyaki

h. Business SWOT Analysis/ Direct Competitor SWOT Analysis


 Unique product offering (Takoyaki) not widely available in the Philippines

 Strong social media presence and marketing efforts

 Efficient and streamlined production process

 Experienced and knowledgeable management team

 Well-trained and friendly staff


 Limited brand recognition compared to established competitors

 Limited product line

 Limited reach due to currently having only one physical location

 Relatively high prices compared to competitors


 Expansion to new locations in high-traffic areas

 Collaboration with popular influencers to increase brand awareness

 Development of new and innovative flavors of Takoyaki

 Introduction of new product lines to appeal to a wider customer base

 Expansion into catering and events


 Competition from established fast food chains offering similar products at lower prices

 Fluctuating prices of raw materials and ingredients

 Economic and political instability affecting consumer spending

 Health concerns and restrictions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

 Potential negative impact of negative online reviews and social media backlash

IX. Organizational Plan

a. Form of ownership, Advantages/Disadvantages of the form of ownership

- Sole Proprietorship

The advantages of a sole proprietorship include ease of formation and operation, full control

and decision-making power, and minimal legal requirements. This form of ownership also allows

for direct and personal customer relationships, which can lead to increased customer loyalty.

However, the disadvantages of a sole proprietorship include unlimited personal liability for

business debts and obligations, limited access to capital, and difficulty in attracting and retaining

high-quality employees. It is important for the owner of Ballistic Bites to carefully consider the

advantages and disadvantages of this form of ownership and to consult with legal and financial

advisors before making a final decision.

b. Identification of partners or principal shareholders

The CEO has the highest ownership stake in the company, which gives him significant

influence over all future transactions and decisions.

c. Authority of principals

The principals of Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines, including the CEO and other

major shareholders, have the authority to make key business decisions and set company

policies. They are responsible for directing the overall strategy and direction of the company,

overseeing financial performance, and ensuring that the company is operating in compliance

with legal and regulatory requirements. The authority of the principals is defined by the

company's bylaws and corporate governance structure, which may also include a board of

directors or other governing body. The principals are ultimately accountable for the success or

failure of the business.

d. Organizational Structure

e. Job Analysis

 CEO/Owner

o Responsible for overall management and decision-making

 Operations Manager

o Responsible for managing day-to-day operations, including production,

inventory, and logistics

 Marketing Manager

o Responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to

promote the brand and increase sales

 Finance Manager

o Responsible for financial management, including budgeting, accounting,

and reporting

 Human Resources Manager

o Responsible for recruitment, training, and employee relations

 Production Supervisor

o Responsible for overseeing the production process and ensuring quality

standards are met

 Sales and Customer Service Representative

o Responsible for sales and customer service, including taking orders and

responding to customer inquiries

 Kitchen Staff

o Responsible for preparing and cooking Takoyaki

 Delivery Personnel

o Responsible for delivering orders to customers

f. Policies, Rules, and Regulation

 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have strict food safety policies in place to ensure

that their products are safe for consumption. This policy should outline

procedures for handling, storing, and preparing food, as well as guidelines for

employee hygiene and sanitation.

 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have a policy that prohibits discrimination of any

kind, including discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation,

and age. This policy should be communicated to all employees and enforced


 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have a code of conduct that outlines expected

behaviors for all employees. This may include guidelines on appropriate

communication, dress code, use of company resources, and ethical business


 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have a policy that prioritizes the health and

safety of employees and customers. This policy should include guidelines for

maintaining a safe working environment, providing necessary safety equipment,

and addressing any accidents or incidents that occur.

 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have clear policies in place regarding employee

hiring, compensation, benefits, and termination. These policies should comply

with Philippine labor laws and be communicated to all employees.

 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have a policy that protects their intellectual

property, such as trademarks, logos, and recipes. This policy should outline

procedures for filing and enforcing patents and trademarks, as well as guidelines

for using company-owned intellectual property.

 Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) should have a policy that prioritizes environmental

sustainability. This policy may include initiatives to reduce waste, conserve

energy, and promote environmentally-friendly practices.

g. Capital Requirement

The capital requirement for Ballistic Bites (Takoyaki) in the Philippines would depend

on several factors such as the size of the business, location, equipment, and personnel

requirements, among others. A comprehensive business plan and financial projections

would be necessary to determine the specific capital requirements. However, as a rough

estimate, a small-scale Takoyaki business may require a starting capital of around PHP

500,000 to PHP 1,000,000. This amount would cover expenses such as equipment,

supplies, rent, personnel salaries, and initial marketing efforts. It's important to note that

securing funding may require a solid business plan and a good credit history. Other potential

sources of funding may include loans from banks, grants from government agencies, or

investment from private individuals or venture capitalists.

h. Operating Expenses

EQUIPMENT PHP. 160,000.00

FOOD TRUCK PHP. 540,000.00
OTHERS PHP. 50,000.00
TOTAL PHP. 840,000.00

X. Assessment of Risk

New technologies

Based on the current description and information provided about Ballistic Bites

(Takoyaki) in the Philippines, it is unclear what new technologies are currently being used or

planned to be implemented. However, some possible new technologies that could be

considered to improve operations and increase efficiency include:

 Automated Takoyaki Maker

 Cloud-Based Point of Sale (POS) System

 Mobile Ordering App

 Food Safety Monitoring System

 Energy-Saving Equipment

b. Contingency Plans *diko rin alam huhu

XI. Financial Plan

a. Assumptions, Cost of goods

b. Projected Balance Sheet

c. Projected Income Statement

d. Projected Cash Flow Statement

e. Break-even analysis

f. Sources and applications of funds

XII. Appendix

a. Owner’s Resume

b. Letters of reference

Kim Bustamante

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this letter of reference for Ballistic Bites, a Takoyaki restaurant that I have

been a loyal customer of for the past year. My experience at Ballistic Bites has been nothing

short of exceptional.

What stands out most about Ballistic Bites is their commitment to quality and customer

satisfaction. The restaurant is always clean and well-organized, and the Takoyaki is consistently

delicious. The management team is also proactive in seeking feedback from customers,

ensuring that they are always meeting customer expectations.

As a Takoyaki enthusiast, I have visited many Takoyaki restaurants across the

Philippines, and Ballistic Bites is by far one of the best. The combination of great Takoyaki,

friendly staff, and a commitment to quality make Ballistic Bites a must-visit for any Takoyaki


In summary, I highly recommend Ballistic Bites to anyone looking for high-quality

Takoyaki in the Philippines. I have no doubt that Ballistic Bites will continue to thrive and

succeed as a result of their commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and their passion for



Kim Bustamante


San Juan, Apalit, Pampanga


c. Letter of Intent

d. Market research data

e. Leases or contracts

f. Price lists from suppliers

g. Contracts with suppliers

h. Contracts with customers/clients

i. Brochures/pictures of the products and materials

j. Registration of business/forms

May 15, 2023 to May 15, 2028

13th day of May 2023


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