MAKALAH KEL 1-Achievement Motivation in Academic

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Lecturer: Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati, M.Pd

Created By:
Sabrina Alivia (220401010013)
Annis Rohmatul Izza (220401010010)
Arsenius Alesandro Pamong (220401010019)


First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Achievement Motivation in Academic” right in the calculated time. The
purpose in writing this paper is to fulfilled the assignment that given by Mrs. Ajeng Intan Nur
Rahmawati as lecturer in English Profession major. in arranging this paper, the writer truly
get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of many individuals those obstructions
could passed. writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. the writer realized
this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then the writer hopefully the
criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the
least Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to gain more knowledge about English
Profession major.

Table of Contens
CHAPTER 1......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation..............................................................................................1
1.3 Purpose of the paper................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2......................................................................................................................2
2.1 Definition of Motivation.........................................................................................2
2.2 Factors Influencing Achievement Motivation........................................................2
2.3 The Role of Parents and Educators.........................................................................3
2.4 The Impact of Motivation on Achievement............................................................4
CHAPTER 3 .....................................................................................................................5
3.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................5


1.1 Background
Motivation for academic achievement is often influenced by human goals themselves,
especially someone who already has clear goals in life. Family, school, community
environment and friends also influence a person's motivation. Positive support will
increase motivation, while a lack of support will reduce or even inhibit academic
motivation. Apart from that, recognition, academic results, and a sense of personal
satisfaction also play an important role in increasing motivation. All of these factors are
interconnected and will form motivation in achieving academic achievement, therefore
understanding the background of motivation is very important for educators to create
effective motivation strategies for students to achieve academic achievement.
1.2 Formulation of the problem
1. What is meant by motivation?
2. What are the factors that influence a person's motivation?
3. What is the role of parents and educators in a person's motivation?
4. What is the impact of motivation on a person's academics?
1.3 Objective
1. Understand the importance of motivation to achieve academic success
2. Describe the various factors that can motivate someone to achieve academic
3. Knowing the role of parents and educators in motivating someone
4. Understanding the relationship between motivation and academic achievement

2.1 Definition of Motivation
Motivation derived from the Latin word “movere” meaning “to move,” many
scholars define motivation as the psychological (and physiological) force that energizes,
directs, and sustains students' behavior toward goal achievement (Schunk et al., 2014) in
(Liem, 2021)

Achievement motivation is an effort to achieve success in competence, with a

measure of one's superiority in relation to achievement, namely mastering, manipulating and
managing the social and physical environment, overcoming all obstacles, and maintaining
high quality. work (McClelland, 1987)

Achievement motivation is the desire to achieve something superior in an activity,

initially the thinking about this motivation was broad in scope, but recently it has been
addressed more specifically, and several factors influencing academic motivation are
personal, social, instructional, family, and culture. Atkinson's expectancy-value achievement
theory of motivation states that behavior depends on how much people value a particular goal
and their expectations of achieving the goal as a result of a particular performance. Atkinson
postulated that achievement behavior involves a conflict between motives for approaching a
task (hope of success) and motives for avoiding it (fear of failure).(Spielberger, 2004)

2.2 Factors Influencing Achievement Motivation

In order to understand students' differences in achieving motivation for academic

achievement, we must know what factors can influence their lives. Even though researchers
agree that achievement motivation is very complex, they do not agree if anyone thinks which
factors are the most important, because each individual have different personalities. These
influencing factors are divided into two parts:

1. External factors

Motivational factors for academic achievement that come from outside the individual

a) Social factors, these social factors are factors that come from fellow humans, for
example teachers, friends, parents, family, or the surrounding community, these
factors can also support or reduce a person's motivation

b) Non social factors. This factor is influenced by objects or circumstances outside the
individual, for example infrastructure

2. Internal factors

Internal factors are factors that originate from the entire student's personality, both
physically and mentally. According to Slameto, internal factors are divided into two,
a) Physiological factors, meaning that a person's physical condition influences
motivation for academic achievement, for example between sick and non-sick
children, from here alone the influence is different, for example someone who is
sleepy or who is not sleepy
b) Psychological factors, psychological factors are a person's mental factors, namely:
○ a person's curious nature
○ the desire to gain sympathy from others
○ there is a desire to get a gift
○ there is a desire to achieve his goals

2.3 The Role of Parents and Educators

How the role of parents and educators to increase student achievement motivation in

a) Help students to set goals to be achieved. Students must believe they can help
students to set challenging but achievable goals. Students must also believe that the
goals they set can be achieved, they will not be motivated if the goals they aim for
feel impossible to achieve. Teachers and parents need to work together with students
to ensure that the goals are realistic.
b) Emphasize understanding of the question “why is this happening?” because students
will be more motivated by what can be useful for them in the future
c) Parents and educators must nurture students to develop skills, make progress toward
their goals, and perform better, and must ensure that students work on assignments
where they believe they can be successful,
d) Parents must be involved in the lives of children who are learning. Parents can get
involved at school by providing help in the classroom and at home. Parents serve as
models for the individual, and they can help build a productive learning environment.
They can also be taught tutoring skills.

e) Teachers must facilitate students and build a good atmosphere with peers. Teachers
must also ensure that each student has responsibility for part of the assignment so that
most of the work is not done by one or two students(Spielberger, 2004)

2.4 The impact of motivation on achievement

Because in general BK is involved in educational institutions, we will explain a little
about the impact of teacher motivation in teaching which influences students' academic
achievement motivation. That is, when teachers basically have the intention to teach or apply
their knowledge, then the learning carried out will feel comfortable, but if it is not balanced
with providing good welfare, for example regarding teacher salaries, this can also affect
teacher motivation and flow into conditions. motivation for students' academic achievement.
(Oko, 2014)

3.1 Conclusion
Achievement motivation is a key factor that influences a person's level of academic
achievement. Achievement motivation can be explained as an internal drive to achieve goals
related to achievement, whether in terms of achieving high grades, winning awards, or
pursuing higher academic achievements. Individuals who have achievement motivation
usually have the drive to continue to develop and improve themselves. They see every
achievement as a step towards greater achievement. The educational environment, such as
support from teachers, parents and friends, can influence a person's achievement motivation.
Positive support and encouragement can increase motivation.

Liem, G. A. D. (2021). Achievement and motivation. Educational Psychology, 41(4), 379–
Spielberger, C. (2004). Applied Psychology.

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