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Pathology (February 2022) 54(1), pp.



BRAF mutation testing for patients diagnosed with stage

III or stage IV melanoma: practical guidance for the
Australian setting
CRAIG JAMES25, C. SOON LEE2,5,26,27,28,29, ALISTAIR LOCHHEAD30,31,32,
Melanoma Institute Australia, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 2Faculty of
Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 3NSW Health Pa-
thology, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 4Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney, Sydney,
NSW, Australia; 5Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 6Princess Alexandra
Hospital & Greenslopes Private Hospital, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 7Queensland Melanoma
Project, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 8Faculty of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 9Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,
Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 10Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 11Anatomical Pathology, Princess Alexandra Hospi-
tal, Pathology Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 12University of Queensland Diamantina
Institute, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 13Mater Hospital, North Sydney, NSW, Australia; 14School
of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, WA, Australia; 15PathWest Lab-
oratory Medicine WA, Nedlands, WA, Australia; 16Australia Melanoma Consumer Alliance,
Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 17Blacktown Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 18Westmead
Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 19Pathology West, Tissue Pathology & Diagnostic
Oncology, ICPMR-Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 20Melanoma & Skin Cancer Advo-
cacy Network, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 21SA Pathology, Royal Adelaide Hospital,
Adelaide, SA, Australia; 22University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 23Kolling
Institute of Medical Research, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 24Austin
Pathology, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 25Clinpath Pathology, Mile End, Adelaide, SA,
Australia; 26School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Campbelltown, Sydney, NSW,
Australia; 27Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Liverpool, Sydney, NSW,
Australia; 28Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 29South Western Sydney
Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 30Southern.IML
Pathology, Coniston, NSW, Australia; 31The Wollongong Hospital, Wollongong, NSW,
Australia; 32University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia; 33ACT Pathology,
Canberra Hospital, Canberra, ACT, Australia; 34Anatomical Pathology Department, Alfred
Hospital, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 35Department of Medicine Central Clinical School,
Monash University, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 36Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards,
Sydney, NSW, Australia; 37Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, Brisbane, Qld, Australia;
Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia;
Melbourne Pathology (Sonic Healthcare), Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 40Calvary Health
Care, Canberra, ACT, Australia; 41College of Health and Medicine, Australian National
University, Canberra, ACT, Australia; 42Hobart Pathology, Hobart, Tas, Australia;

Print ISSN 0031-3025/Online ISSN 1465-3931 © 2021 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW,
Australia; 44John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, NSW, Australia; 45The University of Western
Australia, Perth, WA, Australia

Summary worldwide.1–3 In Australia, a nation in which the incidence of

Targeted therapy (BRAF inhibitor plus MEK inhibitor) is now melanoma has historically been the highest, it is anticipated
among the possible treatment options for patients with that ~16,900 individuals will be diagnosed with melanoma in
BRAF mutation-positive stage III or stage IV melanoma. 2021 (approximately 5–10% with stage III or IV disease;
This makes prompt BRAF mutation testing an important Fig. 1) and that >1300 may die from advanced-stage disease
step in the management of patients diagnosed with stage III during this same 12-month period.3,4 Therefore, melanoma
or IV melanoma; one that can help better ensure that the represents a significant and increasing public health
optimal choice of systemic treatment is initiated with minimal burden.1,2
delay. This article offers guidance about when and how Prior to 2010, systemic treatment options for patients with
BRAF mutation testing should be conducted when patients American Joint Committee on Cancer/Union for International
are diagnosed with melanoma in Australia. Notably, it rec- Cancer Control stage III or IV disease remained limited to
ommends that pathologists reflexively order BRAF mutation chemotherapy, interleukin-2 and interferon alfa; progression-
testing whenever a patient is found to have American Joint free survival was often in the range of a few weeks to a few
Committee on Cancer (AJCC)/Union for International months and the median overall survival (OS) for patients with
Cancer Control (UICC) stage III or IV melanoma (i.e., any stage IV disease was typically less than 12 months.5,6 Since
metastatic spread beyond the primary tumour) and that that time, the development of new systemic drug treatment
patient’s BRAF mutation status is hitherto unknown, even if options for metastatic melanoma, including immune check-
BRAF mutation testing has not been specifically requested point inhibitors [e.g., anti-programmed cell death protein 1
by the treating clinician (in Australia, Medicare-subsidised (anti-PD-1) therapy, anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4
BRAFV600 mutation testing does not need to be requested (anti-CTLA-4) therapy] and targeted therapies (see below),
by the treating clinician). When performed in centres with has dramatically improved outcomes in this clinical
appropriate expertise and experience, immunohistochem- setting.7–11 Indeed, when used to treat unresectable stage III
istry (IHC) using the anti-BRAF V600E monoclonal antibody or stage IV melanoma, 2-year OS rates in excess of 50% have
(VE1) can be a highly sensitive and specific means of been observed during phase III clinical trials of these more
detecting BRAFV600E mutations, and may be used as a rapid recent treatment options, with a 5-year OS rate of 52% being
and relatively inexpensive initial screening test. However, achieved in one trial of combination checkpoint inhibitor
VE1 immunostaining can be technically challenging and therapy.7,12–15
difficult to interpret, particularly in heavily pigmented tu- Compared with other tumour types, cutaneous melanoma
mours; melanomas with weak, moderate or focal is characterised by a high prevalence of somatic, tumouri-
BRAFV600E immunostaining should be regarded as equiv- genic mutations and the majority harbour mutations, such as
ocal. It must also be remembered that other activating BRAF mutations, that affect the mitogen-activated protein
BRAFV600 mutations (including BRAFV600K), which account kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway (Fig. 2).7,16–22 BRAF
for ~10–20% of BRAFV600 mutations, are not detected with mutations result in constitutive activation of the BRAF pro-
currently available IHC antibodies. For these reasons, if tein in this pathway and downstream signalling of MEK and
available and practicable, we recommend that DNA-based ERK, promoting cellular proliferation, survival and migra-
BRAF mutation testing always be performed, regardless of tion.7,8,16–23 Approximately 35–50% of melanomas are
whether IHC-based testing is also conducted. Advice about BRAF mutation-positive. In ~80–90% of cases, the BRAF
tissue/specimen selection for BRAF mutation testing of pa- mutation is a BRAFV600E mutation; less commonly identified
tients diagnosed with stage III or IV melanoma is also offered variants include BRAFV600K [(~8–20%), BRAFV600R (1%),
in this article; and potential pitfalls when interpreting BRAF BRAFV600M (<1%) and BRAFV600D (<1%) mutations, as well
mutation tests are highlighted. as non-V600 BRAF variants (<1%).16–18,23–31
BRAF-mutated melanoma is often associated with
Key words: Stage IV melanoma; stage III melanoma; metastatic melanoma; distinctive clinicopathological features.16,24–26,32–36 For
pathology; diagnosis; treatment; adjuvant; melanoma; BRAF mutation testing; instance, compared with patients with BRAF wild-type mel-
BRAF mutation-positive melanoma; targeted therapy. anoma, those with BRAFV600E mutated disease tend to be
younger (50 years) and more likely to present with primary
Received 15 November, accepted 21 November 2021
Available online 20 December 2021 tumours located on the trunk or other intermittently sun-
exposed anatomical sites.16,24–26,32–36 They are also more
likely to display certain histopathological features, including
fewer markers of chronic sun damage in the surrounding skin,
superficial spreading melanoma subtype, a high degree of
pagetoid spread, heavy melanin pigmentation, large epithe-
lioid cells, circumscription, prominent nesting, ulceration
Cutaneous melanoma is among the most aggressive forms of and/or increased epidermal thickening.16,24–27,32–36 In
skin cancer and its incidence is continuing to increase contrast, patients with BRAFV600K mutations often differ
8 SCOLYER et al. Pathology (2022), 54(1), February

Fig. 1 Differentiating between stage I/II, stage III and stage IV melanoma: Current American Joint Committee on Cancer staging criteria (8th edition).89,90 Adapted
from Gershenwald et al.90

from those with BRAFV600E mutation-positive melanomas; 53% relative reduction in risk of disease recurrence or death
e.g., they are more likely to be older (as are patients with (vs placebo) over a median 2.8-year follow up (primary
BRAFV600R mutations), have primary melanomas on the head analysis; Fig. 3) and a 49% relative reduction in risk of this
and neck region, and exhibit a higher degree of chronic sun same endpoint (vs placebo) at the time of subsequent 5-year
damage.25,34,37 follow-up analyses (hazard ratio = 0.51; 95% confidence
Several targeted therapy options aimed at inhibiting or interval 0.42–0.61].46,47
interrupting the mutationally-driven effects in BRAF-mutated
metastatic melanoma have been developed. These include a Current treatment recommendations for BRAF-mutant
range of selective BRAF kinase inhibitors (dabrafenib, disease
vemurafenib, encorafenib), as well as inhibitors of the
Clinical guidelines in Australia, Europe and the United States
downstream MEK kinase (trametinib, cobimetinib, binime-
now recommend the following as first-line systemic treat-
tinib). Multiple studies have shown that combination targeted
ment for patients with unresectable BRAFV600 mutation-
therapy with a BRAF inhibitor and a MEK inhibitor is more
positive stage III or IV melanoma: targeted therapy (BRAF
effective than use of a BRAF inhibitor alone and can also
inhibitor plus MEK inhibitor; or single-agent BRAF inhibitor
help reduce the frequency of particular side effects that are
if use of a MEK inhibitor is contraindicated); immunotherapy
sometimes associated with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy,
(anti-PD-1 receptor monotherapy ± anti-CTLA4 therapy); or
such as cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.7,12,38–43
enrolment in a clinical trial.48–51 Targeted therapy is now
Importantly, targeted therapy is effective not only in pa-
considered a standard of care for patients with BRAF
tients with BRAFV600E mutant melanoma, but also in patients
mutation-positive advanced melanoma. Australian and in-
with the less common BRAFV600 mutation variants in
ternational guidelines also now indicate that either combined
advanced-stage melanoma, although it may be less effective
targeted therapy (BRAF inhibitor plus MEK inhibitor) or
than when used to treat BRAFV600E mutation-positive
immunotherapy (anti-PD-1 therapy) may be considered as an
adjuvant treatment option for patients with BRAFV600
More recently, systemic targeted therapy (BRAF inhibitor
mutation-positive resected stage III disease.48,50,51
plus MEK inhibitor) has also been shown to significantly
In Australia, BRAF inhibitor/MEK inhibitor combination
improve patient outcomes when compared with placebo as
therapy is among a growing range of government-subsidised
adjuvant therapy for resected stage III melanoma (BRAFV600E
systemic treatments now available to eligible patients who
or BRAFV600K mutation-positive), being associated with a
have stage III or IV melanoma, via the national

Fig. 2 The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway.17 Note that in the presence of a BRAF mutation, inappropriate constitutive activation of the
pathway occurs and this leads to uncontrolled cell proliferation. RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase. Adapted from Zhou et al.17

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).52 The most recent strongly endorse current guidelines [e.g., European Society
development in this regard has been the inclusion of dabra- for Medical Oncology (ESMO), National Comprehensive
fenib plus trametinib as a PBS-funded adjuvant targeted Cancer Network (NCCN)],49,50 which recommend that BRAF
therapy option for eligible patients with resected BRAFV600 mutation testing be performed routinely whenever patients
mutation-positive stage IIIB, IIIC or IIID melanoma. It is now have stage III or IV melanoma and initiation of targeted
not uncommon for patients with stage III melanoma to be systemic therapy for BRAF mutation-positive disease may be
offered adjuvant therapy (targeted therapy or immuno- an option or the testing may help confirm eligibility for
therapy); at some institutions, all patients with stage III dis- enrolment in a clinical trial.49,50 To facilitate such testing, in
ease are encouraged to see a medical oncologist to discuss Australia, patients diagnosed with stage III or IV melanoma
adjuvant therapy options. (i.e., any patient whose melanoma has spread beyond the
primary site) are now eligible for Medicare-subsidised
Practical implications of targeted therapy for BRAF- BRAFV600 mutation testing. Importantly, such testing does
mutant melanoma not need to be requested by the treating clinician; it may also
be independently ordered by a pathologist.53
Given the range of systemic treatment options that are now Unfortunately, despite its importance, available data/
potentially available for patients with stage III or IV mela- anecdotal reports suggest that, in Australia, newly diagnosed
noma, establishing the BRAF mutation status of a patient’s stage III or IV melanomas are not always routinely sent for
disease has become an important step in the management of BRAF mutation testing (BRAF mutation status was estab-
metastatic melanoma.16,17,48–51 Knowing the BRAF mutation lished by pathologists in 87% of cases in one study54) and/or
status of newly diagnosed metastatic melanoma helps clini- that BRAF mutation test results are not always available when
cians and patients make appropriately informed treatment initial decisions regarding the management of a patient’s
decisions and ensures that the optimal choice of systemic stage III or IV melanoma are being made. This article offers
treatment – if clinically indicated – can be initiated with guidance about when and how BRAF mutation testing should
minimal delay.16,17,49–51 be conducted for melanoma patients in Australia, with the
On their own, clinico-pathological features are neither aim of improving rates of BRAF mutation testing when it is
sensitive nor specific enough to reliably determine a mela- indicated and better ensuring that the BRAF mutation status
noma patient’s BRAF mutation status. For this reason, we
10 SCOLYER et al. Pathology (2022), 54(1), February

Fig. 3 Adjuvant BRAF inhibitor plus MEK inhibitor therapy for patients with stage III BRAF mutation-positive melanoma: impact on relapse-free and overall sur-
vival.46 Data are from the COMBI-AD study, a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III clinical trial, in which patients with completely resected, stage III melanoma
with BRAFV600E or BRAFV600K mutations were randomised to receive either oral dabrafenib (150 mg twice daily) plus trametinib (2 mg once daily) or two matched
placebo tablets for 12 months. Relapse-free survival = primary endpoint; overall survival (OS) = secondary endpoint. Figure shows Kaplan–Meier estimates of relapse-
free survival and OS (intention-to-treat population). Median follow up = 2.8 years; median OS had not been reached in either group. Adapted from Long et al.46

Fig. 4 Guide to BRAF mutation testing for patients diagnosed with melanoma. AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer.

of individual patients’ stage III or IV melanoma is known especially for patients with advanced-stage or rapidly pro-
when initial treatment decisions are being made. gressive disease).7,16,17 For this reason, whenever a patient is
diagnosed with stage III or IV melanoma (i.e., any metastatic
WHEN TO CONDUCT BRAF MUTATION spread beyond the primary tumour), rapid determination of
TESTING BRAF mutation status (i.e., at the time of diagnosis) should be
considered a priority (Fig. 4).48–51,55
BRAF mutation status is currently the only validated pre-
Clinicians (e.g., surgeons, medical oncologists, dermatol-
dictive biomarker of melanoma response to BRAF inhibitor/
ogists, general practitioners) should routinely indicate to
MEK inhibitor therapy, and any delay in confirming it could
pathologists that BRAF mutation testing needs to be con-
potentially delay the initiation of the optimal treatment
ducted if a patient is found to have stage III or IV melanoma
(which could adversely affect achieved clinical outcomes,
12 SCOLYER et al. Pathology (2022), 54(1), February

and that patient’s BRAF mutation status is hitherto unknown. microsatellite metastasis in isolation; Fig. 4). In Australia,
In addition, if a treating clinician suspects that the patient may adjuvant therapy is not currently government-subsidised for
have a melanoma metastasis (and that patient’s BRAF mu- patients with BRAF mutation-positive stage IIIA melanoma.
tation status is hitherto unknown), the pathology request for However, at least some of these individuals may still seek
the corresponding biopsy should state this and ask that BRAF systemic treatment and be willing to self-fund it. Individual
mutation testing be performed. Although structured pathol- patients with confirmed BRAF mutation-positive stage IIIA
ogy reporting protocols published by the Royal College of disease may also be eligible for a clinical trial.
Pathologists of Australasia56 (Supplementary Fig. 1, One of the benefits of reflex BRAF mutation testing, in
Appendix A) include ‘BRAF mutation status’ as a addition to ensuring that a patient’s BRAF mutation status is
recommended/non-core element that needs to be routinely established as soon as possible, is that it potentially obviates
checked and reported when a pathology specimen contains the need to conduct BRAF mutation testing at a later time
metastatic melanoma, it is the view of the authors that this (which may involve having to retrieve archived tissue and/or
should be a required/core element of the pathology report for present logistical challenges). Knowledge of a patient’s BRAF
patients with stage III or IV melanoma. mutation status is also likely to help inform discussions about
that particular patient during multidisciplinary team meetings.
Reflex testing at time of diagnosis of metastatic If/when BRAF mutation testing is initiated by a patholo-
melanoma is recommended gist, it is recommended that both the testing modality and the
way the result will be reported (e.g., via a supplementary
We strongly recommend that pathologists reflexively order
histopathology report or a separate molecular pathology
BRAF mutation testing whenever a patient is found to have
report) be documented in the histopathology report.
stage III or IV melanoma (i.e., any metastatic spread beyond
the primary tumour) and that patient’s BRAF mutation status is
Proposed reporting timeframe
hitherto unknown (e.g., if the result of any earlier BRAF mu-
tation test result does not appear on the request form or in For patients diagnosed with stage IV melanoma, the results of
laboratory records), even if BRAF mutation testing has not BRAF mutation testing may be critical for determining the next
been specifically requested. If the BRAF mutation status of a treatment step and required urgently in some cases. With this
patient’s melanoma has been determined previously, then it is in mind, we recommend that pathology laboratories seek to
suggested that the result of this earlier testing be clearly indi- ensure a turnaround time of 10 consecutive calendar days
cated on the pathology request form; doing this will alert the from the time that a specimen is received. We also recommend
pathologist not to proceed with reflex BRAF mutation testing. that, when a test result is required urgently, clinicians indicate
It can perhaps be reasonably assumed for the great majority of this on the pathology request form and/or contact the reporting
patients undergoing a sentinel node biopsy that BRAF muta- pathologist directly to stress the urgent clinical need and/or
tion testing is unlikely to have been previously performed (as discuss what might be done to help expedite the testing.
such testing is not recommended for patients with stage I or II The need for a quick turnaround may not be as great when
disease); if sentinel node positivity is confirmed in this situa- a patient has stage III versus stage IV melanoma. For cases
tion, then the pathologist would be the first to know that the where the need for a result is less urgent, we suggest that an
patient has stage III disease and well-placed to be able to acceptable turnaround time is 14 consecutive calendar days
judiciously initiate BRAF mutation testing earlier than any from the time a specimen is received by the laboratory; once
other member of that patient’s care team. again, if more rapid turnaround is required, then this should
Importantly, our recommendation that pathologists be clearly communicated by the clinician.
reflexively order BRAF mutation testing when patients are Sourcing or retrieving specimens from other pathology
found to have stage III melanoma extends to patients who laboratories can be challenging and presents one of the
have stage IIIA disease (including all with a single positive biggest potential barriers to rapid BRAF mutation testing.
sentinel lymph node and those with an in-transit, satellite or Requests to retrieve or send melanoma specimens from one

Fig. 5 Examples of positive BRAF mutation test results using immunohistochemistry (IHC). (A) Metastatic melanoma within a lymph node (stage III) showing strong
and diffuse positive IHC staining with the anti-BRAF V600E (VE1) antibody, indicating the presence of a BRAFV600E mutation. (B) Metastatic melanoma showing very
weak positive staining with the anti-BRAF V600E (VE1) antibody; such staining should be interpreted as equivocal and BRAF mutation status should be determined by a
DNA-based testing method.

Fig. 6 Integrative Genomics Viewer image of two metastatic melanomas harbouring a BRAFV600E mutation (c.1799T>A, chr7:140,453,136, GRCh37/hg19), detected
using a next-generation sequencing panel (VariantPlex, ArcherDx). (A) A melanoma case with a mutant allele frequency of 66% and (B) a melanoma case with a mutant
allele frequency of 16%. Image courtesy of Dr James Wilmott, Melanoma Institute Australia.

laboratory to another should always be treated as ‘urgent approved and appropriately validated test, which is also
requests’ and expedited accordingly, as patient management subject to ongoing quality assurance checks and audits. The
may be impacted by delays. Laboratories that host the spec- optimal choice of BRAF mutation test depends on multiple
imen being sought should make an effort to expedite the factors, such as its sensitivity (its ability to identify BRAF
retrieval, shipment or postage of that specimen if/when it is mutations with a low rate of false negatives), specificity (its
requested. ability to identify BRAF mutations with a low rate of false
positives), limit of detection (the threshold at which the signal
BRAF MUTATION TESTING IN PRACTICE defining a positive or negative test can be distinguished from
the background) and anticipated turnaround time. An addi-
Selecting a BRAF mutation testing technique tional consideration is the ability of the testing modality to
There are many BRAF mutation testing techniques, but the detect BRAFV600 mutations other than the BRAFV600E
two broad options include: (a) protein-based testing; or (b) variant, remembering that ~10–20% of BRAFV600 mutations
DNA-based testing.16–18 Each of the available options has are BRAFV600nonE variants (e.g., BRAFV600K).16–18,23–31
different technical and practical advantages, as well as certain
limitations. Protein-based testing
BRAF mutation testing should always be conducted by an The only protein-based test currently available for BRAF
accredited laboratory (e.g., in Australia, a facility accredited mutation testing is an immunohistochemistry (IHC)-based
by National Association of Testing Authorities), using an test that involves the use of an anti-BRAF V600E
14 SCOLYER et al. Pathology (2022), 54(1), February

monoclonal antibody (VE1) to stain BRAFV600E-mutant but it often takes more time than IHC-based testing (delaying
protein (Fig. 5).16–18,55,57–60 It has the advantage of being a turnaround time) and is not always readily accessible/
relatively simple, broadly accessible and inexpensive test, routinely available in all pathology laboratories. In addition,
and typically ensures a rapid turnaround time.51 Importantly, some diagnostic samples may be unsuitable for DNA-based
it is also both highly sensitive (97–100%) and highly specific testing because they contain insufficient tumour cells
(92–100%) for detecting BRAFV600E mutations.16,57–65 (which can lead to false negative test results)58,70 or, in some
Available data indicate that its sensitivity can be at least instances, because they have undergone processing that has
comparable with that of DNA-based testing modalities, while compromised the integrity of the DNA in the sample (e.g.,
its specificity may sometimes be slightly lower. In one study, biopsies taken from bone tissue may need to be de-calcified
researchers found that IHC could detect BRAFV600E muta- prior to testing, which can cause DNA fragmentation; the
tions with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity when they decalcification process may also result in false negatives
defined a positive test as strong immunostaining (3+) in when conducting IHC-based testing).71
80% of tumour cells.55,66 For these reasons, provided the In the event that both DNA-based and IHC-based BRAF
testing laboratory is appropriately accredited and implements mutation testing is performed (e.g., if confirmatory DNA-
robust quality assurance measures to ensure the testing is based testing is performed following an initial IHC-based
reliable (and remains so over time), IHC-based testing may be test), it is recommended that pathologists and clinicians
used as a rapid and relatively inexpensive initial screening seek to confirm whether the results are concordant, consider
test for patients who have stage III or IV melanoma and may possible reasons for any discordance (if discordance is
be potentially eligible for targeted therapy. For BRAFV600E identified) and correctly document the overall BRAF muta-
IHC to be interpreted as positive, it must be strongly (3+) and tion status for the patient. Doing this will help further mini-
diffusely positive (Fig. 5A). In all other instances of positive mise the risk of a treatment decision being made on the basis
staining, including where there is weaker or patchy positivity of a false positive or false negative test finding.
(Fig. 5B), the test should be interpreted as equivocal.58,60,67,68
The use of illustrative unequivocally positive (and Selecting the specimen
sequencing confirmed) external controls may aid in deter-
BRAF mutation testing is usually carried out on formalin-
mining the staining threshold required for a BRAFV600E IHC
fixed and paraffin-embedded melanoma specimens, but can
result to be interpreted as positive. An important potential
also be performed on fresh or fresh-frozen tissue. Any
pitfall when interpreting BRAFV600E IHC is the presence of
specimen, including a cytological specimen (obtained via fine
melanin pigmentation within melanoma tumour cells, which
needle aspiration) or core biopsy sample, is potentially suit-
may result in a false positive result if it is not recognised.
able for BRAF mutation testing, provided it contains suffi-
A notable drawback of the currently available IHC-based
cient tumour cells, but histological specimens are
BRAF mutation test is that it can only detect BRAFV600E
mutations and not other BRAFV600 mutations that may still
Depending on the testing modality that is being used, there
respond to targeted therapy. IHC-based testing may also
will be specific requirements regarding the quantity and
return false positive or false negative results in a small pro-
quality of tissue that should be used (typically specified in the
portion of cases (e.g., false negative results might occur if the
validated protocol for each test). In general, the more tumour
staining area is necrotic/pre-necrotic; a false positive result
cells that are present in a specimen (i.e., the greater the
may occur if it is heavily melanin-pigmented, depending on
neoplastic cellularity), the more reliable a BRAF mutation test
the staining technique or where weak or heterogeneous
result is likely to be. For this reason, particularly when using
staining is interpreted as positive).18,50,55,59,60 For this reason,
DNA-based modalities, we recommend against testing any
if available and practicable, and even if an IHC-based test
specimen for which the tumour cell component represents
results in strong and diffuse positive staining (and abundant
less than 20% of all cells in the specimen (unless a more
melanoma pigment is not present), we recommend that
suitable specimen is not available, in which case the labora-
confirmatory testing using a DNA-based technique always be
tory conducting the testing would need to be aware of the low
ordered, provided a sufficient quantity of suitable tissue is left
tumour cell content and select an appropriately sensitive
for such analyses (i.e., to corroborate the IHC-based finding
testing modality). Care should also be taken to avoid testing
and also check for other BRAF mutations).16–18,50,57,60
necrotic tissue, fatty tissue, haemorrhagic tissue or melanin-
Indeed, many centres in Australia routinely conduct DNA-
rich areas (as the presence of heavy pigmentation may
based testing regardless of whether IHC-based testing is
affect the accuracy of DNA-based tests and the interpretation
also performed.
of IHC findings55,57). For these and other reasons, selection
of the specimen to be tested should always be based on
DNA-based molecular testing
careful morphological assessment. Macrodissection may
DNA-based testing techniques are advanced testing modal- need to be considered in some cases, to enhance tumour
ities that identify the order of specific nucleotides in tumour purity.
cell DNA and can reveal the presence (or absence) of For patients with metastatic melanoma, it is recommended
particular genetic mutations (Fig. 6).16,55,69 The more that the sample to be tested is the most readily available
commonly utilised DNA-based modalities include real-time current stage III or IV disease specimen.18,50 If such a sample
polymerase chain reaction testing, next-generation is not available or not suitable for testing (e.g., due to
sequencing, Sanger sequencing, mass spectroscopy and insufficient neoplastic cellularity), the testing may be
pyrosequencing. performed on a sample obtained from a previous biopsy or
DNA-based testing is considered the ‘gold standard’ even from the primary melanoma tumour specimen.18 This is
testing modality for the detection of BRAF mutations,16,55,69 because the BRAF mutation status of a melanoma is almost

always retained across all stages of disease.18,59,67,68,70,72–76 For this reason, BRAF mutation testing remains the only
It has been noted that many studies reporting discordance of mutation test that we recommend be routinely, reflexively
BRAF mutation status between the primary and metastatic ordered when patients are diagnosed with stage III or IV
melanoma have been conducted using less sensitive DNA- melanoma.
based testing methods, which can yield false negative re- Nevertheless, we do suggest that clinicians always
sults when samples contain insufficient tumour content. In consider requesting additional testing if/when it is possible to
contrast, those revealing a high level of concordance have do so and the results have the potential to influence treatment
tended to be those involving the use of IHC-based testing, the recommendations (e.g., if they suggest there may be benefit
accuracy of which is less reliant on there being a certain in trying a particular non-PBS-subsidised treatment that the
percentage of tumour cells present.67,70 Intra-patient discor- patient is willing to self-fund, etc.). Current guidelines
dance between the primary and metastatic melanoma speci- (ESMO, NCCN) recommend that broader genomic profiling
mens may also occur if the primary tumour being tested is not be considered if/when the results might guide future treat-
the tumour from which the metastatic disease was derived ment decisions or confirm eligibility for participation in a
(~10–12% of melanoma patients develop multiple primary clinical trial.49,50 Conducting such additional testing may also
tumours).70,77,78 Thus, it is highly probable that the BRAF assist in the collection of data that helps identify potential
mutation status of a patient’s primary and metastatic tumours future therapeutic targets.
will be the same, provided the specimens being tested contain In terms of which specific additional tests could or should
an adequate quantity of viable tumour cells, there is minimal be conducted, potentially relevant genes of interest might
admixture of non-tumour cells and the primary tumour being include c-KIT and NRAS, as well as NF1, GNAQ and/or
tested is the tumour from which the metastasis was
It is important to note that small metastases in sentinel
lymph node (SLN) biopsies are often unsuitable for mutation Box 1. Key points and recommendations
testing, particularly when using DNA-based modalities,  Combination targeted therapy (BRAF inhibitor plus MEK inhibi-
because small numbers of tumour cells may be admixed with tor) is now among the possible treatment options for patients with
numerous non-tumour cells and this may result in a false BRAF mutation-positive stage III or IV melanoma and the avail-
negative result. For this reason, testing of small SLN me- ability of this treatment means BRAF mutation testing is now an
tastases should be avoided, if possible (i.e., unless no alter- essential step in the management of patients diagnosed with meta-
native is available or unless a bulky sentinel node metastasis static melanoma; accurate confirmation of BRAF mutation status is
is present); it is better to test the primary tumour specimen in crucial for optimal personalisation of melanoma therapy.
this situation, if available. In such instances, IHC-based
 Prompt initiation of BRAF mutation testing when patients are
testing may be particularly useful for identifying diagnosed with stage III or stage IV melanoma (i.e., any metastatic
BRAFV600E mutations (if present) because the BRAFV600E spread beyond the primary melanoma) better ensures that the optimal
status of small sentinel lymph node metastases can be accu- choice of systemic treatment can be initiated with minimal delay.
rately determined with careful morphological evaluation by
an experienced pathologist.  In Australia, patients diagnosed with stage III or IV melanoma (i.e.,
If a specimen is unsuitable for testing (e.g., due to the very any metastatic spread beyond the primary melanoma) are now
eligible for Medicare-subsidised BRAF V600 mutation testing;
small size of the metastasis) and no other sample is imme-
importantly, this testing may be independently ordered by a
diately available, it is recommended that the pathologist
specifically note this in the pathology report, thus alerting the
treating clinician to decide whether there is a need to initiate  We strongly recommend that pathologists reflexively order BRAF
separate testing of another specimen (e.g., the primary mutation testing when a patient is found to have stage III or IV
tumour, if practicable). For patients with a bulky stage III or melanoma (i.e., any metastatic spread beyond the primary mela-
stage IV melanoma, BRAF mutation status may also be noma) and that patient’s BRAF mutation status is hitherto unknown
determined by analysis of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) (even if BRAF mutation testing has not been specifically requested by
in a peripheral blood sample.79–81 Analysis of ctDNA is the treating clinician).
currently not routinely performed but it may have a role in  For patients with stage III/IV melanoma (i.e., any metastatic spread
future clinical practice, particularly when an appropriate beyond the primary melanoma), it is recommended that BRAF mu-
tissue biopsy of the melanoma is not readily available for tation testing be conducted on a sample obtained via biopsy of the
mutation testing. most readily available current stage III or IV disease; if such a sample
is not available or if it is deemed unsuitable for testing (e.g., due to
Other tests that may be requested when patients have insufficient neoplastic cellularity), the testing may be performed on a
melanoma sample obtained from a previous biopsy or even from the primary
In Australia, BRAF mutation status is currently the only
 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) can play a useful role in the
validated, ‘actionable’ biomarker that can be confirmed using
assessment of patients’ BRAF mutation status (e.g., as an initial
a Medicare-reimbursed test and used to help identify those
screening test, when DNA-based testing is not readily available or
patients with metastatic melanoma who are likely to benefit
practicable); however, we recommend that DNA-based testing
from BRAF inhibitor/MEK inhibitor therapy. No other mu- always be ordered if/when practicable, regardless of whether IHC-
tations/biomarkers currently have utility in the metastatic based testing is also conducted, to corroborate any initial IHC-based
melanoma setting as a means of identifying patients who finding and/or check for BRAF mutations not detectable via IHC
might benefit from an Australian Therapeutic Goods (e.g., BRAFV600K).
Administration (TGA)-approved, PBS-subsidised treatment.
16 SCOLYER et al. Pathology (2022), 54(1), February

GNA11. For example, the detection of c-KIT mutations may hitherto unknown. BRAF mutation testing should preferably
guide the selection/use of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor; it has be conducted on a sample of the most readily available cur-
been suggested that NRAS mutations, which are frequently rent stage III or IV specimen (if available and suitable for
detected in melanoma (~15–20% of cases), may increase testing) and, if necessary (e.g., if DNA-based testing is not
sensitivity to MEK inhibitor therapy, and clinical trials of readily available or practicable), may be performed using
targeted therapy in patients with NRAS-mutant melanoma are IHC in the first instance, with the results subsequently
currently underway; also, uveal melanomas may harbour confirmed using a DNA-based technique. Following these
GNAQ or GNA11 mutations, which can lead to constitutive recommendations will help better ensure that the optimal
activation of the MAPK pathway.16,28,49,82–88 choice of systemic treatment is initiated with minimal delay
In the future, testing for activating gene fusions, such as and improve melanoma patient management.
those involving NTRK, ALK, BRAF and ROS1, and tumour
mutation burden may have therapeutic relevance. Acknowledgements: The image in Fig. 6 was kindly
provided by Dr James Wilmott, Melanoma Institute
BRAF mutation testing for earlier-stage (primary) Australia. The authors thank Tim Brereton for writing
melanoma assistance. They also are grateful for support from
colleagues at their respective institutions.
It has been suggested that BRAF mutation testing should
always be performed at the time of primary melanoma diag-
Conflicts of interest and sources of funding: In May 2021,
nosis because knowledge of it will be useful if the patient
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia convened and funded a
subsequently develops metastatic disease. However, the great
meeting of specialists with multidisciplinary expertise to
majority of patients are diagnosed with a primary melanoma at
discuss BRAF mutation testing in Australia. The meeting was
an early clinical stage and will never develop metastatic dis-
chaired by RAS and VA, DEG, DL, SO, RPMS and GVL
ease. In addition, there is currently no available evidence that
participated and contributed to the discussions. This manu-
use of systemic BRAF inhibitor therapy, based on the results
script was developed following the meeting and is reflective
of a BRAF mutation test, offers clinical benefit in the early-
of the discussions that occurred at it. Subsequently, all co-
stage (I/II) melanoma setting (i.e., when there is no evidence
authors reviewed and provided feedback on the manuscript.
of metastatic spread beyond the primary tumour). Therefore, it
Novartis manufactures dabrafenib and trametinib which
is not currently recommended that BRAF mutation testing be
are licensed and reimbursed in Australia for the treatment of
routinely ordered on every primary melanoma (stage I/II
eligible patients with BRAF V600-positive unresectable/
melanoma patients) and, in fact, such testing methods would
metastatic melanoma (stage III/IV) and for the adjuvant
also not currently be Medicare-subsidised (publicly funded) in
treatment of eligible patients with involvement of the lymph
Australia in this setting. Once again, this is consistent with
node(s), following complete resection. While Novartis
clinical practice guidelines (e.g., NCCN guidelines), which
supported the production of this manuscript, neither the
recommend that primary melanomas be tested for BRAF mu-
company nor any of its representatives had any input into its
tations only when such testing is required to guide the choice
content beyond the provision of requested factual
of systemic therapy and/or when checking a patient’s eligi-
bility for enrolment in a clinical trial.50
RAS has received fees for professional services from
Clinical trials of systemic therapy, including BRAF in-
Evaxion, Provectus Biopharmaceuticals Australia, QBiotics,
hibitors and MEK inhibitors, are now underway in patients
Novartis, Merck Sharp & Dohme, NeraCare, Amgen Inc.,
who have been diagnosed with stage II melanoma. These and/
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Myriad Genetics and GlaxoSmithK-
or future trials may result in growing availability and/or
line. DEG has received honoraria for advisory board partic-
approval of targeted therapy options for patients in this
ipation from Amgen, QBiotics and Bayer, and speaking
earlier-stage disease setting. As a result, advice about whether
honoraria from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Merck Sharp &
and when patients’ primary melanoma should be routinely
Dohme. SOT has received honoraria from Roche, Bristol-
sent for BRAF mutation testing may need to be appropriately
Myers Squibb and Novartis. RPMS has received honoraria
revised in the future.
for advisory board participation from Merck Sharpe &
Dohme, Novartis and QBiotics Group Limited, and speaking
CONCLUSION honoraria from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Novartis. BA has
In an era when combination targeted therapy (BRAF inhibitor received research funding from AstraZeneca, Merck Sharpe
plus MEK inhibitor) is now among the possible treatment & Dohme and Roche; and has been on advisory boards for
options for patients with BRAF mutation-positive stage III or AstraZeneca, Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Roche. MSC has
stage IV melanoma, timely and accurate confirmation of been an advisory board member for Amgen, Bristol-Myers
BRAF mutation status is crucial for optimal personalisation of Squibb, Eisai, Ideaya Biosciences, Merck Sharpe &
their melanoma therapy. For this reason, BRAF mutation Dohme, Nektar, Novartis, OncoSec, Pierre Fabre, QBiotics,
testing is now a recommended—and essential—step in the Regeneron, Roche, Merck and Sanofi, and has received
management of patients diagnosed with stage III or IV mel- honoraria from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck Sharpe &
anoma (Box 1). Dohme, and Novartis. IPD has received travel support from
In Australia, Medicare-subsidised BRAF mutation testing Bristol-Myers Squibb and Merck Sharp & Dohme, and
of stage III or IV melanoma specimens may now be inde- speaker fees from Roche, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck
pendently ordered by a pathologist and, for this reason, we Sharp & Dohme and Novartis. SF has received honoraria for
strongly recommend that pathologists reflexively order BRAF advisory board participation and/or research funds (to insti-
mutation testing whenever a patient is found to have stage III tution) from Novartis, Roche, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
or IV melanoma and that patient’s BRAF mutation status is

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Hospital, Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050, Australia. E-mail:
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