Miftah Ul Quraan Part 1

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1

Allaahu Akbar
(Allaah is the Greatest)
In the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

Imaaniyaat The Most Kind

(The things that a person has to believe in to be a Muslim) The Most Merciful
All Hearing

About Allaah All Seeing

All Knowing
One All Aware
Not in need of anyone or anything The Mighty
The Creator The Most Wise
The One Who Feeds The High
The One Who Controls The Most Honoured
The King The Living
The One Who Gives Plentifully The One Who Maintains Everything
The One Who Forgives

He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

Allaah is One
He is All Hearing, All Seeing
Allaah is not in need of anyone or anything
He is All Knowing, All Aware
Allaah is The Creator
He is The Mighty, The Most Wise
Allaah is The One Who feeds
He is The High, The Most Honoured
Allaah is The King
Allaah is The One Who Gives Plentifully
Allaah is The One Who Forgives Very Much

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1

Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar

(Allaah is the Greatest) (Allaah is the Greatest)

Definitely No
All Forgiving Deity
Most Merciful There is no Deity
All Knowing But
Most Compassionate Him
The One Who has Power You
Over Me
Everything He has
Over everything There is not
Like Him
Definitely Allaah is All Forgiving, Most Merciful Anything
Definitely, Allaah is All Hearing, All Knowing No
Definitely, Allaah is All Hearing, All Seeing Equal
Definitely, Allaah is All Knowing, The Most Wise
Definitely, Allaah is Most Compassionate, Most Merciful There is no Deity-illah- but Allaah
There is no Deity but Him
Definitely, Allaah is the One Who has power There is no Deity but You
over everything There is no Deity but Him, the Living, the One Who
Maintains everything
He has no equal
There is not anything like Him
He has no one equal to Him

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Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1

Rasulullaah � About Allaah's Angels

About Allaah's Rasul-Messenger �
Muhammad �
We said
Rasul-Messenger Made Sajdah (prostrated)
Allaah`s Rasul-messenger We created
Your Rabb
The angel
Believed The angels
Came With him
All of them
To them
Definitely The angels made Sajdah (prostrated)
And The angels came with him
Then We created the angels
Your Rabb said to the angels
Muhammad � is Allaah's Rasul-Messenger
Your Rabb and the angel came
The Rasul-Messenger said
The angels, all of them, made Sajdah (prostrated)
The Rasul-Messenger witnessed
The Rasul-Messenger believed
The Rasul-Messenger came to them
The Rasul-Messenger has definitely come to you (all)
Then Allaah's Rasul-Messenger said to them

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About Allaah's Books About The Day of Qiyaamah

It is definitely He believed
A cure We believed
Mercy Give us
Guidance Save us
Advice The Aakhiraat-Herafter
This The Day of Qiyaamah
Blessed Good
From He believed in Allaah and the Day of Qiyaamah

In We believed in Allaah and the Day of Qiyaamah

In it O our Rabb give us good in this world

No doubt And good in the Aakhiraat-Hereafter

The Rabb of the universe And save us from the punishment of the Fire

It is the Honourable Qur'aan

It is a cure and mercy
It is definitely (and certainly) the noble Qur'aan
It is definitely (and certainly) guidance and mercy
This is a blessed Book
There is no doubt in it
From the Rabb of the universe

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The Very Important Aspects of Islaam The things from which Muslims
have to stay away
O my beloved sons!
Do not commit Shirk
Do not be
From among
The Mushrikeen
The non-believers
Made obligatory
Do not make mischief
On earth
Do not worship
Do not prostrate
To the sun
To the moon
Believe in Allaah and His Rasul-Messenger Do not come close
Worship your Rabb Adultery
Establish salaah Do not eat
Pay Zakaah Interest
Fasting has been made obligatory on you
Complete the Hajj and Umrah O my beloved sons! Do not commit
Obey Allaah and His Rasul-Messenger Shirk with Allaah
Do not be from among the Mushrikeen
Do not be from among the non-believers
Do not worship anyone but Allaah

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Do not prostrate to the sun and Advice from the Qur'aan

not to the moon
O my beloved sons!
Do not make mischief on earth
Do not come close to adultery
Do not eat interest
Good works

O my beloved sons! Establish salaah

And instruct (people to do) good works
And prevent (people from) evil

Ask forgiveness (from)
Your Rabb
To people
Good words
That which is correct

Remember Allaah abundantly

Ask forgiveness from your Rabb
Speak good words to people
Speak that which is correct
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The Adhaan and Iqaamah

Allaah Come to success

The Greatest
I bear witness
Allaah is the Greatest, Allaah is the Greatest
Worthy of worship There is none worthy of worship but Allaah
Muhammad e
Allaah`s Rasul-Messenger After caling out in the Fajr Adhaan,
Come to the words must be added.
Allaah is the Greatest, Allaah is the Greatest

I bear witness that there is none worthy

of worship but Allaah Salaah is better than sleep

I bear witness that Muhammad is definitely

Allaah's Rasul-Messenger

Come to salaah
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Thanaa The Tasbeeh of Ruku (when bowing)

(I announce) Purity
(We announce) Purity
(O) My Rabb
The Most Honoured
O Allaah
With I announce the Purity of my Rabb, the Most Honoured
The Tahmeed of Qaumah
Blessed is (The posture between Ruku and Sajdah)
Name Heard
Your Allaah
High The one who
Honour Praised Him
Worthy of worship
Allaah heard the one who praised Him
You O our Rabb, for You is all Praise

We announce Your Purity The Tasbeeh of sajdah

O Allaah (When placing the forehead on the ground)
With Your praise (I announce) Purity
Blessed is Your Name (O) My Rabb
High is Your honour The Highest
And there is none worthy of worship but You

I announce the Purity of my Rabb, the Highest

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Tashahhud Muhammad �
All praises
For Allaah All praises, all salaahs and
All Salaahs all pure things are for Allaah
And Peace be on you O Nabi � and (may)
All pure things Allaah's mercy and blessings (also be on you)
Peace Peace be on us and on Allaah's pious servants
You I bear witness that there is none
O worthy of worship but Allaah
Nabi � And I bear witness that Muhammad �
Mercy is His servant and Rasul-Messenger
I bear witness
Worthy of worship
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Durood Shareef O Allaah! Shower Your blessings on Muhammad �

and on the family of Muhammad �
O Allaah
Just as You have showered Your blessings
Shower Your mercies
on Hadhrat Ibraheem �
and on the family of Hadhrat Ibraheem �
Muhammad �
You are definitely Most Worthy of Praise
Most Honoured
Just as
You have showered Your mercies
Hadhrat Ibraheem �
Most Worthy of Praise
Most Honoured
Shower Your blessings
You have showered Your blessings

O Allaah! Shower Your mercies on Muhammad �

and on the family of Muhammad �
Just as You have showered Your mercies
on Hadhrat Ibraheem �
and on the family of Hadhrat Ibraheem �
You are definitely Most Worthy of Praise,
Most Honoured

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The Du`aa After Durood The Most Merciful

O Allaah
O Allaah! I have definitely wronged my soul
(myself) a great wrong
And there is no doubt that no one but You forgives sins
I have wronged
So forgive me (with) a special forgiveness
from Your side and have mercy on me
A wrong You are definitely The Most Compassionate,
Great The Most Merciful
There is no doubt that
No one
Forgive me
Special forgiveness
Your side
Have mercy on me
You are definitely
The Most Compassionate
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The Salaam Du`aa Qunoot

(when completing salaah)
O Allaah
Peace be on you We definitely
And the blessings of Allaah Seek help

The Du`aa after Salaah And

We seek forgiveness
O Allaah
We believe
In You
The One Who Gives Peace
We rely
We praise
You are Most Blessed
(In the) best (manner)
We thank You
One Who Possesses
We separate from
We leave
O Allaah! You are the One Who Gives Peace
The one who
And from You does peace come
You are Most Blessed, O The One Who Disobeys

Possesses Power and Honour Only You

We worship
For You
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We perform salaah We hope for Your mercy

We prostrate and we fear Your punishment

To You Your punishment shall definitely reach

We run the non-Muslims

We hasten
We hope for
We fear

O Allaah! We definitely seek Your help

And we seek Your forgiveness
And we believe in You
And we rely on You
And we praise You in the best manner
We thank You and are not unthankful to You
We separate from and we leave
the one who disobeys You
O Allaah! Only You do we worship,
for You do we perform salaah,
and for You do we prostrate
To You we run and we hasten
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The Janaaza Du`aa for an Adult O Allaah! Forgive our living, our deceased,
those who are present among us,
O Allaah
those who are absent among us,
our young, our old,
our males and our females.
Our living
O Allaah! The one who You keep alive
from among us, make him (or her) live on Islaam
Our deceased And the one to who You give death from among us,
Those of us who are present give him (or her) death on Imaan
Those of us who are absent
The one who
You keep alive
From among us
Make him live
On Islaam
You give death to
Give him death
On Imaan

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The Janaaza Du`aa for a Small Boy The Janaaza Du`aa for a Small Boy
O Allaah O Allaah
Make him Make her
For us For us
One who will go ahead of us (to Jannah) One who will go ahead of us (to Jannah)
And And
A reward A reward
A provision A provision
An intercessor An intercessor
(One) Whose intercession is accepted (One) Whose intercession in accepted

O Allaah! Make him for us O Allaah! Make her for us

one who will go ahead of us (to Jannah) one who will go ahead of us (to Jannah)
And make her for us a reward, And make her for us a reward,
A provision and an intercessor A provision and an intercessor
whose intercession is accepted whose intercession is accepted

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General Du`aas O my Rabb

O our Rabb
My chest
Forgive us
And make easy
My work
And our brothers
And open
The knot
Preceded us
From my tongue
In Imaan
So that they understand

O our Rabb! Forgive us and our brothers My speech

who have preceded us in Imaan

O my Rabb! Expand my chest,
make my work easy
O my Rabb!
and open the knot from my tongue
so that they understand my speech
And have mercy
You O Our Rabb

The Most Merciful of those who show mercy Accept

From us
O my Rabb! Forgive and have mercy You
You are the Most Merciful of those All Hearing
who show mercy All Knowing

O our Rabb! Accept from us

You are definitely All Hearing
All Knowing

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Words that are Used Often in the Qur`aan From

The one who
Used to ask a question - Do? Will?
As for/Nevertheless
For/So that
If it occurs that
Used to take an oath, e.g. Means “By
Where? Wherever
Why not?
Many a time
The time is close when
About what?
The time is close when
As if
That which
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But Exclamations in the Qur`aan

O Allaah!
If only
O my Rabb!
Both (for masculine nouns)
O our Rabb!
Both (for feminine nouns)
O Nabi �!
O Rasul-Messenger �!
Without doubt
O the one wrapped in a blanket!
O the one wrapped in a shawl!
O my father!
O my beloved sons!
O my sons!
O children of Aadam �!
O people!
O children of Israa`eel!
O My bondsmen!
O disbelievers!
O people with Imaan!
O people of understanding!
O people of inteligence!
O tranquil soul!

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Pronouns She who

The two (males) who
The two (females) who
Those two (males)
Those (males) who
Those (males who are more than two)
Those (females) who
Those two (females)
Those (females who are more than two)
You (male)
You two
All of you (males who are more than two)
You (female)
You two
All of you (female who are more than two)
That (masculine noun)
That (feminine noun)
Those two (masculine nouns)
Those two (feminine nouns)
All those (masculine nouns)
They (many people)
He who
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Verbs in the Past Tense You (people) oppressed

I gave honour
He wrote
I have submitted
He prostrated
I said
He believed
I called
He disbelieved
We believed
He ate
We sent down
He drank
We sent
He made
We made
He created
We created
They believed
We provided
They disbelieved
They did
They slaughtered
They said
They drank
They heard
They stood
You favoured
You warned
You saw
You are saved
You (people) said
You (people) killed
You (people) disbelieved
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Verbs in the Present and Future Tenses You (people) are doing/will do
I know/will know
He says/will say
I command/shall command
He enters/will enter
I am saying/shall say
He believers/will believe
I remember/shall remember
He raises/will raise
We know/will know
He knows/will know
We believe/will believe
He prostrates/will prostrate
We worship/shall worship
He exercises/will exercise patience
We seek help/will seek help
He is doing/will do
They are saying/will say
They are entering/will enter
They believe/will believe
They are/will be convinced
They establish/will establish
They spend/will spend
They know/will know
They are doing/will do
You are saying/will say
You know/will know
You exercise/will exercise patience
You provide/will provide
You (people) are saying/will say
You (people) know/will know
You (people) believe/will believe
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Commands Prohibitions
Live (O you one man) Do not rebuke (O you one man)
Hit/strike (O you one man) Do not be harsh (O you one man)
Give good news (O you one man) Do not commit shirk (O you one man)
Submit (O you one man) Do not oppress (O you one man)
Worship (O you people) Do not cause corruption (O people)
Go down (O you people) Do not enter (O people)
Remember (O you people) Do not mix (O people)
Kill (O you people) Do not listen (O people)
Staughter (O you people) Do not raise (O people)
Repent (O you people) Do not hide (O people)
Eat (O you people)
Drink (O you people)

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Common Nouns
The earth
The sky
The ocean

Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1 Miftaah ul Qur'aan Part 1

Sentences from the Qur`aan Concerning Animals

He (Allaah) has made the earth subservient Camel
for you Cow
It is He (Allaah) Who has subjugated the Calf
ocean for you Goat
We have sent pure water for you from the Sheep
sky Donkey
We had sent on them an extermely strong Dog
wind Wolf
Among His signs are the night and the day Elephant
Among His signs is that He has created you Snake
from sand Serpent
He (Allaah) has made fire for you from a Bird
green tree Crow
He (Allaah) has made the moon a light in
them (in the skies)
He (Allaah) has made the sun a lantern
For Allaah (to Him belongs) the East and
the West

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Sentences from the Qur`aan Food and Drink

Do you not see the camel, how it was Water
created? Milk
He (Allaah) says that it should be Honey
a yellow cow Bread
He came with a fat calf Greens
The people`s goats trampled it Cumumber
I have one sheep Wheat
Look at your donkey Lentils
Their dog spread out his feet Onions
I fear that a wolf may eat him Fruit
How your Rabb did with the people Date palm
of the elephant Pomegranate
He (Allaah) sent against them flights Grain
of birds Grapes
It suddenly became running snake
It suddenly became a clear serpent
So Allaah sent a crow

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Sentences from the Qur`aan A Verse of the Qur`aan

In it (Jannah) are reivers of water
And rivers of milk
And rivers of honey O people! Worship your Rabb who created you
and those before you
Bring forth for us from its greens,
its cucumbers, its wheat, its lentils
and its onions so that you may become abstinent
I am carrying bread on my head
In it (Jannah) are fruit, date palms
He Who made the earth a bedding for you
and pomegranates and the sky a roof

And sent water from the sky

Bringing forth (with the rain many types of)

fruit as a provision for you

So do not make partners (equals) to when you know (better).

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The Translation of Ten Surahs Surah Naas

Surah Faatiha

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful
I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

All praise is for Allaah, the Rabb of the universe. Say, “I seek protection with the Rabb of mankind”

The Most Kind, the Most Merciful, “(With) the One Who Controls mankind, the deity of mankind.”

“From the evil of the one who whispers (and) who moves back”
the One Who Controls the Day of Reckoning

“Who whispers (evil) in the hearts of mankind”

Only You do we worship and Only You do we ask for help

“(Whether he is) from the Jinn or (from) mankind.”

Guide us to the straight path

The path of those whom You have favoured

Not (the path of) those on whom is (Your) anger

And neither (the path of) those who are astray

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Surah Falaq Surah Ikhlaas

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

“Say, “I seek protection with the Rabb of the morning from the Say, “He is Allaah, The One. Allaah is Independent.”
evil of what He created.”

“He does not have any children and He was not born (to anyone)”
“And from the evil of the dark night when it covers”

“And from the evil of those women who blow on knots” “And there is not anyone equal to Him.”

“And from the evil of the one who envies when he envies.”

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Surah Lahab Surah Nasr

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

May both hands of Abu Lahab be shattered and When Allaah's help comes and victory (also comes).
may he be destroyed.

His wealth and whatever he earned will not be And you see people entering into Allaah's Deen in armies
of any benefit to him.

He shall soon enter the flaming fire and (so too will) So glorify the praises of your Rabb and seek His forgiveness.
his wife (enter the fire). Definitely He is always the Greatest Acceptor of repentance.

(Evil is she) the firewood carrier, (carrying) on her

neck a rope of palm fibre.

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Surah Kaafiroon Surah Kowthar

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

Say, “O disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship.” “(O Muhammad � ) We have definitely given you abundance.”

“You are not worshippers of that which I worship.” So perform salaah for your Rabb and sacrifice.

“I am not a worshipper of that which you worship and you

are not worshippers of that which I worship.” Definitely the one who opposes you, he is the destroyed one.

And I do not worship that which you worship

and you are not worshippers of that which I worship

“For you is your religion and for me is my Deen-religion.”

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Surah Maa`oon Surah Quraysh

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

Have you seen the one who rejects the Day of Qiyaamah? Because of the habit of the Quraysh, their habit of travelling
in winter and in summer

It is he who shoves away the orphan and does not encourage

(others) towards feeding the poor. So they should worship the Rabb of this House

Destruction be for those who perform salaah (but) are Who fed them in their hunger and gave them safety from fear.
negligent of their salaah.

Those who do things for show and who refuse

(others) even minor articles.

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Surah Feel A Brief Summary of the Qur`aan Teachings

Surah Asr

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

I begin with the name of Allaah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful

Did you not see how your Rabb did with the people
of the elephants?
By the oath of time! Definitely man is certainly at a loss.

Did He not lay their plan to waste and send against

them flights of birds?
Except those who believe, who do good acts, who encourage
each other to the truth and who encourage each
other to be patient.
Who pelted them with stones of clay and made
them like eaten fodder.

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Teachings of the Qur`aan So that you

Heed the advice
O people with Imaan
Seek help (from Allaah)
Salaah Verily Allaah commands justice, kindness
With those who exercise patience and giving to relatives

And (Allaah) forbids immorality, evil and oppression.

(Allaah) advises you so that you heed the advice.
O people with Imaan! Seek help (from Allaah)
with patience and salaah

Allaah is definitely with those who exercise patience.

Advises you

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