Lesson 1

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~N At 3 kere +5 aaa 4 nerd > s AoE “49 eS Se cot rien nomic a fore: [Piss Name:__ Andrea kaye AY abulenciar Ciass number Section @theal "Schedule = Date Sept as 2000 Lesson tile Establishing Communication Materials: Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students wil: ‘present their ideas and thoughts about communication from a References: graphic organizer and situationer b. engage in communication ————————. Welcome to this new and exciting school year! You have just advanced to the next level of your student life college! Kudos! Know that you have reached this far because of your perseverance and love for learning. Continue to keep yourself motivated until you reach your goals! Open your mind to new thoughts and ideas! Be ready to have fun! The best of luck! A. LESSON PREVIEWIREVIEW Introduction Welcome to Gen 001: Purposive Communication! This course is a journey in improving your use of the English language. We will have plenty of activities that wil help develop your listening, speaking, reading, and ‘writing skill. In this lesson, we will start you with a review of the elements of communication. By reflecting on Communication, we want you to realize the importance of communicating purposefully and clearly. Communication is an essential skil in all fields, in all roles we play — as a peer, as a student, and as a future professional Activity 4: What | Know Chart, part 1 For this activity, think about the 3 questions found in the second column. Write your answers in the fist column, What | Know. Write “Yes” if you agree with the statement and “No” if you disagree. Then justify your answer in one sentence. Leave the third column blank al this time. There is no need to read ahead to find answers ~ the purpose of Acivty 1 isto answer the questions with what you know now. © [ Questions: i ‘What | Learned (Activity 5) What Know - Nes, Anere is always a | 4. There is always amessage in | Wes Hrere is, there (F alweys message ieee a. cost sicakion extn | communication, even in an even if 4M communication is Formal or wa A informal communication ‘informal €¢ tong 96 jhe i an format iver er chaved mm 2. The speaker is also known as [Te speaker is When the wditage o- the ecpient inthe communication | infrmotion conti fom alle the Bhicd on nh Yad, we sonar ook sient ie process. " | Me some | pint is Me me Ako recinge ————— {tne message-1-ii formation Tihs decuient rile property of PHINMA EDUCATION |S Gon 001: Purposive Communication HINA EDUCATION munication = > ao indir Aa tenein Class number: __ =e, Sched ee ae AK jwore i 0 communi= | 3:Miscommunicationis atsoa | Micommahitation is a type 5 uct ofc i Zalion , there 15 wo WusCamun'| Produet of communication K communication baorier $9 cation at all 45 related 40 comma nication 5. MAIN LESSON Activity 2: Content Notes ‘A) Read and understand the diagram. Be ready to write your thoughts on it. Write down 5 realizations, thoughts or ideas you can get from the graph. Example: Communication is a two-way process. ‘The Communication Process ea We — dicgyam ghows the ste “ba step precesser to acheve Successful communication « 7 2 We Barrier disrupts or distencts he flow of He Communication pass as Commanicotion US the ess of changin cinder ie Inns Poste 2 nae PTE oh honing metagte oi Tt message oe isloomation state wlth the sender ty recipients tren gee bok as feedback 42 ME seacer Crowne’ — acts eas apasiage er way for tte information 4g continan by flow fam due seater fo recipients ond back de cender This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Gen 001: Purposive Communication PHINMA EDUCATION. Lesson #1 Name: firmed, iAielecer Class number: Section Sehedule Date: B) Understand the short text on communication. Highlight important terms and details. ‘Communication is derived from the Latin word “communicare” which means ‘to share’. Communication, at its simplest definition, is sharing of information between individuals. Information can come in the form of thoughts, concepts, imaginations, behaviors, and written text. It can be verbal or non-verbal. It can be written, spoken, or mixed media, ‘Communication as @ process is simple, but there are many factors involved in that sometimes it becomes complex. Communication is affected by factors like clarity of voice, choice of words, amount of content, information relevance, and many more. When not done well it can result in a simple misunderstanding or in a critical mistake. ‘The three elements in communication are the sender, a medium, and a recipient. The sender is the most crucial element in the process because he comes with a full understanding of the content or message that he wants to deliver. The receiver may or may not know the sender and the intended message. The medium refers to the means which information is transferred. The three steps in communication are message, encoding, and decoding. The message is the information in the sender's mind. The sender needs to translate this message into verbal speech or written message ~ encoding. The receiver interprets the encoded message to understand the message - decoding. When the receiver clearly understands the information sent to him, then communication is successful ‘Activity 3: Skill-building 1 hope you took good notes from Activity 2! Now, you are ready to do more. In your own words, compare and contrast the pair of terms. ee J eater te ont ue it eiponsitte Om aining or fering Ihe information | Sender and Recipient |r message ino wecim vile the Peciepicnt We the On€ ho meeives Ai tinge ats etna ne teers _________Fenerding 1¢ about ceoning @ metioge or prodaction of We mesiaqe 7 Eneade and Decode | 1 be end whle decoding « atmat te iterpttation on Ae smsenent) “oe Wes riecanien er Vink ie Tevente Teatro Ns eneges creamed oF weclion eons. Tang of ekormation fom the Sender to the 7 (Bariers and Channel| eceser 14 ig where sigols wer adapted to be transmibet wile Barrier ice dstcaction he flew of itformation_tanmistion eigen is woh the wetiver yt when A receies Ae information oF 7 Response and Feedback| wesiege ond tig response fron Abe ‘stir to the Sender 6s calle | oe 1 001: Purposive Communication PHINMA FOUCATION no Onder Kaye @ Abulencia, Section Or eage= ay — lass rumbar:__ Date hedule: _ creek your ansmers using the Koy o Corectons found inthe est pages ofthis SAS. Give yourself 2 Points for each correct comparison of the pairs of terms, Write your score here: Activity 4: Skill-building 2 Let's do another skil-building activi 'y. The illustration below shows miscommunication, List § tips on how one can communicate effectively. [J Hewing eye conkect with one aneter 2 Use single, common aad clear wordt | when expressing what yo wost Fe say 8 Speak ih a clear and Wend yoice 4 Ask them iF hey understoec you of what yew said: 7% Woe seme cual to apres te message oF 180 frat yor want ye Say> WZ creck your answers using the Key o Correction und inthe last pages ofthis SAS. Give yoursl2 points foreach tip that makes sense, Wile your score here: _S Activity 5: What | Know Chart, part 2 For this part, return to Activity 1: What | Know Chart. This ime, answer the questions again and write your responses in the third column: What | Learned. Based on the Content Notes and the activities, you can track how your understanding has changed. @ This doctiment is property of PHINMA EDUCATION Gen 001: Purposive Communication Lesson #1 Name: Aedeta Kaye A> Abnienain Class number Section: UCAS =aI_— Schedule; SCO Activity 6: Check for Understanding Way to go! You are down to the last activity. This time, identity the element of communication being referred to by each number. Write your answer on the space provided. Check your answers against the Key fo Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your paper. se A) This is the first element of the communication process. He chooses his/her coker] pet sats ne mekon seamdighraniacsestow basket | Wescane 72) Ths is what needs to be delivered or imparted to someone else Reupient 7) He makes sonse of what is sald and reacisto® a Channel Taf tks a means by which the message is sent - Decoaing "[5y This how the recipient understands and interprets the message basin By tis also known as “noise” a Encodting 7)_sis the production of the message. Hiscommenication | 8) Seis a communication breakdown. Response 9)-Itis the only way the speaker knows that the message has been received Feedonck }}tis a result of monitoring by the speaker of the recipient's response. | PH check your answers using the Key fo Corrections found in the last pages of this SAS. Give yourself 1 point for each correct answer. Write your score here: 10. ©_LESSON WRAI Activity 7: Thinking about Learning (5 mins) ‘A. Work Tracker You are done with this session! Let's track your progress. Shade the session number you just completed ee See) = = 2 ees es tole ees eo To Toa Te Te Tels te See 5 :Purposive Communication PHINMA EDUCATION Gen Gol Perpesive oe ‘Lesson #1 ni finden — Weulencien —_ Stheduie 8. Think about your Learning "How do you fee! about your fist session in Purposive Communication? Draw an emoj representing your feeling oom 2. What activities did you like? Why? 7% attivhy check for Underttanding, 1 We idenhi cation netics Dire in fits lp yu ea betes? The find of ockvihy Mat oT we fe learn Veter is idbenhfication= Wed the mast aad Tok a beie fads Aver ticineet cin — gi Bd thn Rcomansas pees goFesos © Can sie eo bear Ak Yee, roles can be interchanged Poe i we Hh oli J) kk Ui Mim : Can communication be non-verbal? x A: Yes, sign language and facial expressions are Q@ Owe @ exampies of t Nn Go Pp Qq fi $s Learn the signed alphabet! a) ¢ é aw $ KEY TO CORRECTIONS Activity 3 1. The sender chooses his information and purpose, crafts the message through a medium and delivers it, ‘while the recipient receives the message and interprets i for understanding 2. Encoding means the creation of how the message will be transferred to the recepient, while decoding means receiving and interpreting the meaning of the message, 3. Barrer is also known as noise. Itis anything that can prevents communication, while channel is any means by which message is sent. 4. Response and feedback can be interchangeable. Sometimes a feedback could be a non-verbal nod of the head, a frown, or a simile. It can be verbal when receivers ask a question or make a comment font Is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION, BB 3518 DCAM £ i Nome: Section: Schedule Activity 4 ‘Answers will vary. Some possible answers are: = Speak clearly = Speak in a voice that is loud enough. = Speak in a relaxed tone, «= Use visuals or graphs to help reinforce your message. = Choose plain and simple words as much as possible. = Use only enough words to say what you mean, = Make eye contact. = Ask your listener what they understood with what you said. ‘Activity 5: 1. Speaker 2. Message 3. Recipient 4, Channel 5. Decoding 6. Barrier 7. Enct ‘Miscommunication 8. Response 10. Feedback This document isthe property of PHINMA EDUCATION Gon 001 Purposive Communication ‘oding 8. Lesson #1

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