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ar = er : GEN 001: Purposive Communication PCT~ 3 DUCATION Tesson #3 gor jg ne Padre Kaye A> Mnlencion Sarna. OF CE CAS AI Schedule ____——_ Date: _Sept 45, 2020 act 4 TTotcon tre, Communicating fora Purpose Wateraier Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will: Student Activity Sheet ee identify kills for effective communication: Referencs http:/asianjournalusa.con/the- legacy-of-troes-in-baguio-ciy- 11887-167.him b. identify different purpeses of communication. oday is a brand new day! Let productivity be your constant goal. Remember to keep track of the things that \u need to accomplish today; don't leave it undone until the folowing day. If you think something is not easy_| itis okay to ask for help. | ~ > 'SSON PREVIEWREVIEW Introduction The point of communication is to transfer information from one person to another. This information or message ‘long withthe intention or purpose of seding this message are central to the process of communication. Today's (esson wil introduce you to different purposes of communication, ‘Activity 1: What | Know Chart, part 4 For this activity, think about the 3 prompts or questions found in the second column. Write your answers in the frst column, What ! Know. Leave the third colurnn blank at this time. There is no need to read ahead to find inswers the purpose of Activity 11s to answer the questions with what you know now. @ What | Know ‘Questions: ‘What I Learned (Activity 5) Ne Be feet pees canbe SM |e purges ck comms sicotion ig 4o | sehen are co ee dtu ond | 4, What can be diferent purposes | itforn, te geile {0 tapers ‘formtion + ters and t+ | forcommonicalon? SS ees understand he ideas of = | [Movants and fehings ark to itftuence. ier pee ple |_olwer _peoyie * Z HT trcqiatin conmanicakon SE Raisictione throu phone 2, wnat kinds of communication | — ves, Ke calls or text wetszges | Sra donein the context of Ache court Otters business? G_ Noa- verbal commamicttion 4 [Ave cramps of hon = verbal can be delved Wy facial | 3.Whatare examples ofnon- | cammanteations ave | vvrbal communication? = estas BoMy, more my Lopression or aesives of ome. rt geen: eee =Towch > posture = Eye contnet propery of PHINMA EDUCATION, urposive Commun ma GEN 001: PHINMA EDUCATION i Name fitdeees —Flactenens Class number: Schedule —_— —— Dato, B.MAIN LESSON Activity 2: Content Notos Read and understand the diagram, Intemalize the details by answoring the prompt below the diagram Purposive Communication ~ a flow of information or exchange of messages guided by an awareness of intent and context Express emotion, ] Inform: Persuad¢ | communication is| [communication is| cunts: self, and others, ate writen expression space, multimedia ‘Verbal Skills Tistening comprehension, LIL ——- ‘Supposing that the different purposes of communication were types of people, which person or purpose would you be? Why? You may cite experiences that have made you become such pors 1 the afferent purposes ef commanication . E tuink gaien sakes ome tne og “Is on L4presting emotions. 1 express ™ ctrsking Vien T om HOlking to pestle, pecially my ers. Tle fe sherw ident aunt _ opinions This document is the property of PHINMA Lesson i Class number Date: Activity 3: Skill-bullding By yourself, read the short text below. Underine or highlight the important information. Then, answer the ‘questions that follow. ‘An excerpt from As the Bamboos Sway by Rudy D. Liporada | SAN DIEGO, 2/3/2012 ~ \Whie the Sendong mudside catastrophe which kiled thousands of Filipinos is stil fresh in our | | emotional quotient and with the seeming withering away from memory of similar disasters in | | Bicol and Leyte, Baguio City citizens are up in furor against what they cal the impending | ‘massacre’ of 182 trees by conglomerate ShoeMart (SM). These 82 ee might as wlohe ant ofthe oasis dnaonin he Pipes wcuhave gon my mrg ongomeee felon wept and

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