Lesson 1 Gen 001 Purposive Communication

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= het = 3 ATL - 5 ats - 4 rerd = s Act “49 2 PHINMA FOUCATION Sea ated - Fora: Name ___ Andrea kaye _A-_abulewicia Class nme Sections SRE Shader coer rt as aie Lesson tile, Establishing Communication Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students wil ‘@._ present their ideas and thoughts about communication from a Graphic organizer and situationer References: b. engage in communication Welcome to this new and exciting school year! You have just advanced to the next level of your student life ~ college! Kudos! Know that you have reached this far because of your perseverance and love for learning, Continue to keep yourself motivated until you reach your goals! Open your mind to new thoughts and ideas! Be ready to have fun! The best of luck! ‘A. LESSON PREVIEWIREVIEW Introduction Welcome to Gen 001: Purposive Communication! This course is a journey in improving your use of the English language. We will have plenty of activities that will help develop your listening, speaking, reading, and ‘writing skils. In this lesson, we will start you with a review of the elements of communication. By reflecting on ‘communication, we want you to realize the importance of communicating purposefully and clearly ‘Communication is an essential skil in all fields, in all roles we play ~ as a peer, as a student, and as a future professional. Activity 4: What | Know Chart, part 4 For this activity. think about the 3 questions found inthe second column, Write your answers inthe fst Column, What! Know Write "Yes" if you agree with the statement and No" fyou disagree. Then justly your Gnswerin one sentence. Leave the third column biank at this ime. There is no need to read ahead to fing Answers ~ the purpose of Activity 11s to answer the questions with what you know now. ©) [What Know ‘Gusations —TWhai reamed (activiy 5) Nes, tneve it alnteys a 1. There is always a message in | Mes Here is, there {5 always mertage Aes ie S209 cai 8 8 tren iF Abe comnanication is Ferme oF a at iMacenal communicatien | informal communication. Katormal 0 tony a 4pere ig am Forms given or charect Bazed on my Knowledge, | 2. The speaker is also known as: | the recipient in the communication | iaformation comes from process, format while 4ne The syeater «¢ When the wdisage or Me speaker ond excipient are ae WReipient vs Wee Ot Wao recdiveg — the-messaqeTiaformation TION This document is the prope Lesson #4 Cass number Oat were it 0 communix |S Mscommunicalonis soa | Mécomnuttation is a type i es | acm” | Sonne cation at oll [#6 elated 40 conma nication 5. MAIN LESSON Activity 2: Content Notes ‘A) Read and understand the diagram. Be ready to write your thoughts on it. Write down 5 realizations, thoughts or ideas you can get from the graph. Example: Communication is a two-way process. The Communication Process Recipient’s * Tre diovan shows the steg -by~ step processes to acheine succesful 7% wwe warrien disap te or distincts the flow ef He Communication eee AE Cramsrication Me He prrceg Wiations felween 2 oe chaning messages or infer as WE mtsinge 67 ilosmaton state wlth he seadee ty reciente Bren goes back as feedback fo be bY S/ Crowne — acts as apasiage or way for tte information 4p cantina by flon Fam due serler fo ecient and sender back to cender This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCA TIO! i : Gen 001: Purposive Communication PHINMA EDUCATION Lesson # Name: Class number Section ‘Schedule Data: B) Understand the short text on communication. Highlight important terms and deals. Communication is derived from the Latin word “communicare” which means ‘to share’. Communication, at its simplest definition, is sharing of information between individuals. Information can come in the form of thoughts, concepts, imaginations, behaviors, and written text. It can be verbal or non-verbal. It can be writen, spoken, or mixed media. Communication as a process is simple, but there are many factors involved in that sometimes it becomes complex. Communication is affected by factors like clarity of voice, choice of words, amount of content, information relevance, and many more, When not done well, it can result in a simple misunderstanding or in 2 critical mistake. ‘The three elements in communication are the sender, a medium, and a recipient. The sender is the most crucial element in the process because he comes with a full understanding of the content or message that he ‘wants to deliver. The receiver may or may not know the sender and the intended message. The medium refers to the means which information is transferred. ‘The three steps in communication are message, encoding, and decoding. The message is the information inthe senders mind. The sender needs to translate this message into verbal speech or written message ~ encoding. The receiver interprets the encoded message to understand the message - decoding. When the receiver clearty understands the information sent to him, then communication is successtul. Activity 3: Skill-building 1 hope you took good notes from Activity 2! Now, you are ready to do more. In your own words, compare and contrast the pair of terms, J seer te one oi ie agit on ginny or fentng te “ilecmnkon [sender and Recipient pe 9 ring tae isformaios gp EE fwestoge ino aeclinm unde the Reciapicnt {6 fe One ho rectives ane _newoge trot was Stet fiom the _Seader Encoding if about creating A metiogt or precuction of WE mesinge 7 Encode and Decode | 40 ve send whle decoding i about He interpretahon on the 4 nd re = aa ee mrcomng of We metiage or Vow te cuiliene understands the message roared oF accion wears. fasting of rmaion fiom he Sencter 42 the A reesier «14 4g aM Klgnols wer adorted to be fansmitee uisle Ramer Barriers and Channel ig 4 distraction od He flow of information 4yanj mission’ ELL] tetera recriver so alan & sceies 486 inferatin oF ~7 Response and Feedback| wesege and this eesponie fron the ‘ectinr to the Sender (¢ called Ferdback: Fetdback is) aout how the ati ig being receie Toe on 00 Puposive Communication \ PHINMA EDUCATION Lesson #4 Kaye A Abulenda eS Date ae Schedule Wheneck your answers using the Key 1 Coractons found in the lst pages of his SAS. Give yourself 2 points for each correct comparison of the pairs of terms. Write your score here: Activity 4: Skill-building 2 Let's do another skil-building activity. The illustration below shows miscommunication. List § tips on how one can communicate effectively. 1 Waving eye contact with one another | 2 Use simple, common and clear words when expressing what yout wart te Fai) 1% Speak in a clear and loud voice | | 4 Mk hem oF Abe Unde rstoed you oF what yor said | 7] ® the some yiguals to press He megane a idea oat you want to says 2 check your answers using the Key o Corrections found in he last pages ofthis SAS. Give yourself 2 points foreach tp tat makes sense. Write your score here: Activity 5: What | Know Char, part 2 Fortis par, return to Acvty 1: What! Know Char. This ime, answer the questions again and write your responses in the third column What | Learned. Based on the Content Notes and the actives, you can tack how your understanding has changed. @ jcument is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION, tin — a seb nage A atntensio class number _ Beene ee Men Activity 6: Check for Understanding Way to go! You are down to the last activity. This time, identify the element of communication being referred to by each number. Write your answer on the space provided. Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your paper. ieee - 5 JAY Tiss a at lorena conmanication process. Fe crease ie the frat element of the communication process. He chooses riser Speaker 1) Tr i Pe en tho message accordingly, and decides how todeiverc. Vieccage 7/2) This is what needs to be delvered or imparted to someone else Recipient 7S) He makes sense of what is said and reacts to it = 1 channel Taf itis a means by which the message is Sent. | Decocing ”|5y This how the recipient understands and interprets the message | etre “Ly Tis also known as “ise Encoding [7) tis the production ofthe message. - Response T'9) tis the only way the speaker knows that the message has been received Fudunck 1 30)itis a result of monitoring by the speaker ofthe recipients response Hiscommynication | 8) Jtés a communication breakdown. Wlcneck your answers using the Key to Corrections found in the last pages ofthis SAS. Give yourse point for each correct answer. Write your scare here: 10 ©. LESSON WRAP-UP Retivity 7: Thinking about Learning (5 mins) ‘A. Work Tracker ‘You are done with this session! Let's track your progress. Shade the session number you just completed (pacer ae eee eas eet PEE els elses eles se Ta es STs) 5 — Class number Date a 8. Think about your Lean 1. How do you fool about your feeling {Yur frst session in Purposive Communication? Draw an emoji representing Ov 2, What activities did you tke? Why? ZZ abtivity 6 check for Underrtanding, 4 ke idtnhfi cation activdies> = ast kind of activities help you learn better? Tee tind of activity he Tied he mast aad I Ahiak eg we te learn beter is identification Faas Q: Can communication be one-way? A A Yoo ta caled iivpersona communication gs A Bo Pha, is communicating to oneseff. ye 2 Bb Cc Dd FL Gg ©: Can the sender also become the recipient? ‘ $ 8 Yes, roles con be iterehanged. eB cg ds ae eat sia Hh li J) Kk LIL Mm an communication be non-verbal? - 4 A: Yes, sign language and facial expressions are Q Ce “Oe examples oft 4 Nn Qo Pp Qq fir §s Learn the signed alphabet! _of@ How Fe Gu ve vie 3 y 8 KEY TO CORRECTIONS Activity 3 1. The Sender chooses his information and purpose, crafts the message through a medium and delivers it While the recipient receives the message and interprets it for understanding 2. Encoding means the creation of how the message willbe transferred to the recepient, while decoding means receiving and interpreting the meaning of the message. 3. Barrier is also known as noise. It is anything that can prevents communication, while channel is any means by which message is sent. 4, Response and feedback can be interchangeable. Sometimes a feedback could be a non-verbal nod of the head. a frown, or a smile. It can be verbal when receivers ask a question or make a comment ‘cument is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION, | ¥ Geweromensicains 2 ce Activity 4 ‘Answers will vary. Some possible answers are: ~ Speak clearly = Speak in a voice that is loud enough. - Speak in a relaxed tone. = Use visuals or graphs to help reinforce your message. = Choose piain and simple words as much as possible. Use only enough words to say what you mean. = Make eye contact. Ask your listener what they understood with what you sai. Aetily 1, Speaker 2. Message 3. Recipient 4, Channel 6. Decoding 6. Baier 7. Encoding 8 ‘Miscommunication 9, Response 10. Feedback This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION, i

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