EBC - Meeting

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EBC Group Details:

Group Number: 6 | Section: D

1. Meemansha Garg (PGP25211)
2. Nancy Priya (PGP25227)
3. Neelesh Agarwal (PGP25231)
4. Pranay Bharti (PGP25253)
5. Priya Gupta (PGP25264)
6. Rahul Khandelwal (PGP25277)
7. Rashi Sinha (PGP25282)

Meeting Agenda for Effective Communication

To decide whether to purchase or rent an office in Navi Mumbai

Objective: The objective of this group activity is to simulate a business meeting where we, team
members will discuss and decide whether our Ed-tech company, SkillZie
should purchase or rent an office space in Navi Mumbai. This activity will
help us to practice effective business communication and decision-making
Group Members:
1. CEO – Meemansha Garg
2. CFO – Rashi
3. COO - Neelesh
4. Marketing Manager - Nancy
5. HR Manager – Priya
6. IT Manager - Rahul
7. Legal Advisor – Pranay
Preparation: Before the meeting, each group member will be assigned a specific role. Research and
think about the pros and cons of purchasing or renting an office space.

Meeting Agenda:
The CEO, Meemansha, will introduce the topic and set the agenda. The agenda will include:
1. Introduction of the issue: To purchase or rent an office in Navi Mumbai
2. Presentation of key factors and information
3. Group discussion
4. Final decision
Discussion: Each member, according to their role, will present their findings and opinions on whether
to purchase or rent:

• The CFO, Rashi, will talk about the financial aspects

• The COO, Neelesh, will discuss the operational implications
• The Marketing Manager, Nancy, will present market research if available
• The HR Manager, Priya, will address the impact on employees
• The IT Manager, Rahul, will discuss technology needs
• The Legal Advisor, Pranay, will mention legal and contractual considerations
Open Discussion: After each member has presented, the group will engage in open discussion. Members
can ask questions or express their concerns.
Final Decision: The CEO, Meemansha, will summarize the discussion and lead the group to make a
final decision. Each member will vote for "Purchase," "Rent," or "Undecided." The decision will be
made based on majority vote.
Conclusion: The CEO will conclude the meeting, and the meeting minutes will be taken by a designated
Important Notes (that we kept in mind):
1. Be respectful and listen actively to each member during the discussion.
2. Back your points with facts and reasoning.
3. The goal is to make a well-informed decision for the company's future.
4. Remember to use effective business communication techniques, such as active listening,
concise speaking, and professional etiquette.

Role-Play: Office Space Decision Meeting

1. CEO (Meemansha)
2. CFO (Rashi)
3. COO (Neelesh)
4. Marketing Manager (Nancy)
5. HR Manager (Priya)
6. IT Manager (Rahul)
7. Legal Advisor (Pranay)
The team is gathered for a 15-minute role-play of a meeting to decide whether to purchase or rent an
office in Navi Mumbai for their Ed-tech company.
Each participant should assume their assigned role. The role-play will follow a meeting structure with
an agenda:
1. Introduction of the issue
2. Presentation of key factors
3. Group discussion
4. Final decision
Role-Play Script:

(Introduction - 7 minutes):
Meemansha (CEO): (Starts the meeting) Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining this meeting.
Today, we need to decide whether we should purchase or rent an office space in Navi Mumbai. Let's
follow the agenda. Rashi, could you please present the financial aspects of both options?
Rashi (CFO): Certainly, Meemansha. I've crunched the numbers, and purchasing would require a
significant upfront investment, but over the long term, it might be more cost-effective. Renting offers
more flexibility, but it could cost us more in the long run. It's a balancing act.
Neelesh (COO): Thanks, Rashi. From the operational perspective, purchasing would allow us more
control over the office environment, but renting would mean fewer responsibilities in terms of
maintenance and facilities management.
Nancy (Marketing Manager): I've done some market research. It seems that owning an office space can
improve our company's image and stability in the eyes of our customers, but renting provides the
flexibility to adapt to market changes.
Priya (HR Manager): Both options have implications for our employees. Owning an office space could
boost employee morale and a sense of permanence, while renting might offer them more location
choices. We need to consider their preferences.
Rahul (IT Manager): From a technology perspective, owning would give us more control over the IT
infrastructure, but renting might provide us with more modern and tech-ready spaces, which can be
beneficial in the long run.

Pranay (Legal Advisor): Legal and contractual considerations are vital. Purchasing requires contracts,
property law compliance, and potential liabilities. Renting means dealing with lease agreements and
landlord terms. We need to ensure we're legally protected.
Meemansha (CEO): Thank you all for your insights. Let's open the floor for discussion. Please express
your thoughts, concerns, or questions.

(Open Discussion - 5 minutes):

Meemansha (CEO): It's time to make a decision. We have two options on the table - purchasing or
renting. Let's vote. Raise your hand for "Purchase," "Rent," or "Undecided."

(Voting - 2 minutes):
Meemansha (CEO): (Summarizes) The majority has voted to “Rent” (announced the decision based on
the majority vote).

Conclusion (1 minute):
Thank you, everyone, for your valuable input. We've made a decision, and we will take the necessary
steps accordingly. Let's adjourn the meeting.

Minutes of Meeting - Office Space Decision Meeting

Date: 13/10/2023
Time: 12 PM
Location: Delhi

Meeting Agenda:
Introduction of the issue:
1. Presentation of key factors
2. Group discussion
3. Final decision

Meeting Minutes:
Introduction of the Issue:
Meemansha (CEO) opened the meeting and introduced the topic - the decision to purchase or rent an
office space in Navi Mumbai for the Ed-tech company, SkillZie.

Presentation of Key Factors:

Rashi (CFO) presented the financial aspects, mentioning the upfront investment for purchasing and the
long-term cost-effectiveness. She noted that renting offers flexibility but may cost more over time.
Neelesh (COO) discussed the operational perspective, highlighting that purchasing provides more
control over the office environment, while renting involves fewer responsibilities.
Nancy (Marketing Manager) presented market research findings, emphasizing that owning an office
space can enhance the company's image but that renting offers adaptability.
Priya (HR Manager) addressed the implications for employees, emphasizing how owning can boost
morale, while renting offers location flexibility.
Rahul (IT Manager) discussed the technology perspective, mentioning that owning offers control over
IT infrastructure, while renting may provide more tech-ready spaces.
Pranay (Legal Advisor) brought up the legal and contractual considerations, mentioning that
purchasing involves contracts and potential liabilities, while renting deals with lease agreements and
landlord terms.
Group Discussion: An open discussion followed the individual presentations, where participants had
the opportunity to express their thoughts, concerns, and questions.

Final Decision:
Meemansha (CEO) called for a vote, and the majority decided to Rent the office.
Conclusion: Meemansha (CEO) thanked all participants for their valuable input and closed the meeting.
Action Items: Follow up on discussion of inventories in next meeting.
Next Meeting details:
Date: 21/10/2023 | Time: 6pm | Location: Delhi

Meeting Adjourned: 12:30pm
Prepared by:
SkillZie team
Approved by:
Meemansha (CEO)

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