ISPM Topics

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Provide a brief summary of the assessment's key findings and recommendations related to OrelIT's
information security and secure software engineering practices.

2. Introduction to OrelIT:

 Company Overview:

Introduce OrelIT, its size, location, and primary areas of software development.

 Mission and Values:

Discuss OrelIT's mission statement and core values in relation to its software development

[ 1,2 topics – Chamishka ]

3. Overall Information Security Philosophy (Enterprise Infosec Program):

 Infosec Policy and Culture:

Describe OrelIT's information security policy and its role in shaping the company's

 Compliance and Regulations:

Explain how OrelIT aligns its information security practices with industry regulations and

 Risk Management Approach:

Discuss OrelIT's approach to assessing and managing information security risks across the

[ 3 – Lasini ]

4. Implementation of Secure Software Engineering at OrelIT:

 Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC):

Detail OrelIT's SDLC process, emphasizing security integration at each phase.

 Security Tools and Technologies:

Describe the tools and technologies employed by OrelIT to ensure secure software

 Training and Awareness Initiatives:

Explain the training programs and awareness initiatives OrelIT has in place to promote
secure software engineering practices.

[ 4 – Damitha ]

5. Roles and Responsibilities of Project Teams:

 Security Champions:

Discuss the concept of security champions within project teams and their

 Development Team Roles:

Specify the roles and responsibilities of developers, quality assurance (QA) personnel, and
other team members concerning security.

 Security Reviewers and Auditors:

Describe the roles and responsibilities of security reviewers or auditors in OrelIT's software
development process.

 Effectiveness Analysis:

Evaluate how well project teams fulfill their roles in ensuring secure software engineering

 Incident Response and Resolution:

Assess how effectively project teams respond to and resolve security incidents or

 Recommendations for Role Enhancements:

Provide recommendations for improving the roles and responsibilities of project teams in
enhancing security.

[ 5 – Tharidu ]
6. Evaluation of Current Implementation of Secure Software Engineering at OrelIT and

 Security Incidents and Vulnerabilities:

Analyze recent security incidents or vulnerabilities at OrelIT and their impact.

 Security Metrics and KPIs:

Assess the metrics and key performance indicators used to measure the effectiveness of
security practices.

 Improvement Strategies:

Offer recommendations for enhancing OrelIT's secure software engineering practices,

including training, tooling, and continuous improvement measures.

[ 6 – Thilin ]

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