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The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

This book is lovingly dedicated to my colleagues at IBM, who share my passion for
artificial intelligence. Your enthusiasm inspires me daily.

To those already immersed in the fascinating world of AI - thank you for blazing trails
and guiding others. And to those just dipping your toes into AI's vast waters - I'm thrilled
to take this journey of discovery together.

I'm endlessly grateful to my supportive CIC PH Business Operations team, who

championed this book every step of the way. Your encouragement kept me writing
during late nights and weekends. This book would not exist without you.

Whether you're an AI veteran or a rookie, I hope this book sparks your imagination. May
it equip you with skills to meet the future boldly. But most importantly, may it fuel our
community that believes in technology empowering people for good. Let's keep

- Choi / (2023)

The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

This book discusses numerous AI tools that are external to IBM. Generative AI
technologies like Bard and Chat-GPT rely on user inputs.

Do not provide confidential, internal IBM or client data to these systems. All
employees must comply with IBM data privacy and sharing policies outlined in
Section 3 of the BCG 2023 course.

While exploration of new AI tools is encouraged, use good judgment when

deciding what information to supply. Refrain from jeopardizing IBM data or
sharing beyond IBM channels. When using AI systems, employees are
responsible for protecting IBM's intellectual property and client data.

For more information, please visit the following links:

BCG 2023

Sensitive Personal Information

IBM Data Classification

IBM Confidential Data

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 6
A brief overview of AI Prompting .................................................................................... 6
The growing role of AI in business .................................................................................... 8
What to Expect from the eBook .....................................................................................10
Chapter 1: Understanding AI and AI Prompting ..................................................................11
Simplified Explanation of Artificial Intelligence..............................................................11
Introduction to AI prompting: what it is and how it works. ...........................................13
Importance and uses of AI prompting in various industries. ........................................17
Chapter 2: The Role of Data in AI Prompting .......................................................................20
Explanation of training data ...........................................................................................20
The Role of data quality and Diversity in AI Prompting ................................................23
Real-world examples of data usage in AI prompting ..................................................25
Chapter 3: Crafting Effective AI Prompts .............................................................................28
Techniques for generating effective prompts. .............................................................29
Importance of context and clarity in prompts ..............................................................33
Chapter 4: Real-Life Business Applications of AI Prompting ................................................35
AI prompting in customer service: Chatbots. ................................................................35
AI prompting in content creation: blogging, social media, advertising. ....................37
AI prompting in data analysis: market trends, customer behavior. ............................39
Chapter 5: Case Studies ........................................................................................................42
Detailed examples of successful AI prompting in various businesses .........................43
Lessons learned from these case studies .......................................................................46
Chapter 6: Overcoming Challenges in AI Prompting ..........................................................47
Understanding the limitations of AI responses ...............................................................49
Strategies for refining prompts to achieve desired results............................................53
Navigating ethical considerations and data privacy issues ........................................55
Chapter 7: Future Trends in AI Prompting .............................................................................56
Predictions for the future of AI prompting in business...................................................57
Emerging technologies and their potential impact .....................................................59
Encouragement for continued learning and exploration............................................61
Conclusion ..............................................................................................................................62
Recap of key points covered in the eBook ...................................................................62
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

The importance of AI prompting in the modern business landscape.........................63

Final thoughts and encouragement for practical application of learned concepts
My Personal Prompt ‘Cheat Sheet’.......................................................................................66
Verbs .................................................................................................................................66
Tone ..................................................................................................................................69
Roles/Persona ..................................................................................................................71
Show as Output ...............................................................................................................74
About The Cover ....................................................................................................................77
About the Author ....................................................................................................................78
Sources ....................................................................................................................................79
Prompting Guides ............................................................................................................79
Ethical AI ...........................................................................................................................79
Tools ..................................................................................................................................79
Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................79

A brief overview of AI Prompting
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems like DALL-E and Midjourney use text prompts as inputs
to generate images. A prompt is a detailed text description of the image you want the
AI to create. Crafting effective prompts is vital to getting great results from AI art

Prompts allow you to guide the AI by specifying objects, styles, compositions, moods,
and other elements. You can be as vague or specific as you need. A simple prompt
might say, "A cute puppy." A more complex prompt could describe the breed, color,
background, lighting, and other details.

Adobe Firefly’s rendition of ‘A cute puppy.’

The AI uses natural language processing to "understand" the prompt and generate an
image matching the description. Prompts function like you're giving verbal instructions
to a skilled artist. The better and more detailed the prompt, the closer the result will be
to what you imagined.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

‘A cute black and white Pomeranian sitting on a grass bed.’ By Stable Diffusion

Prompting is a learned skill that improves with practice. Start simple and get more
elaborate as you learn how different words and phrases affect the outcome. Pay
attention to what works and build off of that. You can create stunning AI art tailored to
your vision with thoughtful prompts.

The growing role of AI in business
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming businesses and industries worldwide. As
AI capabilities advance, companies increasingly adopt these technologies to
empower employees, boost productivity, cut costs, and gain competitive advantages.

One of the most significant benefits of AI is enabling people to focus on higher-value

and more strategic tasks. For example, AI chatbots can handle customer service
queries while humans handle complex issues. Finance departments use AI to automate
routine bookkeeping, freeing staff to analyze data and glean business insights. AI
supplies sales teams with leads, provides marketers with content ideas, screen resumes
in HR, and more.

‘Making job-filling more fulfilling.’

Some of the incredible features IBM Watson Orchestrate can offer for Human Resources.

AI also brings unprecedented efficiencies. It streamlines supply chains via predictive

modeling, optimizes campaigns through customization, and reduces risks by flagging
process flaws or cybersecurity threats. Bots speed up software testing, contract reviews,
accounting reconciliations, and other repetitive tasks.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Further, AI uncovers insights from big data that would be impossible for humans alone. It
spots trends, predicts outcomes, and prescribes actions based on large-scale data
analysis. This data-driven decision-making minimizes risks and maximizes returns.

While some fear AI will replace jobs, its more significant impact is augmenting human
capabilities and enabling people to perform at new levels. AI doesn't replace critical
thinking but enhances it with insights and automation. Adopting AI creates more
engaging roles where people apply expertise.

Phrasee's AI can generate and test different versions of marketing copy to see which ones perform best.

Forward-looking companies are actively incorporating AI across operations. AI can

propel businesses' productivity, profitability, and success with responsible

What to Expect from the eBook
This comprehensive ebook equips readers with strategies and insights to leverage AI
prompting for business success. You'll understand clearly how prompting works and why
crafting effective prompts is crucial for generating on-target AI output.

Through real-world examples and practical exercises, you'll discover proven techniques
for writing prompts optimized for your goals. Learn how to embed context, personality,
and the precise instructions needed to drive AI tools like chatbots, content creators,
customer support agents, and more.

ElevenLabs can create engaging audio content, such as audiobooks, podcasts, and educational videos.
The AI-powered text-to-speech engine can generate lifelike speech with human intonation and inflections.

Discover prompting strategies for numerous business functions. Guidance for prompts
that improve operations, analytics, marketing, HR, and other areas reveals prompting's
versatile applications. Illuminating case studies exemplify successful deployments across
diverse industries.

You'll also uncover common challenges like ethical concerns and limitations in AI
capabilities. Recommendations to refine prompts help you work around these issues to
achieve desired results. Eye-opening discussions on emerging technologies glimpse
prompting's potential while encouraging continual skills development.

Whether you're new to prompting or want to take your skills to the next level, this ebook
empowers you to maximize prompting for competitive advantage. You'll gain
confidence in providing prompts that extract AI's full potential while aligning outputs to
your brand, values, and objectives.

Start executing prompting techniques for transformative business impact.

The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Chapter 1: Understanding AI and AI Prompting

Simplified Explanation of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is when machines seem smart!

Do you know how your mom or dad, or grandma is good at thinking? Well, scientists
wanted to make machines that could think too!

They worked very hard to develop unique programs that let computers learn things.
Computers can learn by looking at many pictures or words, just like how you learn at

After looking at so much information, the computer better recognizes things in the
pictures and understands the words. Then it can use what it learned to do helpful jobs,
like reading comments out loud or showing you items you might want to buy.

Some AI can talk back and forth with you too! You can ask it questions, and it will try to
give you answers, like a robot friend. Its solutions might only sometimes make sense, but
scientists try to make AI smarter daily.

AI can be used for many things. Businesses use AI to show people ads, answer
questions, and even make art or songs! Hospitals can use it to examine X-rays or test
results to find problems. Apps use it to suggest fun movies or games you might like.

Netflix uses AI to suggest movies and TV shows to its users based on their viewing history, ratings, and other

The AI system constantly learns and adapts, making suggestions more personalized.

So, AI still needs more time to think like people. But it's getting smarter all the time! And
it's already helping make our lives better in so many ways. The future will have even
smarter AI to help with all kinds of amazing things!
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Introduction to AI prompting: what it is and how it works.

How we talk to machines for the past decades (up to now). Also, the first thing non-technical people think
of when they hear ‘computer hacking’ – Image from hacker typer

In the past, the only way to get a computer to do something was to write code in a
programming language like Python or JavaScript. The code is exact but also complex.
Using strict syntax rules, you had to spell every step the computer should take. Even
simple tasks required many lines of code.

For example, to get a computer to print "Hello World," you'd need a code snippet like:

The code must follow exact syntax and structure for the computer to understand. One
tiny typo would break the whole program.

AI prompting does away with all that rigid coding. Instead, you interface with the AI
using natural conversational language - the same way you would communicate with a

To tell an AI system to generate "Hello World," you prompt it with those exact words:

"Generate an image that says Hello World."

Much simpler! The AI is pre-trained to comprehend natural language. You don't have to
abide by programming syntax. Just phrase the instructions using everyday words and

This conversational interface makes AI much more accessible. Anyone can prompt AI
without coding expertise. All you need is to describe what you want in plain language.
That's a skill we all have.

So, AI prompting removes the programming barrier between humans and computers.
We can now talk to AI like a teammate and collaborate intuitively. It's a giant leap
forward compared to rigid coding being the only option in the past. AI prompting is
giving instructions to AI systems using natural language.

The Quantum Theory For Toddlers. Ft. ChatGPT

The AI system is pre-trained to understand human language. It uses natural language

processing (NLP) to analyze the words and sentences in a prompt. NLP helps the AI
recognize vocabulary, grammar, word relationships, context, and meaning.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

For example, if your prompt for an image generation AI with "a cute puppy playing in a
field of yellow flowers," it picks out keywords like "cute," "puppy," "playing," "field," and
"yellow flowers." It knows these words relate to the visuals of what you want to see in the

The AI also considers the relationships between the words and how they combine to
imply certain features. It understands that "yellow” and "flowers" go together, and the
puppy should be interacting with the flowers in the image.

Prompt: a cute puppy playing in a field of yellow flowers by

The AI generates an image matching the description based on its NLP training. The
better the prompt, the better the result will align with your envisioned.

Different AI tools are trained on vast datasets of text, images, sounds, code, or other
data relevant to their purpose. The training teaches the AI to produce relevant outputs
for user prompts.

You are only limited by your imagination regarding use cases in AI. It is a subject matter
expert you can converse with at any time. Imagine having someone close to you who
has read every book, seen every movie, heard every song, seen trillions of pictures,
memorized, and knows any instruction manual by heart. AI is a time-saver for anyone
who uses it.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Importance and uses of AI prompting in various industries.

Let’s recap what ‘Prompts’ are and introduce what ‘Models’ are for in AI.

A prompt is the text instruction that guides an AI system to generate a desired output.
Prompt engineering is crafting effective prompts optimized for the AI model.

AI models are the algorithms that power AI systems like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and others.
The model generates the text, images, or other outputs when you provide a prompt.

An AI model is trained on massive datasets relevant to its purpose. For example, a text
generation model like GPT-3 is trained on millions of web pages, books, articles, and
other texts. An image model like DALL-E is trained on millions of real-world images.

The training teaches the model the relationships between words, concepts, visual
elements, and other patterns in the training data. The model develops capabilities
based on these learned relationships.

After training, the model can receive new prompts and generate outputs based on
training. For a text model, it predicts word sequences that logically follow the prompt.
For an image model, it renders pixels forming the described scene.

A simple illustration showing how from “training,” the model can “predict” based on the images of cats it
has on its dataset can infer what image a user submitted for recognition. In this case, a “cat.”

The outputs reflect what the model "learned" about how words or images relate based
on its training data. The quality and relevance of results depend on having a well-
trained model.

An AI model is the intelligent, trained algorithm powering an AI application. The model

produces outputs by applying its training to the new prompt inputs supplied by users.

The model is like the brain, while the prompt is the instructions telling this brain what to

Prompting is crucial for extracting beneficial results from AI across many industries:

Marketing: AI can generate advertising copy, emails, social posts, and website content
from prompts outlining the campaign goals, audience, brand voice, and critical
messages. Prompts help scale content production and keep messaging on-brand.

A marketer can use this simple but effective prompt to figure out when the traffic is at its peak to rake in

Media/Communications: Journalists can use prompts to get AI-written articles covering

basic facts and news events, freeing them to focus on value-added analysis. PR teams
can quickly produce press releases, presentations, and pitch materials from prompts.

Using this prompt, a journalist can save time getting the gist of lengthy topics.

Healthcare: Doctors can describe patient symptoms in a prompt to have AI search

medical records for relevant insights—it also prompts power AI chatbots that offer
essential medical advice and triage based on user-reported symptoms.

Doctors can save time on research by using the computational power of AI and the internet to be up to
date with the latest advancements in treatments worldwide.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Education: Prompts allow teachers to generate quizzes, assignments, lesson plans, and
interactive lessons tailored to their curriculum needs. Students can prompt AI tutors for
personalized explanations.

Educators can tailor-fit their course subjects based on their audience.

Customer Service: AI chatbots rely on prompts to understand customer questions and

provide relevant answers from a knowledge base. Prompts enable quicker resolution of
support issues.

An excellent prompt someone from the customer service industry might use to better their service.

Well-crafted prompts guide AI systems to useful, on-target outputs in all fields. Prompt
engineering expertise is necessary for extracting the most value from AI across the
business landscape.

Chapter 2: The Role of Data in AI Prompting
Explanation of training data
Training data is the large datasets used to teach AI models. It provides examples for the
model to learn from, like how students learn from textbooks and classroom lessons.
Training data includes text, images, audio, video, and statistics.

Imagine a model trained to tell you what Rick Astley will and won’t do. This is the future.

For a text AI like ChatGPT, the training data consists of millions of paragraphs from
books, websites, academic papers, and other sources. An image AI like DALL-E is
trained on enormous photos, illustrations, and art datasets.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Billions of photos of a corgi in all shapes, sizes, colors, and angles are tagged for the model to recognize
what a Corgi is.

The diversity and size of the training data impact what the AI can learn. More data
exposes the model to more examples to develop its capabilities. Varied, high-quality
data teaches the model nuanced relationships and contexts.

Training involves feeding the data through machine learning algorithms. The model
analyzes features and patterns in the data. It uses these learned relationships to
generate new outputs matching the patterns when users provide prompts.

AI models would only understand language, visuals, sounds, or other patterns with
training data. Careful selection and preparation of data are crucial for developing
capable AI systems. The models are only as innovative as their training data allows.

A high-level illustration of how an LLM (Large Language Model) processes User Prompt by checking its
Training Data to identify the key concepts and relationships of the prompt and generate an output that
best satisfies the given prompt.

Ongoing research strives to train models on ever-growing datasets covering broader

contexts. More data and computing power continuously expand what AI can achieve.
But it stems from having quality training data to build models' knowledge.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

The Role of data quality and Diversity in AI Prompting

The quality and diversity of an AI model's training data significantly impact its
performance with prompting. Low-quality or limited data leads to poor results, while
broad, high-quality data enables more capable AI.

Data quality refers to accuracy, relevance, consistency, and lack of errors/bias. For
example, a text dataset with many spelling mistakes or a photo dataset with many
distorted images would be low-quality. High-quality data should accurately represent
the domain the AI will be used for.

“Bad apples in the batch.” AI companies must prune their datasets and consistently hone their models to
deliver quality outputs that are factual and free from bias.

Diversity involves having broadly varying examples covering different contexts. Text
data should include many writing styles, topics, genres, and perspectives. Image data
should have objects in varied settings, colors, angles, and lighting; sometimes, the
camera's exact lens must be mentioned to achieve the desired result.

With diverse data, the model learns nuanced distinctions and complex contexts. The
model then allows it to handle many real-world prompting situations. Non-diverse data
causes the model to be limited in what it can understand and generate.

Data diversity is illustrated by a lush, vibrant garden on the left versus a monotonous one on the right.

Prompts provide new situations the model must apply its training. Low-quality training
needs to give the model the required knowledge. Non-diverse training can only equip it
for familiar contexts.

That's why companies invest heavily in training datasets. Text corpora for models like
GPT-3 contain billions of high-quality, diverse webpages and books encompassing the
breadth of human knowledge and expression, which enables it to handle almost any
prompting scenario.

In your AI applications, ensure your training data is accurate, consistent, relevant, and
contains an extensive variety covering different situations the AI may face. This provides
the foundation for an AI that generates intelligent, valuable results for your unique
business prompts.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Real-world examples of data usage in AI prompting

The key to capable artificial intelligence lies in its training data. The datasets used to
develop AI models have an immense impact on their performance and abilities when
put into action. While AI may seem abstract, its origins are very concrete - rooted in vast
troves of real-world data.

Across industries, companies pour massive resources into curating and labeling quality
training data. Healthcare organizations assemble medical texts, images, and
conversations to school clinical AI. Financial institutions feed financial filings, reports,
and transaction logs to investment algorithms. Social networks provide years of human-
moderated content to train moderation AI.

The data to train robust, applicable AI models never materializes out of thin air. It
requires meticulous sourcing, filtering, and preparation by data engineers before being
fed into brisk machine-learning algorithms. Model performance hinges on having
genuinely relevant training data that encompasses the needed knowledge and

• Healthcare chatbots are trained on medical textbooks, research papers, patient

conversations, and electronic health records. This clinical data teach the AI
medical terminology, symptoms, treatments, and proper bedside manner to
converse with patients.

Youper's AI uses quick, personalized conversations to monitor and improve users' emotional health
through psychological techniques. Source:

• Finance AI is trained on earnings reports, financial statements, analyst forecasts,

economic data, and trading transaction history. This diverse financial data
enables AIs to generate investment insights and trading recommendations for
current market conditions.

• E-commerce product recommendation engines are trained on customer
purchase history, browsing behavior, product catalogs, and inventory data. This
teaches the AI connections between products people buy together and their
evolving interests.

Spotify's Discover Weekly is a personalized playlist generated for each user based on their listening history.
Discover Weekly uses machine learning to identify songs the user will likely enjoy and then create a playlist.

• Social media moderation AI is trained on years of post-data from a platform,

human-moderated examples of policy violations, and banned content
categories. This helps automatically flag harmful posts for human review.

• AI writing assistants like Jasper and Claude are trained on thousands of

professional books and articles to develop an authoritative, polished writing style.

• Autonomous vehicle AI is trained on millions of miles of driving data in diverse

conditions. This teaches it to navigate real-world roads and scenarios.

Waze uses real-time data from its users, such as traffic conditions and speed limits, to calculate the best
route for each driver. AI algorithms process this data to find the fastest and most efficient route.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

The more high-quality examples the AI has on the task it will perform, the better it gets
at handling new scenarios. Companies go to great lengths to develop training datasets
that are large, accurate, and diverse enough to meet an AI's prompting needs.

Chapter 3: Crafting Effective AI Prompts
Prompt engineering is critical to extracting beneficial results from AI. AI can process
natural language but relies on human guidance to produce on-target outputs.
Effective prompting strikes the right balance of clarity, details, and instructions to steer
the AI.

Describing the color blue to a blind person – by Adobe Firefly

Prompting is like explaining a concept to someone lacking context - you must mind the
knowledge gap. An AI has no innate senses and experiences. Prompts fill those gaps,
like describing colors to people who are blind. The AI needs enough specifics to paint
the whole picture without getting lost in superfluous details.

Prompting is an art every AI user must develop. Experimentation reveals which

instructions elicit your desired performance. The proper phrasing provides the spark to
ignite the AI’s potential. But ambiguity causes misfires. Honing prompts takes practice
but unlocks AI capabilities.

This chapter provides tried and tested techniques to communicate prompts precisely.
You’ll gain skills to distill instructions to concise essentials and selectively add details.
Learn structural approaches for framing prompts. With prompting mastery, guide AIs
reliably to valuable results.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Techniques for generating effective prompts.

Writing effective prompts takes skill and practice. Here are vital techniques to master:

• Use simple, precise wording - Don't use jargon or complex sentences. State
requests directly using plain language.

GPT 4’s interpretation of the prompt “Write a children’s story about a puppy.”

• Establish context - Provide background details on the situation and goal so the AI

You can assign a “role” to ai chatbots to best understand your prompt. Here, google bard creates
a 30-second video ad for a new app.

• Be specific - Give details on precisely what you want the AI to generate. Vague
prompts confuse.

Practice brevity. Antrophic’s AI Model Chatbot (Claude) can understand our prompt and deliver
the results we want

• List requirements - Specify parameters like length, format, style, tone, or other

In this prompt, we set what we want out of the chatbot. We set how long and what the general
feel of that script is going to be

• Give examples - Provide samples of ideal outputs or components to guide the


You can feed examples to the chatbot by using “, “( ), ‘ ‘ or even: AI models can understand that
the examples come right after the prompt. Some are even able to read links to a video or website
to base the output from
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

• Structure prompts - Organize prompts into sections like background, instructions,

and parameters.

Prompts are flexible, and you can set them in a way similar to this to manually set every aspect of the

• Direct persona - If you want a particular voice or style, specify the persona the AI
should adopt.

Asking the chatbot to reply ‘as-if’ is also a viable strategy to get the output closer to what you

• Check to understand - Ask the AI to rephrase your prompt to validate

comprehension before generating.

Like humans, you can ask the AI model if it needs follow-up questions to understand what you want
it to do properly. This is a good way to check if your prompt needs to be improvede improved.

• Revise iteratively - If results are off, rephrase and add details to better direct the

Original prompt: “Write like Shakespeare.”

Revised prompt: “You are William Shakespeare. Reply to my last message in a Shakespearean style
using old English." Remember that it’s a chatbot and can remember what you prompted earlier.
Also, a big plus, we can never complain no matter how many times we try!

Following structured prompting approaches gives the AI maximum clarity on the task.
Thinking through what information the AI needs to succeed leads to prompts optimized
for your goals. With practice, you'll learn how to prompt effectively.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Importance of context and clarity in prompts

Providing adequate context and clear instructions is crucial for AI to handle prompts
properly. With sufficient context and details, AI systems can grasp what you want and
why. Clear, explicit prompts avoid ambiguities that lead to irrelevant or nonsensical

Context means providing background information to set the scene and establish intent.
For example, prompts should define the target audience, intended tone, required
length/format, and the purpose or goal of the generated output. This contextual
framing helps direct the AI appropriately.

Prompt: Context: You are writing a biography showcasing Marie Curie's scientific achievements and their
impact on the world. The biography should inspire young women interested in STEM. Use an enthusiastic,
conversational tone that is easy to understand.

Instructions should unambiguously state the exact task or content required in simple
terms. The vague, abstract language leaves too much open to interpretation. Prompts
need to be concrete and specific about what the AI must deliver.

Prompt: Instructions: Please write a short biography on Marie Curie in the style of the sample passages

Examples help paint a picture of the ideal output. Including samples provides a north
star for the AI to follow. You can also list "don’t-want" examples of what to avoid. This
further honed context keeps the AI on track.

Multiple Samples help AI understand the context to produce better results.

Don’t Wants are an example of negative prompting. We don’t want to see these undesirables on the
generated output. Specifying this further narrow what the AI should and shouldn’t include.

By training your prompts constantly to establish context and give unambiguous

instructions, you equip the AI with everything needed to generate valuable results.
Remove ambiguities that undermine prompts and diminish the power of AI.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Chapter 4: Real-Life Business Applications of AI

AI prompting in customer service: Chatbots.
AI-powered chatbots are becoming a popular customer service channel due to their
availability 24/7 and ability to resolve common issues instantly. Well-designed prompts
enable chatbots to handle a wide range of customer needs.

Prompts can train a chatbot to:

• Ask clarifying questions to understand the customer's goal

• Search knowledge bases for answers to frequently asked questions
• Suggest solutions for problems like account troubleshooting
• Escalate complex issues to human agents
• Provide account status and order updates
• Send reminders and notifications
• Schedule calls with sales or support reps
• Process transactions like refunds or cancellations

Through its conversational interface, HR automation can assist employees and HR staff with a wide variety
of company policies and functions – IBM Watson Assistant

Effective prompts outline the range of possible customer intents and provide examples
of ideal chatbot responses. The AI learns to have natural, helpful conversations guided
by the prompts.

Companies like HubSpot and Drift use prompts to develop chatbots handling 30-50% of
customer inquiries without human involvement. Prompting also powers self-service
support sites and messaging apps that offload calls from overwhelmed agents.

Because chatbots can simulate human conversation, IBM Watson Assistant excels at providing fast and
always pleasant service.

Well-designed AI-assisted service cuts costs while making customers happier through
quick, seamless issue resolution.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

AI prompting in content creation: blogging, social media,

When guided by effective prompts, AI tools can rapidly generate all marketing and
advertising content.

For social media, prompts help AI craft hundreds of posts customized for each
platform's style - friendly for Facebook, inspirational for Instagram, and promotional on
Twitter. Tools like Phrase and Squibs use prompting to produce on-brand social posts in

One of many youtube videos discussing the potential of AI to assist in content creation for various social
media outlets – Source: Youtube

Blog writing prompts specify topics, target keywords, tone, length, and other
parameters to automate drafts.'s AI can draft a 2,000-word blog post from a one-
sentence prompt. Tools relieve writers from drudgery while maintaining quality.

Prompts enable AI to generate countless on-strategy ad headlines, body copy, and

display ads. Agencies use AI to produce high volumes of focused ads tailored to
products, offers, and audiences. Text-to-image generators like DALL-E even create
visual ads from prompts.

Prompt: Draft prompts designed to use for social media content creation. Note: AI models can discern
what you mean even with grammatically incorrect prompts

A weeks’ worth of content, all from a single prompt (above)

Email prompts optimize subject lines for open rates and write targeted newsletter
content matched to subscriber segments. AI-generated landing pages, case studies,
whitepapers, and other assets save production time.

The key is training AI with company data and examples of successful creative to learn
branding and what engages your audience. Prompting then scales that knowledge
across campaigns.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

AI prompting in data analysis: market trends, customer behavior.

Traditionally, marketers had to manually track and analyze vast amounts of data to
uncover meaningful insights. This could involve going through massive datasets in
spreadsheets to identify trends in engagement, sentiment, conversions, and more. The
process could have been more laborious and limited by human capacity.

"Venturing the Data Jungle: The Marketer's Expedition. Immersed in the impenetrable wilderness of data,
the marketer, equipped with traditional analysis tools, embarks on the strenuous journey of identifying
patterns and trends. This encapsulates the labor-intensive and human capacity-bounded nature of
traditional marketing analysis." Image By Adobe Firefly

AI-powered analytics tools are transforming this work through the use of prompts. In just
a sentence or two, analysts can provide prompts requesting complex data processing
that would take hours manually.

For example, a prompt could ask the AI to analyze the last six months of social media
data and highlight any significant changes in brand sentiment. The AI can rapidly
analyze millions of posts, comments, shares, etc., and detect subtle shifts in how
positively or negatively people are talking about the brand.

The AI can also identify trends like rising interest in particular products, a spike in the use
of branded hashtags, or growth in followers among a key demographic. These are
trends the human eye would likely miss scanning the raw data.

The AI provides a report with interactive visualizations of the key patterns and trends in
the social data based on the analytical prompt. This enables marketers to spot
opportunities to capitalize on quickly and areas needing improvement.

While not exactly prompting, there are a lot of emerging AI tools that aim to assist in the analysis of large
data. Superluminal is one of them, boasting to supercharge your workflow and having a personal data

Prompting reduces a multi-day manual reporting process to minutes while revealing

more impactful insights. AI automation amplifies and augments human data analytical
capabilities exponentially.

For marketing analytics, prompts help extract trends and patterns:

"Analyze this social media data and highlight the top trends and changes in consumer
sentiment about our brand over the past year."

"Compare the demographics and purchase behavior of our loyalty program members
versus non-members. Present key differences in a chart."
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Prompts can also request predictions to guide strategy:

"Based on this customer usage data, create a model projecting how many will churn in
the next six months if prices increase 5%."

"Forecast expected holiday sales by product category based on the last five years of
purchasing trends."

For competitive intelligence, prompts can mine public data:

"Search recent earnings calls and news articles for mentions of our top 3 competitors.
Highlight strategies they are investing in."

"Compare the features of our product versus Company X and Company Y. List our
advantages and disadvantages."

Chapter 5: Case Studies
In the previous chapters, we explored core practices for crafting optimized prompts
and leveraging AI for widespread applications from content creation to data analysis.
Now we'll see how these techniques have been applied through real-world examples.

Case studies reveal how leading companies implement prompting that unlocks AI's
potential while aligning it with their business goals. By examining the prompts, strategies,
and results achieved in diverse scenarios, we gain actionable insights to inform our AI

We'll learn how industries, from marketing to medicine, tailor prompting to enhance
workflows and deliver actual business value. The case studies act as prompts, providing
models of effective practice we can adopt for success.

While the applications span many domains, common patterns emerge around careful
objective setting, prompt optimization based on continuous tests, and humans
Remaining in the loop to guide the AI. Mastering the balance of human creativity and
machine-scale productivity underpins impactful applications.

These inspirational examples give us the prompts and insights to architect

transformative solutions tailored to our unique objectives. Let's uncover prompting in
practice and prepare to imagine what's possible for our organization. The future starts
with the insights gleaned from those pioneering the present possibilities.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Detailed examples of successful AI prompting in various businesses

Financial Services

A robo-advisor company uses prompts to have AI analyze customer data and

generate personalized investment plans. Prompts include risk tolerance, time horizons,
and financial goals. The AI delivers tailored portfolios and projections. This automated,
prompt-driven approach scaled advisory services 10x.

Example Prompt

Context: You are an AI-powered robo-advisor assisting clients with investment


Instructions: Use the following customer data to generate a personalized investment

plan optimized to meet their goals:

• Name: John Smith

• Age: 42

• Annual income: $150,000

• Risk tolerance: Moderate

• Investment goal: Retire comfortably at 65

• Current retirement savings: $50,000

Create a detailed portfolio allocation recommendation across stocks, bonds, real

estate, and cash. Forecast expected long-term returns based on historical market
performance. Generate Illustrative projections of how this portfolio would grow John's
wealth by retirement age.

The prompt provides all the key parameters like risk level and goals that the AI needs to
tailor its analysis. Prompting the AI this way allowed it to automate personalized
recommendations that previously required one-on-one financial advisors.


A medical startup prompts an AI assistant to suggest diagnoses based on symptom

descriptions. Doctors provide detailed symptoms, tests, and patient history to receive
differential diagnoses and evidence. The AI even highlights missing information needed
to refine its assessment. Prompting reduced misdiagnoses by 15%.

Example Prompt

Context: You are an AI assistant created by MedTech to aid doctors with differential
diagnoses. Your suggestions should be backed up by medical evidence and indicate
when more information is needed.

Instructions: Generate possible diagnoses for a 63-year-old female patient with

intermittent abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, and 5lb weight loss over two months.
Relevant history included appendectomy ten years ago. Lab tests show elevated liver
enzymes. Recommend additional diagnostic steps required to narrow down the
diagnosis. Provide likelihood percentages for your top 3 differential diagnoses, clinical
evidence, and relevant medical studies.

This prompt provides the AI with the patient’s symptoms, history, test results, and other
clinical contexts needed to assess the case. It requests specific outputs like
recommended tests, percentages for likely diagnoses, and citations for clinical
evidence. Prompting the AI with relevant medical details and ideal response
components enables it to provide useful diagnostic support.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only


An online retailer prompts an AI to generate a product listing copy personalized to

each item. Prompts include product features, keywords, unique selling propositions, and
tone. The AI-generated listings boosted the click-through rate by 5% versus human-
written listings.

Example Prompt

Context: You are a copywriter for an outdoor equipment company writing a product
description page for a new tent. The tent sleeps four people and has an innovative
pole structure that makes setup easy.

Instructions: Write an engaging 150-200 word product description for the FastPitch 4-
person tent focused on the key features and benefits. Highlight the following:

• Fast 60-second popup thanks to pre-attached hub-and-pole system

• Spacious interior with room for four campers and gear

• High-visibility orange rainfly for safety and weather protection

• Mesh roof vents and windows for airflow and stargazing

• Packed weight under 6 lbs for easy carrying

Use keywords like "fast-pitch,” "easy setup,” "4-person", and "weatherproof.” Emphasize
the unique selling proposition of effortless setup. Use an enthusiastic tone aimed at
families and adventurers.

This gives the AI all the product details, keywords, and messaging guidance needed to
generate an on-brand, compelling product description. The AI can customize this for
each product versus relying on human copywriters.

Lessons learned from these case studies
The examples of real-world AI prompting highlight several best practices we can apply
to craft successful deployments. While the applications spanned industries and use
cases, common patterns, and lessons emerged that inform prompting excellence.

First, we saw the importance of strategic objective-setting when leveraging AI. The
companies identified specific bottlenecks where AI augmentation provides significant
benefits over the status quo. Clear objectives allow prompts to be tailored for maximum

We also saw the power of continuous prompt tuning and testing. Every initial prompt
needs to be revised. The companies continually refined prompts based on AI
performance and evolved them in sync with business needs. Adaptive prompting is
critical to optimization.

Additionally, keeping humans in the loop proved vital. Humans train the AI with new
data, validate its outputs, and handle exceptions beyond its abilities. AI alone needs
discernment; partnering human and AI intelligence ensures quality and accountability.

Prompting is not a set-and-forget automation. We must dedicate resources to

thoughtful and agile implementation to harness its full potential. The rewards of
enhanced productivity and competitiveness justify the investment.

We can make strategic decisions to capture similar value by learning from those
pioneering prompting's potential. Thoughtfully applying these lessons paves the way to
AI integration done right.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Chapter 6: Overcoming Challenges in AI Prompting

In the previous chapters, we explored best practices for crafting effective prompts. We
saw examples of AI prompting delivering tremendous business value. However,
achieving AI's full potential involves overcoming common challenges.

AI has limitations in what it can generate, and prompts do not always elicit appropriate
responses on the first try. Ethical risks around data use, bias, and misinformation also
require diligence.

IBM’s views on the ethical use and approach to A. I source:

This chapter guides addressing these challenges. We'll examine the constraints of
today's AI and prompt tuning techniques to work around them. You'll learn processes
for rigorous data privacy and ethics reviews when deploying AI.

With new capabilities come new responsibilities. We can mitigate risks and concerns by
understanding the limitations of current AI systems and establishing principled data

IBM’s five focus areas on guiding responsible adoption of AI technologies – Source:

We are effectively prompting AI demands technical skills, wisdom, and ethics. We must
keep our moral compass aligned as AI capabilities advance. With thoughtful oversight
and governance, AI can transform organizations for the better.

This chapter equips you with strategies for achieving AI's promise while avoiding its
perils. Let's uncover best practices that blend cutting-edge technology with timeless
human values - a combination vital to AI done right.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Understanding the limitations of AI responses

While AI has made immense progress, current systems still have significant limitations in
what they can generate from prompts:

• Factual Accuracy - AI often fabricates false information or repeats outdated

data, requiring human verification of outputs.

Only some things AI creates are factual; it is prone to bad data and biases. As creators/humans,
we must ensure everything is factual and unbiased. Image by Adobe Firefly

• Reasoning - Logical reasoning in complex contexts must be more reliable than

human intelligence.

• Judgment - AI lacks human-level discernment to make subjective calls weighing

multiple factors.

• Common Sense - AI struggles with simple real-world knowledge we take for


• Generalization - Applying learning across different tasks and contexts is difficult
for AI. Knowledge is compartmentalized.

Compartmentalized Wisdom: The AI's Maze of Knowledge. The AI, represented as a vast library,
hoards knowledge in separate rooms, each signifying a distinct context or task. Yet, the challenge
lies in its inability to freely exchange books between rooms freely, metaphorically capturing AI's
struggle with applying learning across different tasks and contexts. – Image by Stable Diffusion

• Creativity - Truly groundbreaking art, ideas, and innovations remain exclusively

human talents.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

• Ethics - AI has no innate morals or ability to make ethical choices. Ethical risks
require human oversight.

Ethics at Crossroads: The AI's Moral Dilemma. At the intersection of ethical decisions, AI, devoid of
a moral compass, fumbles. The human figure lends this compass, underlining the essential human
oversight needed for navigating the ethical complexities of AI's universe. – Image by Adobe Firefly

• Explainability - The reasoning behind AI responses is mainly opaque and difficult

to audit.

While impressive, today's AI is brittle and limited outside narrow applications. We must
set realistic expectations around its current abilities. Prompting is not magic - it cannot
instantly imbue machines with human cognition. But understanding limitations allows us
to work around them.

AI on Stage: A Spectacular Yet Brittle Performance. While AI dazzles under the spotlight, demonstrating its
prowess in narrow applications, the shadows cast on the stage reveal hurdles and limitations that it
struggles to overcome. Amid the audience, the discerning human observer tempers awe with realism,
acknowledging that AI is not magic, and finds ways to navigate its limitations. – Image by Adobe Firefly
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Strategies for refining prompts to achieve desired results

Provide more context - Expand on background, goals, audience, and

Original: Write a blog post about ChatGPT.
Refined: You are a tech writer explaining ChatGPT pros and cons to a non-technical

Increase specificity - Add details on content, length, format, and style.

Original: Summarize this article.
Refined: Write a 2-3 sentence article summary in APA citation format.

Change perspectives - Rewrite from a different viewpoint or persona.

Original: Critique this recipe.
Refined: As a professional chef, provide constructive feedback on this recipe.

Alter examples - Swap samples for better matches to your needs.

Original: Write a folk song like this example. [Pop song example]
Refined: Write a folk song like this example. [Folk song example]

Emphasize priorities - Stress must-have aspects and those to avoid.
Original: Write a bedtime story.
Refined: Write a calming, comforting 3-page bedtime story for a 5-year-old. Avoid
scary themes.

Solicit feedback - Ask AI for a critique of the prompt to improve itself.

"How could I rephrase my last prompt to produce better results?"

Getting results takes patience. Craft prompts focused on your goals, then optimize
iteratively based on outputs.

"Mastering the Art of Prompting: An Exercise in Patience and Precision. Like a careful sculptor, the user
chisels away at a block of stone - shaping, refining, and optimizing the prompts iteratively to reveal the
desired outcome gradually. Each preceding version stands testament to the iterative process,
underscoring the patience and focus required in crafting effective prompts." Image by Adobe Firefly
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Navigating ethical considerations and data privacy issues

AI prompting introduces risks around ethics, bias, and data use that organizations must
proactively address:

• Establish oversight - Conduct ethics committees to create AI-use policies and

review issues regularly.

• Perform bias audits - Scrutinize datasets and outputs for harmful biases and blind
spots. Maintain diversity.

• Enable transparency - Document AI use cases and data sources. Disclose AI

involvement to users.

• Get consent - Inform users of data collection purposes and provide opt-out.
Anonymize data where possible.

• Limit access - Control and encrypt sensitive data. Restrict AI and human access
on a need-to-know basis.

• Follow security best practices - Audit user credentials, manage API keys, patch
systems, and watch for threats.

• Consider downstream uses - Weigh potential misuse of applications by bad


• Maintain accountability - Keep humans responsible for AI systems and

empowered to override incorrect AI decisions.

The same precautions taken to protect human data also apply to AI. Proactive policies,
security controls, and ethical oversight are crucial to earning public trust and upholding
values. Privacy and ethics must remain priorities, not afterthoughts.

For more information regarding Ethics in AI, please visit:


Chapter 7: Future Trends in AI Prompting
The rapid evolution of AI prompting capabilities makes predicting the future
challenging. However, specific trends provide glimpses of prompting applications on
the horizon.

In this chapter, we will explore emerging technologies expanding on what AI can

generate and how it is trained. These innovations will enable new prompting possibilities
while increasing AI productivity and independence.

We will also consider potential impacts as prompting applications become ubiquitous

across enterprises. While future risks exist, proper prompting promises a new era of
amplified human potential.

Lastly, we will emphasize the importance of continuously learning as AI progresses. The

field advances swiftly - today's novelties become tomorrow's norms. By frequently
retooling our prompting skills, we can ride innovation waves rather than be

The wise build the future on foundations laid today. Our prompts guide AI now and seed
growth for prompting's full possibilities to bloom. This vision should energize and inspire
our journey ahead.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Predictions for the future of AI prompting in business

• More capable AI models - Larger, more advanced AI architectures will handle
complex prompts across disciplines. Multimodal AI can interpret images, video,
speech, and more.

• Industry-specific AI - Pre-trained models with specialized knowledge will direct

prompts in law, medicine, and engineering. Less training is needed.

• Prompting in augmented reality - AR glasses and goggles will enable prompting

AI assistants to overlay digital info onto real-world environments.

• Prompting physical robots - Besides info tasks, future prompts will direct robot
actions collaborating alongside humans physically.

• Two-way prompting - Rather than passively await prompts, AI may proactively

ask questions of users to clarify needs and refine results.

The prompt above turns, in this example, Chat-GPT into a prompt creator, iteratively asking
questions about what you want assistance with until it feels it has all the necessary information to
craft the perfect prompt to cater to your requirements.

• Tighter human-AI integration - Techniques like neural interfaces and AI-human

telepathy may someday enable prompting at the speed of thought.

• Autonomous prompting - AI may learn to craft its prompts or adapt given

prompts to better achieve user goals with less oversight.

• More accessible prompting - Advances like speech and no-code GUIs
democratize prompting powers to non-technical users.

The path forward promises exponentially smarter AI partners enhancing every facet of
the business. But technology is only half the equation - realizing its potential hinges on
our creativity in prompting applications.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Emerging technologies and their potential impact

• Multimodal AI - Models that process images, video, audio, speech, and text
allow prompting with diverse media for richer applications. This expands the
creative possibilities.

• Transfer learning - Building on knowledge from pre-trained models cuts the data
needed to tailor AI for specific tasks. This enables more organizations to
implement industry-focused AI.

• Low-code ML platforms - Tools like Azure ML Studio make training AI more

accessible to non-experts. Prompting applications can spread across

• Edge computing - Running AI where data is generated (on devices, not the
cloud) reduces latency while raising privacy. This expands prompting

• Neural interfaces - Technology allowing mind/computer interaction may one

day enable prompting by thinking prompts. It would maximize human-AI

• Quantum computing - The exponential increase in processing power could allow

AI to handle incredibly sophisticated prompts in seconds.

• Nanotechnology - Microscopic AI embedded throughout environments could

lead to ubiquitous prompting access.

• 5G/6G networks - Higher speeds and lower latency support demanding

applications using prompting across devices and cloud platforms.

Advances on both the human and machine sides will shape prompting's future
potential. But emerging tech without imagination risks wasted potential. Our creativity
alongside technology drives progress.

Painting the Future of Prompting: A Fusion of Human and Machine. With the shared orb of potential
between them, humans and AI hold the promise of future advancements in prompting. The human's
paintbrush, adding splashes of creativity, underlines the necessity of imagination to prevent wasted
potential and propel technological progress. Image by StableDiffusion
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Encouragement for continued learning and exploration

• Stay curious - Approach new prompting capabilities with an open mindset to
uncover novel applications. Avoid rigid thinking.

• Keep current - Follow AI news and breakthroughs. What's cutting edge today is
mainstream tomorrow. Renew skills accordingly.

• Try new techniques - Experiment with different prompt styles and formats. Adapt
best practices from diverse fields.

• Support emerging voices - Welcome new perspectives on prompting from

unusual sources. Innovation breeds diversity.

• Collaborate across teams - Prompting expertise should connect technical and

business domains. Build bridges.

• Maintain ethics - Regularly reassess risks and recalibrate safeguards to protect

users as applications advance.

• Measure performance - Rigorously benchmark outputs and business impact over

time. Quantify improvements.

• Celebrate progress - Recognize teams taking prompting applications to the next

level. Foster a culture of positive growth.

The only constant is change. Maintaining a learning mindset ensures we ride each
wave of progress rather than being swept away. With knowledge, ethics, and
imagination as our guides, the future looks bright.

"Surfing the Waves of Change: Knowledge, Ethics, and Imagination as Guides. Riding atop the ever-
changing tide of progress, the figure embraces a learning mindset guided by the surfboard adorned with
symbols of knowledge, ethics, and imagination. Looking ahead towards the dawning horizon, the future
holds promise and light." Image by Adobe Firefly

Recap of key points covered in the eBook
• AI prompting allows anyone to guide AI systems to useful outputs using natural
language instructions.

• Well-designed prompts provide the clarity, details, and examples AI needs to

generate relevant results.

• Prompt engineering tactics like establishing context, specifying requirements,

and structuring prompts improve results.

• Real-world examples show prompting transforming workflows in areas from

customer service to content creation.

• Prompting strategies require continuously refining prompts based on

performance data and business needs.

• Addressing AI limitations, potential biases, and ethical risks is vital for safe
prompting practices.

• Emerging technologies will expand prompting applications and capabilities but

require responsible oversight.

• Maintaining an adaptable mindset and promptly building skills prepares us to

harness new AI advances through prompting.

• With creativity and diligence, organizations can implement prompting to

enhance productivity, decision-making, and competitiveness.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

The importance of AI prompting in the modern business landscape

AI prompting is becoming crucial for business success as AI proliferation accelerates.
Prompting unlocks productivity, efficiencies, and insights unattainable through human
efforts alone.

AI is transforming from a niche tool to a ubiquitous assistant - prompting allows non-

technical users to unleash their potential. Prompting skill differentiates organizations.

Leading companies prompt AI to optimize workflows, engage customers, create

content, and drive decisions. Falling behind in prompting mastery imperils

Amazon uses AI to optimize its supply chain, recommend products to customers, and personalize the
shopping experience. For example, Amazon's AI-powered fulfillment centers use machine learning to
predict demand and optimize the order-picking process. This has helped Amazon to reduce its fulfillment
costs and improve its delivery speeds. – AWS Cloud: Run Semiconductor workflows for aws

Prompt-powered assistants augment human abilities. Workers focus on creativity and

judgment while AI automates routine tasks at scale. New human-AI collaboration
models emerge.

Prompting also prepares businesses for an AI-native future. Building prompting

capabilities today allows organizations to adapt as new technologies arrive readily.

Already competitive pressures demand prompting skills permeate across enterprises.
Soon prompting proficiency will be mandatory baseline business knowledge.

Banking on AI: Automating Simplicity, Enhancing Complexity. The AI, efficiently handling multiple customer
queries, lightens the load of routine tasks. This liberates the human customer service representatives to
delve into more intricate problems, underlining the balance and partnership between AI automation and
human expertise in the banking industry. – Image by Adobe Firefly

The time to embrace prompting is now. We are applying prompting thoughtfully and
ethically to channel AI’s potential for positive disruption. With prompting, seize
opportunities of the dawning AI age.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Final thoughts and encouragement for practical application of

learned concepts
The AI-prompting revolution is here. These powerful techniques promise immense
opportunities to elevate business and society if applied judiciously. With prompting
proficiency, seize your AI advantage.

This new capability in our toolbox expands, not limits, possibilities. Prompting is the
paintbrush, AI the color - let your imagination soar. Dream big, start small, and learn

Combining human creativity and AI productivity creates something more significant

than the sum of its parts. Let partnership, not fear, guide integration.

Progress entails both promise and peril. Anchor technology in ethics, and it lifts
humanity. Lead prompting with purpose.

"Unlocking AI's Potential: The Journey Towards the Future. Holding the glowing key of knowledge, the figure
stands ready to overcome AI's challenges and harness its potential. The future, a vast horizon, beckons,
and our protagonist, armed with wisdom, strides confidently towards it, promising a better tomorrow."

You now hold the keys to unlocking AI’s potential while avoiding its pitfalls. Wield this
knowledge as a force for good and change. The future awaits - meet it head-on.

My Personal Prompt ‘Cheat Sheet’

These operative words, commonly called verbs, serve as the primary directive for
Artificial Intelligence. They subtly shape the AI's approach, steering it towards actions
and dictating the information it should provide. When you incorporate these verbs into
prompts, they become commands, allowing users to specifically assign tasks to the AI,
such as dissecting data, elucidating concepts, or sparking a flurry of creative ideas.

Using a suitable verb in a prompt enhances the AI's comprehension of user requests.
This, in turn, paves the way for responses that are both accurate and directly related to
the user's inquiry. The judicious selection and employment of verbs in a prompt can
significantly amplify the precision and relevance of the AI's output, resulting in responses
tailored perfectly to the user's needs.

Analyze Explain

Answer Generate

Argue Please give me

Brainstorm Illustrate

Change Include

Clarify Infer

Combine List

Come up Make

Compare Narrow your focus

Compile Outline
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Conclude Predict

Craft Produce

Create Propose

Criticize Provide

Critique Recommend

Debug Rephrase

Defend Reword

Define Rewrite

Describe Suggest

Develop Sum up

Differentiate Summarize

Discuss Translate

Expand Write

Elaborate Interpret

Evaluate Justify

Highlight Manipulate

Identify Prioritize

Infer Quantity

Justify Refine

Paraphrase Simulate

Qualify Validate

Rate Verify

Speculate Widen

Synthesize Extrapolate

Theorize Formulate

Example of an AI prompt that uses a verb:

Prompt: "Formulate a comprehensive list of France's top ten must-visit tourist spots,
emphasizing their historical significance and unique attractions."

This prompt instructs the AI to generate a list (an actionable task) while providing
specific details on what information to include (historical significance, unique
attractions). Additionally, the tone is direct and informational, suitable for an audience
interested in travel and history.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Crafting AI prompts isn't just about direction; it's about striking the right tone. Your
brand's personality shines through your tone, significantly influencing audience
perception. Choose a consistent, apt tone for your AI prompts to boost your brand,
build audience trust, and foster a compelling user experience. Brevity is the soul of wit,
after all.

Approachable Excited Playful

Assertive Formal Poetic

Bold Friendly Positive

Candid Funny Powerful

Caring Gentle Professional

Casual Helpful Quirky

Cheerful Hopeful Reassuring

Clear Humorous Reflective

Commanding Informal Respectful

Comprehensive Informative Romantic

Confident Inspirational Sarcastic

Conversational Inspiring Scientific

Curious Lively Serious

Detailed Melancholic Technical

Educational Motivational Thought-provoking

Eloquent Negative Thoughtful

Emotional Neutral Uplifting

Empathetic Nostalgic Urgent

Empowering Offbeat Vibrant

Encouraging Passionate Visionary

Engaging Personal Witty

Enthusiastic Persuasive Zealous

Diplomatic Mysterious Sincere

Direct Optimistic Sophisticated

Dramatic Pessimistic Sympathetic

Dry Realistic Unassuming

Earnest Relaxed Whimsical

Example of an AI prompt that uses a tone:

Prompt: "Hello, AI! Could you please spin a delightful short story about a friendly alien
who loves Earth’s ice cream?"

This prompt instructs the AI to generate a story; the tone is lighthearted and engaging. It
encourages a playful, imaginative output suitable for a broad audience, especially
those who enjoy whimsical fiction.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Defining roles is a powerful technique for guiding AI systems to generate outputs
tailored to different perspectives. Assigning a specific persona allows prompts to shape
content matching that viewpoint.

For example, prompts can direct the AI to write as a subject matter expert, a customer,
a journalist, or other defined roles. This technique frames responses with the appropriate
voice, style, and knowledge base for the role.

Roles become the AI's identity framing its entire response. An AI assuming a doctor role
provides different information than an investor role, even when given the same initial

Roles also help humans contextualize the AI's output - they set expectations on the
response by defining the assumed identity. This technique builds trust by clarifying the
AI's framing.

With practice, prompt writers learn to leverage roles to steer AI content precisely
aligned to goals. The AI assumes the assigned role of delivering outputs personalized
from diverse perspectives. Defining roles is, therefore, a critical prompt engineering skill.

Role / Persona Use Case

Customer Service Problem-solving, multitasking, language fluency,

Representative empathy (to a limited extent)

Content Writer Creativity, language proficiency, research skills

Technical Writer Understanding complex topics, language

proficiency, and research skills

Data Entry Clerk Attention to detail, data manipulation

Personal Assistant Scheduling, email correspondence, note-taking,


Social Media Manager Content creation, understanding of audience and

social trends

Market Research Analyst Data analysis, understanding consumer behavior

Translator Language proficiency, cultural understanding

Language Tutor Language proficiency, teaching, and guidance

Sales Representative Persuasive communication, product knowledge

Telemarketer Persuasive communication, product knowledge

Recruiter (first round screening) Resume screening, basic assessment of candidates

News Reporter (for generating Writing skill

simple reports)

Proofreader Attention to detail, language proficiency

Paralegal Research skills, data analysis, language proficiency

Librarian (for data sorting) Cataloging, organization, and research skills

Financial Advisor (for basic Financial knowledge, data analysis


Script Writer Creativity, storytelling, language proficiency

Travel Agent (for itinerary Planning, research, knowledge of geography, and

planning) travel options

Bookkeeping Clerk Attention to detail, knowledge of financial systems

Real Estate Agent (for basic Knowledge of real estate mark

The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Example of an AI prompt that uses roles:

Context: You are an experienced proofreader for a major publishing company. You
have an eye for catching every type of error in documents.

Instructions: Thoroughly proofread the following passage as if you are preparing it for
final publication. Check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, or syntax errors.
When you encounter an error, revise the text to correct it. Point out any passages that
need to be clarified or clarified. Ensure the passage is completely error-free and ready
for publication.

[Insert passage to proofread here]

This prompt instructs the AI to generate a story; the tone is lighthearted and engaging. It
encourages a playful, imaginative output suitable for a broad audience, especially
those who enjoy whimsical fiction.

Show as Output
AI prompting empowers chatbots to generate diverse formats tailored to your needs,
not just blocks of text. Modern chatbots can produce images, data visualizations,
audio, video, and more when guided by effective prompts.

For image creation, tools like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion enable
prompting AI to fabricate photorealistic pictures. Adobe Firefly harnesses generative AI
for image editing. Prompts describing a scene or visual goals produce image-matching

Beyond images, prompts can elicit mathematical graphs, charts, infographics, and
other data visualization formats from AI assistants. Prompting also yields AI-generated
audio in voices, accents, and styles specified by the prompt.

Video generation remains limited but advancing. The AI toolbox grows more versatile
daily. Any digitally representable content can be produced on demand from well-
crafted prompts specifying required parameters.

Prompting expands creative possibilities by putting these AI superpowers under your

direct control. Dream it up, prompt it out.

Category Output Formats

Text-based Formats Markdown Content, Formatted Emails, Pseudocode

Data Formats CSV Data, JSON Format, XML Format, YAML Format,
Tabulated Data

Code and Scripting HTML and CSS, SQL Queries, Java Code, Python Code, C++
Code, Shell Commands

Documentation and LaTeX Documents, API Responses, Test Cases, File and Folder
Testing Structure

Specialized Formats Regular Expressions, Mathematical Equations, UML Diagrams

The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Example of an AI prompt that uses Outputs:

Context: You are a technical writer creating markdown tables for documentation. The
tables need to follow standard markdown syntax and best practices.

Instructions: Generate a markdown table comparing chatbot platforms - ChatGPT,

Claude, and Anthropic. The table should have four columns with a header row:

• Platform Name

• Language Model

• Creator

• Capabilities

Populate each column with the relevant data for each platform. Use the proper
markdown syntax for creating tables. The final deliverable should be a markdown table
ready to paste directly into a readme file.

The prompt in action using GPT-4

This provides context that the AI is creating markdown documentation. The instructions
describe the specific table structure, including column headers. Details like using proper
markdown syntax and paste-ready output set clear expectations. The AI can render the
content in the requested markdown table structure suitable for technical

documentation use. Defining output formats in prompts allows AIs to deliver flexible
results tailored to diverse use cases.
The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

About The Cover

The ticking stopwatch represents how AI can give organizations a competitive

advantage by empowering them to operate and innovate quickly. AI-driven
automation, insights, and assistance compress processes that once took hours into

This book provides the blueprint for building an AI-powered business primed for growth.
We activate our most significant asset - time- by prompting AI to amplify human skills. AI
gives back precious time for people to create, make connections, and drive strategic

With the tools in this handbook, harness AI as your trusted copilot slash clocksmith -
optimizing workflows, uncovering opportunities, and controlling time rather than letting
it control you. AI enables you to transcend limits and maximize moments.

The path to AI-enabled growth begins with the first prompt. Start your clock, and let's
journey into an intelligent future together, one revolutionary second at a time.

About the Author

Ron Michael "Choi" Santos has been immersed in artificial intelligence since 2022,
actively utilizing various AI tools to enhance his work and skills. From Anthropic's Claude
to OpenAI's Chat-GPT, he has hands-on experience with leading AI systems that give
glimpses into the technology's incredible potential.

With over seven years of experience in technical project management and business
analysis roles, Choi brings a results-driven mindset to implementing AI. He has delivered
successful outcomes in complex IT environments, from SAP to DevOps platforms.

Choi's expertise spans Agile methodologies, cloud infrastructure, blockchain,

automation, and full-stack development. He is passionate about emerging
technologies and dedicated to continuous learning.

Certified as an IBM Agile Advocate, Business Analysis Fundamentals instructor, and

Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master, Choi mentors others on integrating AI effectively.
He has coached cross-functional teams to adopt AI responsibly and align it with
business goals.

His firsthand perspective using AI himself, combined with his project leadership skills,
inform practical guidance for leveraging AI to amplify human capabilities. He envisions
an intelligent future where technology and people thrive together.

W3 Bluepages link:

The AI Advantage | Ron Santos |IBM Internal Use Only

Prompting Guides
1. - Learn how to use ChatGPT and other AI
tools to accomplish your goals using our free and open-source curriculum,
designed for all skill levels!
engineering - Microsoft’s introduction to AI prompt engineering
engineering?pivots=programming-language-chat-completions – Advanced AI
prompt engineering techniques from Microsoft
4. -Learn prompting by doing in 10minutes.
5. - Data Science
prompts guide Travis Tang in GitHub
6. - A collection of prompt
engineering papers carefully curated in GitHub

Ethical AI
nd%20non%2Dmanipulation – C3 AI’s stance in Ethical AI
2. - IBM’s AI Ethics

1. - IBM Watson AI Products
2. - ChatGPT (Chatbot)
3. - Google Bard (Chatbot)
4. - Claude AI (Chatbot)
5. - Canva, Image editor and generator
6. - Adobe Firefly Image editor and generator
7. - Stable Diffusion Image Generator
8. - Summarization

1. - Largest AI tools directory and the recent AI news


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