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1. Laryngomalacia
A new-born baby presents with a high pitched inspiratory stridor few
hours after birth which is most noticeable when the baby is active or
upset and disappears when the child is asleep. The cry is normal
a) Diagnosis
b) Laryngoscopic findings
c)Pathophysiology & clinical features
d) Treatment options
2. Subglottic stenosis:
An 8 month old baby was brought to the ER with c/o noisy breathing
following a respiratory infection. H/o intubation in the neonatal
period was given by the child mother
a) Diagnosis
b) Types & Grading
c) Pathophysiology & Clinical features
d) Treatment options
e) causes of acquired stenosis
3. Laryngeal web:
An infant was brought to the OPD with an inspiratory stridor and a
rather weak high pitched squeaky voice. Mother gives H/o weak cry
from birth and recurrent coup.
a) Diagnosis
b) clinical presentation.
c) Investigations & pathophysiology
d) Treatment options
4. Congenital vocal cord paralysis.:
A child with hydrocephalus presents with inspiratory stridor.
Laryngoscopic examination shows the vocal cords in paramedian
a) Diagnosis
b) Types & etiopathogenesis
c) Clinical presentation of each type
d) Treatment options

5. Tracheal stenosis:
A 6 month old baby presents with biphasic stridor, respiratory
distress, tracheal tug and episodes of cyanosis. Fibre optic
bronchoscopy shows complete tracheal rings without the posterior
bulge of trachealis and the scope couldn't be progressed further
a) Diagnosis
b) Etio-Pathophysiology
c) Clinical features & Investigations
d) Treatment
6. Subglottic hemangioma.
A 3 month old baby was bought to the OPD with gradually
worsening biphasic stridor. O/E child has subcutaneous hemangiomas.
Laryngoscopy- shows a compressible pear shaped red swelling on the
under surface of the left vocal cord
a) Diagnosis
b) pathophysiology
c) Clinical features
d) Treatment
A new-born baby diagnosed with a double aortic arch presents with
breathing difficulty, dysphagia & brassy cough few weeks after birth
a) Diagnosis
b) possible causes of vascular compression
C)clinical features
d) Investigations and treatment.
A 6month old baby diagnosed with an aberrant innominate Artery
presents with expiratory stridor, cough, recurrent chest infections
a) Diagnosis
b) clinical features
c) Investigations & treatment.

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