Whathumanswilllooklikein1000years Lessonplan

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PREVIEW ACTIVITY 1 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.

What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)

Work with a partner, group, or your teacher. Do the activities below together.

PART 1 Discuss the questions below about humanity and evolution.

1 What do you know about the history of human evolution?

2 How do you think humans will evolve 1,000 years from now? What do you think
might be different about humanity or life in general?
3 To what extent do you think humans are already “machines”?

PART 2 Define each of the following things and how they’re related to technology and health.


PART 3 Fill in the missing letters for the things defined in the images below.

1 2 3

v ___ r ___ e ___ r ___ e p ___ p ___ l hearing ___ ___ ___
(bones that make up the spine) (center of the eye) (device that helps people hear)

PART 4 Write the noun forms for the adjective forms of the words below.

1 ADJECTIVE: gravitational NOUN:

2 ADJECTIVE: conscious NOUN:

3 ADJECTIVE: extinct NOUN:

Try to define or explain the meaning of each noun from Part 4 in your own words.
PREVIEW ACTIVITY 2 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)

PART 1 Write your own definition for each vocabulary word below based on the context.

1 I watched a documentary recently that shows how humankind will merge with
robots in the future.

merge with means...

2 Due to their genetic advantages, Kenyan and Ethiopian runners often have a
higher chance of outrunning other racers in competitions.

outrunning means...

3 Doing leg stretching exercises causes your leg muscles to elongate over time.

elongate means...

PART 2 Choose the correct word that fits the context of each sentence below.

1 Plants contain a molecule called chlorophyll which sunlight.

a. absorbs b. consumes c. saturates

2 Both my personality and my physical have changed a lot over

the last 10 years.

a. surface b. exterior c. appearance

3 Gene- may become a common medical practice in the future.

a. editing b. amending c. adjusting

PART 3 Choose the correct prefixes that fit the definitions below. One isn’t used!

infra | im | in | dis | en | micro

1 If you improve the quality or strength of something, you hance it.

2 If something is scopic, it’s too small to be seen with the naked eye.

3 If energy is red, it is a type of light that feels warm but can’t be seen.

4 If someone is abled, they have a condition that physically or mentally

limits them in some way.

5 The quality or state of being able to live forever is called mortality.

WHAT HUMANS WILL LOOK LIKE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
IN 1,000 YEARS What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)


What do you know about the possibility of colo-

nizing Mars in the future? How do you think this
will impact or factor into human evolution?


PART 1 Write short answers according to the information in the video.

0:14 1 What is the difference in the average American male between 1880 and today?

0:20 2 What kinds of technology could humans merge with in the future? How could
gene-editing technology help humans in the future?

1:05 3 What did the results of a study about HIV in South Africa show?

1:28 4 What are the conditions like on Mars, and how could this affect human evolution?

2:19 5 What kind of experiment are scientists conducting in Italy and China?

PART 2 When discussing human evolution, the narrator says...

One way to jumpstart human evolution on a different path would be to
move some of us to Mars.

Write what you think jumpstart means in the context of the sentence above.

jumpstart means...
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY 1 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)

PART 1 Choose the correct plural nouns that fit the text below. One doesn’t fit!

pupils | aids | spines | prosthetics | x-rays

1 Right now there are hearing that let you record sounds,
generate white noise, and even come with a built-in phone.

2 Bionic eyes may help humans in the future see different energies of light such
as infrared and .

3 There will eventually be a day when are no longer just for

the disabled.

4 Since Mars receives 66% less light than Earth, humans on Mars could evolve
with larger that absorb more light in order to see.

PART 2 Write the noun forms for the words that fit the sentences below.

1 In addition to changes in our outside (appear), our genes

will evolve on microscopic levels to aid our survival.

2 The biggest change in human evolution that we may see in the next 1,000
years is (immortal), which would probably require humans
to download their (conscious) into machines.

3 The human race is always changing, and the faster we branch out from Earth,
the better chance we have of outrunning (extinct).

PART 3 Rewrite the two sentences below and replace the words in bold with the verbs or
phrasal verbs that were used in the video.

1 One change we might see is that humans may join together with machines
that can improve the quality of our hearing, eyesight, and health.

2 In the future, the human spine could extend its length enough to add a few
extra inches to our height.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY 2 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)

Study the usage and examples of compound adjectives using both past participles
and present participles.

When discussing a study done in South Africa and genetic technology, the narrator says...

“ An Oxford-led study discovered a group of HIV-infected children in South

Africa living healthy lives.”

We may eventually make ourselves immune to disease and even reverse the effects

of aging with gene-editing tools like CRISPR.”

Compound adjectives formed using past participles (Oxford-led study) are a contracted form of
the passive voice (the study that was led by Oxford), while compound adjectives using present
participles (gene-editing tools) are a contracted form of the active voice (tools that edit genes).

The idea of a machine-operated human is thought-provoking.

(= A human that is operated by a machine is an idea that provokes thought.)

PART 2 Rewrite the sentences below using a compound adjective in its correct form.

EX We may eventually make ourselves immune to disease and even reverse the effects of
aging with tools that edit genes, like CRISPR.
We may eventually make ourselves immune to disease and even reverse the effects of
aging with gene-editing tools, like CRISPR.

1 Hepatitis that is induced by drugs is quite rare, but it can cause serious liver damage.

2 The results of the research about HIV in South Africa blew my mind.

3 Elon Musk is a tech entrepreneur and engineer who is driven by results.

4 It’s strange to think about humanity as a species that fares in space.

5 “The Martian” is a film made in 2016 that won many awards.

Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)


Your teacher will choose a few of the speaking topics below to discuss. Discuss the topics
with your teacher or partner. In your discussion, explain your ideas in detail.

1 What is your general outlook on the future of humanity?

Do you think we have a promising existence ahead?

2 Discuss your thoughts on the idea of transplanting human

heads and downloading human consciousness. In your
own opinion, is immortality something desirable to you?

3 In addition to the things mentioned in the video, can you

think of any other potential ways in which humans or life
in general might be different in the future?

4 What do you know about the plans to colonize Mars?

What are the main struggles and challenges you’ve heard
about in regard to colonization plans?

5 Would you rather live 1,000 years in the future, or 1,000

years in the past? Explain your answer.


Imagine you’ve time traveled 1,000 years into the future. Write a message to the humans
of the past. Describe what your life is like. What’s better and what’s worse about your life
compared to your past? What do you want to tell humans about future life?
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years (C1)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

Summary. Summarize the video you watched about humanity in the future. How
might things be different in 1,000 years?

PART 2 Vocabulary: Explain and/or write what each verb means below.

1. enhance

2. elongate

3. jumpstart

PART 3 Vocabulary: Write the missing nouns in the spaces below.

1 Since Mars receives 66% less light than Earth, humans on Mars could evolve
with larger that absorb more light in order to see.

2 Humans may be able to download their into machines.

3 The human race is always changing, and the faster we branch out from Earth,
the better chance we have of outrunning .

PART 4 Bonus: Study the usage of apostrophes for possessive nouns ending in “-s”.

In the video, the narrator talks about Mars. He says...

“ Mars’ gravitational pull is only 38% of Earth’s.”

The word “Mars” is written with an apostrophe (Mars’) because it is a possessive

noun and it already ends in the letter “-s”. We add an apostrophe to the end of a
noun to make it possessive if it is plural or already ends in “-s”.

PART 5 Identify which word in each sentence below needs an apostrophe.

EX. Mars gravitational pull is only 38% of Earth’s. Mars’

1 Many studies were done on the virus properties.

2 The conditions in the astronauts spaceships were serious.

3 The machines flawless capabilities still shock scientists.

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