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Show’s Name : EPISODE 1: My Day (Demo)
Time Quantity : 30 minutes (30 minutes)
Column : Elementary English _
Genre : School Lectures
Recording time : June 15, 2023
Broadcast time (intend): Early July/June 2023
Recording location : VTV studio + outdoor scene

Confirmation of Department Leader Confirmation of Center Leader

1/ Production team:

● Producer/Director: Nguyen An Duong

● Art director: Tan Phat Hoang
● Cameraman: 3 filming Department of Education _

● Content advisor: Dr. Huong Quynh Tran, English Faculty , Hanoi National University of Education
● Production manager : Thu Trang
● Production assistant :
● Edito : Bich Ngoc Lai
● MC : Ngoc Luy – Joe Black

2/ Recommended device:
- 3 cameras
- kino kit lights
- studio lash
- montage/background artist
- green background
- 1 cue player
- 2 lavalier microphones.

3/ Content layout: ( The first episode structure)

- Welcome message about the show and introduce chapter 1 (Opening)
- 1st activity: Introduce the content of the episode through the reportage clip and get used to expressions spoken through the
reportage clip (Activity 01: Quick intro about vocabs & expressions related to the episode)
- 2nd activity: Situational conversations can be at the studio or outside video clips (Activity 02: Dialogue)
- 3rd activity: Practice “role play” (Activity 03: Role play)
- 4th activity: Listening & Speaking skills exercises (Activity 04: Listening & Speaking exercises)
- Quick summary of lesson content through graphics (Quick Review)
- Conclude Closing (Closing)
4/ Content of the article lecture :
- Sample questions : What do you usually do every day?
- Sample answers : I (usually) do something at …., get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, comb my hair, get dressed, have
breakfast, hurry up!, go to school, take classes, play with my friends, come home, do my homework, have dinner, take a
shower, go to bed.

5 / Details dramatic copy

STT Photo Contents _ Time Take note
/Content quant Uncle
first Show image Start with a short image or show trailer 30s Collect the
and greetings slices of
cut several
numbers to
create a short
introducing the
Introduce Scene 01 -Note: The
2 -3 cameras: 1 camera 1 close-up teacher 1, 1 camera close-up teacher 2, the conductor
other camera fixed the whole scene. holds for 3
Voice 01: 2' seconds before
Two teachers watched the machine run cue for 3s before saying hello - saying the
greeting. opening
Teacher Luy : Hello, everyone! It's so good to be with you in a very first -The scene of
episode of our new show “Kids Vocab”. My name is Luy . Welcome to the locomotive 01
Kids Vocab show broadcast on VTV7 – Department of Science and captures the
Technology , Vietnam Televison full size to
Teacher Joe : Welcome, welcome, kids to our show today. I'm ….I'm happy to make the
be your teacher in a very fun show like this. foreground,
Teacher Luy: In the Kids Vocab program, we will learn to listen and speak then closes up
English through common communication topics. From there, it helps you to be Ms Luy and
able to confidently listen and speak simple, familiar conversation then Mr Joe
Teacher : Yeah, We'll teach you how to listen and speak simple English
through interesting activities. You're going to love it.
Teacher Luy: And today is the first broadcast of the show. So what topic are
we going to learn about...?
Teacher : My Day. We'll learn how to speak about our daily activities in

Teacher Luy: Teacher …. just mentioned about the topic of 1st chapter called
“My Day” – Our one day ! We will learn how to talk about our day and how it
Teacher Teacher : Yes! Let's get started!
3 Show image 5s
Activity 01 - 1 or 2
4 Video recording a student doing activities in a day in the following order: 7' cameras follow
Scene 01: Sleeping child actor (Voice of Luy: This is you….4th grader. Let's real scene
see how a day….goes out) school at home
- Scene 02: the alarm clock rings (a close-up of the alarm clock next to the bed and school of
indicating 6 am, then panning to the actor sleeping on the bed) kid actor
- Scene 03: The actor is sleepy, rubs his eyes, wakes up, looks around and
slowly gets out of bed.
- Scene 04: Actor says hello to mom/dad (Good morning, mom/dad). Mom/Dad
is preparing breakfast for the actor.
- Scene 05: The actor goes to the toilet: brush his teeth, wash his face, comb his
hair, then change his school uniform.
- Scene 06: The actor goes to the table to eat breakfast prepared by his
- Scene 07: The actor hurriedly took his bag and put on his shoes, then was
taken to school by his parents.
-Scene 08: Actor sitting in class with everyone
- Scene 09: Actors at the playground with friends.
- Scene 10: The actor was picked up by his parents at the school gate and
returned home (recorded all these scenes: school pick-up, street scene, parking
scene in front of the house)
- Scene 11: The actor is about to take a bath
- Scene 12: Actor having dinner with his family
- Scene 13: Actor studying at night
- Scene 14: The actor wishes all parents good night and goes to sleep..

Teacher Luy: Wow. Recently, you have watched a video about how a student's

day in our show goes.
Teacher Joe: Oh, there are many activities that she does in a day. Do you
remember them all?
Teacher Luy:The student just exactly now did a lot of activities in one day.
Can you remember all those activities? (listen for 3s)

Teacher Joe: So how about you? What do you usually do every day?
Teacher Luy: Teacher … just asked us “What do you usually do every day?”
Teacher Joe: Yes, what do you usually do every day? ( Speak slowly )
Teacher Luy: It means “What do you usually do every day?” What do you
usually do every day? Hmm. We are all students – You are students. So i
believe that we will also do activities quite similar to the girl just now on the
show, right? Now let's watch the video to listen and learn how to say the
activities in the video in English, shall we?

Teacher Joe: Let's watch the clip again, listen and repeat what you hear.

Play back a clip of the actor with subtitles and voiceovers for each phrase. The
editor can pause the image at each scene to match the teacher's reading speed.

Record the teacher’s voice at the studio saying phrases that indicate the
activities of student in clip. Teacher reads each phrase twice at a slow speed
the first time, and the second time at medium speed.
Teacher Joe:
1. Get up
2. brush my teeth
3. wash my face
4. comb my hair
5. get dressed
6. have breakfast
7. Hurry up!
8. go to school
9. take classes (at school)

10. play with my friends
11. come home
12. do my homework
13. have dinner
14. take a shower
15. go to bed

Teacher Luy: Recently, we have seen and heard how the activities children in
the video do in a day are said in English, right? Do you remember that you had
to read along to practice speaking according to the teacher… in the short video
just now?
Teacher Joe: No worries! We can do it again now. Repeat after me.
Teacher Luy: Let's repeat the actions in the last video in English with me and

Teacher spear speak 1st time , Luy repeat again and after there Love bridge
audience fake remind again equal way deposit listen for 3 seconds . In at the
time teacher spear remind arrive ever onion dynamic then ever paragraph
small in the clip also export presently same text to bright disaster give audience
fake do according to.

Teacher Joe: Look ( point at screen show clip), listen and repeat after me.
Get up (2 times)
Teacher Luy: Get up (2 times) And your turn! ( Point at audience side then
listen 3s)
Similarly, the two presenters refer to the phrases in turn with the appearance of
an illustrated clip on the screen.
1. brush my teeth
2. wash my face
3. comb my hair
4. get dressed
5. have breakfast
6. Hurry up!

7. go to school
8. take classes (at school)
9. play with my friends
10. come home
11. do my homework
12. have dinner
13. take a shower
14. go to bed

Teacher Luy: Very good!

Recently, you listened and practiced speaking with the teacher, repeating the
activities in the short video of the show about how a female/male student's day
goes. Here, let's see a conversation between her and her teacher… on the topic
of My Day!

5 Situational Activity 02 7' Tools :

dialogue and The conversation between teacher and Luy at VTV7’s elevator near by cartoon 2 people carry
real Action pictures bags, wear
Role-play outfits suitable
Ms. Luy and Mr.Joe went in opposite directions, meeting at the elevator. (Slow at work/school
speaking speed)
Teacher Luy: Hi Joe…
Teacher Joe: Hello, Luy . How are you?
Teacher Luy: I'm good. How are you?
Teacher Joe: I'm good, too.
Teacher Luy: So, what do you usually do every day, Joe?
Teacher Joe: (Speaking while doing action) What do I usually do every day?
Yeah, I usually get up at 6 o'clock, then I brush my teeth, wash my face, comb
my hair, get dressed, and go to school. So, what about you, Luy? What do you
usually do every day?
Teacher Luy: Oh, I do the same. (Speaking while doing action) I usually get
up at 6 o'clock, then I brush my teeth, wash my face, comb my hair, get
dressed, and go to school .

Teacher Joe: Oh, after I go to school, I take classes there, I play with my
friends, then I come home, I do my homework, I have dinner, I take a shower
and then go to bed. And you?
Teacher Luy: Yeah. I do the same as you do then. I mean, after I go to school,
I take classes there, I play with my friends, then I come home, I do my
homework, I have dinner, I take a shower and then go to bed.
Teacher Joe: Oh. We do the same, Luy .
Teacher Luy: Yes. We do the same because we are students. Oh, hurry up! Go
to school now! 1 illustrated
Both of them laugh and get into the elevator ! image
Teacher Luy: We just watched a communication situation between her and her extracted from
teacher… talking about My Day – what would my day be like. You must have the
remembered a lot of the sayings that just work that teacher…and she does every conversation
day in the video above, right? Now, I'm going to challenge you to see how clip with blank
many of the activities that took place in the last conversation. The last text for easy
conversation will be replayed below. Your task is to watch and say what words understanding
are in the blank spaces on the screen. (Teacher points at the screen) by students.

Teacher Joe: Are you readyyyy ? ( Listen 2s) Yess !!!

Both teachers point at screen in order to make clip appear
Show the conversation and leave the blank below empty. At each blank space,
stop 3s for students guessing
Teacher Luy: Hi Joe…
Teacher Joe: Hello, Luy . How are you?
Teacher Luy: I'm good. How are you?
Teacher Joe: I'm good, too.
Teacher Luy: So, what do you usually do every day, Joe?
Teacher Joe: (Speaking while doing action) ..... every day? Yeah, I usually get
up at 6 o'clock, then I…. my teeth, wash my…., comb my hair, get…., and go
to school. So, what about you, Luy ? What do you usually do every day?
Teacher Luy: Oh, I do the same. (Speaking while doing action) I usually…. at
6 o'clock, then I brush my teeth, wash my face, …. my hair, get dressed,
and .....

Teacher Joe: Oh, after I go to school, I take…. there, I play with my friends,
then I come ..... , I do my homework, I …. dinner, I take ….. and then go to
bed. And you?
Teacher Luy: Yeah. I do the same as you do then. I mean, after I go to school,
I take classes there, I …. with my friends, then I come home, I do my …., I
have dinner, I take a shower and then go to bed.
Teacher Joe: Oh. We do the same, Luy .
Teacher Luy: Yes. We do the same because we are students. Oh, …. ups! Go
to school now!
Both of them laugh and get into the elevator !

Teacher Luy: Well-done, kids! Now, do you remember all activities in

English? Don’t worry, we will participate in an activity named: Role play. You
will play as people in the conversation. Let’s play “Ms Luy” role to talk with
Mr Joe in the conversation
Teacher Joe: I love this activity, Luy . Okay! Get ready, kids.

Show the conversation again with full subtitles and turn off all Luy’s part then
let student watch and repeat

Teacher Joe: Excellent, kids!

Teacher Luy: You've done a good job!

Listening Activity 03 Graphic 15

practice 5' flashcards for
Practice listening and choose the right picture no.1
15 activities of
episode 01
Use the original pre-recorded audio the teacher's voice for activities in
Tag 1: Getting
Tag 2:
Teacher Luy: To communicate in English fluenlty, we need to listen well to
Brushing teeth
know what people are saying. So now, we will have a first listening practice to
Tag 3:
test our listening skills. My screen has 15 pictures ( unopened ) sort from 1 to
Washing face
15 below each picture. Please read the teacher's voice…and read aloud the

number that you think is right for the teacher's voice…. Tag 4:
Teacher Joe: Say numbers in English, kids! Brushing hair
Teacher Luy: Remember read all numbers in English kids! Okay, show me 15 Card 5:
pictures! Wearing
Show full screen 15 pictures, without the appearance of 2 leads. How far does Card 6: Having
the voice read, giving the flickering effect running along the pictures. After 3 breakfast
seconds, stop at the correct picture, the tink tink effect is correct, enlarge the Card 7: In
picture and repeat the voice for that picture again. Repeat that until the end. hurry to pick
bag to school
Card 8: Go to
Rank of voice : school ( baby
Card 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12-14 run in front of
gate school )
Pratice listening and select correct picture no.2 Card 9: sitting
in classroom
One at a time, each picture appears on the screen, the teacher reads a sentence with everyone
describing the activity in the picture. If read correctly, the sound effect is Card 10:
correct and the teacher congratulates the student. If you read it wrong, the Playing at
sound effect is wrong and the teacher corrects the sentence to match the school yard
description in the picture.. with friends
Card 11: Come
Teacher Luy: Children, in the listening exercise number 1, how many pictures home (mom’s
did you choose correctly? Can anyone choose all 15 pictures correctly? motorbike in
front door)
Teacher Joe: I know you did very well for the first listening exercise. But, this Card 12:
time, I have a more difficult listening exercise for you. Taking a
Teacher Luy: Oh, teacher… want to challenge us to do a harder listening shower
exercise, kids. Are you guys ready? I believe so, don't you? In the following Card 13:
listening exercise #2, a picture will appear on the screen each turn. The children Having dinner
will listen to the teacher… and she reads English and thinks about whether the (stars sky out
teacher…and i is right or wrong. If the teacher says it correctly, say YES, if it's the window)
wrong, say NO out loud! Card 14:

Teacher Joe: 1 2 3 Go! Studying in
Turn 1: show picture: Go to bed - Mr Joe read: Get up own room
Sound effects notice wrong. Mr Joe express Sad emotion (No) then read again Card 15: Go to
correctly with picture appear : Go to bed bed
Turn 2: show picture: Have breakfast – Mr Joe say: Have breakfast
Sound effects notice correct. Ms Luy ask student that they said Yes or No and
Turn 3: show picture Go to school – Mr Joe say Go to school (True)
Turn 4: show picture Sitting in classroom – Ms Luy reads: play with my friends
(False) take classes
Turn 5: show picture Go to bed – Mr Joe say Go to bed (True)
Turn 6: show picture Playing on school yard – Ms Luy say take classes (False)
play with my friends
Turn 7: show picture Get up – Mr Joe say Take a shower (False) get up
Turn 8: show picture Brush hair – Ms Luy say Brush my teeth (False) comb
my hair
Turn 9: show picture Brush teeth - Mr Joe say Brush my teeth (True)
Turn 10: show picture In hurry to go to school – Ms Luy say Hurry up! (True)
Turn 11: show picture Go home – Mr Joe say Do my homework (False)
come home
Turn 12: show picture Wear clothes– Ms Luy say Get dressed (True)

Teacher Luy: Bravo, kids! I’m sure that you are so excellent in that excercise
Teacher Joe: Good job, kids!

Speaking Speaking practice

practice Show each picture in turn on the screen. For each picture that appears, the 5' Choose choose
leader will ask 1 student (recorded in advance) to say what the activity is. After 1 school born
the students speak, the teacher will point at the screen so that the text will 4th or 5th
appear and both teachers will read the sentence again, praising the students. If grade , filmed
the student says the wrong word after the text appears, the wrong sound will at home , kid
sound and the 2 teachers will read and correct it to match the description in look at TV
the picture. screen picture

like watching
Teacher Luy: Children, Listening and Speaking are two extremely important the show and
skills to decide whether a person can communicate in English well or not. You do the
have successfully completed the listening exercise just now. Now we will come excercise
to an interesting exercise to practice speaking skills. teacher told

Teacher Joe: Yes. Listening and Speaking skills are very important. Now we'll Pay attention
have a student watching our show do a Speaking exercise with us. Are you to the
excited? transition
Teacher Luy: Wow! Really? Hey kids, at this English speaking practice, we between the
have an audience will practice with us. Are you ready? Okay, let's get to know lead and the
he/she who joins this exercise with us. Hi, kid! What;s your name? young
Student : Hello teachers and friends. My name is…I love watching the show. participating in
Let's do the exercise together. answering
Teacher Luy: Hi. I'm happy to have you with us. excercise
Teacher Joe: Nice to meet you, kid. Okay. Let's begin our exercise now! suitable. All
Picture 1 young
Turn 1: show picture Get up audience
Student: Get up talking will be
Teacher Joe: Correct! ( correct notice sound, show text) Get up! next recorded in
Turn 1: show pic: Go to bed advance to be
Student: Go to bed inserted into
Turn 3: show pic Go to school the teacher's
Student: Go to school part.
Turn 4: show pic Brush teeth
Student: Brush my teeth Student
Turn 5: show pic brush hair dialogue. Ask
Student: Comb my hair students to say
Turn 6: show pic learning in class each sentence
Student: Do my homework (False) Take classes individually to
Turn 7: show pic playing at school yard cut into the
Student: play with my friends speaking

Turn 8: show pic wash face exercise with
Student: Wash my face the teacher.
Turn 9: show pic have a dinner The assistant
Student: have dinner holds a
Turn 10: show pic In hurry board/paper to
Student: Hurry up! write each
Turn 11: show pic go home sentence down
Student: Go home for students to
Turn 12: show pic have a breakfast look at and
Student: have breakfast read as if they
Turn 13: show pic study in own room were watching
Student: do my homework TV.
Round 14: show pic wear clothes
Student: get dressed
Turn 15: show painting Take a shower -Hello teachers
Student: take a shower and friends.
My name is…I
Teacher Luy: Wow. You're good, kid! You guys are so amazing! We just have love watching
only 1 false sentence. the show. Let's
Teacher Joe: Congratulations, kids! do the exercise
Ms Luy: Let's give us a round of applause to praise you guys! together.
Teacher Joe: Thank you for joining us in this exercise. - get up, brush
Learn birth : Thank you. I love you! my teeth ,
Teacher Luy: Aww, you're so sweet!!! ( Put hand on heart ) wash my face ,
Thank you so much. I believe that not only that student, also all you guys who comb my hair ,
are watching Kids Vocab did the practice so great get dressed ,
Teacher Joe: Congratulations, everyone!!! have breakfast
, Hurry up, go
to school , take
classes, play
with my
friends , come
home , do my

homework ,
have dinner ,
take a shower ,
go to bed
-Thank you. I
love you!!!
Quick review Teacher Luy: We worked hard together on the last Listening and Speaking
exercises of the show. Here, let look at the screen the summary of the
knowledge learned in the first chap of My Day of Kids Vocab.

The screen shows a summary of the knowledge of volume 1 with each picture
displayed and the dialogue, the teacher and the teacher read along with the
picture. At the end of the quick review, there are 15 pictures on the screen.
Teacher Luy: How to ask someone what they usually do everyday
Teacher Joe: What do you usually do every day?
Teacher Luy: And here are our students' daily activities.
Teacher Joe: ( read 15 activities on pictures )
1. Get up
2. brush my teeth
3. wash my face
4. comb my hair
5. get dressed
6. have breakfast
7. Hurry up!
8. go to school
9. take classes (at school)
10. play with my friends
11. come home
12. do my homework
13. have dinner
14. take a shower
15. go to bed

The end Teacher Luy: Our first digital show has come to an end. Thank you for
watching and practicing English Listening and Speaking with us. Let's replay 3'
the Kids Vocab show more times to memorize and practice Listening and
Speaking with the theme My Day. Goodbye and see you next time!
Teacher Joe: Goodbye!!!

The end of the show


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