Feasibility Study

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Feasibility Study
Is a part of a business plan that
Minimize the risk

Project by:
Iliw-iliw Anniezel D.
Rebucas Mekyla
Fernandez Ashley Arcanghel
Casava Jhon Aze
Idjao John Lemuel
Sumbilla Lester Mark
Trinidad Shenelle
Viñas Jhon Mark
July 08 2019
These vision of us will soon be implemented as a betel nut of our hardships as a hardworking
entrepreneurs, we will assure that every ideas of each will have a heard of because every
conception or opinion of each other is already a great help for all of us. It can create a
composite ideas that if we blend I believe we can make a sublime that will cause the notable
effect on our business. We will make our product a sought after, we will make a best impact on
our customer.
Well however, there is a circumstances that we need to face when were already in a world of
business. We should first adjust to the surroundings, customers/clients, competitors, and other
things that should be considered when you are in a first days of your business. At our first days
or months when our business are already establish, first we can't expect a many customers
when the competitors are all around nearby especially when they’re marketing strategies are
strong. We can't expect that our business would stand out because not all the people do love
sweets especially in a cold season. We are not a famous and trending desert caffe that’s why
we can't say that our manufacture will be prominent even in a one barangay, well it depends
when our product is really worth buying for. We will also face the problems of our profit or
earnings because like what we said our manufacture is not that favorable for others because
summer season is already near to pass of and people is now wanting something that can warm
their feels. Our capital may have a short because as I said if we can't regain our capital by our
profit, our business may get deficit and be unable o run again. It may be possible that we cannot
afford our rental place because of the circumstances that our business has that time
encountering, and affect all of us the owner, the employees and other workers that on the job.
These problems may affect the future status or condition of our business,

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