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In Korea, May is considered the month of family because May 5 is

Children's Day and May 8 is Parents' Day (어버이날 - eo-beo-i-nal). It is

the day for children to show filial piety towards their parents. In the
phrase "어버이날", "어" means "어머니" - mother, "버" stands for "아버지",
which means this day is not only mother's day but also father's day. In
this article, let's find out more about this special day in Korea.

The Origin of Parents' Day

The story is that more than 100 years ago in America, there was a girl
living with her mother. She only had her mother by her side and loved her
so much. Suddenly one day, her mother passed away, she was extremely
sad so she held a solemn funeral for her mother and planted the
carnation her mother’s spirit loved the flowers around her grave. With
that filial heart, the girl often wore white carnations on her chest to show
her love for her mother.

Then the girl opened a campaign about taking care of mothers in 1904,
and "Mother's Day" was born for the first time in America. Since 1913,
the United States has chosen the second Sunday of May every year as
"Mother's Day". On Mother's Day, those who still have a mother put a red
carnation on their chests, while those whose mother passed away put a
white carnation on their chests. With the great meaning that it brings,
"Mother's Day" gradually spread to many countries around the world,
including Korea. In 1956, May 8 was only designated as "Mother's Day"
but in 1973 it was changed to "Parents' Day" to express gratitude to both

How is Parents' Day celebrated in

On this day, each district as well as social organizations will hold many
celebratory programs with practical activities such as visiting nursing
homes, comforting and encouraging the lonely elderly.

In addition, there are also many programs such as performances of

traditional games, traditional music, entertainment competitions and
sports for the elderly.

In every family, children give their parents flowers and meaningful gifts,
no matter how big or small, to express their love. It is still said that the
value of the gift is not as important as the gift given, as the giver's heart
is embedded in it.
Although it is not a national holiday, you can still feel the holiday
atmosphere when you go out. On Parents' Day, various shops will display
all types of cards, gifts and flowers.

Parents' Day at school

The tradition of Korean parents' day is always instilled in future
generations, even the children who are still in kindergarten, thanks to the
focus on education about this day in Korea.

Before Parents Day, the teachers will teach students how to make
postcards to write the most innocent and sincere wishes showing their
love for their parents. Children can also make their own cute gifts to give
to their parents on this day such as simply wrapping the sweet candies in
their own way. They can sometimes turn into carnations themselves by
using headbands. In many schools, teachers encourage students to
express their feelings directly to their parents, instead of material gifts.

Many Korean schools hold a special "feet-washing ceremony" by inviting

parents to the school. Students will prepare a basin of water and a towel
to wash their parents' feet.

Parents' Day for adults

As for the children who have grown up and are working, they often buy
parents practical gifts in everyday life or good gifts for health

There are also people who just give a card, or make a hearty, delicious
and cozy meal for their parents. Others may invite their parents to eat at
a restaurant. Some people who have better financial conditions even plan
a trip abroad as a gift to their parents. Depending on each person's
personality and economic situation, there are many ways to show the
gratitude of children to parents, but a bouquet of carnations is

Carnation - The symbol of Parents'

Day in Korea
Walking on the streets of Korea these days, you will see a lot of
carnations. Carnation represents respect and gratitude so children often
give it to their parents or to put on parents' shirts. However, in recent
years, flower and cake shops have taken advantage of this holiday to
advertise and bring expensive flower baskets to the market. Therefore,
there are also many opinions that carnations or flowers, in general, are
not everything, but the important thing is that the filial piety and
obedience of children are reflected in everyday life.

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