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Limit superior and limit inferior

c Prof. Philip Pennance1 -Draft: April 17, 2017

1. Definition. The limit superior of a se- 4. Notation.

quence (an ) is the extended real number lim sup an and lim inf an are often de-
defined by noted lim and lim respectively.
lim sup an = lim sup ak 5. Example.
n→∞ k≥n
Similarly, the limit inferior of (an ) is 
1 if n is odd
defined by
an = n
  −1 if n is even
lim inf an = lim inf ak
n→∞ k≥n
2. Existence: Let
Ti = {ak : k ≥ i}

be the i’th tail. Notice that 0

5 10 15

T1 ⊇ T2 ⊇ · · · −0.5

Hence sup Tm is always non-increasing

and inf Tm non-decreasing. It follows −1
Then sup Tn = 1/n and inf Tn = −1.
lim sup an = lim sup Tn Hence
= inf (sup Tn ) lim sup an = 0
lim inf an = −1.

lim inf an = lim (inf Tn ) 6. Claim. Let (an ) be a bounded sequence

and A0 , A00 ∈ IR such that
= sup (inf Tn )
A0 < lim sup an < A00
always exist as extended real numbers
and that then
lim inf an ≤ lim sup an (1) (a) an > A00 for (at most) finitely
many n.
3. Remark: For all m, n ∈ IN:
(b) an > A0 for infinitely many n.
inf Tn ≤ inf Tmax{m,n}
an for finitely many n
≤ sup Tmax{m,n}
an for infinitely many n
≤ sup Tm A0 lim A00

which also implies equation (1). Proof. Exercise

7. Alternative characterization of the limit 12. Let Bα be the set of all eventual upper
superior. bounds of α. Then
Let (an ) be a sequence. Then lim sup an (a) Bα contains all upper bounds of α
is the unique extended real number
number L with the property that for U B(α) ⊆ Bα
all A0 , A00 ∈ IR with A0 < L < A00 , the
(b) Bα is absorbing from the right, i.e.,
following hold:
x > b ∈ Bα ⇒ x ∈ Bα
(a) an > A00 for (at most) finitely
many n. (c) inf Bα = lim sup an
(b) an > A0 for infinitely many n. Proof of (c).
Let B ∗ = inf Bα and suppose that
Proof. The previous claim shows that
A0 , A00 ∈ IR satisfy
L = lim sup an satisfies the property. If
the property is also true for L∗ 6= L it A0 < B ∗ < A00
is an easy exercise to se that an obvious
Then there exists b ∈ Bα such that
contradiction arises:
B ∗ ≤ b < A00 . It follows by right ab-
an for finitely many n
( sorption that A00 ∈ Bα and so A00 < an
L L∗ an for infinitely many n for at most finitely many n. On the
other hand
8. Corollary. The limit superior of (an ) is A0 < inf Bα
the smallest real number L such that, ⇒ A0 6∈ Bα
for any positive real number  there
⇒ A0 < an for infinitely many n
exists a natural number N such that
an < L +  for all n > N Thus B ∗ satisfies the characterization of
Proof. Exercise. the limit superior in (7). Thus the limit
superior of a sequence is the infimum of
9. Dual property. the set of eventual upper bounds.
lim inf an is the unique extended real 13. Warning. Some sources describe the
number L such that for all A0 , A00 ∈ IR limit superior as an ”eventual” upper-
with A0 < L < A00 , the following hold: bound This terminology is misleading.
For example, lim sup n1 = 0 yet 0 is a
(a) an < A0 for (at most) finitely many lower bound for the sequence.
(b) an < A00 for infinitely many n. 14. Exercise. Use the alternative charac-
terizations of limit superior and limit
10. Corollary. The limit inferior of (an ) inferior to give another proof of (1).
is the largest extended real number L 15. If lim an exists then
such that, for any positive real number
 there exists a natural number N such lim inf an = lim an
that an > L −  for all n > N . = lim sup an

11. Definition. Let α = (an ) be a bounded Proof.

sequence. An element b ∈ IR is an even- Notice the lim an satisfies the alterna-
tual upper bound of a α if b < an for at tive characterizations of the limits su-
most finitely many n. perior and inferior given in (7) and (8).
16. If lim inf an = lim sup an then the se- It must be that
quence (an ) converges to their common
value. lim sup(an + bn ) ≤ α + β + .
Proof. From (7), (8) above, it follows Since  was arbitrary
that any open interval containing the
common value contains all but a finite lim sup(an + bn ) ≤ α + β
number of terms of the sequence.
and the result follows.
17. Claim. 18. Mean Property
lim sup(an +bn ) ≤ lim sup(an )+lim sup(bn ) Let (an ) be a bounded sequence. Define
(2) (xn ) by
Proof: Recall that for any two se- a1 + a2 + · · · + an
xn =
quences (an and bn n
sup{an + bn } ≤ sup an + sup bn .
n n n
lim sup xm ≤ lim sup an
In particular, applying this to the n-th
tails of the two sequences with an obvious dual statement for the
limit inferior.
sup{ak + bk } ≤ sup α + sup β. Proof. Let  > 0. Then, there exists N
k≥n k≥n k≥n
such that
Since this holds for all n the limit can n > N ⇒ xn < lim sup an + 
be taken on both sides:
Let U = lim sup an and n > N .Then
  a1 + a2 + · · · + aN + (n − N )[U + ]
xn <
lim sup(an + bn ) = lim sup(ak + bk ) n
n→∞ k≥n
≤ lim sup(ak ) + sup(bk ) Notice that for all n sufficiently large,
n→∞ k≥n k≥n

= lim sup(an ) + lim sup(bn ) xn < U + 

This implies that lim sup xn ≤ U .

Alternative Proof. Let α = lim sup an (Remark: This also follows by applying
and β = lim sup bn . Then ∃N, N 0 such property (2) to equation (3).
19. Bolzano Weierstrass Theorem.
n > N ⇒ an < α + /2 A bounded convergent sequence has a
convergent subsequence.
n > N 0 ⇒ bn < β + /2 Proof. Let (an ) be bounded. The idea
and so is to construct a subsequence converg-
ing to L = lim sup an .
n > N + N 0 ⇒ an + b n < α + β +  ∃n1 such that an1 > L − 1. Proceeding
by recursion, suppose that there exist
an + bn for finitely many n
natural numbers
n1 < n2 < · · · < nk
such that an xn has radius of convergence
given by
anj > L − 1/j, 1≤j≤k
R= 1 .
It is not assumed that the anj lim sup |an | n
are increasing. However, since
Proof. If
ank < L − 1/j for finitely many nk
ank for infinitely many k lim sup(|an |1/n 6∈ {0, ∞}
ank for finitely many k
1 and |x| < R, then
L− j
|x| lim sup |an | n < 1
it follows that L ≤ lim inf ank and so
There exists t < 1 with
L ≤ lim inf ank ≤ lim sup ank ≤ L 1
|x| lim sup |an | n < t
proving that the subsequence converges It follows that for all n sufficiently large
to L. 1
|x||an | n ≤ t
20. Corollary. Let (an ) be bounded. Then Hence |an ||x|n ≤ tn . Since t < 1 se-
lim sup an is the maximum of the set of ries converges by comparison with the
subsequential limits. geometric series. On the other hand, if
Proof. The existence of a larger sub- |x| > R, then
sequential limit would contradict the 1

eventual upper bound property. |x| lim sup |an | n > 1

It follows that the
21. Claim. [Sequential Completeness] 1

Every Cauchy sequence of real numbers |x||an | n > 1

converges. for infinitely many terms. Since the nth
Proof. term does not tend to 0 the series does
Let (an ) be Cauchy. Let  > 0. There not converge. Finally, if the sequence
exists N such that |an − am | <  for all (|an |1/n ) is unbounded the power series
n, m ≥ N . In particular, |an − aN | <  converges only at 0, while if the lim sup
for all n ≥ N . is 0 the series converges on the entire
plane and R = ∞.
an for finitely many n an for finitely many n
23. Claim. Let (an ) be a sequence of posi-
aN −  aN +  tive numbers, then
It follows that (an ) is bounded and 

moreover: lim inf ≤ lim inf n an

aN −  ≤ lim inf an ≤ lim sup an ≤ aN +  ≤ lim sup n an
Therefore lim sup an − lim inf an < 2. ≤ lim sup
Since  was arbitrary the limits must
be equal proving that an converges.
By duality it suffices to prove
 the  final
22. Claim [Cauchy Hadamard] inequality. Let L = lim sup an . Let
A (real or complex) power series A > L. Then, there exists N such that
< A for all n > N . It follows (by (b) if L > 1, the series diverges; If
induction) that aN +k < Ak aN for all L = 1 then the test is inconclu-
k ∈ IN. and so sive.
an <
An , n > N If L does not exist, the test can be re-
AN fined by noting that
Hence an+1
(a) if lim sup < 1, the series
√  a 1/n
an < A, n>N converges absolutely;
Taking the limit superior of both sides (b) if lim inf > 1, the series di-
√ an
and recalling that lim n p = 1 for all verges.
p > 0 gives
26. Remark: If the limit

lim sup an ≤ A.
L = lim
Since A > lim sup was arbi-
an exists then the radius of convergence of
trary, it follows that
power series an xn is also given by

 R = 1/L. If L does not exist it might
lim sup an ≤ lim sup
happen that
1 1
24. Corollary. Let (an ) be a positive se- < p =R
L lim sup n |an |
quence. If lim = l (where l = ∞
an √ in which case, the ratio test underesti-
is not excluded) then lim n an = l.
mates the radius of convergence. For
25. Refinement of d’Alembert’s ratio test. example, if
Consider, once more, Xthe (real or com-
2n if n even,
plex) power series an xn . The ratio an = 1 n
· 2 if n is odd.
test states that if (an ) is a sequence with
an 6= 0 for all n sufficiently large and X
then (exercise) an xn has radius of
an+1 convergence R = 21 yet
lim =L
lim sup =4
then an

(a) if L < 1, the series converges ab- which merely guarantees convergence
solutely; for |x| < 1/4

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