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Journal of Architectural Education

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Does Size Matter?

Marc J. Neveu

To cite this article: Marc J. Neveu (2015) Does Size Matter?, Journal of Architectural Education,
69:2, 153-153, DOI: 10.1080/10464883.2015.1063390

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Published online: 23 Sep 2015.

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Download by: [Dokuz Eylul University ] Date: 10 July 2017, At: 01:56
Does Size Matter?
Marc J. Neveu
Woodbury University

Some books are to be tasted, others very important graphic design by column” in the aforementioned bus
to be swallowed, and some few to be Bruce Mau—works against a tra- stop, the ribbon windows at the
chewed and digested: that is, some ditional reading. It is too big to Villa dall’Ava) and in other instances
books are to be read only in parts, comfortably hold; the discontinu- much more as an act of translation
others to be read, but not curiously, ous and multiformatted text makes at the building and urban scale. And
and some few to be read wholly, and a linear reading not possible; the this has continued in work since
with diligence and attention. organization (by scale, not chapter) S,M,L,XL. Maison à Bordeaux, for
brings together various projects and example, bears more than a program-
—Sir Francis Bacon1 writings that produce, at best, happy matic resemblance to Le Corbusier’s
accidents and, at worst, confusion. Villa Savoye. Both driveways are
Published twenty years after I tried to figure out the relationship determined by a car’s turning radius;
the founding of the Office for between the running dictionary and at the core of each is an architec-
Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), the content of the book but could tural promenade that cuts through
S,M,L,XL contains fewer than twenty (and have) not. And I still don’t the section (as a ramp or elevator);
built projects in the almost 1,350- understand the inclusion of random both float above the landscape—one
page text. “Essays, manifestoes, pornography. In short, I felt like I on pilotis and the other hung from
diaries, fairy tales, travelogues, and wasn’t in on the joke, or even the above; the coloring of surfaces is
a cycle of meditations on the con- punch line. important to both, as is the relation-
temporary city” surround images I do know how to read Delirious ship between interior and exterior;
of built work. A few essays stand New York. In that text, Koolhaas and the framing of views all seems
out—the Generic City, the Typical studied something—New York—and more intentional than coincidental.
Plan, Theory of Bigness, and the made observations, interpretations, While there is not enough space
Vierendeel Concept—but much of and even fictional conclusions that in this current format for a more
the text seems to be more personal were as playful as they were critical. detailed exploration of this book, I
musing than description, explana- Koolhaas described it as a “retroac- would propose that the value of the
tion, theory, or criticism. My first tive manifesto” for New York, and work presented in S,M,L,XL is not in
thought was that the book would be in doing so, he understood the city the novelty of design. Rather, it is the
remembered as much for its sheer as a Rosetta Stone, awaiting trans- translation of existing architectural
size as for the moxie that it took to lation. It is this engagement with work and discourse that may war-
produce. S,M,L,XL was published something outside of himself that, I rant a closer reading. As evidenced
at a moment when it was not typi- believe, is why reading Delirious New by the content of the book itself,
cal to have a Web site, or a blog, or York was, and is, so appealing. I saw twenty years is not a lot of time in
Instagram, or Snapchat; we were New York differently after reading the life of an architectural office. It
not all LinkedIn to our Facebook the text. Koolhaas is a very good stu- is difficult to predict the legacy of
friends, nor were we posting random dent of architecture. He has stated a text only twenty years after it was
thoughts in 140 characters, or images clearly and often the importance of published, and I am not in a position
of what we were about to eat. The Leonidov to his work. The influence to argue for its relevance. That said,
space of the Internet does not force of Superstudio—in terms of both OMA has continued to produce big
us to edit our expression. The format representation and program—is books and a lot of architecture in the
and much of the content of this book clear as early as his thesis project. last twenty years. Only time will tell
seems to prefigure how we collect Koolhaas’s study of the Barcelona how this work will be tasted, chewed,
and display our lives, twenty years Pavilion for the 1986 Milan Trienalle swallowed, and digested.
on. More is indeed more. certainly influences a number of
I bought S,M,L,XL a few years villas and at least one bus station in Note
after it was first published. At that Groningen. While Leon Krier was 1. Sir Francis Bacon, “Of Studies,” in Francis Bacon:
The Essays, ed. J. Pitcher (London: Penguin, 1985).
time, I was still in school and the collaging bits of antiquity, OMA was
price was more “XL” than “S.” Once mining the work of Mies van der
I did buy it, I wasn’t exactly sure how Rohe and Le Corbusier, sometimes
to read it. In fact, the design—that literally (the “chromium plated

JAE 69 : 2   153

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