1A. Hansel and Gretel Fairy Tale - Lesson Plan - Use of CAN

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English Lesson Plan

Hansel and Gretel

Date: March 30, 2022 Level: Grade: 6 Time: 50 minutes
Teacher: 1. Warinthon Nuntamas 044 2. Suparada Singtong 048
3. Sarunrat Aunsenee 051 4.kBoonraksavShuntawiwath057
5. Akarapol Hongtong 058 6. Wongsakon Khunta 069
1. Concept
Fairy tales help children to notice language areas and it also has a lot of fun to get
students’ attention. In this lesson, students will learn grammatical and vocabulary through
“Hansel and Gretel” which they have to create their own thinking about the story. For learning
authentic language material, students will enhance reading skills, vocabulary and modal verb
2. Content
2.1 The Reading Text / Conversation
Hansel and Gretel
One upon a time, in a faraway forest, there lived a poor woodcutter, his wife and their two young
children. The boy’s name was Hansel and the girl was called Gretel.
The woodcutter was so poor that the family had very little food to eat. So, one night, the
woodcutter’s wife said, “We cannot take care of the children anymore. You must take them to
the middle of the forest and leave there.”
The two children heard their parents talk and they were very scared. “We don’t want to live in
the forest!” Hansel said. So, the clever children came up with a plan to save themselves. That
night, they quietly filled their pockets with tiny pebbles.
The next morning, as the woodcutter took them to the middle of the forest, Hansel and Gretel
dropped the pebbles all along the way. When their father left them, all they had to do was to
follow the line of pebbles back home!
The woodcutter and his wife were surprised to see the children back home. “We must take them
again tomorrow,” Woodcutter said. Hansel and Gretel were very worried now. “All our pebbles
are gone! What do we do now?” Gretel cried.
“I have an idea!” said Hansel. “We can drop bread crumbs this time!” So, the next morning,
when the woodcutter took the children deep inside the forest to leave them there again, the
children dropped crumbs of bread all along the way.
But sadly, for the children, the animals and birds had eaten up all the crumbs! Now, Hansel and
Gretel walked and walked but couldn’t find their way back home.
Suddenly, hidden in the trees, they saw a strange house made of candy, cookies, chocolate and
everything delicious. “This is a gingerbread house!” cried Gretel happily. The children were so
hungry that they started gobbling up the house at once.
Now this house actually belonged to an old witch who loved to eat little children. Just as Hansel
and Gretel were eating her yummy door, she pounced on them and locked them inside! “I shall
fatten you up and eat you!” the old witch said with a wicked laugh.
The wicked witch locked Hansel in a cage. Then, she turned to Gretel and said, “You! Little girl!
Help me light the oven! When it is hot, I shall cook your bother and eat him up!” Poor Gretel
was so afraid!
Gretel quickly thought of a plan to save her brother. Just as the witch bent to check if the oven
was hot, she gave her a big push from behind. The witch fell in to the oven with a scream and
Gretel quickly locked the oven door with the witch inside!
Gretel rescued Hansel and the two children filled their pockets with all the witch’s jewels. Finally,
they managed to find their way back home and gave all the jewels to their mother and father.
Thanks to the clever children, the woodcutter and his family were never poor or hungry ever
2.2 Vocabulary
New vocabulary
1. witch 2. forest 3. woodcutter 4. jewel
5. pebble 6. gingerbread 7. oven
2.3 Grammar focus / Structure: Modal Verb “Can”
“Can” is one of the most used modal verbs in English. “Can” is an auxiliary verb (modal
auxiliary verb). It can be used to express; Ability, Possibility, Permission, Request, Offer
General Structure of “Can” in a Sentence
- Positive form (+): Subject + can + verb (first form of the verb) + object
- Negative form (-): Subject + cannot (can’t) + verb (first form of the verb) + object
- Question form (?): Can + subject + verb (first form of the verb) + object?
Examples: I can play basketball. (Positive form)
I cannot(can’t) play basketball. (Negative form)
Can I play basketball? (Question form)
Using “Can”
1. It is used to express that someone is able to do something. (Present Ability)
Examples: I can speak four languages.
She can drive a car.
He can speak English fast.
Fish can swim.
2. It is used to express that something is possible. (General Possibility)
Examples: Alcohol can cause cancer.
They can stay with us when they come.
You can buy tickets from the dealers.
3. It is used in a question which is not a real question, to ask somebody to do
something. We want somebody to do our request (in an informal way, especially between
friends or family). (Informal Request)
Examples: Can you make me coffee?
Can you hand me the pen?
Can I have some tea, please?
4. It is also used to ask or give permission for something. (Informal Permission)
Examples: Can I use your book, please? (Ask for permission)
If you want, you can go to the park. (Give permission)
Can I ask you some questions? (Ask for permission)
You can ride my bike. (Give permission)
5. It is used in offers to help someone or to do something for someone. (Informal Offer)
Examples: Can I help you?
There is nothing left in the fridge. Can I do some shopping for you?
Attention: For “Cannot”
1. It is used in negative saying (when we are sure that something is not true or something
is surprising)
Examples: That can’t be John. He is in America.
You can’t be 50! You look young.
2. It is also used in negative sayings (when something is forbidden or not allowed)
Examples: You can’t park the car there.
They can’t wear jeans at work.
You can’t go on without us.
3. Lesson Objectives
After learning this lesson, students will be able to…
3.1 comprehend and apply the vocabulary used in the reading text “Hansel and Gretel”.
3.2 write sentences by using modal verb “can” to answer the questions:
- If you are Gretel, what can you do to protect Hunsel?
- As a kid, what can you do if you get lost?
3.3 write the three forms of modal verb “can”.
3.4 understand about “Hansel and Gretel” story to answer the questions in “Pick me”
game at the end of the class.
3.5 use the appropriate vocabulary used in the reading text about “Hansel and Gretel”
story and understand of using modal verb “can” to answer the questions in Kahoot! at the end
of the class.
4. Lesson Procedures
4.1 Warm up
 Teacher and students greet each other. Then acquire attention of
students by having them playing “Open Picture” game and let them play
three rounds.

4.2 Presentation
 Students will be taught seven words that will be found in the story and
Modal Verb “can".
- Present new vocabulary from the reading text include:
1. Witch = a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who
uses them to harm or help other people.
2. Forest = large area of land that is thickly covered with trees.
3. Woodcutter = someone whose job is to cut down trees and branches
for wood.
4. Jewel = a precious stone such as a diamond, ruby, etc.
5. Pebble = a small smoothround stone, especially one found on a
beachor in a river.
6. Gingerbread = a sweet cake or soft biscuit that is made with ginger.
7. Oven = the part of a cooker with a door, used to bake or roastfood.
 Pick 2 volunteer students to play Hansel and Gretel and then read the
reading text together with the teacher. After reading each paragraph, the
teacher of the class will translate in Thai to students.
 Have the students find the sentences that have modal verb “can” in the
reading text. The sentences that have modal verb “can” in the reading
text include: 1. We cannot take care of the children anymore.
2. We can drop bread crumbs this time!
 Tell students the basic concept of modal verb “can”, explain how to
form correct sentences and the three forms of modal verb “can”.
 For clearer understanding, give some examples as they are shown in the
PowerPoint presentation.
Example: I can play basketball. (Positive form)
I cannot(can’t) play basketball. (Negative form)
Can I play basketball? (Question form)
4.3 Practice
 Ask each student to look at the pictures on the PowerPoint presentation
and then write sentences by using modal verb “can”
 Students will create positive, negative, or question sentences of modal
verb “can” in the website “Word Wall”.
4.4 Production
 Have each student do “What can I do?” activity. Every student has to
write 2 sentences that use modal verb “can” to answer the questions
from PowerPoint presentation. Questions include:
- If you are Gretel, what can you do to protect Hunsel? (Write your
answer 1 sentence.)
- Ask each student to present their answers of the questions.
 Give positive feedback for their presentation.
 Divide students into 3 groups to complete with each other by playing
“Pick me” game to answer the questions about “Hansel and Gretel”
4.5 Wrap up
 Each student complete with each other by playing “Kahoot!” game to
answer the questions about the learned vocabulary, modal verb “can”,
and “Hansel and Gretel” story.
5. Teaching and Materials
5.1 Picture Power Point presentation of warm up
5.2 Power Point presentation of Hansel and Gretel (Vocabulary, Text, Grammar, Exercise
for practice)
5.3 Wordwall game by https://wordwall.net
5.4 “Pick me” game by www.baamboozle.com
5.5 Kahoot! by https://kahoot.it/
6. Homework
Have students reviewed the learned vocabulary and what they have learned today as a
7. Evaluation
- Observe students’ participation and attention in classroom activity.
- Check the students’ answers in “What can I do?” activity and give them feedback.
- Check the students’ results of playing “Pick me” and “Kahoot!” game.
Picture Power Point presentation of warm up

Power Point presentation of Hansel and Gretel

(Vocabulary, Text, Grammar, Exercise for practice)
Wordwall game by https://wordwall.net
“Pick me” game by www.baamboozle.com
Kahoot! game by https://kahoot.it/

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