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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII


SY 2016-2017

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts of derivatives.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to formulate and solve accurately situational
problems involving extreme values.
Learning Competency: Determine the relationship between differentiability and continuity of a
Code: STEM_BC11D-IIIf-1
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to determine if a given function
is continuous and differentiable at a given point in its domain.
A. Topic: Relationship Between Differentiability and Continuity of a Function
B. References: The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Leithold, Louis. 6th ed. Pp.148-152
Calculus and Analytic Geometry , Faires, J.D. pp. 62-68
C. Materials: meta cards, worksheets, pens, LCD, laptop
D. Strategy: Explicit Teaching
E. Link:
A. Preliminary Activities
● Prayer
● Checking of Attendance and Giving of Reminders
● Checking of Assignments
B. Motivation/Review
● In what aspects of life is “limit” very important? Why?
● Evaluate the following limits
x −7 x +10 −3
a) lim =
x →2
x −4 4
2−√ x 1
b) lim =
x→ 4 4−x 4

● Form 6 groups. Assign a leader, secretary and presenter.

Tell if the statement is True or False.
1. A function f is continuous if lim f (a) exists.- True
x →a
2. Any function will be continuous if the left hand limit , right hand limit and
functional value at a point is equal. True
3. If f is differentiable at x=c, then f is continuous at x = c. True
4. The derivative of the function f at a point a in its domain is given by
f ( a+h ) −f (a)
f ' ( a )=lim . True
h→ 0 h
5. The "derivative of f at a," written f ' (a), is a number that is equal to the slope of
the function f at a. True
6. Differentiation is the operation of deriving a function f ' from a function f. True
7 x−3
7. The domain of the function f ( x )= , is { x / xЄ }. False
Guide Questions:
- How was the activity you have just done?
-Were you able to recall continuous functions? Differentiable functions?
-What conditions must be met for us to say a function is continuous? Or a
function is differentiable?
C. Lesson Proper
a. Introduction
Theorem: If f is differentiable at x1, then f is continuous at x1.
To prove that f is continuous at x1 we must show that the three conditions of
the definition of a continuous function hold there. That is, we must show that (i)
f (x i) exists; (ii) limx f (x); and (iii) limx f (x)=f (x i ) .
x→ xi x→ x i
By hypothesis, f is differentiable at x i. Therefore f ( x i )exists. Because by
formula, , f (x i) must exist; othermise the above limit has
no meaning. Now consider,
lim [ f ( x )−f (x i ) ]
x→ x 1

We can rewrite

lim [ f ( x )−f (x i ) ]=lim (x−x i) ●

x→ x 1 x→ x i [ f ( x )−f (x i)
x−x i ]
lim ( x−x i) and f ' ( x )=lim f ( x )−f (x i) = f (x i) , we apply the theorem on the limit
x→ x 1
x→x x−x i

product to the right side of lim [ f ( x )−f (x i ) ]=lim (x−x i) ●

x→ x 1 x→ x i
f ( x )−f (x i)
x−x i
f ( x )−f ( x i )
obtain lim [ f ( x ) −f ( x i ) ]= lim ( x −xi ) ●
x→ x 1 x→x i
x−x i
=0● f (x i )
limx f (x)=limx [ ( fx ) −f ( x 1 ) +f ( x 1 ) ]
x→ xi x → xi

= limx
x→ x
[ ( fx )−f ( x 1) ] + limx
x→ x
[ f ( x1) ]
i i

= 0● f ( x i )
Which gives

limx f (x)=f ( x i )
x→ xi

From this equation it follows that conditions (ii) and (iii) for continuity of f at ( x i )
hold. Therefore the theorem is proved.
Refer to figure 5 for the sketch of the graph.


Presentation (I DO IT)
The teacher will demonstrate how the problems will be solved.
1. Given the function defined by f ( x )=3 x 2 +12
(a) Determine if f is continuous at 2.
- f ( 2 )=3 ¿
lim ❑=3 ¿
- x→ 2=lim (3 x +12)

x→ 2

Therefore, f is continuous at 2
(b) Is f differentiable at 2?
' f ( x )−f (2 ) ( 3 x2 +12 ) −f ( 2 )
f ( 2 )=lim =lim
x→2 x−2 x→2 x−2
3 x + 12−24
¿ lim
x →2 x−2
3 x −12
¿ lim
x →2 x −2
(x +2)( x−2)
¿ 3 lim
x→ 2 x−2
¿ 3 lim (x +2)
x→ 2
¿ 12
Since f ' (2) exist, then f differentiable at 2
2. Let f be defined by f (x)=|1−x 2|
(a) Prove that f is continuous at 1.
(b) Determine if f is differentiable at 1.

c. Guided Practice (WE DO IT)

Ask students to answer the given problem by group. The teacher will roam
around to monitor how the group members answer the problems.
1. Let f be defined by f ( x )=x 2 +2 x−3.
(a)Is f continuous at x = 2?
(b) Is f differentiable at x = 2?

Answer: Yes, the function f is differentiable at x = 2 because f is continuous at x = 2.

2. Is the function defined by f ( x )=2+ x (x −3)2 differentiable and continuous

on { 1 , 4 }?

d. Independent Practice (YOU DO IT) (Assessment)

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Show complete solution to support
your answer.
1. For all real numbers, the function f ( x )=x 2−6 x is
(a) Differentiable and continuous
(b) Differentiable, but not continuous
(c) Continuous, but not differentiable
(d) Neither differentiable nor continuous.
2. For which of the following domain is the function f ( x )=
(a) Dom f ( x )=¿
(b) Dom f ( x )= { xЄ / x 0 }
(c) Dom f ( x )= { xЄ / x 0 }
(d) Dom f ( x )= { xЄ / x 0 }

Answer the following problem.

Prepared by:
Mary Jane V. Muyco
Antonino G. Busano Sr High School
General Santos City Division

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