Cau Bi Dong Day Du Cac Thiko Keys

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Passive voice-bị động

I. Turn into Passive voice : S + am/is/are + P2 + by+ O
1. The bill includes service.

2. People don’t use this road very often.


3. They don’t pay Jim very much.


4. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.


5. After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board

6. They use milk for making butter and cheese.


7. Weeds cover the river.


9. John delivers the newspapers every morning.


10.Do they teach English here?


11. Where do people speak English?


II. Turn into Passive voice : S + am/is/are+ being + P2 + by+ O

1.They are building a new ring-road round the city.

2. He is asking me a lot of questions.


3. Is she making big cakes for the party?


4.Are the police making inquires about the thief?


5. They are painting their house.


6. People are redecorating the office.


7. He is writing a letter.

8. She is running her own company.


9. What books are people reading this year?


10.Who are they keeping in the kitchen?


III. Turn into Passive voice : S + have/has + been + P2 + by+ O

1.They have changed the date of the meeting.

2. My mother has made that cake.


3. They has prepared a dinner before we come.


4. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.


6. Science and Technology have completely changed human life.


7. Have they changed the window of the laboratory?


8. Has Tom finished the work?


9.How long have they waited for the doctor?


10. The police have arrested three men.


IV. Turn into Passive voice : S + was/were + P2 + by+ O

1.They cancelled all flights because of fog.

2.Somebody accused me of stealing the money.


4.His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.


5. Luckily for me, they didn't call my name.


6. They told the new pupil where to sit


7. A man I know told me about it.


8. Smoke filled the room


9.They didn’t ask me my name.


10. I washed the car yesterday.


11. Last year, they built a new hospital.


12. Did the teacher give some exercises?


13.Why didn't they help him?


14. How did the police find the lost man?


15. Who looked after the children for you?


V. Turn into Passive voice : S + was/were + being + P2 + by+ O

1.They were decorating the house when I came

2. They were painting the walls at 10 yesterday.

3. I didn’t realise that someone was recording our conversation.


4. She was doing her homework at that time.


5. Workers were digging a large hole in the street.


6. They were repairing their car.


7. Tom was writing two poems


8. At 7 p.m Mrs Smith was making cakes.


9. When he came home his father was reading a newspaper.


10. Her father was planting different kinds of flowers in the garden.

VI. Turn into Passive voice : S + will/shall + be + P2 + by+ O

1.I will invite her to my party on Sunday.

2.They will complete this bridge next month.


3.He won't tell me the truth about the situation.


4.Mr Brown will appoint Tom the director tomorrow.


5.The teacher will give her a prize if she works well.


6.After ten minutes he will call us in.


7.We will visit my grand parents next weekend.


8.I. am sure that I will prepare every thing carefully.


9.Will you invite her to your wedding party?


10.When will you do the work?


VII. Turn into Passive voice : S + can/must/ might/ should…+be + P2 + by+ O

1.People should send their complaints to the head office.

2. You musn't use this machine after 5.30 p.m


3. We can never find him at home for he is always on the move.


4. You must clean the wall before you paint it.


5. A sudden increase in water pressure may break the dam.


6. We must take good care of books borrowed from the library.

7. Must we finish the test before ten?


8 . They can open this safe.


9. Someone might steal my shoes.


10. What time can the boys hand in their papers?


VIII. Turn into Passive voice : S + am/is/ are + going to+ be + P2 + by+ O
1.They are going to hold next year’s congress in San Francisco.

2. Is she going to write a poem ?


3. She is going to buy a cookery book.


4. They are going to repair the old cars.


5. The are going to widen this road next month.


6. I am going to get some salt .


7. I am going to take Alan to the airport.


8. He isn't going to buy that house


9. Are you going to paint the walls ?


10. How many lessons are you going to learn next month?

IX. Turn into Passive voice : S + have/has to + be + P2 + by+ O

1. We have to feed the chickens three times a day

2.They have to postpone the meeting because of illness.


3 We have to pick fruits very early in the morning.


4. They have to finish their work before 6 p.m


5. They will have to pull down that building.


6. You have to do this job at once.


7. We have to clean the classroom every day.


8. They have to water the flowers every morning.


9. Hoa has to prepare dinner.


10. You have to sweep the floor every day.

XII. Turn into Passive voice

1. They did these exercises well.

2 They must wash the dress in cold water.


3. He has made no mistakes in his composition


4.New Arts gallery will exhibit his painting for the first time.

5. They built this house 100 years ago.


6.They make the artificial flowers of silk.


7. The students are writing the lessons now.


8. A group of students have met their friend at the railway station.


9. They feed these animals at the zoo twice a day.


10. French doctors are going to perform the operation.


11. They have made all the arrangements.


12. When did they manufacture this radio?


13. We couldn't find them any where.


14. Do they teach maths in this school?


15. Fortunately the accident didn't damage the machinery.


16. Please wait here while they are examining your luggage.

17. How do they make candles?


18. For a long time they believed that the earth was flat.

19. Did your teacher teach you how to apply this theory?

20. They say that apples are good for our health.

21. They didn't allow Tom to take these books home.


22. People believe that red is the symbol of luck.


23. What have they done to help the poor in this city?

24. The teacher won't correct exercises tomorrow.


25. How many trees did they cut down to build that fence?

26.This well- known library attracts many people.


27.All students attended the meeting.


28.People say that he is intelligent.


29.He can't repair my bike.


30.Mary has operated Tom since 10. o'clock.


31. Noone has made any comments on the event.


32.This the second time they have written to us about this.


33.Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years.


34.They didn't look after the children properly.


36.People drink a great deal of tea in England.


37.She often takes her dog for a walk.


38.She didn't introduce me to her mother.


39.Farmers usually milk cows twice a day


40. People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars.


41.The car knocked woman down in the stress.


42.Cows were eating grass on the meadow.


43.My cousin will meet you at the station.


44.Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloakroom


45. John hasn't finished his homework.


46.I will shut the door if you like.


47.We have just seen a horrible accident.


48.What language do people speak in this country?


49.When I was 18 years old my parents didn't allowed me to go out in the evening.

50.This terrorist has kept 3 hostages for a week.


51.He hasn't seen you for years.
52.The examiner will read the passage 3 times.
53.An earthquake destroyed the town.
54.He didn't type the letter last night.
55.They will pick me up at my house.
56.When did you see him in that bank?
57.My father will take me to Ho chi Minh city next week.
58.A man returned the keys to me.
59.Mary will see her friends off at the station.
60.You were wearing your new hat when I met you yesterday.
61.He is preparing everything for the presidential election
62.He gave me a knife to cut this bread.
63.People usually steal a lot of goods from supermarkets.
64.Countries are finding a way to solve the problem.
65.He put the letter in the drawer, then he locked it up.
66.She can sew three shirts a day.
67.We consider that she is the best singer.
69.I am translating an article from English into Vietnamese.
70.The Prime Minister is making a speech at the moment
71.People said he had swallowed a safety pin.
72.How many days did she spend on finishing the work?
73.Someone is following us.
74.She read the letter again and again last night.
75.The doctor pulled out one of my teeth yesterday morning.
76.The tailor has just made a new suit for me.
77.Someone saw him pick up a gun.
78.He has caught a lion and shot two others .
79.He received a letter from home by the evening post.
80.I put the 5 pound note into one of my books yesterday
81.His wife usually brings him sandwiches at lunch time.
82.They were continually asking question.
83.How many books do you give me?
84.He always lost his keys.
85.The lights went out while I was making a cup of tea.
86.When she went to Barcelona she learnt some Spanish words.
87.The State will assign our students to different jobs.
88.The government lauched the blood drive.
89.The students of chemistry made many experiments last week
XII.Turn into Passive voice
1.Someone had invented electric lights before I was born.
2.He likes people to call him "sir'.
3.Our teacher used to bid us talk in class.
4.Don't let others see you.
5.Before they took exams they had revised their lessons.
6.My mother used to make us clean the house.
7.They suggested banning advertisements on TV.
8.Last Friday when I came to Jean's house she had finished all exercises.
9.By the end of this year we will have learnt 2,000 English words.

10.Don't ask for another book until you finish this one.
11.After he had told a story, we clapped our hands.
12.Don't let the children tease the dog.
13.They must have stolen the jewelry while she was out.
14.Where did pirates use to hide the treasure in the old time?

I. Turn into Passive voice : S + am/is/are + P2 + by+ O

1. Service is included in the bill.
2.This road isn't used very often
3. Jim isn't paid very much
4. English is spoken in almost every corner of the world.
5. After class, the chalk board is always erased by one of the students.
6. Milk is used for making butter and cheese.
7. The river is covered with weeds
8. His story isn't believed
9. The newspapers are delivered by John everymorning.
10. Is English taught here?
11. Where is English spoken ?

II. Turn into Passive voice : S + am/is/are+ being + P2 + by+ O
1.A new ring-road is being built round the city.
2. I am being asked a lot of questions.
3. Are big cakes being made for the party?
4. Are inquires about the thief being made by the police?
5. Their house is being painted
6. The office is being redecorated .
7. A letter is being written
8. Her own office is being run by herself.
9.What books are being read this year?
10. Who is being kept in the kitchen?
III. Turn into Passive voice : S + have/has + been + P2 + by+ O
1.The date of the meeting has been changed.
2.That cake has been made by my mother.
3.A dinner has been prepared before we come.
4.The victims have been provided with food and clothing.
5.I have never treated with such kindness.
6.Human life has completely been changed by Science and Technology.
7.Has the window of the laboratory been changed ?
8.Has the work been finished by Tom?
9.How long has the doctor been waited for?
10.Three men have been arrested by the police.
IV. Turn into Passive voice : S + was/were + P2 + by+ O
1.All flights were cancelled because of fog.
2.I was accused of stealing the money.
3.I wasn't told that………….
4.He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.
5.Luckily for me, my name wasn't called
6.The new pupil was told where to sit
7.I was told about it by a man I know.
8.The room was filled with smoke.
9.I wasn't asked my name
10.The car was washed yesterday.
11.Last year, a new hospital was built.
12.Were some exercises given by the teacher?
13.Why wasn't he helped?
14.How was the lost man found by the police?
15.By whom were the children looked after for you?
V. Turn into Passive voice : S + was/were + being + P2 + by+ O
1.The house was being decorated when I came
2.The walls were being painted at 10 yesterday.
3.I didn’t realise that our conversation was being recorded.
4.Her homework was being done at that time.
5.A large hole was being dug in the street by workers.
6.Their car was being repaired
7.Two poems were being written by Tom.
8.A 7p.m , cakes were being made by Mrs Smith.
9. When he came home , a newspaper was being read by his father.
10. Different kinds of flowers were being planted in the garden by her father
VI. Turn into Passive voice : S + will/shall + be + P2 + by+ O

1. Her will be invited to my party on Sunday.
2. This bridge will be completed next month
3. I won't be told the truth about the situation.
4. Tom will be appointed the director( by Mr.Brown) tomorrow.
5. A prize will be given to her if she works well.
6. After ten minutes we will be called in.
7. My grandparents will be visited by us next weekend.
8. I am sure that everything will be prepared carefully.
9. Will she be invited to you wedding party?
10. When will the work be done?
VII. Turn into Passive voice : S + can/must/ might/ should…+be + P2 + by+ O
1. Their complants should be sent to the head office
2. This machine musn't be used after 5.30.
3. He can never been found at home for he is always on the move
4. The wall must be cleaned before it is painted
5. The dam may be broken by a sunden ……
6. Books borrowed from the library must be taken good care of.
7. Must the test be finisfed before ten
8. This safe can be opened
9. My shoes minght be stolen.
10. What time can the's boys papers be handed in?
VIII. Turn into Passive voice : S + am/is/ are + going to+ be + P2 + by+ O
1. Next year’s congress is going to be held in San francisco
2. Is a poem going to be written ?
3. A cookkery book is going to be bought.
4. The old cars are going to be repaired
5.This road is going to be widened next month
6. Some salt is going to be bought.
7. Alan is going to be taken to the airport.
8 That house isn't going to be bought.
9 Are the walls going to be painted?
10. How many lessons are going to be learnt by you next month?
IX. Turn into Passive voice : S + have/has to + be + P2 + by+ O
1. The chickens have to be fed three times a day.
2. The meeting has to be postponed because of illness.
3. Fruits have to be picked up very early in the mornimg.
4. Their work has to be finished before 6 p.m
5. That building will have to be pulled down
6. This job has to be done at once.
7. The classroom has to be cleaned every day.
8. The flowers have to be watered every morning.
9. Dinner has to be prepared by Hoa.
10. Does the floor have to be swept every day?
X. Turn into Passive voice:
1. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.
Many people are said to be homeless after the floods
2. It is known that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law.
The Prime Minister is known to be in favour of the new law.
3. It is expected that the government will lose the election.
The government is expected to lose the election.

4.It is thought that the prisoner escasped by climbing over the wall.
The prisoner is thought to have escasped by climbing over the wall.
5.It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.
The thieves are believed yo have got in through the kitchen window.
6.It is alleged that he drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.
He is alleged to have driven through the town at 90 miles an hour.
7. It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident.
Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
8.It is said that three men were arrested after explosion.
Three men are said to have arrested after explosion
XI.Turn into Passive voice: S + be + seen/ watched/ heard/ made/let/….+ to V/ Ving……
1. She was seen to come in
2. She has been heard to sing this song …
3. He was seen to steal your car.
4. They are being watched to work.5. You won't be let to do that silly thing again.
6. The children aren't made to work hard.
7. He was made to work hard all day.
8. The woman was seen to put the jewelry in her bag by the detective.
9. The hostages were made to lie down by the terrorists.
10.I am often made to do the washing up.
XII.Turn into Passive voice
1. These exercises were done well.
2.The dress must be washed in cold water.
3.No mistakes have been made in his composition
4.His painting will be exhibited for the first time by New Arts gallery..
5. This house was built 100 years ago.
6.The artificial flowers are made of silk.
7. The lessons are being written by the students now.
8. Their friend has been met at the railway station by a group of students.
9. These animals at the zoo are fed twice a day.
10. The operation is going to be performed by French doctors.
11. All the arrangements have been made.
12. When was this radio manufactured?
13. They couldn't be found any where.
14. Is maths taught in this school?
15. Fortunetely the machinery wasn't damaged by the accident.
16. Please wait here while your luggage is being examined.
17. How are candles made?
18. For a long time the earth was believed to be flat.
19. Were you taught you how to apply this theory by your teacher?
20. Apples are said to be good for our health.
21. Tom wasn't allowed to take these books home.
22. It is believed that red is the symbol of luck.
23. What have been done to help the poor in this city?
24 Exercises won't be corrected by the teacher tomorrow.
25.How many trees were cut down to build that fence?
26.Many people are attracted by t his well- known library
27.Tthe meeting was attended by all students
28.He is said to be intelligent.
29.My bike can't be repaired.

30. Tom has been operated since 10. o'clock.
31.No comments have been made on the event.
32.This the second timewe have been written to about this.
33.We have been taught French by Smith for 2 years.
34.The children weren't properly.looked after.
35.This tress wasn't swept last week.
36.A great deal of tea is drunk in England.
37.Her dog is often taken for a walk.
38.I wasn't introduced to her mother.
39.Cows are usually milked twice a day.
40.Japan is known to produce a wide rabge of cars.
41.A woman was knocked down in the stress.
42.Grass was being eaten by cows on the meadow.
43.You will be met by my cousin at the station.
44.Umbrellas and raincoats must be left in the cloakroom.
45.The homework hasn't been finished by John
46.The door will be shut if you like.
47.A horrible accident has just been seen
48.What language is spoken in this country?
49.When I was 18 years old I wasn't allowed to go out in the evening.
50.Three hostages have been kept for a week.
51.You haven't been seen for years.
52.The passage will be read 3 times by the examiner.
53.The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
54.The letter wasn't typed last night.
55. I will be picked up at my house.
56.When was he seen by you that bank?
57.I will be taken to Ho chi Minh city by my father next week.
58.The keys were returned to me.
59.Mary's r friends will be seen off at the station.
60.Your new ha was being worn t when I met you yesterday.
61.Everything is beeing prepared for the presidential election.
62.I was given a knife to cut this bread.
63.A lot of goods are usually stolen from supermarkets.
64.A way is being found to solve the problem.
65.The letter was put in the drawer, then it was locked up.
66.Three shirts can be sewn a day.
67.She is considered to be the best singer.
68.This room hasn't been used for ages.
69.An article is beeibg translated from English into Vietnamese.
70.A speech is being made by the Prime Minister at the moment.
71.He was said to have swallowed a safety pin.
72.How many days were spent on finishing the work?
73.We are being followed .
74.The letter was read again and again last night.
75.One of my teeth was pulled out yesterday morning.
76.A new suit has just been made for me.
77.He was seen to pick up a gun.
78.A lion has been caught and two others have been shot .
79.A letter from home was received by the evening post.

80.The 5 pound note was put into one of my books yesterday.
81.He is usually brought sandwiches by his wife at lunch time.(Sandwiches are usually brought to
him by ….)
82.Question were continually beeing asked.
83.How many books are given to me?
84.His keys were always lost.
85.The lights went out whilea cup of tea was beeing made
86.When she went to Barcelona some Spanish words were learnt by her .
87.Our students will be assigned to different jobs by the State.
88.The blood drive was launched by the government.
89.Many experiments were made by the students of chemistry last week.
XII.Turn into Passive voice
1.Electric lights had been invented before I was born.
2.He likes to be caledl him "sir'.
3.We used to be bidden to talk in class.
4.Don't let youself be seen by others.
5.Before they took exams their lessons had been revised
6.We used to be made the house.
7.They suggested that advertisements on TVshould be banned.
8.Last Friday when I came to Jean's house all exercises had been finished by her
9.By the end of this year 2,000 English words will have been learnt by us.
10.Don't ask for another book until this one is finished
11.After a story had been told , we clapped our hands.
12.Don't let the dog be teased by the children.
13. The jewelry must have been stolen while she was out.
14. Where did the treasure use to be hidden by pirates in the old time?


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