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Topic: Human Rights

What does it mean to ‘respect other religions’ and does the human rights
charter no longer defend religious freedom?
Relegion ideally serves several functions .It gives meaning and purpose to life ,reinforces
social unityand stability ,serves as an agent of social control, promotes psychological
qnd physical well-being ,and may motivate people to work for positive social change.
Since the beginning of time there have been many religions that have risen and fallen
for example, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Jewism, and many more. Religion is a
big part of the human rights as it allows us to practice freely anywhere. But
unfortunately there is a lot of religious discrimination in different parts of the world, for
example, refusal or denial to access something because you are a Muslim or dismissal
from work because you are a Rastafarian or a Buddhist.
As a Muslim in Pakistan, I often find myself thinking about other Muslims who live in
non-Muslim countries or states for example India in Kashmir; and think about their
struggles and the hardships they face in order to practice their religion simply because
Muslims are not granted freedom of practice in the streets of India. I often question why
they’re not given freedom to practice their religion openly because according to the
human rights charter’s Article 9, that talks about freedom of thought, conscience, and
religion, says:
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right
includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in
community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief,
in worship, teaching and practice and observance.
2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such
limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in
the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health, or morals,
or for the protection of the rights and freedom of others.
These two points raise a question in my mind about the fulfilment of basic human rights
freedom to live and freedom to practice religion openly or privately.
Religious freedom is actually not fully granted in many countries, USA included, but a
few countries like Pakistan, Turkey, and Syria, which are majority Muslim countries
give full freedom to practice religion openly.
People have different beliefs and different virtues and some just don’t believe in God
while some believe in several Gods, but the problem is while Atheists might be accepted
in a place the Polytheists may not be.
Respecting other religions is another problem that people usually face, so the first major
rebellion against Muslim rule was coordinated by Christians who felt threatened by the
large number of locals freely converting to Islam .Their aim was to show the Christian
and the new converts that the Muslim rulers were intolerant and in 851 CE began to
openly criticize them. The Muslim rulers handled this situation with a great patience.
Christians leaders in Al -Andalus denounced these attempts to create divisions between
the different communities and the rebellion faded away. In the following centuries al -
Andalus (Cordoba in particular)was regarded was a uniquely tolerant place for people
belonging to different faiths .The Spanish called this existence
‘La Convivencia. In this the Christians were allowed to make more churches and
allowed to worship any religion they wanted to. But after the marriage of King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella they joined their kingdom forces and recaptured the
Spain and this was Reconquista and they forced the Muslims and jews to change their
religions to Christianity . They would kill the people who did not change their religions
and would follow the people who changed their religion to make sure they changed their
religions . Another incident ….
Hazrat Umar Bin Al Khattab had sent sent an army to fight the romans .A young
faithful believer called Hazrat Abdullah Bin Huzaiyfah , was among the troops .Hazrat
Abdullah was a very brave person .He fought in the battle once ,as he dashed through
the enemy ranks ,he fell in to the hands of the enemies and was taken prisoner .They
took him to their emperor who tempted them to renounce Islam and accept Christianity.
the emperor said oh Abdullah! If you agree to accept Christianity we would give you a
lot of wealth and palaces that would make you happy haziq Abdullah replied for all
your wealth I am not prepared to part with my faith even for a moment . The emperor
said angrily then tell me everything about your army which has come to attack us.
Abdullah answered I shall tell you nothing each soldier in the Muslim army is my
brother. I would do nothing that would bring harm to anyone of them. Then i shall
have you put to death shouted the emperor in toads of great rage. Hazrat abdullah
feared nothing he replied bravely i would love to die in the way of allah the emperor
commanded his troops to tie down hazrat Abdullah and take him away to be killed. The
emperor thought this might frighten him to tell everything about the Muslim army. But
hazrat Abdullah said nothing .His faith and fearlessness astonished the emperor. At last
he ordered hazrat Abdullah to be flung into prison without giving him food and drink.
The emperor marveled at the faith of hazrat Abdullah. He walked up to him and said I
will set you free if you agree to kiss my forehead. Hazrat Abdullah thought for a while
and replied, play I shall kiss your forehead if you agree to set my Muslim brother
captain 3. Kissed the King's forehead and said 80 Muslim captives free. When hazrat
Abdullah bin Huzaifa returned hazrat Umar went out to the outskirts of Medina to
welcome him home. He told Muslims that it was binding on everyone present to kiss
hazrat Abdullah forehead and hazrat Umar himself made the beginning. Everyone
presents cased hazrat Abdullah bin Huzaifa following the example of hazrat Umar bin
al Khattab. In that time even after the message of Allah conveyed by hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) the Christian and the Jews had the audacity to still not agree to
Islam this was very surprising for the Muslims. Freedom of religion or belief is
guaranteed by article 18 of universal declaration of human rights. Article 18 of the
international covenant on civil and political rights and the declaration of the elimination
of in all forms of tolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief. All human
beings have the right to choose their own religion they want to worship without undue
interference. A human being is not a human being if it is not given the right to choose
what does you know no its own religion. No matter what religion a human being chooses
on earth, but the religion will be corrected in heaven or hell. Everyone has the right to
freedom of thought conscience and religion this right includes freedom of change this
religion or belief and freedom either alone or in community with others and in public or
private to manifest his religion or belief in worship teaching practice and observance
religious freedom or freedom of conscience is critical to the health to the health of a
diverse society it allows different faiths and beliefs to. Religious freedom protects the
right of all groups and individuals including the most vulnerable whether religious or
not. Here are some histories of major religious events origin of Judaism origin of
Hinduism destruction of the first temple Judaism origin of Buddhism life of Confucius
Buddhism construction of second temple Judaism Oregon of genesis from life of Jesus.
World religion is a category used in the study of religion of two demarcate the five and
in some cases largest and most internationally widespread religious movements
Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity and Islam I always included in the list being
known as the big 5. Of the world's major religions Christianity is the largest with more
than two billion followers Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
and is approximately 2000 years old. The word Hindu is an exonym and while
Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world many practitioners refer to
their religion as Santana Dharma the internal Dharma which refers to the idea that its
original origins lie beyond human history as revealed in the Hindu text . Here are some
major incidents happened in Islam Muhammad 's first revelation first Muslim female
convert Khadija first Muslim male convert Abubakar first Muslim child convert Ali
ABI Talib first public dawah first Muslim martyr first Muslim to be killed some have
been the kabab first Muslim to be tortured Bilal-ebne-Riba first migration to another
country Ethiopia first Muslim ambassador and envoy Musa bin Amir first Muslim
Moisin Ebony Reba first treaty pledge of war made on amongst Muslims second pledge
of at Al Akbar first military operation at and first offensive campaign al is red fish
Muslim military commander has Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib fresh Muslim to take part
in actual fighting in the name of Islam Saad Ibn ABI wakas first pretty treat Banu
Dharma peace treaty first Muslim to be killed another person in the name of Islam
waked Ibni Abdullah first person taking captive of Muslims Uthman Osman Abdullah
Abdullah and nawaf l and Abdullah first assassination carried out by Muslims Asma
binte marwa or club club Ave. and Ashraf fresh assassination carried out by Muslims
kab Ibn al Ashraf first persons to be beheaded and executed by Muslims and other
when al hayat and utba bin Abu mohit first siege carried out by Muslims invasion of
banu nuka first person to try and assassinate Mohammad gwadar al Hariri during the
invasion of the Amur first military first defensive military campaign battle of ohud first
first Muslim missionaries to be called assembly when adi and the during the expedition
of all raji first massacre of Muslim expedition of of bear moana first m 7assacre carried
out by Muslims etc. We can change our religion anytime we want we also have the right
to put our thoughts and beliefs in action. We can wear religious clothes and we have the
right to talk about our religion. The top three religions in Pakistan are Hindu Muslims
and Ahmadis and 0.02% others. The Muslim worship is a masjid. Christians worship in
churches .jews worship in gurd waras .Buddhist worship in temple and Hindus worship
in Hindi temples. Freedom of religion or belief, including the ability to worship in peace
and security, is a universal human right. It is enshrined in both the Universal
Declaration of human rights, and the international covenant on civil and political rights
and among other key human rights document the constitution provides for freedom of
conscience, religion, thought, belief, opinion, and expression. Every individual is equal
under the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law without
discrimination based on religion thus religion and morality require different legal
standards different rules and different forms of legal protection therefore they cannot
be threat treated as the same right but as two different freedoms freedom of conscience
and freedom of religion. Islam includes kindness to people and animals charity
forgiveness honesty patience justice respecting parents and elders keeping promises and
controlling one’s anger, love of god and those god loves ,loves of His messengers
(Muhammad)and of beleivers. The Muslim population of England and Wales has grown
consistently since World War 2. Sophie Gilliat – ray attributes the recent growth to
recent immigration the higher than average birth rate some conversions to Islam. The
largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia a country home to 12.7% of the
world's Muslims followed by the Pakistan 11.1% India 10.9% and Bangladesh 9.2%
about 20% of Muslims live in the Arab world. Maldives the population of the Maldives
is 100% muslim islam is the state religion of the country and citizens are legally
required to follow it .

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