Development of Credit

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DEVELOPMENT OF CREDIT * The organizations of rural banks and

agricultural credit associations were

Pre-Spanish Time encouraged by the government.
The Philippines had been trading with
foreign countries such as China, Japan, * Only seven credit associations and two
Sumatra, India, Arabia, Siam, Borneo, Java, rural banks were actually organized.
the Moluccas, and other East Indian islands
* The failure of the credit program was
when the Spanish conquerors arrived. The
caused by a combination of several
barter system then was used to conduct trade
with the foreigners. The Filipinos exchanged
their native products, such as cotton, pearls, 1. Farmers did not have steady income due to
betel nuts, sinamay fiber, and the like with the the destruction of their crops by natural
foreigners, for porcelain, silk, and ivory. calamities.
Filipino traders were famous for their honesty
and excellent credit records. 2. They were exploited by the landlords who
give them unfair share in the harvest. Thus, it
Spanish Time was really possible for them to pay their loans.
During the initial years of Spanish rule, 3. The negative attitudes of the borrowers
free trade was encouraged. The goods of the toward their debts influenced their refusal to
Far East were marketed to America through settle their financial obligations.
Manila and then through Acapulco, Mexico.
Manila was still then the center of trade and 4. They considered their loans as another form
commerce in the Orient. Subsequently, however of dole outs and therefore they did not feel the
the Spain adopted a policy of trade restrictions responsibility of paying the government
in the prevailing concept of mercantilism in lending institutions.
Europe. A product of mercantilistic policy in the Under the Republic
Philippines was the Galleon Trade. Most of The scars of World War II were still
those who participated in the galleon trade conspicuous when the Philippines became a
secured their loans from the pias. republic on July 4, 1946. It was a period of
American Era reconstruction and rehabilitation. The national
Agriculture remained undeveloped economy and the people greatly needed money
under the Spanish regime. The American for business and economic development. In
government, however gave priority to its response to the credit needs of the country,
development. The American administrators the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation was
introduced a better banking and credit system established on October 29, 1946.
to promote economic development, especially In 1958, the Rehabilitation Finance
in the rural areas. Among the credit programs Corporation became the Development Bank
of the government was the organization of of the Philippines. A very significant
the first agricultural bank in 1908 for the improvement in the financial system was the
benefit of the farmers. In 1915 the Rural establishment of the Central Bank of the
Credit Law was enacted to complement the Philippines in 1949. Since then, monetary
agricultural cooperatives, particularly credit policies have been fashioned to improve
associations in every town all over the country. production, employment, and quality of life of
the people, especially in the rural sectors
* Rice and Corn Fund was established where poverty has been more widespread. In
providing 1 million for loans to the later years the government encouraged the
farmers` credit cooperatives. organization of savings and loan associations,
* Philippine National Bank was and rural and cooperative banks.
established in 1916.
CREDIT * Delayed/Overdue Payment = Penalty >
Interest (to teach them a lesson)
Credit is a term derived from the Latin * Unsecured Loan - Clean Loan / Character
word credo – meaning, to believe, to trust. As Loan
applied to this subject, credit means securing
something of value, whether tangible or Advantages of Credit
intangible, in return for a promise to pay at
some determined future date. 1. Credit facilitates and contributes to the
increase in wealth by making funds available
The first principle therefore of credit is: Do not for productive purposes.
give Credit to anybody you do not trust. Trust
is the fundamental element of credit. 2. Credit saves time and expense by providing
a safer and more convenient means of
Credit Instrument: Promissory Note completing transactions.
Co-Maker : Same liability with the maker 3. Credit helps expand the purchasing power
of every member of the business community –
Others define credit as follows: from producers to the ultimate consumer.

1. Credit is purchasing power (Mill) 4. Credit enables immediate consumption of

goods thereby providing for an increase in
2. The essence of credit is confidence on the material well-being.
part of the creditor in the debtor`s willingness
and ability to pay his debt. (Holdsworth) 5. Credit helps expand economic opportunities
through education, job training and job
3. Credit may be called a “short sale” of money creation.
6. Credit spreads progress to various sectors
4. Credit is a “sale of trust” of the economy.
5. The exchange of an actual reality against a 7. Credit makes possible the birth of new
future probability (Le Vasseur) industries.
6. Credit may be defined as the power time in 8. Credit helps buying become more
return for investment or services at a future convenient for customers.
date. (Bullock)
7. Credit is the personal reputation a person Disadvantages of Credit
has, in consequence of which he can buy
money, or goods, or labor, by giving in 1. Credit, at times, encourages speculation.
exchange for them a promise to pay at a 2. Credit also tends to contribute to
future time. (Mac Leod), extravagance and carelessness on the part of
8. Credit is the power to obtain goods or people who obtain it. Since the person who
services by giving a promise to pay money (or obtains credit is not using his own money but
goods) on demand or at a specified date in the is using the money of other person, he is
future. (Johnson) therefore charged with an obligation of the
highest order. Many do not understand such
9. A credit is the present right to a future social responsibility. As such many fail to
payment. (Mac Leod) appreciate that trust.
3. Because of credit, many entrepreneurs
resort to over expansion. Failure to generate
6% - Legal Rate in the Philippines
expected income can only cause a collapse
6.25% Monetary
which affects the nation`s economy.
*Higher rate when it comes to private
4. Owing to the observation that business can others, and which involves big amounts
be expanded or contracted rapidly through the of money.
use of credit, businessmen are not only
h. Real Estate credit, when credit is
susceptible but eventually succumb to an air
secured purposely for construction,
of confidence or pessimism. Credit causes one
acquisition, expansion, or improvement
businessman to be dependent upon others. In
of real estate properties, it is termed as
order to extend credit, he must have faith in
real estate credit.
other businessmen and also in the future.
Thus, it follows that if credit relations become 2. Short-term credit is a loan that is payable
strained, man business recession may set in. in less than one (1) year while long-term credit
is a loan whose maturity is from five (5) years
or more and intermediate credit is a loan that
CLASSES AND KINDS OF CREDIT matures only in more than a year but less
than five years.
1. The classes and kinds of credit according to
its purposes are: 3. The following can be used as collateral:
land, stocks, bonds, machines, houses, crops,
a. Commercial credit, which includes the
and other valuable properties.
promise to pay off businessmen for the
funds they borrowed in the purchase of 4. Loans, whether secured or unsecured, are
goods for productive or profitable risk inherent although the former is less risky.
ventures. These are the merchants, Although secured loans are backed by
distributors, and manufacturers. collateral, creditors prefer to have cash rather
than property or set that still needs to be
b. Agricultural credit, which includes
converted into cash.
the promise to pay off farmers and farm
organizations for the funds they 5. The following are considered private sectors
borrowed in the acquisition of farm of the economy: individuals, partnerships,
inputs. corporations, and other private institutions.
Public credit includes all grants of credit to
c. Investment credit, the promise to pay
the government whether national, provincial,
off individuals or business firms for the
or municipal, and its instrumentalities while
loans they obtained in buying capital
private credit refers to all grants of credit to
d. Consumer credit, constitutes all the
obligations to pay off people for the
money they borrowed for consumption
e. Speculative credit, a type of credit
that is used for dealing in securities or
goods with the intention of making a
profit through favorable price changes.
f. Export credit, in some form and to
some extent is always involved in all
sorts of transactions for which cash is
not paid on or before the shipment of
goods out of the country.
g. Industrial credit, is intended for
financing the needs of industries like
logging, fishing, manufacturing, and

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