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CPK 2 Translation

Name : Adinda Mega U.

NIM : 180403031

1. Translate this dialogue into Bahasa Indonesia.

Hans: Saya telah berpikir untuk pergi piknik sejak akhir pekan lalu. Apa yang kamu
Alice: Benarkah? Itu ide yang bagus. Aku siap untuk itu. Di luar ruangan akan sangat
bagus. Apakah Anda memiliki lokasi dalam pikiran?
Hans: Bagaimana dengan Tava? Jaraknya relatif jauh dan hanya tiga jam perjalanan.
Kita bisa bermalam di sana.
Alice: Lokasinya terdengar menarik. Bisakah kita memasak makanan kita sendiri?
Karena itu adalah bahan utama dari piknik apa pun.
Hans: Saya tidak yakin tentang itu. Kita bisa membawa bahan baku.
Alice: Oke. Mari kita bertanya beberapa teman lagi.
Hans: Mari kita berbicara dengan orang lain hari ini dan mendapatkan persetujuan
akhir besok.
Alice: Kedengarannya bagus.

2. Translate this text into English.

Travis Scott's concert on Friday, November 5, 2021 evening local time ended
tragically. Eight spectators were reportedly killed and hundreds injured after the
Travis Scott concert ended in chaos. confession in his concert, the rapper genre singer
finally opened his voice. The concert was the opening of the Astroworld music
festival in Houston, United States, which Travis Scott holds every year. Seeing this,
Travis Scott was devastated by the tragic events in his concert. “I am absolutely
devastated by what happened last night," Travis said on his Twitter account Pikiran- "My prayers go out to the family and all those affected by what
happened at the Astroworld Festival," the 29-year-old rapper wrote.
3. Analyse and give comment on the TT which is a product of translation using
google translate.

Oh, That’s Old! Oh, Itu Tua!
Old-growth forests look very different Hutan tua terlihat sangat berbeda satu
from one another. Some have only one sama lain. Beberapa hanya memiliki satu
kind of tree. Others have many kinds of jenis pohon. Lainnya memiliki banyak
trees. Some may have very tall trees. jenis pohon. Beberapa mungkin memiliki
Others have trees that are short. These
pohon yang sangat tinggi. Lainnya
forests are so different that scientists do
not have one definition for old-growth memiliki pohon yang pendek. Hutan-
forests . Yet many old-growth forests do hutan ini sangat berbeda sehingga para
have things in common. ilmuwan tidak memiliki satu definisi
Many scientists think that an old - growth untuk hutan tua. Namun banyak hutan
forest must be at least 150 years old. Not tua memiliki kesamaan.
every tree in the forest has to be that old, Banyak ilmuwan berpikir bahwa hutan
though. tua harus berusia setidaknya 150 tahun.
The canopy should have more than one Namun, tidak setiap pohon di hutan
layer. The tallest trees form the top layer. harus setua itu.
Fallen trees make holes in the canopy Kanopi harus memiliki lebih dari satu
where sunlight gets through. Young trees
can grow in these holes. Dead trees give lapisan. Pohon-pohon tertinggi
food and shelter to many living things membentuk lapisan atas. Pohon tumbang
membuat lubang di kanopi tempat sinar
matahari masuk. Pohon muda dapat
tumbuh di lubang ini. Pohon mati
memberi makanan dan tempat
berlindung bagi banyak makhluk hidup

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