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The thirds represent chord harmony.

Underneath you have the triad walking the bass and occasionally a

Prep for Op.6 no.1

The thirds represent the accompaniment beneatht the melody. This is a 6/3 harmonisation. The 4th can be detatched from the third as it is in Op 6 no.2.
Practice this by playing melodies that you can memorize using solfege.

Prep for Op.6 no.2

These types of harmonisations to some extent are seen

in Op 6 no.2

Op 6 no.12
Static soprano melody moving thirds

descending scalar
Soprano voice. Static thirds

Doouble octave then moving thirds

chords and alberti bass in middle voice

Op 6 no.6
Famous thirds study. Only practice here is
playing sequenced scales in harmonic thirds.

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