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Wireless Network Principles

Freedom from wires

Wireless Network
❖Computer networks that are not connected by cables are called
wireless networks. They generally use radio waves for
communication between the network nodes. They allow
devices to be connected to the network while roaming around
within the network coverage.
❖Wireless communication is one of the fastest-growing
technologies. The demand for connecting devices without the
use of cables is increasing everywhere.
❖Wireless networking is more cheapest and affordable method to set
up an Internet network system, because there are not use any cable,
so all family members can free to use their devices any area in the
house, as well as other devices can be connected over the network in
few seconds.
Wireless Network

Wireless Network
❖Types of Wireless Networks

❖Wireless LANs

❖Wireless MANs

❖Wireless WANs

Wireless Network
Wireless LANs
➢Wireless LAN (WLAN) technology provides internet access
within a building or a limited outdoor area. First used
within offices and homes, WLAN technology is now also
used in stores and restaurants.
➢The use of home networks has greatly increased as the
COVID-19 pandemic has forced office workers, students,
teachers and others to work and study from home.
➢Most home network designs are simple. A modem connects
to the cable or fiber from a local service provider. A
wireless router is connected to the modem and receives the
signal from the modem, which it then broadcasts using a
wireless protocol, such as the 802.11 standards.
Wireless Network
Wireless MANs
➢Wireless metropolitan area networks have been installed in
cities worldwide to provide access for people outside an
office or home network. These networks cover a wider area
than office or home networks, but the principles are the
➢APs (Access Point) are located on the sides of buildings or
on telephone poles throughout the coverage area. APs are
connected to the internet via a wired network and
broadcast a wireless signal throughout the area.
➢Users connect to their desired destination by connecting to
the nearest AP, which forwards the connection through its
internet connection.
Wireless Network
Wireless WANs
➢Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN) can be maintained
over large areas, such as cities or countries, via multiple
satellite systems, antenna sites or mobile phone signals. With
a wide coverage area.
➢Wireless WANs use cellular technology to provide access
outside the range of a wireless LAN or metropolitan network.
➢These networks enable users to make phone calls to others
connecting either through a wireless WAN or a wired
telephone system. Users can also connect to the internet to
access websites or server-based applications.

Wireless Network
➢Wireless networks offer the following advantages when compared to
traditional wired networks:
❖Increased Mobility: Wireless networks allow mobile users to access real-
time information so they can roam around your space without getting
disconnected from the network.
❖Installation Speed and Simplicity: Installing a wireless network system
reduces cables, which are cumbersome to setup and can impose a safety
risk, should employees trip on them.
❖Wider Reach of the Network: The wireless network can be extended to
places in your organization that are not accessible for wires and cables.
❖More Flexibility: Should your network change in the future, you can
easily update the wireless network to meet new configurations.
❖Reduced Cost over Time: Wireless networking may carry a slightly
higher initial investment, but the overall expenses over time are lower.
❖Increased Scalability: Wireless systems can be specifically configured to
meet the needs of specific applications. These can be easily changed and
scaled depending on your organization’s needs.
Wireless Network
➢Examples of wireless networks
❖Mobile phone networks
❖Wireless sensor networks
❖Satellite communication networks
❖Terrestrial microwave networks

Wireless Signal
➢Wireless signals are electromagnetic waves travelling through
the air. These are formed when electric energy travels through
a piece of metal -- for example a wire or antenna -- and waves
are formed around that piece of metal. These waves can travel
some distance depending on the strength of that energy.
➢Wireless signals are important because they can transfer
information -- audio, video, our voices, data -- without the use
of wires, and that makes them very useful.
➢There are two important types of transmissions to understand:
❖Analog Signal
❖Digital Signal

Wireless Signal
➢Analog signal transmission information (sound, video, or data)
travels in a continuous wave whose strength and frequency vary
directly with a changing physical quantity at the source.
➢Digital signal transmission information is converted to ones and
zeros which are formatted and sent as electrical pulses.
Advantages of using digital signals include greater accuracy,
noise reduction (unwanted signals) and an increased capacity for
sending information.

Wireless Signal
Basic properties of waves: Amplitude, wavelength, and
➢A wave has a trough (lowest point) and a crest (highest point).
The vertical distance between the tip of a crest and the wave’s
central axis is known as its amplitude. This is the property
associated with the brightness, or intensity, of the wave.
➢The horizontal distance between two consecutive troughs or
crests is known as the wavelength of the wave.
➢Wave frequency refers to the number of full wavelengths that
pass by a given point in space every second; the SI unit for
frequency is Hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to “per seconds”.

Wireless Signal

The basic characteristics of a wave

Wireless Signal
➢The relationship between frequency and wavelength
➢Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional: that is, the
shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, and vice versa.
This relationship is given by the following equation:
➢Where λ (the Greek lambda) is the wavelength (in meters, m and ν
(the Greek nu) is the frequency (in Hertz, Hz). Their product is the
constant c, the speed of light, which is equal to 3.00×10^8 m/s.

➢Example: Calculating the wavelength of a light wave

➢A particular wave of electromagnetic radiation has a frequency of
1.5×10^14Hz. What is the wavelength of this wave?

Wireless Signal
λ= c /ν

Wireless Signal
Types of Wireless Signals
➢There are many types of wireless technologies. We may be familiar
with AM and FM radio, Television, Cellular phones, Wi-Fi, Satellite
signals such as GPS and television and Bluetooth. These are some
of the most common signals, but what makes them different?
❖Wireless signals occupy a spectrum, or wide range, of frequencies:
the rate at which a signal vibrates. If the signal vibrates very
slowly, it has a low frequency. If the signal vibrates very quickly, it
has a high frequency. Frequency is measured in Hertz, which is
the count of how quickly a signal changes every second. Millions
of vibrations a second is Megahertz (MHz), and billions of
vibrations a second is Gigahertz (GHz).

Wireless Signal
➢Example Frequency Ranges
❖The frequencies from left to right:
❖AM Radio: Around 10MHz
❖FM Radio: Around 100MHz
❖Television: Many frequencies from 470MHz to
800MHz, and others.
❖Cellular phones: 850MHz, 1900MHz, and others
❖Wi-Fi: 2.4GHz
❖Satellite: 3.5GHz
❖Wi-Fi: 5GHz

Wireless Signal
➢In addition to having different frequencies, wireless signals can be
different in the way they convey information. A wireless signal
needs to be modulated--or changed--to send information.
➢There are many types of modulation, and different technologies
can use one or more types to send and receive information. For
examples; AM and FM radio -- the M stands for modulation, A
stands for Amplitude and F stands for Frequency. The type of
modulation is what makes them different.
➢Example one: AM radio. The A in AM comes from Amplitude - the
energy or strength of the signal, operating at a single frequency.

Wireless Signal
➢There are different types of Modulation:
❖Amplitude Modulation
❖Frequency Modulation

Wireless Signal

Wireless Signal
Receivers and Transmitters
➢When a device sends out a wireless signal, it is called a transmitter.
When another device picks up that wireless signal and understands the
information, it is called a receiver. When a device has both a transmitter
and a receiver, it is sometimes called a transceiver.

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢Electromagnetic waves can be classified and arranged according to
their various wavelengths/frequencies; this classification is known as
the electromagnetic spectrum. Spectrum refers to the invisible radio
frequencies that wireless signals travel over.
➢Spectrum allocation is the process of regulating the use of the
electromagnetic spectrum and dividing it among various and sometimes
competing organizations and interests.
➢The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) defines
frequency allocation as being of "a given frequency band for the
purpose of its use by one or more terrestrial or space
radiocommunication services or the radio astronomy service under
specified conditions“
➢The electromagnetic spectrum are grouped in “bands” depending on
their wavelengths—the distance over which the wave’s shape repeats.
➢Spectrum allocation is also known as frequency allocation.

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢The full electromagnetic spectrum ranges from three Hz
(extremely low frequency) to 300 EHz (gamma rays).
➢The portion of electromagnetic spectrum used for wireless
communication sits within that space and ranges from about 20
KHz to 300 GHz.

Spectrum wavelengths are classified into different bands within the

electromagnetic spectrum range.

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
Major frequency bands
➢Microwave frequency range (1 GHz to 40 GHz)
❖Directional beams possible
❖Suitable for point-to-point transmission
❖Used for satellite & terrestrial (over earth) communications
➢Broadcast frequency range(30 MHz to 1 GHz )
❖Suitable for Omni-directional applications
❖applications : FM radio and UHF and VHF television
➢Infrared frequency range(300 GHz to 3000 GHz)
❖Useful in local point-to-point multipoint applications
within confined(restricted) areas.
Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢Types of spectrum allocation:
❖No one may transmit — Spectrum band is reserved for a specific
use such as radio astronomy so that there is no interference with
radio telescopes.
❖Anyone may transmit — As long as transmission power limits are
❖Only licensed users/organizations of the specific band may
transmit — Examples are cellular and television spectrums as well
as amateur radio frequency allocations.
➢ Some standardization organizations working on spectrum allocation and regulation:
❖ European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)
❖ International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
❖ Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢The electromagnetic spectrum is the main way that those on the
ground are able to talk to objects in space. However, spectrum is a
finite resource and radio spectrum becomes more intensively used.
➢Issues can arise when different parties wish to use the same frequency
in the same geographical location at the same time. This challenge has
an important international dimension because radio waves do not
respect national borders, so services in one country can interfere with
those in neighboring territories.
➢In response, governments employ spectrum management and
regulation to:
❖Ensure there is sufficient spectrum for the services which need it
the most and provide the greatest socio-economic benefits;
❖Encourage spectrum efficiency so the scarce resource can be maximized;
❖Minimize interference nationally and internationally.

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢Spectrum Management is the art and science of managing the use of
the radio spectrum in order to minimize interference and ensure
radio spectrum is used to its most efficient extent and benefit for
the public. All useful regions of the radio frequency spectrum (10
kHz–300 GHz) are regulated.
➢Frequency bands (the spectrum) are allocated to the different
services either International (worldwide allocation) or national
(regional allocation)
1. International(Worldwide)
❖Due to the international nature of spectrum use, there is an
international interest in maintaining conformity between
countries. The main body that ensures this is the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU), an entity within the United
Nations, maintains a Table of Allocations to which most
countries adhere, to a large extent.

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢The ITU has divided the world into three regions, each
often having different radio rules and allocations.
➢Each nation also has internal spectrum regulators who
manage what is universally considered to be a sovereign
asset within their own borders. Generally a Ministry of
Telecommunications or similar organization fills this role.
❖Region 1: Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Mongolia;

❖Region 2: The Americas, Caribbean and Eastern Pacific Islands;

❖Region 3: Asia, the Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
• d

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
2. National
❖Governments detail their decision in a piece of spectrum
management legislation called the National Frequency
Allocation Table (NFAT). This lists the services which may
operate in each band, associated conditions (e.g. emission
limits) and future plans for bands (e.g. changing the types of
service which could potentially operate in them).
❖Each country has its own way of managing use and
allocating spectrum to users.

Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢There are a variety of approaches which regulators can use to
exercise different levels of control over how spectrum is assigned
to a particular provider and how it may subsequently be used.
➢The three broad approaches are:
• The administrative approach: The traditional method where a regulator
has total control, including choosing which companies are assigned
spectrum and exactly how it is used.
• Market-based approach: This method uses market forces to determine
the distribution of spectrum. Regulators treat spectrum like a private
asset so licenses are typically sold at auction and could, in principle, be
re-sold or leased out by their owners afterwards to ensure market forces
continue to guarantee that spectrum is used and distributed efficiently ;
• The spectrum commons approach: Also known as unlicensed spectrum
or license-exempt, this model allows anybody to use a certain band
without prior permission as long as the transmission technologies
adhere to certain rules — sometimes called ‘politeness protocols’ —
which manage interference. Examples include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Frequency Allocation and Regulation
➢The spectrum is a national resource so every country has
sovereign control over how it is used. However, there are
important benefits to adopting an agreed international
➢By using the same frequency bands and conditions for the
same types of service across different countries — an
approach called ‘harmonization’, governments can reduce
international interference, lower mobile equipment costs
and enable roaming.
➢Spectrum harmonization refers to the uniform allocation
of radio frequency bands across an entire region.
➢A global effort under ITU to encourage governments and
regulators to allocate RF spectrum consistently across
borders, thereby enabling global roaming, interoperability
and global markets for telecom equipment.

➢An Antenna (or sometimes called as an Aerial), is an electrical
device that converts electric power into electromagnetic waves
(or simply radio waves) and vice-versa.
➢The Antenna is a device that is used for transmitting and
receiving signals, which represents some information.
➢They are designed for wireless communication and have the
capability to propagate both radio and microwave signals.
➢From a transmission line, a signal is given to an antenna, after
that this signal can be changed into electromagnetic energy to
be broadcasted throughout space.
➢Where ever there is Wireless Communication, there is an
Antenna. The shape, size and type of antenna might be
different but there is an antenna involved none the less.
➢Antennas have to be classified to understand their physical structure
and functionality more clearly. There are many types of antennas
depending upon the applications.
Type of antenna Examples Applications
Dipole antenna, Monopole antenna, Personal applications, buildings,
Wire Antennas Helix antenna, Loop antenna ships, automobiles, space crafts
Waveguide (opening), Horn antenna Flush-mounted applications, air-
Aperture Antennas
craft, space craft
Parabolic reflectors, Corner reflectors Microwave communication,
Reflector Antennas
satellite tracking, radio astronomy
Convex-plane, Concave-plane, Convex- Used for very highfrequency
Lens Antennas convex, Concaveconcave lenses applications
Circular-shaped, Rectangularshaped Air-craft, space-craft, satellites,
Micro strip Antennas
metallic patch above the ground plane missiles, cars, mobile phones etc.
Yagi-Uda antenna, Micro strip patch Used for very high gain
Array Antennas array, Aperture array, Slotted wave applications, mostly when needs to
guide array control the radiation pattern
Signal Propagation
➢Signal Propagation describes how a radio signal is transformed
from the time it leaves a transmitter to the time it reaches the
receiver. When the waves travel (propagate) from one point to
another, they are, like light waves.
➢In a wireless communication system, a transmitted signal can
reach the receiver via a number of propagation mechanisms.
➢Wireless transmissions propagate in three modes. They are −
1. Ground Propagation,

2. Sky Propagation, and

3. Line-of-Sight Propagation

Signal Propagation
Propagation mechanisms

Signal Propagation loss
➢The signal path loss is essentially the reduction in power density
of an electromagnetic wave or signal as it propagates through
the environment in which it is travelling. This affects all radio
communication, broadcast and wireless communication systems.
There are many reasons for the radio path loss that may occur:
❖Free space loss: The free space loss occurs as the signal travels
through space without any other effects attenuating the signal
it will still diminish as it spreads out. Attenuation: The
strength of signal falls with distance over transmission
❖Diffraction: signal path loss due diffraction occurs when an
object appears in the path. The signal can diffract around the
object, and losses occur.

Signal Propagation loss
❖Multipath: In a real terrestrial environment, signals will be
reflected and they will reach the receiver via a number of different
❖Terrain: The terrain over which signals travel will have a
significant effect on the signal. Obviously hills which obstruct
the path will considerably attenuate the signal, often making
reception impossible.
❖Atmosphere: The atmosphere can affect radio signal paths.
▪ Ionosphere: At lower frequencies, especially below 30 - 50MHz,
the ionosphere has a significant effect, reflecting (or more
correctly refracting) them back to Earth.
▪ Troposphere: At frequencies above 50 MHz and more the
troposphere has a major effect, refracting the signals back to
earth as a result of changing refractive index.

Signal Propagation loss
❖Absorption losses: Absorption losses occur if the signal passes
into a medium which is not totally transparent to radio signals.
There are many reasons for this which include:
▪ Buildings, walls: When radio signals pass through dense
materials such was walls, buildings or even furniture within a
building, they suffer attenuation.
▪ Atmospheric moisture: At high microwave frequencies radio
path loss increases as a result of precipitation or even moisture
in the air. The radio signal path loss may vary according to the
weather conditions.
▪ Vegetation: In dense forest it is found that signals even at lower
frequencies are considerably reduced.

Signal Path Loss effect
➢The Receiving signal influenced by the following mechanisms.
❖Reflection at large obstacles
❖Refraction depending on the density of a medium
❖Scattering at small obstacles
❖Diffraction at edges
➢Channel characteristics change over time and location
❖signal paths change
❖different delay variations of different signal parts
❖different phases of signal parts

shadowing reflection refraction scattering diffraction

Signal Path Loss effect
➢Shadowing- occurs when line of site is blocked.
❖The effect that the received signal power fluctuates due to
objects obstructing the propagation path between transmitter
and receiver.
➢Reflection – occurs when signal encounters large surfaces.
❖The reflected signal is not as strong as the original, as objects can
absorb some of the signal’s power.
❖The surface is large relative to the wavelength of the signals.
➢Diffraction – occurs when the signal encounters an edge or a
❖The size of a object is larger than the wavelength of the

Signal Path Loss effect
➢Refraction- occurs because the velocity of the electromagnetic
waves depends on the density of the medium through which it
❖The density of the atmosphere is higher closer to the ground.
➢Scattering- occurs when incoming signal hits an object whose
size is in the order of the wavelength of the signal or less.
❖An incoming signal is scattered into several weaker outgoing

Signal Path Loss effect

Multipath propagation
➢In wireless media, signal can take many different
paths between sender and receiver due to reflection,
scattering, and diffraction.
➢Time dispersion: signal is dispersed over time
❖Interference with “neighbor” symbols, Inter Symbol
Interference (ISI)
➢The signal reaches a receiver directly and phase
❖Distorted signal depending on the phases of the different

Multipath propagation

signal at sender

signal at receiver
➢Transmission channels are expensive. It is often that two
communicating entities do not fully utilize the full capacity
of a channel. For efficiency, the capacity is shared. This is
called multiplexing.
➢Multiplexing is a technique that allows multiple simultaneous analogs
or digital signal transmission across a single data link.
➢The main motive behind the development of Multiplexing is to
provide simple and easy communication, proper resource sharing and
its utilization. This is the best way to utilize and share a limited
resource equally among multiple devices.

➢Multiplexing can be classified into the following four types:
❖Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
❖Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
❖Code Division Multiplexing (CDM)
❖Space Division Multiplexing (SDM)

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
➢FDM is inherently an analog technology. As the name specifies, in
Frequency Division Multiplexing, the frequency dimension
spectrum is split into smaller frequency bands.
➢In FDM signals generated by each device modulate different carrier
frequencies. These modulated signals are combined into a single
composite signal that can be transported by the link.
➢FDM's most common applications are a traditional radio or television
broadcasting, mobile or satellite stations, or cable television.
➢Channels must separated by strips of unused bandwidth (guard
bands) to prevent signal overlapping.


Usage: It is used in Radio and television broadcasting stations, Cable TV etc.

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
➢TDM is a digital that uses time, instead of space or frequency,
to separate the different data streams.
➢In time division multiplexing, several connections share the
high bandwidth of a channel. Here multiple signals (digital) are
carried on a single channel by interleaving portions of each
signal in time.
➢It is used for a specific amount of time in which the whole
spectrum is used.


Usage: It is mainly used in telephonic services.

Code Division Multiplexing (CDM)
➢CDM allots a unique code to every channel so that each of
these channels can use the same spectrum simultaneously at the
same time.
➢It is mainly used in Cell Phone Spectrum Technology (2G, 3G

Space Division Multiplexing (SDM)
➢SDM is called a combination of Frequency Division
Multiplexing (FDM) and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM).
➢It passes messages or data-parallel with the use of specific
frequency at a specific time . It means a particular channel will
be used against a specific frequency band for some amount of
➢It is used in GSM (Global Service for Mobile) Technology.

Space Division Multiplexing (SDM)

k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6


• Modulation is a process of encoding information
from a message source in a manner suitable for

• Modulation is a process of suppressing low

frequency information signal on a high frequency
carrier signal.
• The resultant wave achieved known as
“modulated signal”.
• i.e. information (modulating signal) + carrier =
modulated signal.


• Here baseband signals comes from a audio/video or
computer. Baseband signals are also called
modulating signal as it modulates carrier signal.
• Career signals are high frequency radio waves it
generally comes from a radio frequency oscillators.
These two signals are combined in modulator.
Modulator takes the instantaneous amplitude of
baseband signal and varies
amplitude/frequency/phase of career signal.
• Resultant signal is a modulated signal. It goes to an
RF-amplifier for signal power boosting and then
feed to antenna or a co-axial cable.

• It involves translating a baseband message signal to a
passband signal. The baseband signal is called the
modulating signal and the passband signal is called the
modulated signal.
• Modulation is a process of modifying/ varying the any
of the characteristics (amplitude, frequency, phase) of
high frequency carrier in accordance with low frequency
information signal.
• Modulation is the process to give strength to the
message signal so that it can travel a long distance i.e.
loading a low frequency low power message signal on a
high frequency high power carrier wave is known as

Types of Modulation

Analog modulation
• Analog modulation refers to the process of transferring
analog low frequency baseband signal, like an audio or
TV signal over a higher frequency carrier signal such as a
radio frequency band. Baseband signal is always analog
for this modulation.
• Analog modulation deals with the voice, video and
regular waves of base band signals.
• There are three basic types of analog modulations
(properties of a carrier signal ).
• Amplitude Modulation (AM)
• Frequency Modulation (FM)
• Phase modulation (PM)

Analog modulation
• Amplitude Modulation
• The Amplitude is the height from the center line to the
peak (or to the trough).
• Amplitude modulation or AM is the process of varying the
instantaneous amplitude of carrier signal accordingly with
instantaneous amplitude of message signal.
• AM is the simplest type of modulation. Hardware design of
both transmitter and receiver is very simple and less cost
• AM radio broad cast is an example

Analog modulation
• Amplitude Modulation
• The Amplitude is the height from the center line to the
peak (or to the trough).
• Amplitude modulation or AM is the process of varying the
instantaneous amplitude of carrier signal accordingly with
instantaneous amplitude of message signal.
• AM is the simplest type of modulation. Hardware design of
both transmitter and receiver is very simple and less cost
• AM radio broad cast is an example

Analog modulation

Analog modulation
• Frequency modulation
• Frequency is how often something happens per unit of

• FM or Frequency modulation is the process of varying the

in instantaneous frequency of Carrier signal accordingly
with instantaneous amplitude of message signal.

• FM radio broad cast is an example

Analog modulation

Analog modulation
• Phase modulation (PM)
• PM or Phase modulation is the process of varying the
instantaneous phase of Carrier signal accordingly with
instantaneous amplitude of message signal.
• The phase involves the relationship between the position of
the amplitude crests and troughs of two waveforms.
• If the peaks of two signals with the same frequency are in
exact alignment at the same time, they are said to be in
• Conversely, if the peaks of two signals with the same
frequency are not in exact alignment at the same time, they
are said to be out of phase.
• Mainly applicable in Satellite communication. 66
Analog modulation

Digital modulation
• Digital Modulation provides more information capacity, high data security,
quicker system availability with great quality communication. Hence, digital
modulation techniques have a greater demand, for their capacity to convey
larger amounts of data than analog modulation techniques.
• Digital modulation in somewhat similar to the analog modulation except
base band signal is of discrete amplitude level. For binary signal it has only
two level, either high or logic 1 or low or logic 0.
• The techniques used to modulate digital information so that it can be
transmitted via microwave, satellite or down a cable pair are different to that
of Analogue transmission .
• Basically we will study three main types of digital modulation.
a) Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
b) Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
c) Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
• Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) is a type of Amplitude
Modulation which represents the binary data in the form of
variations in the amplitude of a signal.
• The binary signal when ASK modulated, gives a zero value
for Low input while it gives the carrier
output for High input.
• As the information is an on-off signal the output is also an on-
off signal where the carrier is present when information is 1
and carrier is absent when information is 0.
• Thus this modulation scheme is known as on-off keying
(OOK) or amplitude shift key.
• The simplest and most common form of operate as a switch.

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
• FSK is a frequency modulation scheme (conveys information
over a carrier wave by varying its instantaneous frequency) in
which digital information is transmitted through discrete
frequency changes of a carrier wave .
• FSK is the most common form of digital modulation in the high frequency
radio spectrum, and has important applications in telephone
• A modem converts the binary data from a computer to FSK for transmission
over telephone lines, cables, or wireless media.
• FSK is less susceptible to errors than ASK – receiver looks for specific
frequency changes over a number of intervals, so voltage (noise) spikes can
be ignored.
• Many modems used FSK in telemetry systems

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
• Phase Shift Keying (PSK) is the digital modulation technique in
which the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the
sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.
• PSK technique is widely used for wireless LANs, bio-metric,
contactless operations, along with RFID and Bluetooth
• PSK is of two types, depending upon the phases the signal gets
• Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK):
• This is also called as 2-phase PSK or Phase Reversal Keying. In
this technique, the sine wave carrier takes two phase reversals
such as 0° and 180°.
• Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK):
• This is the phase shift keying technique, in which the sine wave
carrier takes four phase reversals such as 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°.
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)


The End!

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