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The equation of an alternating voltage is V = 100../2 sin 1001tt volt.

RMS value of voltage and frequency will be respectively
If instantaneous current in a circuit is given by 1 = (2 + 3 sin rot)A, then the
effective value of resulting current in the circuit is
Fi) .,Same phase P=lm,,•V,,.,,
e Xc=m c

r./2 / Zero "XL=wl. /voltage

betweenOtol /Voltage p .,.,mi,. vrr,;,!!.
;f:_ p: 1-,,,,1 'ltrns Co> I..
0<ql<;r:/2 between Oto 1 Current

Zero XL -Xe Depends•

101- Between O JR•+ (XL-XC) Depends
to I I P f,'m,R I
rh -= f'l'f p,;,1"11 #<''fl'
T, o'tlef<''tl oF !<',,•"/
1,od ,c ,ce 1"rt1
or 5•"''''7 (,I/
A parallel plate capacitor with plate area A and separation between the To establish an mstantaneous displacement current of I ampere m the
plates d, 1s charged by a cun ent /. D1splaceiii.ent cm rent through a plane A parallel plate capacitor 1s charged to 60 µC. Due to a rad10active source,
the plate loses charge at the rate of1.8 x 10 8 Cs 1• The magmtude of space z
--- between the plates of a pa1allel plate capac1tm o f1 farad, the value
surface"of area A/2 parallel to the plates and drawn symmetrically
between the plates, 1s displacement current 1s = .J'!".)
Cs 1
(1) / (2) //4 (1) 3.6 x 10

//2 (4) 3//2 (3) 4 1 x 10-11 cs-1 (4) 5.7 x 10-12 cs-1 @"'u <:.c )',_ f,. (2)
(3) 2. :r., -::.'.1 (4) I
A parallel plate capacitor consists of two circulars ates of rat us -
Two circular plates of radius 0.1 m are used to form a parallel plate Two circular plates of radius 0.1 m are used to form a parallel plate
If electric field between the plates 1s changed as dt = 1010 m- • then capac1tm. Jr displacement cun eiitbei:ween the plates is Z1t ampere, then capac1tm. Jr displacement cun entbei:ween the plates is Z1t ampere, then
find displacement current between the plates find magnetic field produced by displacement current 4 cm from the axis find magnetic field produced by displacement current 4 e axis
of the plates. of the plates.

4. Amperes - Maxwell Law

cf>"jj dl = J.lo [/Drift+ fd, placemenl 1

The electric and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are m
(lf Phase and parallel to each othe1 Light wave travelling along y-direct1on If the correspondmg E vector at In an apparatus, the electric field was found to oscillate with an amplitude The speed of electromagnetic wave m a medium (whose dielectric
any time is along x-axis, the direction ofii vector at that time is alon_g of -Tmha g nei t u d e of oscillating magnetic field will be constant is 2 25 and I elatlve permeability is 4) 1s equal
(2y(Oppos1te phase and perpendicular to each other - (1) 4x10'T ._J4 6x10'T 's:::.::;; to
(1) y-axisX Y< -91.,1 - (1) 0.5 x 10' m/s (2) 0 25 x 10' m/s -
(3)Xoppos1te phase and parallel to each other
•-••isx Ff:• (3) 9 x 10-9 T (4) 11 x 10 11 T
(2) (3) 0.75 x 108 m/s J1:Y'"t x 108 m/s
(3z)-ax1s x
and perpendicular to each other
r4 -?' -z-ax1s
\ 7'____ ,

An electromagnetic wave is propagating m vacuum along z-ax1s, the Ifan electromagnetic wave propagating through vacuum 1s described by
electric field component 1s given by Ex = £0 sm (kz - rot} then magnetic
Ey = E0 sm (kx- wt); Bz = B
0sm (kx - wt), then
component ts _
,.V Eo .Y Bo (Jff' E0k=B0ro (2) E0B0 =rok -
Y'}' Bx= csm (kz- rot) ,J-l!J"-.By =csm (kz- rot) (3) £0 ro = 0 k (4) E0B0 = ro/k
(By= sm(kz-rot) (4)By=B0Csm(kz-rot) \

Frequency of a wave 1s 6 x 1015 Hz. The wave

1s A.v, Ax and Am represent the wavelengths of visible light x-rays and The speed of electromagnetic waves depends upon
(i}'.' Rad1owave ------ (2)< Microwave nucrowaves respectively then ---- (1) Wavelength )(
X- ray (4) Infrared (1Am> (2) 1.,>).m>)., (2) frequency;< ,
- - -
>}.,,> ) > > (3) Intensity/-
Medium, m which 1t travels
Electromagnetic wave 1s deflected by Out of the following, choose the ray which does not travel with the velocity Velocity of electromagnetic waves in a medium 1s
Electric field
(1) (1)(EoJ!a)l/2
of light
(1) X-ray / (2) Microwave,/
:ft'j (EoErJ!o )l/2
(2) Magnetic field - -
(3) 3 x 108 m/s (4) (E0Er/µ0µrl..i;z -
(3) Both (1) & (2))( (3) y-rays / ( -rays -=: (".ol] c.+ o'I' ) Of Jllov
( Neither e d nor magnetic field

In a plane electromagnetic wave, which followmg has/have zero average An em wave 1s propagatmg m a medmm with a velocity V = Vi The In an electromagnetic wave m free space the root mean square value of the A 100 n resistance and a capacitor of 100 .0 reactance are connected in
value i complete cycle? mstantaneous oscillating electric field of this em wave 1s along +y axis. v/
electl1c field 1s E= = 6 m. The peak value of the magnetic field 1s senes across a 220 V source. When the capacitor 1s 5-9% charged, the peak
Magnetic field i6J Magnetic energy - Then the direction of osc11latmg magnetic field of the em wave will be [NEET-2017J-
value of the displacement current 1s 1-(Phase-2)-20161

yf' Electric field pt{ Electnc energy along

(1) -z direction #} +z direction
(1) 1.41 x 10 8
T # 2 83 x 10 8
T 2.2 A (2) 11 A

Jjf'(a), (c) (2) (b), (c)

(3) -xdirectmn (4) -ydirectmn
(3) 0 70 x 10-0 l (4) 4 23 x 10-0 T (3) 44A (4) 11"2A

(3) (a), (d) (4) All of these

Out of the followmg options which one can be used to produce a The energy of the em waves 1s of the order of 15 keV: To which part of the A radiation of energy E falls normally on a perfectly reOectmg surface The Light with an energy flux of 25 x 104 fal_ls on a g
propagating electromagnetic wave? (NEET-20161 spectrum does 1t belong? (Re-AIPMT-20151 momentum transferred to the surface is (C= velocity of hght) surface at normal mc1dence. If the surface area 1s 15 cm2, the average force
n acceleratmg charge ---.1' exerted on the surface 1s (AIPMl-2014}_
(1) y-rays $x-rays --- -
(ZJ A charge movmg at constant velocity (3)Infra-red rays (4) Ultraviolet rays (1) E/C' (Z) E/C [AIPMT·Z015j- (1) 1.25 x 10·6 N .Jj/( 2.50 x 10- 6 N ----
(3)( A stationary charge --=,'/:'
ZE/C (4) ZE/C' (3)
1.20 x 10-0 N (4) 3 0 x 10-0 N
(4) A chargeless particle

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