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Table of content

Preface .........................................
Part one
Chapter one
What’s a Verb? ……………………………………………………………...1
Phrasal verb………………………………………………………………….2

Chapter two

Frequently Used Phrasal Verbs

Vocabulary and Idiom: Phrasal Verbs………………………….

Types of phrasal
Literary usage


Phrasal verb patterns………………………………………………………...8

Chapter three

Phrasal verbs combined with special verb forms

and clauses……………….9

Chapter four.
Idioms "break"……………………………………………………………...11
Idiomatic ‘call’……………………………………………………………..13
Idiomatic: came…………………………………………………………….15
Idioms "keep"………………………………………………………………19
Idioms "let"…………………………………………………………………20
Idioms "look"………………………………………………………………21
Idioms "put"………………………………………………………………..23
Idioms (run)……………………………………….………………………..24
Chapter five
Take [something]
The English Phrasal
U How to distinguish
Teaching Phrasal Verbs Using
Students were asked the meaning of
Students were asked to study the lyrics
References ……………………………………..………………………….38
The text is about phrasal verb , and it
is the subject of my monograph , when I was given
a text to follow my monograph I shoes that
title , this was thought for as during the period
of our university curriculum but one thing was
important for me to chose the text was that , it
has a lot of important usage in the societies
among people so I wanted to more and more follow
the subject , when I chose the subject , I was in
need of the text and sources to complete my
subject trough the research that I must be done
it so I also need to a guide to help me in this
way. One day i met Mr. Kahdistani , he promise me
to help me ,so after that day I rapidity search
on my subject finally I after a lot of searching
form books , magazine. and through internet now I
am happy that I be became successful to complete
the monograph . it was very important for me to
complete my monograph with out mistakes , but at
first I have got some problems, so Mr.
Kahdistani, help me to remove the difficulties .
I wish, Mr. Kahdistani, and all my teachers have
best live and be success in their jobs.

The subject of my monograph is phrasal verb, but
at first I wanted to follow information on verb,
you know the base of phrasal verbs are verb, so
it was necessary to shortly give you so
information on verb after that you will read the
short information on phrasal verb and then you
will read some type of phrasal verb and the usage
of the phrasal verb
Then you study about type of phrasal verb (i.d )
you will study how can we participate the phrasal
verb in to different part
Then you study on idiomatic usage of the phrasal
verbs and literary usage of the phrasal verb also
was important to mention about it

To provides an overview and lists of phrasal and two part verbs.

Overview of Two-Part (Phrasal) Verbs (idioms) was

very basic form to be mentioned.
And during the monograph reading you will be
face to face with some of fresh and brand phrasal
verb that are in use of the societies, in English
Once again I thanks from all of my teachers who thought me and thanks
from Mr. kadistani who guide me until the final word of my monograph

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