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Rontoria Jackson

Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Questions and Answers

Episode 1: "Gabriel Fernandez"

● What emotions did you experience while watching the first episode, which introduces Gabriel
and his family? How did it set the tone for the series?

During the opening of the documentary, it exposed his autopsy and the reports of his injuries. It was
just extremely gruesome, sad and hard to watch. It was heartbreaking to hear that these acts were
displayed amongst a child. The tone of the documentary was extremely heart wrenching. By looking
at the photos of his family it’s noticeable that he was most happy with either his uncle or his
grandmother. There was not a joyful picture displayed with Gabriel, Pearl, and Pearl’s fiancé which
wasn’t surprising once hearing the allegations regarding Gabriel and the case.
● Discuss the role of Gabriel's family in his life. How did their dynamics contribute to his early
As a toddler he received support from both his uncle and his grandmother but towards the end of his
life he was reunited with his unfit mother and abusive boyfriend.
● In the first episode, the documentary touches on Gabriel's early life and his relationships with
his grandparents. How do you think these relationships influenced his well-being?
Due to Gabriel constantly hoping from home to home he probably felt unwanted or felt as if
something was wrong with him. It was stated that his mother did not want to have Gabriel but his
uncle convinced her to have Gabriel and his uncle was going to be responsible for Gabriel once
Pearl gave birth. But that would be short lived due to Gabriel’s grandparents feeling that it was
inappropriate for Gabriel to be raised by two homosexual men. From my understanding Gabriel had
a good relationship with both his uncle and grandparents but a rocky relationship with his mother.
● The episode highlights the challenges faced by Gabriel's teachers and school staff. How did
you feel about their attempts to help him? Were they effective?
I feel as if the teachers did the right thing by reporting the case to CPS and authorities. As a teacher
there’s only so much they can do in regards to helping an abused child. I do not blame the teachers,
I blame the authorities and social workers assigned to his case. The attempt was not successful
enough for Gabriel to receive the help he needed at the time; however I still do not blame the
● What do you think about the portrayal of the Department of Children and Family Services
(DCFS) and its initial responses to Gabriel's case?
The portrayal of DCFS was distasteful, although the case was dismissed by the judge at the time it
put DCFS in a negative light due to their unfit social workers. When first assigned the case the social
workers showed no remorse for the 8 year old child. If the they cared about the case or Gabriel at all
he would be removed from that home and still be alive and well today.
Episode 2: "Darkness Descends"
● How did you react to the escalation of abuse in episode 2, particularly the graphic
descriptions of Gabriel's injuries and suffering?

Once viewing the graphic photos of Gabriel and his injuries, there was no doubt in my mind that both
parties had intentions of purposely killing Gabriel. He was beaten and abused so badly and
repeatedly there’s no way they didn’t intentionally unalive him.

● Discuss the responses of law enforcement officers and paramedics who encountered Gabriel
during emergencies. How did their actions, or lack thereof, impact the case?
Due to the law enforcement not knowing the full story of what may have happened to Gabriel they
just acted quickly to attempt to save Gabriel’s life. It caused the law enforcement to form other
questions regarding the case, the reports, and the bruises on Gabriel’s body.

● The episode introduces Gabriel's siblings and their experiences. How did the abuse of one
child affect the others in the household?
Gabriel’s siblings were abused as well but not as gruesomely as Gabriel, he was thought to be
abused due to both Pearl and her finance believing Gabriel was “gay.” The abuse set the tone for
the whole household. There was a sense of evil and cruelty in that household, possibly causing all
three children to be frightened.
● The role of Pearl Fernandez, Gabriel's mother, becomes more pronounced in episode 2.
What are your thoughts on her involvement in the abuse, and the possible reasons behind
her actions?
Pearl abused Gabriel as well but it seemed as if she allowed her fiancé to abuse and torture him the
most. She had no regard for Gabriel and could care less about him which was extremely
heartbreaking because even after all of the abuse Gabriel still loved her dearly and continued to call
her “mom.” She allowed the abuse and continued her involvement with the abuse because she only
wanted the child welfare benefits of keeping Gabriel.
● How did the episode portray the legal and judicial system's response to Gabriel's case?
Were there any aspects of the trials or legal proceedings that stood out to you?
They attempted to portray the case as a hatred case but were unsuccessful. They took the case very
seriously and everyone including the judge and the jury were shocked hearing all of the allegations
against both defendants. It stood out to me that the case with the 4 social workers was thrown out
they were responsible for failing Gabriel just as much as the two defendants.
● Reflect on the role of Gabriel's extended family, including his great-grandparents and uncle.
How did they try to intervene, and what challenges did they face in helping him?
His extended family attempted to intervene by making reports to DCFS and their social workers who
refused to do their jobs. The social workers did not return calls or messages in regards to Gabriel
and his case which resulted in Gabriel passing away.

● After watching these episodes, what questions or concerns do you have about child welfare
and the handling of child abuse cases in your community or society as a whole?
Even after Pearl having history of child abuse how was she still able to obtain custody of
How did the severity of Gabriel's injuries go unnoticed and untreated for so long?

How was he able to survive on cat litter and no nutrition?

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