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Author(s): A. N. Upadhye
Source: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute , 1933-34, Vol. 15, No. 3/4
(1933-34), pp. 198-206
Published by: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

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Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

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A. N. Upadhye, m. a.

PRELIMINARY NOTE : Daréanasãra of De'asena, though quite

popular in orthodox Digambara circles, was first brought to the
notice of orientalists by Peterson in 1884 ( Reports II, p. 74 ),
when he actually used it for settling the date of Püjyapäda. He
sootí realised the value of this book, and printed the text 4 from
the first copy of the work that fell into his hands. 7 Then he pro-
cured a transcript of it ( the same as E described by me below,
though Peterson numbers it as 305 ( 507 ? ) of 1884-86 ), compared
it with a Ms. from Jeypore, and gave also a translation of the
first fifteen verses of this ' important tract adding a few remarks
chiefly from the commentator ' ( Reports III, pp. 22 ff., 374 ff. ).
I grasped the importance of this text, when I wrote my paper on
4 Yãpaníya Saňgha - a Jaina sect ' ( Journal of the University of
Bombay^I, vi ). As the text printed by Peterson was inaccurate,
being based on scanty material, I have given here a critically con-
stituted text of Daréanasãra with variant readings, after collating
almost half a dozen Mss., most of which are from the Government
collection now deposited in the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, Poona. My studies about Daréanasãra will soon follow.
Critical Apparatus

A . This is a paper Ms. , 10. 5 by 5 inches in size from the

Jaina Siddhänta Bhavan, Arrah ; it has six pages, with ten lines
in each page. It contains merely the gäthäs and has a few
marginal notes. The colophon runs thus J fT<i T^TTï-

č£T. '

B. This is a paper Ms., about 12 by 5.5 inches in size,

numbered 1072 of 1884-87, from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, Poona. The appearance is pretty old. It contains three
loose leaves, each leaf written on both sides, each page containing

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Darsanasära of Devasena 199

about ten lines. The skirts of the pages are broken at places.
is written in uniform Devanãgarl hand with numbers of gãthãs i
red ink ; at places some letters are dropped out due to the thi
ness of ink. It has only gãthãs ; there are many marginal notes
generally giving the Skt. rendering of the gãthãs. The colophon
runs thus = fíà h 3- h srm-
^vs6H qi"m%?r<rewri ražn.nw ar sřmtt?-
»lldďTl ? )lTRT^nt? SWÊ T%t%rŤ ^ftfàîT ^ II

C. This is a paper Ms. , about 11. 5 by 7. 5 inc

numbered 1088 of 1891-95, from the Bhandarkar Oriental
Research Institute, Poona. It contains seven loose folios, written
on both sides, each page containing six lines. It is written in
rough Devanãgarl hand with metrical stops generally indicated
by red strokes, single or double. The Ms. is quite new in its
appearance. It contains only gãthãs ; the first 42 gãthãs have
Sanskrit chãyã written in small hand above the lines. There are
many scribal errors : the copyist has not properly respresented
long and short vowels, and almost throughout the stroke on u to
give it the value of o has been uniformly represented by an
anusvâra. The copyist has a tendency towards n. There are
other mistakes which could be very easily checked and hence
not noted in v.l. The Ms. has no colophon, but ends thus :

D. This is a paper Ma, about 13 by 8 inches in size, number-

ed 1073 of 1884-87, from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Insti-
tute, Poona. It contains seven loose folios, written on both sides,
each page containing seven lines. It is written in bold and uni-
form Devanãgarl hand with numbers in red ink. The appearance
is quite new. It contains only gãthãs. There are a few scribal
errors : at times p is written for y ; v is often repiesented by b ;
sometimes the conjunct is represented by a doubtful anusvâra on
the preceding letter, and often the necessary anusvâra is neglect-
ed. There is no colophon, but the Ms. abruptly ends : fl%

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200 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

E. This is a paper Ms., about 11 by 8 inches in size, number-

ed 507 of 1884-86, from the Bhandarkar Oriental Kesearch Insti-
tute, Poona. The appearance is new. It contains 100 folios
( 26 loose and the remaining double ), written on both sides, each
page containing 14 lines. It is written in close Devanâgarï hand
with such words as ariha , sloka etc. written in red ink. The Ms.
contains gäthäs as well as a long and exhaustive Hindi comm-
entary. There are some scribal errors in the gäthäs, for instence o
and conjuncts are not properly represented. The Ms. has 48 gäthäs
with the Hindi commentary, and it abruptly ends with a very
corrupt colophon : ^TiPT II %5rRTOilr%
ajrTT II ' II The date, as I understand it, is samvat 1793,
possibly it is a new copy of an old Ms. of this date. This Ms. is
used by some modern scholar, as the beginnings of gäthäs are
scored with red pencil, and in the middle there are marks of red
and blue pencils.

P. This stands for the text edited by Pandit Premi of Bombay

and published with chäyä, Hindi translation, critical and historical
notes etc., in the 13th Yol. of Jaina Hitaishï, a defunct Hindi
magazine. The text is readably good and materially critical.
The copies of this edition are no more available.

Pn. This stands for some of the readings in foot-notes noted

by Pt. Premi in the above edition.

These M ss. do not show anything like families among them-

selves. Still this much can be said that C is very often in-
dependent -, A and B closely agree among themselves ; some of the
readings from Pn are really important, and I must say that none
of my Mss. gives those readings.

I am very thankful to P. K. Gode Esq. M. A., Curator, Bhandar-

kar O. R. Institute Poona, whose uniform courtesy and readi-
ness to help are matters of everyday experience for those who
had the privilege of studying the Mss. in the Institute.

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Darianasära of Devasena 201

Torfaï Rïï^-ottot I
è im-m il ? Il
^ fewi qorf^i-^f^-onïï-ïi^iw
wvçx Cîfàv %f fô^Hrafïïf ^fNr n
^f-^r-sřr-séf ïïu-ïït
sárfêr *rfïof 53Ř if^r^ i
%w ^ ^ f^RŤř ^r-^r i
TO wi 5§ IJM-^Î n » n
TO fàra wilt I
spropr fò^j Mí|t 3k-*$ft il ^ li
mé ^
srcftfè-s? arfàforui jg^R i
ÇRT-îrfl spJTiun >01^ ifà ^rr II
fàfrwns-fà& ÍRÍ-ÍŘ I
ffltwrer 'fffêt ïïfigt 33cfôfà-$>ft n ^ n
? 3îin%i-q^r šfoft qf^fr I
1 DÈ °r^ïïi. 2 ACDEP ^^pïï°, B alone %fòr with a marginal gloss °§r5r°.
3 E ^Nè. 4 E 3T ^Tlfi. 5 BODE 0cnr3TíT^ m, B has a marginal gloss ìTTifàgr-

5Ü^. 6 O gfô. 7 CT^|7TI, but the cÂõt/ã reads JTff%qr:. 8 P iTfHrr> chnyG
HfPrt. 9 E , possibly it is 10 ABE Pn AB have a
marginal gloss C with the chãyã %^Çrrr°; P has
chnyã ^-gRrT for *f-3Jl%, but 1 have in view fil^fe0. 11 EP 507. 12 C

1 fTpm, C has cäöj/ö fičM 3^5 D 0^ïïa[qïï5 E ^RŤm* pPTSÎpÎ-, P W

ïï frfnfàíg.'l4 witb tlie cÄoya grfà rn^TI%lT%TPT^5B kas a marginal gloss
3% glfî«MH, I have in view. ^TTCq^ 13 AB , DEP . 14 Th
phrase =3" occurs in ABD, but it introduces the verse f^Rqr^ ©to*» it is
alone which adds etc., with the phrase ^ and numbers: that

verse as 6: 1 have chànged int0 and gfô înto 15 p

16 B 17 BEF ï^^r. 18 ABD JTfrgaÎ!, PQ Iflg? Ì and Hfigfr. 19 C
%f%goft, p f|°. 20 DEP 21 0 Siïïiqïï Tlí sr 5TÏ3TT with the chãyã
m 3-qT^ř, Pu 3Tnm T1^5f STÍ? tRmÌÌ and srnit^ösrsTTcit crf^ry, While P im-
proves from thesej 3TifiWi^35ìl3Ìt etc.; the reading as in ABDE is- adopted
above: B has a marginal fcioss l-

9 [ Annal», B. O. E , 1. 1

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202 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

àr rçtà il v» H
im <#r mj ^ I
to â ^tt á t qfàfr il ¿ Il
or ^r-<^ sff čfu ^ i
ffè #î li ^ 11
spjùrr ^ wï sioùrî é gsréifè fêtés
TÍ^teor nfor 3fàfè^T M o il
Ç3W i ^ñ% ïRôi-q^r i
%^tt h n il
fèrtN^nf-nfirçt tfNìt <wr #r sniffi i
w i dfciť'5§r fàw# ^-^rr il ^ il
HT I%*T wtà pw 3#r i
%^5-oipffur jít 3*OTi-îf#i çfcr il '' il
15ïï-%^ I
k i gtf qng?-#ar * Il ?» Il
*r ^TTÎ srniïï-pit fà^-íRsftt i
f^iï swr mR¿R4 H ^ h
$% «fimï i% I
Ä ?rer s git $% fà * H ? ^ il
fàfa-rô fèwT ferità* I

1 0 2 E M<H?HI or >TI%T. 3 C bas the chãyã 3^50^. 4

5Tff 3T<5 îîfl TÍ. 5 E ffà ççpj-. 6 AB onoj. 7 At the end of this gSthS AB h
the phrase q+|;rtlHWř^q' 8 P B has a quotation in the margin
^fàntfn ?niu% íRťR-gřnf ^ffÔT^-qTrw i
» O 3ír(?3ÍT. 10 D řj^j <reítr. 11 BDE ČPÍ. 12 CDEP S^šudř, O gives th
chaya si^rraWTJj;. 13 BODE irsïj^rfM, 14 B has a marginal gloss tniS
Tlfa gfèïT:. I5 EP tpiS^Ť. 16 BPrq^, 17 P j%*rcr?inf. 18 At the end of th
gSthS A has the phrase while B has ^RTOÍ*t£*nř#. 19 CD
0 has the chayã anftHrmf. for 35# found in ABEP, E gives the chSyJi
20 D j%. 21 PE W#5TfŤ.

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Ďaríanasára of Ďevasetia ¿03

řRTt qřlT II li'

*Ť% T ? iu|^l"Í 3#í I
*r-^ 5^í-^n fòitòfr oiwfr q %f q H H
è 3"^ ft * Wíí ïRft ií ^%nïï I
w ^it N ^r li if.
3ip§ši <rrcr-#HifõKfàt 1
«fooïTor íTTCrç II Ro II

awn^l wiw f%" 5^-5fN

WRFWT # rò OTl^í sffaW
çtr itr 1# ^IT 1
gour-^PT iRfòfcw im 11 ^ 11
fàr-w-sfllt* š čif *TFT-»nirt 1
faw-fõrôS Tè íffřt fàfàtg il if
f^-3^fê-sfàt,v sit I
wiVr «MUÌ<fl HfT-W II H
SH^rçfT-wfîbi î^or-^iï UT ¿âfîfë I
fàîtffà WŤ 3l^5f Il II I
<jtf& Ä ssšfflwr ^ «srp «iïfà I
mw*h oí % errori *r *w$ *5 n ^ n

1 At the end of this gSthS AB have the phrase l^RÍtTRWflř^ij;. 2 P opu 3 _ 3

BODE Hrft T. 4 P jg; sq' 5 At the end of this gäthS AB have the phra
6 p *?Slt°; B has the gloss tpfe, while C has q^(]^o|tHg:.
7 ABCB *t#Ť. 8 ABODE 9 P op^. 10 E <ïàt ÇÇt «Fřtr ? sfa
11 D quoiMfi; B h*s a marginal gloss 4|(ju||q<uì TW | 12 DP
q^lf-feo), AB simply ?m%3,OT; A; has a gloss 13 P
fffř^r-fípTtí, ^ At end of this gãthã AB have the phrase aîfîprfir^i?^, 15 C
°^fTI?0. 16 E T%j#. 17 AB ?II%. 18 p Hfitftt. 19 AB 0Î4aTiai. 20 E ^fsTT.
21 P ^iRc)U|f[ spSffr g(ÕT?i?. 22 B has a marginal gloss : sn?qj jjçjf
fêqffH qrTTT%řT ^W<ní qwt mfflřt tWçtfàcï 23 C With the chãyã
24 ABDE JT£°.

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204 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

^ tffoRwfà TŘ <T3* II ^ H
»nT-^tr il '¿ n
^1% ^-ui^ *&^k stř I
sinfltera-»ntr i il li
9'm$' ^-«w-Rwuün i
fòft-M^"ÍRJT^T Il 3Ô II
m i Ä #rc 5^ R^-qpir-qf^jfT i
M4^«NKI^lR-1fi-^t wfêft *» il II
%ur ^ ^ vfím gfôrw RTOW i
fêtéà *rc rò swr-šftw li 'R il
«rrcft f4Wh i
youne-^utur n spiít^-jw-R^tsít
Hfafwwi ffc® ^ f^r i
3^nïï li 3» li
TOT %rït I
^it-^f-ïïïfïï si ^ îiuioct<i "
^ ®iuuiç.i í% fô i

f^rr «ref|q y-stes

^ Fn#nt i wi-í^^řr I
*ft il ià li il
1 E jp|. 2 Pg with the chãyã çr 3 O with the chUyã
?I%ri^5 P ?jssfi%. 4 At the end of this gäthS AB have ^iKátiíifTlfh. 5 It is in
Pn alone that I find the reading gfiïoMPr etc.; A gřWT q^àt; BCDP q^_
Xffc, E gřrwN^-. 6 A STlfôi&T, B0D 3TKI^r, E STIffè*. 7 C T%. 8 At the
end' of this gSthS A has 5nqsfì#cn%:, B has *nq-írè1?n%:. 9 E o¡§^ io O
goj^t. 11 CD M«Haa|qmgq$, O has the chnyã <T£|<rcKnOT[<ft0, AB PE q^^-
ít5W$°, with this much material I have emended the text as q^gqqregHUÎ-
flçmtr. 12 Pn ^nrwtřfi i% 13 ab <'w, p e j^. li d smt ^ jhf-
%ojt. 15 löPspf^oi. 17 D ^nîû 18 Chas chaya thus
ãRTSfOÍ WreT^TťRt. '® ® P w't'1 *^e chUyã qm:

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Darianasãra of Devasena 205

&RP3; çRWÏ fàpHprçs jRor-qřrer I

qfcfè ^tr ròfostr il Il
f4i#ír 2T ^-fà^rroft 1
#|<ÏÏT-%1% il '% Il
črat »iprç signr l
<ïïm°r íFrcròi fòfMé ^faoi^%or 11 yo n

3|<WfÕrfÍçá 3 "T^Wiï II v ? Il
TÏÏ #3 35 vm «rfèr f% ČRH#R<jť I
îpî-ÏÏÇ-^IRÎIWÎÏ fà ^t-w ^ H ^ H
M^uiR-orrè 3^-^fà-fè^-<ïïpfai 1
or fàte è WÎ ^ Wfà Il Il
«ft i

š «irâfò gfSr^T <Ť a% fàfàpràw 11 »» 11

^"iï^ï M VF&Ř #^^íulu||^| i
^¿iw^ teï-^ï H H
fÖRH^ f^IJ qfê^4<JÎ čtf ? FPÏÏ-Î^ïï^Î i
c|uü|ili<u|-%if fàoHFïï §g fàfuifè Il 3^ Il

çrat or R »nW fà^rr 1

q^T-^T^wr i^i-^M-í^nlr ft*' Il «va II
^ ft * *if fféT I
éï srnr-Htï fà <rç ^ srô «rt^f II a¿ Il
gsqr^-^iit wt w I
1 E «wifawr. 2 c ^3". 3 Pn ^rMì I? °IPT T5^?^T. 4 At the en
this gSthS AB have the phrase : spi8^1?qT%:. 5 E pRÍÍ|. 6 P fwj|(u
BP Ofq^j řŤ. 8 D 3TCTni|Sìf|T §<?, E °fff|[p^. 9 B -JIU^TI0. 10 C fR0. 1
3PTO3*l0Í<to. 12 A jf 3)iun%. 13' E číflŤít I4 p â^ëS'ï, B has marginal
ggagHJft. I5 D íSPTCfà. 16 E TîfWTot. 17 B ^TOIRTOT0, CD <HUU]M<U|°, E
^o. P quuiMWfêqij. 18 A fô^gitfta(Jnfan% I?; BCDE ( «>r
I?) P fôWdlT RuiW! ff, so the reading- above has an emended form. 19 P
<Ì"W°. 20 P fif. 21 A e5I%W, P *TR3ot.

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lo6 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

«rrn li il
^ r srct ^ i
li il
ws m i

f% "g-M.

1 P OJ^^, on qqq
8 p gi%ť. 8 p 4
•ed (f.

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