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Have you love yourself?

First of all let us praise and say aur gratitude to ALLAH because at the moment we are given one
pleasure that favors the opportunity to be in this place.

Good evening everyone

My name is Ribka Rosari Nababan from class B. on this wonderful occasion, I’m here to give you
speech about “love yourself”

Unconsciously, you hurt yourself oftentimes. Not physically, but psychologically. You often assum
yourself stupid, ugly, too fat, too thin, or unable to do anything. That assumptions can make you
criticize and scold yourself until finally, you will feel more disappointed and self-loating. And
sometimes, you give yourself reinforcement that you are the victims of your own treatment.

By saying something like

“I’m a fool”, “how fat I’m” , “I shouldn’t do anything, I just made thing worst”

It call self-criticism. It can hurt youself and make yourself feel insecure. Also, it will make you
consider yourself weaker, worthless, and unhappy.

Do you often do that? If so, there are more beautiful ways to love yourself. I will show you

1. Focus on yourself, not just the outside of yourself.

What is your excess, what you really need, and what you really want. You do not need to
refer to other people’s achievements or other people’s look about you, but you need to try
to talk to yourself to know more about your personality as a whole.

When you have fully identified yourself, we will be able to build a shield to deal with
whatever is outside yourself. You will not be easily consumed by the judgement or
achievements of other because you already know what is the best for yourself.

2. Don’t criticize it, but accept it

Not criticizing, but accepting. It means you respect and love yourself no matter what
happens. However, it does not mean you will forget to evaluate yourself. Self-evaluation is
done to understand what really happened. When you find the reason behind an event that
occurs, you are able to keep going in life.

3. Love yourself
If you can look at yourself lovingly and regardless of the inherent scars, you will be stronger
to face the problems, you will not hurt yourself again, even if the only words spoken. When
you already cann love yourself, it will be more beautiful to love others, right?

“Hearing the love phares is not only for others, but also for yourself. So, have you loved yourself?”

That’s all of my speech today, I hope it can be useful for all of us. Thank u for your attention. Good
evening and thank u very much.

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