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ENGLISH: Made: No, I´m not

Scenario: Search for treatment options in a Dr. Flores: Well, the treatment includes diet, you
patient with diabetes. must make an appointment with the nutritionist,
you must do physical activity for at least 30
Characters: minutes 5 days a week and take metformin as
Patient: Madelen initial treatment once a day every day, after 3
Relatives: Josselin and Alex months this is done examination to see how it
Doctor: Dr. Flores progresses with treatment.
Narrator: Mailyn
Made: Thank you Dr. Flores. I am ready to start
my treatment.
Mai: Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized
by high blood glucose (sugar) levels. Glucose is Dr. Flores: We are here to help you. Also, I'd like
the main source of energy for the body and its to refer you to an endocrinologist.
level is regulated by a hormone called insulin,
produced by the pancreas. Made: I understand Dr.

Mai: (In the waiting room of the clinic) Mai: (Endocrinologists are experts in hormonal
diseases, including diabetes. They can assess
Alex: (worried) I'm sure Dr. Flores will give us the situation, review current medications, and
good treatment options to control your diabetes. make adjustments if necessary. They can also
We just need to be open and follow the consider additional options, such as insulin
recommendations. therapy if appropriate)
Joss: (nods) Yes, Alex. I hope we can find Joss: Dr. Flores, what else can we do as a family
something that works for Madelen. to support Madelen?
Mai: (Madelen and Josselin enter Dr. Flores' Dr. Flores: Family support is very important in
office, while Alex waits outside). managing diabetes. Together, they can
encourage healthy habits.
Made: Good afternoon, Dr. Flores.
Made: Thank you, Dr. Flores. Have a nice day.
Mai: (Both take a seat)
Mai: (Madelen and Josselin say goodbye and
Dr. Flores: Good afternoon, Madelen. How can I leave Dr. Flores' office)
help you?
Alex: How did it go? What did Dr. Flores tell you?
Madelen: Well, I was diagnosed with diabetes
and I come here to guide me through the Joss: Everything will be fine if you follow the
treatment. proposed treatment plan.
Dr. Flores: ok I understand. How old are you? Made: In addition, I must make an appointment
with the nutritionist and endocrinologist.
Made: I am 23 years old.
Alex: I understand, we must support Madelen.
Dr. Flores: give me the laboratory results please You are not alone in this process.
Mai: (Madelen takes the results out of the bag Made: I feel encouraged knowing that I have your
and hands them to Dr.) Dr. Flores enters the support and the team of professionals.
laboratory values into the computer
Mai: (The characters leave the clinic)
Dr. Flores: Do you have any other disease?
Mai: Managing diabetes involves keeping blood
Made: No, I don´t glucose levels within a target range, monitoring
Dr. Flores: Do you take any other medication? blood pressure and lipid levels, eating a healthy
diet, exercising regularly, and self-monitoring
Made: No, I don´t blood glucose . The goal is to prevent long-term
Dr. Flores: Are you allergic to any medication? complications and maintain a good quality of life.

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