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The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all UN member states have agreed

to try to achieve by the year 2015. These eight (8) MDGs are sub‐divided into two categories: 1. Health‐Related MDGs: MDG4 - reduction of child mortality, MDG5 - improvement of maternal health MDG6 - reversing of HIV, malaria and other diseases 2. Health‐Determinant MDGs : MDG1 - eradication of extreme poverty and hunger MDG2 - universal access to primary education MDG3 - gender equality and woman empowerment MDG7 - ensuring environmental sustainability MDG8 - developing a global partnership for development Looking closely at all the MDGs, we can see that all of these are part and parcel of every nurse's roles in every individual, family and community the need to care for the totality of man utilizing all powers innate in them. In the health-related MDGs, nurses are already playing an active role in achieving the goals set forth in each area simply by performing their duties and responsibilities as nurses be it in the hospital, community or other setting. As for the health-determinant MDGs, nurses help promote these through health teaching and community work such as medical missions and feeding programs. However, more initiatives are needed. As a forefront of healthcare, Nurses can create a tremendous impact in the achievement of these when nurses are properly tapped and trained effectively. The following are my recommendations to further involve nurses in the achievement of these MDGs: 1. Increase nurse's awareness of the MDGs Hospitals, schools and other organization should conduct seminars and trainings to further illustrate to nurses and other health care professionals the importance of the role they can play in achieving the goals of the MDGs. In this way, they can be more compliant and will succumb more to the call of the advocacy. One example is the upcoming seminar organized by PLM's Graduate School of Health and Sciences to be held on Feb 18, 2011 entitled "Role of Health Care Practitioners in Millenium Development Goals" 2. Joining of Nursing Organizations that advocates MDG attainment By joining an organization, we can take an active part in ensuring that our country is gearing towards attaining the goals set forth in the MDGs. It will provide nurses a way to participate in events like reaching out to communities and the like.

One example is the AYNLA (Alliance of Young Nurses Leaders & Advocates International Inc.). It is composed of young nurse leaders and health advocates who made the MDGs their banner program. 3. Organize more Outreach Programs As nurses, we should be committed to empowering under-served communities through health education, making health care resources accessible, and giving hands-on service to contribute to our country's health. There are so many rural areas in our country that needs reaching out to. Our community will benefit much from a Nutrition Project that may involve workshops on nutritious yet affordable food and on proper food preparation. A feeding program would also be a good step in ensuring that children get proper nutrition thereby promoting health and preventing malnutrition. A disease prevention workshop would also be beneficial. It will provide the community with the knowledge in preventing a disease. For example, a Malaria Prevention Workshop where the importance of using mosquito nets will be stressed to be able to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Our service as nurses are also very much needed especially in rural communities. We could set up Maternity and Child Clinics to aid in attaining a healthy community. There are so much more that we can contribute not just to attain these MDGs but also to be of help to our country. Thank you!

This is David Claudio reacting/commenting about the MDGs, according to it's background, The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 form a blueprint agreed to by all the world's countries and all the world's leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world's poorest. We nurses are considered servants of the poor and domestic workers way back the old times. But modern age change everything in regards with the nursing trends and practices. Basically everyone wants to have their hospital setting practice instead of a community based. One of the good solution that the government should do is expanding the public health nurses who could go out into rural areas where there was often little health care available so that it can covers 3 of the goals of the MDGs partly Child health, Maternal health, and Combat HIV/AIDS. Currently the government has its project RNHeals(Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service) that deploy nurses to rural and underserved communities. Reinforcement and cascading of this program to inexperience nurses or even the experience one is needed so that we can utilize

the nurses who are in a mismatch situation in their career right now. Another solution to meet the goal 1 of the MDGs End Poverty and Hunger is economic growth, without this, government spending can not grow and be substained. Also we should check on the mismanagement of our resources due to corruptions. Transparency of the government as always should be implemented to show how their sincere they are in governing the country. Government should adopt sound economic policies, promote both domestic and foreign investment and adopt a policy of wealth redistribution to meet goal 8 Global Partnership. Concern people of MDGs should cascade information to everyone that include schools, hospitals and other body of organizations to have a concrete foundation of understanding about these goals. And yes, awareness is needed. Some private hospitals knows nothing about the MDGs, usually it is the public sector who knows about this. We nurses should share our part in promoting awareness of this program to all. Lastly, we know that MDGs is part also of the Aquino Health Agenda, let us hope and support the government in achieving this and see what will happen on the target year 2015

In dealing with the Millenium Development Goal is a great deal of achievement. As a nurse, I am honestly completely unaware of this program. By looking at its 8 program to be achieved in the year 2015, it is considered a tough battle in attaining its goal. As being divided into two parts namely the health determinant and health related, nursing profession is relevant to its goal achievement. In the statement pertaining to nursing profession, as adapted from R.A. 9173 - It includes, but not limited to, nursing care during conception, labor, delivery, infancy, childhood, toddler, preschool, school age, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. As independent practitioners, nurses are primarily responsible for the promotion of health and prevention of illness. From this statement we can expand the relevance of nursing in MDG. I would say that, as a nurse we can start by being aware about MDG and further involvement should come next. thank you

hi! this is Dannah Criselle Cayago The declaration of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) asserts that every individual has the right to dignity, freedom, equality, a basic standard of living that includes freedom from hunger and violence, and encourages tolerance and solidarity. Its goal is to improve social and economic conditions in the world's poorest countries. Though nurses can't help much with the eradication of poverty and hunger, achievement of universal primary education, and environmental sustainability, we

can definitely contribute a lot to the remaining goals: promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. As we notice, most of the MDGs are related directly to our profession and we know we can do much about these. As nurses, we are focused on caring every individual, family and community, and we know the need for humane care. We play very important roles in spreading and achieving the MDGs. Though in reality, not all of us are aware of this, we are already doing our part, through simple health educations, in formal or informal settings. In connection to this, it would be more effective if we know the goals, the targets, the ways of informing and encouraging people to do their part as well with this. These are my recommendations on how nurses can help to achieve these MDGs: 1. Awareness of the MDGs - Nurses should be aware of the MDGs in order to know how to play their part. I may suggest to include it in school lectures, in different trainings in the hospitals, even in orientations, seminars, forums. Invite nurses in different activities that include spreading the information about MDGs. 2. Involve nurses in different activities for MDGs. Do outreach programs, set up seminars in different settings, health education especially to those remote areas.

3. And at least send even few nurses abroad to study how other countries implement ways of achieving these MDGs. tine Jewel Fabi giving my comment regarding the relevance of nursing profession in achieving the MDGs.

Millennium development goals (MDG) are eight international development goals set by the 192 nations to be achieved by the year 2015. Our profession plays a significant role in achieving these goals mainly on the area of human development particularly on human capital which is one of the major concentrations of MDG. The aims selected within the human capitals focus consist of improving

nutrition, healthcare (includes reducing levels of child mortality,HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and increasing reproductive health) and education.
We can help achieve the MDGs in our own simple ways. It does not matter how big or small your contribution is as long as you have imparted something good to attain these goals. As nurses working in healthcare institutions, we have the responsibility to care for the sick with the best attention we could provide. We should also have an active participation in community work that focuses on maternal & child health and we can help realize the MDGs through partaking in public health teaching & knowledge dissemination which could be an aid in disease prevention. Various health dilemmas are being

experienced not just in our country but also in other developing countries. These include poor maternal health, high child mortality rates, diseases like HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. And one of the most valuable resources in healthcare that provides direct TLC (tender loving care) is a NURSE. Nurses are positive examples and medium of change that empower communities by caring for the ill while offering genuine hope for disease prevention and cure. A nurses influence on the world is enormous

the goal under MDGs is reality good if it will be achieved, but looking at the latest situation here in the Philippines, are we able to achieve the goal set by united nation's MDG? this are some of the downsides of the Philippines leading to "not achieving the goal: with regards to goal number 5: 1. in the latest statistics 180 maternal moralities are recorded for every 100,000 births according to NSO2. despite the increase in the proportion of births attended by skilled health personel, its pace of progress (0.008) is not fast enough to reach 100% by 2015 (DOH) also the low probability of achieving goal number 2 is attributed to the poor performance of different indicators: 1. enrolment rater in primary education :from 99.1% in 1990 down to 84.4% in 2005 (DepEd) 2. literacy rate of 15-24 yrs old at 96.6%unchanged since 1990 on the other hand... I can see some improvements that may lead to achieving some of MDGs goal: focused in goal 4: there is a high probability that this goal can be attain due to declined under-five mortality rate from 80% in 1990 to 32% in 2006 and decrease infant mortality rate from 57% to 24% in the same period/(NSO) <!--[endif]--> The country also has positive chances of attaining Goal 8 as debt service as a percentage of exports decreased from 27.2% in 1990 to 12.0% in 2006, telephone lines subscribers per 100 population increased from 1.5 in 1990 to 8.3 in 2006 and cellular phone subscribers increased from 0.1 in 1991 to 41.3 in 2005. However, there is a need to provide more employment opportunities to curb the increase in unemployment rate of 15-24 year olds which rose from 10.9% in 1990 to 16.4% in 2005 (NTC). in my point of view, we have a big chance of improving our natural resources thus achieving the other goal set... if we are able to utilize our resources properly, whether financial or natural in nature, achieving this goals are easy and attainable.. Setrting rules leading to MDGs goal is indeed needed and making this project contagious to all Filipinos and professionals may lead to awareness going to success!! thank you...

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