Design of Cobalt Solvent Extraction Using Cyanex 272 As Extractant by Combining Mccabe Thiele Procedure and Simulation Program

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Design of Cobalt Solvent

Extraction using Cyanex 272
as Extractant by Combining
McCabe Thiele Procedure
and Simulation Program
Control of Magnesium in Cobalt electrowinning


Design of Cobalt solvent extraction using Cyanex 272 as extractant by
combining McCabe Thiele procedure and simulation program: control of
Magnesium concentration in Cobalt electrowinning circuit.
© Joseph Kafumbila 2023

Joseph Kafumbila Page 1

Process simulation
Chemical engineering can be defined from many different aspects. However, all
the scientists and professionals agree that the process is the center of it. To make a
distinction from any other discipline, the role of chemical engineering could be defined
with its purpose to develop, design, construct, control, optimize and mange any process
involving physical and/or chemical changes and make this process profitable.

Process simulation as discipline uses mathematical models as basis for analysis

prediction, testing, detection of a process behavior unrelated to whether the process is
existing in reality or not. Process simulation is there to increase the level of knowledge
for a particular process and chemical engineering in general.

So, when those two concepts are put together, we can look into the chemical
engineering as a discipline defining how the process should be developed and
simulation as the tool helping us to explore the options. Chemical engineering needs to
know how the process should be designed while chemical engineers use the simulation
to explore all the process design options and define the optimal one.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 2

For a solution containing 2g/L of Cobalt and 2g/L of Magnesium at pH 4.5, this
publication gives the procedure of obtaining the optimal extractant volume percentage
in organic, number of stages on extraction and scrubbing circuit and (O/A) ratio on
scrubbing circuit by using the combination of McCabe Thiele procedure and Realistic
Simulation Program (RSP). Realistic Simulation Program (RSP) has been developed to
simulate Copper and Cobalt hydrometallurgical circuits. The program of RSP is based on
the thermodynamic equilibrium of soluble species in the solution at room temperature.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 3


1. Procedure 5
1.1. Experimental methodology 5
1.2. Modeling 6
1.2.1. Concept 6
1.2.2. Realistic Simulation Program (RSP) 6
2. Extraction step 8
2.1. pH-loading curves 8
2.2. Isotherm curves and McCabe Thiele diagram 10
2.2.1. Isotherm curve values 10
2.2.2. Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram 11
2.2.3. Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram 15
2.3. Number of stages and optimal extractant volume percentage in organic phase 18
2.3.1. Concept 18
2.3.2. Flow diagram of extraction circuit 19
2.3.3. Configuration with three stages 20
2.3.4. Configuration with four stages 22
2.3.5. Observations 24
3. Scrubbing circuit 25
3.1. Concept 25
3.2. Isotherm curves and McCabe Thiele diagram 26
3.2.1. Isotherm curve values 26
3.2.2. Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram 27
3.2.3. Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram 30
3.3. Number of stages on scrubbing train and optimal extractant volume percentage in
organic 34
3.3.1. Concept 34
3.3.2. Flow diagram of scrubbing circuit 34
3.3.3. Configuration with four extraction stages and two scrubbing stages 36
3.3.4. Configuration with four extraction stages and tree scrubbing stages 40
3.3.5. Observations 44
4. References 45

Joseph Kafumbila Page 4

1. Procedure

1.1. Experimental methodology

The pH-loading curves, the isotherm curve and batch counter-current test
(Figure 1.1) are most commonly used to determine metal recovery and number of
stages for a solution having a known chemical composition.

Figure 1.1: Batch counter-current scheme used for extraction

For a given extractant volume percent and equilibrium pH, the extraction, the
scrubbing or the stripping isotherms can be generate by contacting a known aqueous

Joseph Kafumbila Page 5

solution (i.e. PLS, the scrub solution or the strip solution) with the organic solution at
different O/A volume ratios. pH – loading and isotherm curves can be done at different
temperature. But the batch counter-current test is done at room temperature. These
techniques are commonly used for solvent extraction design. When there are enough
budgets, a pilot testing to confirm number of stages and impurity transfer.

In a design practice, the pH-loading and isotherm curves are obtained from the
lab test. In this publication, the pH-loading and isotherm curves are generated by the
simulation program in the only goal to explain the methodology of the combination of
McCabe Thiele procedure and simulation program.

1.2. Modeling

1.2.1. Concept
Simulation program is developed to significantly simplify the overall circuit
design for solvent extraction plants. The simulation program calculates the
simultaneous equations of multiple equilibrium systems based on pre-generated
equilibrium data. The pre-generated equilibrium data cover various metals, metal
concentrations, acidities, extractant volume percent and temperatures.

For ordinary simulation program, given a known feed composition, the O/A
ratio, the targeted equilibrium pH, the expected stage mixing efficiency and the
extractant volume percent, the program calculates the aqueous and organic mixer outlet
composition from equilibrium database.

The advantageous of simulation program is that the overall plant (extraction,

scrubbing and stripping) can be simulated simultaneously.

1.2.2. Realistic Simulation Program (RSP)

In this way, Realistic Simulation Program (RSP) has been developed to simulate
Copper and Cobalt hydrometallurgical circuits. The program of RSP is based on the
thermodynamic equilibrium of soluble species in the solution. The models of copper
solvent extraction using Lix984N and Cobalt solvent extraction using Cyanex 272 have
been developed for Realistic Simulation Program (RSP) (J. Kafumbila, 2023).

These models have been developed for room temperature only. It is known that
the increase of temperature increases the equilibrium constant of Cobalt extraction with
Cyanex 272 (H.A. Evans, 2008). The increase of equilibrium constants of extraction
reactions of Cobalt and Magnesium with the increase in temperature can improve or not

Joseph Kafumbila Page 6

the separation between Cobalt and Magnesium. In the case of Cobalt and Nickel, the
increase in temperature improves the separation between Cobalt and Nickel.

The design of Realistic Simulation Program is that: Given a known feed

composition, the O/A ratio, the targeted equilibrium pH, the expected stage mixing
efficiency, number of stages and metal recovery, the program calculates the optimal
extractant volume percent.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 7

2. Extraction step

2.1. pH-loading curves

The Cobalt solvent extraction using Cyanex 272 is developed for PLS
composition containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L of Mg at pH 4.5. Realistic Simulation
Program is used to develop pH-loading curves at room temperature. Figure (2.1) gives
the pH-loading curves for two solutions containing respectively 2g/L of Co at initial pH
of 4.5 and 2g/L of Mg at initial pH of 4.5 with organic phase containing 8% of Cyanex
272 at room temperature (O/A=1). NaOH solution containing 100g/L of NaOH is used
as acid neutralization reagent.

Figure 2.1: pH-loading curves for two solutions containing respectively 2g/L of Co
and 2g/L Mg with organic phase containing 8.0% of cyanex 272 at room
temperature (O/A=1) generated by RSP

The results show that pH50 (pH against 50% of metal extraction) of Co and Mg
are respectively 4.64 and 5.84 (ΔpH -1.2). At 99% of Cobalt extraction at pH 6.5, the co-
extraction of Magnesium is around 69.6%. This means that during Cobalt extraction with
Cyanex 272, Magnesium will be co-extracted.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 8

Figure (2.2) gives pH-loading curves for one solution containing 2g/L of Co and
2g/L Mg at pH 4.5 with organic phase containing 8% v/v of Cyanex 272 (O/A=1). NaOH
solution containing 100g/L of NaOH is used as acid neutralization reagent.

Figure 2.2: pH-loading curves for one solution containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg
with organic phase containing 8.0% of Cyanex 272 at room temperature
(O/A=1) generated by RSP

The results show that pH50 (pH against 50% of metal extraction) of Co and Mg
are respectively 4.90 and 6.52. Presence of Magnesium in solution increases pH50 of
Cobalt from 4.64 to 4.90 (ΔpH-0.26) by co-extraction. Presence of Cobalt in solution
increases pH50 of Magnesium from 5.84 to 6.52 by co-extraction (ΔpH-0.68). This means
that Cobalt can reject Magnesium on organic phase.

The optimal extraction pH is 5.5 that is between 5.0 and 6.0 where the
Magnesium extraction recovery is less than 40%.

Figure (2.3) gives pH-loading curves of Cobalt and Magnesium from solution
containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L of Mg at pH 5.5 and room temperature with organic
having various Cyanex 272 volume percent (O/A=1). NaOH solution containing 100g/L
of NaOH is used as acid neutralization reagent.

The results show that the rejection of Mg from organic works at low v/v% of
Cyanex 272 in the organic phase.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 9

Figure 2.3: pH-loading curves for one solution containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg
at pH 5.5 with organic phase containing various v/v% of Cyanex 272 at
room temperature (O/A=1) generated by RSP

2.2. Isotherm curves and McCabe Thiele diagram

2.2.1. Isotherm curve values

Table (2.1) gives the values of Cobalt and Magnesium in the isotherm curves
generated by RSP for a solution containing 2g/L of Cobalt and 2g/L of Magnesium at
initial pH of 4.5 at room temperature. Volume percent of Cyanex 272 is 8.0% and the
isotherm pH is 5.5. NaOH solution containing 100g/L of NaOH is used as acid
neutralization reagent.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 10

Table 2.1: Values of Cobalt and Magnesium isotherm curves for one solution containing
2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg at pH 5.5 with organic phase containing 8.0% v/v of
Cyanex 272 at room temperature by RSP

O/A Cobalt grade (g/L) Magnesium grade (g/L)

Organic Aqueous Organic Aqueous
10.00 0.198 0.023 0.178 0.200
5.00 0.388 0.057 0.306 0.435
3.50 0.543 0.094 0.377 0.635
2.50 0.735 0.152 0.431 0.868
2.00 0.890 0.208 0.454 1.035
1.50 1.119 0.307 0.465 1.244
1.00 1.478 0.504 0.449 1.496
0.50 2.046 0.957 0.387 1.769
0.20 2.483 1.490 0.327 1.917
0.10 2.634 1.728 0.305 1.960

2.2.2. Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram

Figure (2.4) illustrates Cobalt isotherm curve (blue lines) with the operating

Figure 2.4: Cobalt isotherm curve and operating line (O/A=1.25) for one solution
containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg at pH 5.5 with organic phase containing 8%
v/v of Cyanex 272 at room temperature generated by RSP

Joseph Kafumbila Page 11

Equation (2.1) gives the extrapolation mathematical expression of isotherm
curve of Cobalt extraction with Cyanex 272 (J. Kafumbila. 2017). Where “COrg ” is the
Cobalt concentration in organic phase (g/L) and “Caq ” is Cobalt concentration in
aqueous phase (g/L).

Co Co 2 Co
Log(COrg )=-0.0896*(log(Caq )) +0.4732*log(Caq )+0.3161 (2.1)

Figure (2.5) gives McCabe Thiele diagram of a stage on extraction train. The
procedure of McCabe Thiele construction of Cobalt based on Figure (2.5) is the

Figure 2.5: McCabe Thiele of stage on extraction train

 The construction starts by the last stage on the extraction (stage 3).

 The concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) is random number less
than the concentration in aqueous in the feed solution.

 The concentration in organic in point (C) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (2.2) (on the operating line).

Caq =(O/A)* Cor (2.2)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 12

 The concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ) is random number high
than concentration in organic in point (C) (Cor ) and less than the
concentration in organic on the isotherm curve at the concentration in
aqueous in point (C).

 The concentration in aqueous in point (B) (Caq ) is equal to the
concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ).

 The concentration in organic in point (A) (Cor ) is equal to the
concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ).

 The concentration in aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (2.3) (on the operating line).

Caq =(O/A)* Cor (2.3)

 The concentration in aqueous in point (E) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (2.4) where “MF” is mixing efficiency.

aq −Caq )
Caq =Caq - (2.4)

 The concentration in organic in point (E) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (2.5).

Log(COrg )=-0.0896*(log(Caq ))2+0.4732*log(Caq
)+0.3161 (2.5)

 The concentration in organic in point (E) (Cor ) is calculated also using
Equation (2.6).

E C or −Cor )
Cor =Cor + (2.6)

 The value of concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ) is optimized
using Excel solver where the variable in the concentration in organic in
point (B) (Cor ) and the constraint is that the concentrations in organic in
point E (Cor ) calculated with Equations (2.5) and (2.6) are equals.

 Repeat the procedure for the second stage where the coordinates of
point (C) of second stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the
third stage.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 13

 Repeat the procedure for the first stage where the coordinates of point
(C) of first stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the second

 The value of concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) in third stage is
optimized using Excel solver where the variable is the concentration in
aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) of third stage and the constraint is that the
value of concentration in aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) in first stage is equal
to concentration of Cobalt in the feed solution (2g/L).

Figure (2.6) shows the McCabe diagram of Cobalt with 90% of mixing efficiency
and O/A equal to 1.25. Figure (2.6) shows that Cobalt can effectively be removed from
solution in tree counter-current stages at room temperature at level of 0.038g/L with
volume percentage of Cyanex 272 equal to 8%, O/A ratio equal to 1.25 and mixing
efficiency equal to 90%.

Figure 2.6: Cobalt isotherm curve and McCabe Thiele diagram for one solution containing
2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg at pH 5.5 with organic phase containing 8% v/v of
Cyanex 272 at room temperature (mixing efficiency=90% and O/A=1.25)
generated by RSP

Joseph Kafumbila Page 14

2.2.3. Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram
Figure (2.7) gives the isotherm curve of Magnesium. Figure (2.7) shows the
Magnesium isotherm curve is not an equilibrium line but the saturation line because
Magnesium takes the empty space left by Cobalt in the organic phase. McCabe Thiele
procedure for the construction of McCabe Thiele diagram does not work for Magnesium
saturation line. This Magnesium saturation line has been observed also in the
experimental data obtained from the lab on the solvent extraction of Co, Mn and Mg
from Ni solution using Cyanex 272 as extractant (Cyril Bourget, 2011).

Figure 2.7: Magnesium isotherm curve for one solution containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg
at pH 5.5 with organic phase containing 8% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room
temperature generated by RSP

In this case, the new procedure for the construction of McCabe Thiele diagram
of Magnesium from Cobalt isotherm curve and Magnesium saturation line is developed
in this publication. Figure (2.8) gives the Magnesium concentration in organic phase
versus Cobalt concentration in organic phase from Table (2.1).

The results show that below 1.119g/L of Cobalt in organic, Magnesium

concentration in organic phase increases with the increase of Cobalt concentration in
organic phase. There is enough space for Cobalt and Magnesium extraction in organic
phase. Above 1.119g/L of Cobalt in organic phase, Magnesium concentration decreases
with the increase of Cobalt concentration in organic phase. The organic phase is
saturated with Cobalt and Magnesium is rejected from organic phase.
Joseph Kafumbila Page 15
Figure 2.8: Magnesium concentration versus Cobalt concentration both in organic phase
from isotherm curves for one solution containing 2g/L of Co and 2g/L Mg at pH
5.5 with organic phase containing 8% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room temperature
generated by RSP

Figure (2.8) also gives the Magnesium concentrations in organic phase

corresponding to the Cobalt concentrations in the organic phase of points E1, E2, E3 and
E4 on McCabe Thiele diagram of Cobalt on Figure (2.6). The concentration of Cobalt in
organic in point E4 is equal to the concentration of Cobalt in organic in the point (C) in
stage (3) in Figure (2.6) (0.031g/L). The concentration in organic of Magnesium
obtained from the concentration of Cobalt in point E4 is close to the concentration in
organic of Magnesium in the point (C) on the McCabe Thiele of the third stage of

Figure (2.5) gives McCabe Thiele diagram of a stage on extraction train. The
procedure of McCabe Thiele construction of Magnesium based of configuration on
Figure (2.5) is the following:

 The construction starts by the last stage on the extraction (stage 3).

 The concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) is random number less
than the concentration in aqueous in the feed solution.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 16

 The concentration in organic in point (C) (Cor ) is the concentration in
organic of Magnesium obtained from the concentration of Cobalt in point
(E4) (Figure (2.8)).

 The concentration in organic in point (E) (Cor ) is the concentration in
organic of Magnesium in point (E3) (Cor ) (Figure (2.8)).

 The concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (2.7).

Cor =Cor + (Cor − Cor ) ∗ MF (2.7)

 The concentration in organic in point (A) (Cor ) is equal to the
concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ).

 The concentration in aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (2.8) (Operating line does not pass through the point having
the coordinates (0;0)).

Caq =Caq +(O/A)*( Cor -Cor ) (2.8)

 The concentration in aqueous in point (E) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (2.9) where “MF” is mixing efficiency.

aq −Caq )
Caq =Caq - (2.9)

 Repeat the procedure for the second stage where the coordinates of
point (C) of second stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the
third stage. The concentration in organic of Magnesium in point (E) (Cor )
is equal to the concentration in organic of Magnesium in point (E2) (Cor )
(Figure (2.8)).

 Repeat the procedure for the first stage where the coordinates of point
(C) of first stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the second
stage. The concentration in organic of Magnesium in point (E) (Cor ) is
equal to the concentration in organic of Magnesium in point (E1) (Cor )
(Figure (2.8)).

 The value of concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) in third stage is
optimized using Excel solver where the variable is the concentration in
aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) of third stage and the constraint is that the

Joseph Kafumbila Page 17

value of concentration in aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) in first stage is equal
to concentration in the feed solution (2g/L).

Based on the values of the Magnesium concentration in the feed solution, the
O/A ratio equal to 1.25, mixing efficiency equal to 90% and the Magnesium
concentrations in the organic phase in the point (E1, E2, E3 and E4), Figure (2.9) gives
the McCabe Thiele diagram of Magnesium with the pseudo-isotherm curve.

Figure (2.9) shows that there is extraction of Magnesium in organic in stages 3

and 2. But there is rejection of Magnesium on organic in stage 1.

Figure 2.9: Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram for one solution containing 2g/L of Co and
2g/L Mg at pH 5.5 with organic phase containing 8% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room
temperature (mixing efficiency=90% and O/A=1.25) generated by RSP

2.3. Number of stages and optimal extractant volume

percentage in organic phase

2.3.1. Concept
The McCabe Thiele diagram is done by knowing the extractant volume
percentage in organic phase. By fixing the number of stage, the concentrations of
element in the outlet of stages are obtained. In our case, the recovery (the concentration
in the outlet solution of the last stage) and the number of stage are given; the simulation

Joseph Kafumbila Page 18

gives the optimal value of extractant volume percentage in organic phase. This is the
particularity of Realistic Simulation Program (RSP). The simulation is done with two
configurations having three and four stages respectively.

2.3.2. Flow diagram of extraction circuit Flow diagram

Figure (2.10) gives the flow diagram of extraction circuit having “n” stages.

Figure 2.10: From diagram of extraction step with “n” stages

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction Ep: Stage of rank “p” in Extraction train

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 RS: Rich solution.

 EpRaf: Raffinate of stage of rank “p”.
 SO: Stripped organic
 EpLO: Loaded organic of stage of rank “p” in extraction train.
 ASO: Aqueous entrainment of stripped organic.
 EpALO: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic of stage of rank “p” in
extraction train.
 EpNa: NaOH solution of stage of rank “p” in extraction train. Plant description

Rich solution is fed to the first stage of extraction train. The raffinate of
extraction stage of rank “p-1” is fed to the extraction stage of rank (p). The raffinate of
extraction stage of rank “n” is final raffinate. Stripped organic is fed to extraction stage of

Joseph Kafumbila Page 19

rank “n”. The loaded organic of extraction stage of rank “p+1” is fed to extraction stage
of rank “p”. The loaded organic of extraction stage 1 is the final loaded organic. During
this process, Cobalt and Magnesium are extracted from solution to organic phase and
organic phase releases hydrogen ions in aqueous phase. NaOH solution is added in each
stage to maintain the pH at the target value.

2.3.3. Configuration with three stages Design Criteria

Design criteria of extraction circuit mass balance are the following:

 Rich solution composition:

o Cobalt: 2g/L.
o Magnesium: 2g/L.
o pH: 4.5.
 Type of extractant: Cyanex 272.
 O/A ratio:
o External: 1.25.
o Internal: 1.25
 Number of stage: 3.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage E1: 90%.
o Stage E2: 90%.
o Stage E3: 90%
 Aqueous entrainment in organic:
o Stage E1: 500ppm.
o Stage E2: 500ppm.
o Stage E3: 500ppm
 Cobalt loss in extraction stage 3 raffinate: 1% of Cobalt in the rich
 NaOH concentration: 100g/L of NaOH in NaOH solution.
 pH profile:
o Stage E1: 5.5.
o Stage E2: 5.5.
o Stage E3: 5.5 Simulation results

Table (2.2) gives the summary results. Tables (2.3 and 2.4) give the mass
balance results.

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Table 2.2: Summary results

Extractant volume percentage 10.58 %

LO flow rate 250 m3/h
NaOH consumption 1312.90 kg/h
Ratio Co/Mg in LO 1.682
Recovery Co
Global 99.00 %
E1 71.63 %
E2 78.33 %
E3 83.66 %
Recovery Mg
Global 58.88 %
E1 -7.42 %
E2 20.65 %
E3 51.75 %

Table 2.3: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 3 stages

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00

mass t/h 202.927 3.187 0.125 205.865 0.125 4.503
volume m /h 200.000 2.921 250.000 0.123 203.022 250.000 0.123 4.126

SG liquid t/m3 1.015 1.091 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.091

Co g/l 2.000 0.438 0.118 0.559 1.584 0.559
Mg g/l 2.000 1.060 1.644 2.116 0.941 2.116
Na g/l 0.000 57.475 1.955 0.827 0.827 57.475
S g/l 3.728 3.597 3.673 3.673
Ac g/l 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 4.500 5.500 5.500 5.500

Table 2.4: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 3 stages

9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00

mass t/h 0.125 210.200 6.638 216.531
volume m3/h 250.000 0.123 207.300 6.082 250.000 213.486
SG liquid t/m3 1.014 1.014 1.091 1.014
Co g/l 0.082 0.019 0.118 0.000 0.019
Mg g/l 0.705 0.770 1.644 0.000 0.770
Na g/l 3.534 1.955 57.475 3.534
S g/l 3.490 3.597 3.490
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 5.500 5.500 5.500

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2.3.4. Configuration with four stages Design Criteria

Design criteria of extraction circuit mass balance are the following:

 Rich solution composition:

o Cobalt: 2g/L.
o Magnesium: 2g/L.
o pH: 4.5.
 Type of extractant: Cyanex 272.
 O/A ratio:
o External: 1.25.
o Internal: 1.25
 Number of stage: 4.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage E1: 90%.
o Stage E2: 90%.
o Stage E3: 90%
o Stage E4: 90%
 Aqueous entrainment in organic:
o Stage E1: 500ppm.
o Stage E2: 500ppm.
o Stage E3: 500ppm
o Stage E4: 500ppm
 Cobalt loss in extraction stage 4 raffinate: 1% of Cobalt in the rich
 NaOH concentration: 100g/L of NaOH in NaOH solution.
 pH profile:
o Stage E1: 5.5.
o Stage E2: 5.5.
o Stage E3: 5.5
o Stage E4: 5.5
o Simulation results

Table (2.5) gives the summary results. Tables (2.6, 2.7 and 2.8) give the mass
balance results.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 22

Table 2.5: Summary results

Extractant volume percentage 7.97 %

LO flow rate 250 m3/h
NaOH consumption 976.81 kg/h
Ratio Co/Mg in LO 2.971
Recovery Co
Global 99.00
E1 55.72
E2 65.35
E3 70.74
E4 77.62
Recovery Mg
Global 33.36
E1 -11.98
E2 -2.31
E3 35.20
E4 35.20

Table 2.6: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00

mass t/h 202.927 1.589 0.125 204.345 0.125 1.343
volume m3/h 200.000 1.457 250.000 0.123 201.505 250.000 0.123 1.230
SG liquid t/m3 1.015 1.091 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.091
Co g/l 2.000 0.692 0.302 0.879 1.584 0.879
Mg g/l 2.000 0.725 2.260 2.223 0.533 2.223
Na g/l 0.000 57.475 0.762 0.416 0.416 57.475
S g/l 3.728 3.677 3.700 3.700
Ac g/l 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 4.500 5.500 5.500 0.000

Table 2.7: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages

9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00

mass t/h 0.125 205.586 2.321 0.125 207.822 5.406
volume m3/h 250.000 0.123 202.779 2.127 250.000 0.123 204.984 4.954
SG liquid t/m3 1.014 1.014 1.091 1.014 1.014 1.091
Co g/l 0.229 0.087 0.302 0.056 0.019 0.087
Mg g/l 0.766 2.007 2.260 0.579 1.269 2.007
Na g/l 1.351 0.762 57.475 2.673 1.351 57.475
S g/l 3.637 3.677 3.548 3.637
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500

Joseph Kafumbila Page 23

Table 2.8: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages

17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00

mass t/h 0.000 212.957
volume m3/h 250.000 0.000 210.000
SG liquid t/m3 0.000 1.014
Co g/l 0.000 0.000 0.019
Mg g/l 0.000 0.000 1.269
Na g/l 0.000 2.673
S g/l 0.000 3.548
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 5.500

2.3.5. Observations
The configuration with four stages is the optimal configuration because the
extractant volume percentage is less than 10% to minimize the loss of extractant in
aqueous entrainment and the ratio Co/Mg in loaded organic is around 2.97
comparatively to the configuration with three stages where is around 1.68.

The batch counter-current test is done on solution and organic phase having
7.97% of Cyanex 272 volume percentage in organic phase in four stages to have the
chemical composition loaded organic for scrubbing isotherm curves.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 24

3. Scrubbing circuit

3.1. Concept
Figure (3.1) shows the configuration of Cobalt solvent extraction and Cobalt
electrowinning circuits. The concentration of Magnesium in Cobalt electrowinning
electrolyte must be less or equal to 5g/L for Cobalt cathode surface aspect quality (I.G.
Sharma, 2005). A bleed solution of Cobalt electrolyte is taken from Cobalt
electrowinning circuit to maintain the concentration of Magnesium at 5g/L.

Figure 3.1: Configuration of Cobalt solvent and Cobalt electrowinning circuit

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 RS: Rich solution.

 NaS: NaOH solution.
 Raf: Raffinate
 SO: Stripped organic.
 LO: Loaded organic.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 25

 ScLO: Scrub loaded organic.
 ADE: Advance electrolyte.
 SPE: Spent electrolyte.
 EWB: Electrowinning bleed.
 ScCoRS: Scrub Cobalt rich solution.
 ScMgRS: Scrub Magnesium rich solution.

This bleed solution is sent to neutralization tank to increase pH from 2.0 to 4.0
using NaOH solution as neutralization reagent. Outlet neutralization solution is sent to
scrubbing step where Cobalt rejects Magnesium from organic phase. The composition of
neutralization outlet solution is around 60g/L of Cobalt, 5g/L of Magnesium and 1g/L of

3.2. Isotherm curves and McCabe Thiele diagram

3.2.1. Isotherm curve values

Table (3.1) gives the values of Cobalt and Magnesium isotherm curves
generated by RSP. The solution contains 60g/L of Cobalt, 5g/L of Magnesium, 1g/L of
sodium at initial pH of 4 at room temperature. The loaded organic phase contains
1.584g/L of Cobalt, 0.533g/L of Magnesium and volume percent of Cyanex 272 about
7.965% from extraction configuration with four stages.

Table 3.1: Values of Cobalt and Magnesium isotherm curves for solution containing
60g/L of Co and 5g/L Mg, 1g/L of sodium at pH 4.0 with loaded organic phase
containing 1.584g/L of Co, 0.533g/L of Mg and 7.965% v/v of Cyanex 272 at
room temperature generated by RSP

O/A Co concentration (g/l) Mg concentration (g/L)

Organic Aqueous Organic Aqueous
300.00 1.750 10.197 0.464 25.781
100.00 2.037 14.780 0.346 23.873
50.00 2.334 22.653 0.224 20.594
30.00 2.532 31.719 0.142 16.818
25.00 2.585 35.126 0.120 15.398
20.00 2.637 39.082 0.098 13.749
15.00 2.687 43.591 0.077 11.870
10.00 2.733 48.626 0.058 9.772
5.00 2.774 54.138 0.041 7.474
1.00 2.789 58.848 0.028 5.510

Joseph Kafumbila Page 26

3.2.2. Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram
Figure (3.2) illustrates Magnesium isotherm curve for scrubbing circuit.
Equation (3.1) gives the extrapolation mathematical expression of isotherm curve of
Magnesium scrubbed (J. Kafumbila. 2017). Where “COrg ” is the Magnesium
concentration in organic phase (g/L) and “Caq ” is Magnesium concentration in aqueous
phase (g/L).

Mg Mg Mg
Log(Caq )=-0.262*(log(Cor ))2+0.0545*log(Cor )+1.4592 (3.1)

Figure 3.2: Magnesium isotherm curve for solution containing 60g/L of Co, 5g/L Mg and
1g/L of Na at pH 4.0 with organic phase containing 1.587g/L of Co, 0.533g/L of
Mg and 7.965% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room temperature generated by RSP

Figure (3.3) gives Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram of a stage on scrubbing

train. The procedure of McCabe Thiele construction based on Figure (3.3) is the

 The construction starts by the last stage on the scrubbing circuit (stage

 The value of ratio (O/A) is unknown value. The starting value of ratio
(O/A) is 30.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 27

Figure 3.3: Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram of stage on scrubbing train

 The concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) is 5.0g/L (Cobalt
electrowinning bleed).

 The concentration in organic in point (C) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (3.2) (on operating line).

Caq =(O/A)* Cor (3.2)

 The concentration in aqueous in point (B) (Caq ) is random number high
than concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) and less than the
concentration in aqueous on the isotherm curve at the concentration in
organic in point (C) (Cor ).

 The concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ) is equal to concentration
in organic in point (C) (Cor ).

 The concentration aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) is equal to the
concentration in aqueous in point (B) (Caq ).

 The concentration in organic in point (A) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (3.3) (on operating line).

Joseph Kafumbila Page 28

Caq =(O/A)* Cor (3.3)

 The concentration in organic in point (E) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (3.4) where “MF” is mixing efficiency.

or −Cor )
Cor =Cor - (3.4)

 The concentration in aqueous in point (E) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (3.5).

Log(Caq )=-0.262*(log(Cor ))2 +0.0545*log(Cor
)+1.4592 (3.5)

 The concentration in aqueous in point (E) (Caq ) is calculated also using
Equation (3.6).

E C aq −Caq )
Caq =Caq + (3.6)

 The value of concentration in aqueous in point (B) (Caq ) is optimized
using Excel solver where the variable in the concentration in aqueous in
point (B) (Caq ) and the constraint is that the concentrations in aqueous
in point (E) (Caq ) calculated with Equations (3.5) and (3.6) are equals.

 Repeat the procedure for the second stage where the coordinates of
point (C) of second stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the
third stage.

 Repeat the procedure for the first stage where the coordinates of point
(C) of first stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the second

 The value of ratio (O/A) is optimized using Excel solver where the
variable is the ratio (O/A) and the constraint is that the value of
concentration in organic in point (A) (Cor ) in first stage is equal to
concentration in the feed organic (0.533g/L).

Figure (3.3) shows the McCabe diagram of Magnesium on scrubbing circuit with
90% of mixing efficiency and O/A of 46.57.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 29

Figure 3.3: Magnesium McCabe Thiele diagram on scrubbing for solution containing 60g/L
of Co, 5g/L Mg and 1g/L of Na at pH 4.0 with organic phase containing 1.587g/L
of Co, 0.533g/L of Mg and 7.965% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room temperature
(mixing efficiency=90% and O/A= 46.57) generated by RSP

3.2.3. Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram

Figure (3.4) illustrates Cobalt isotherm curve. Equation (3.7) gives the
extrapolation mathematical expression of isotherm curve of Cobalt on scrubbing circuit
(J. Kafumbila. 2017). Where “COrg ” is the Cobalt concentration in organic phase (g/L)
and “Caq ” is Cobalt concentration in aqueous phase (g/L).

Co Co 2 Co
Log(Caq )=11.763*(log(Cor )) -4.5193*log(Cor )+1.4213 (3.7)

Figure (3.5) gives Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram of a stage on scrubbing train.
The procedure of McCabe Thiele construction based on Figure (3.5) is the following:

 The construction starts by the first stage on the scrubbing circuit.

 The ratio (O/A) obtained in the construction of Magnesium McCabe

Thiele in scrubbing circuit is equal to the ratio (O/A) in the construction
of Cobalt McCabe Thiele.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 30

Figure 3.4: Cobalt isotherm curve for solution containing 60g/L of Co, 5g/L Mg and 1g/L of
Na at pH 4.0 with organic phase containing 1.584g/L of Co, 0.533g/L of Mg and
7.9165% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room temperature generated by RSP

Figure 3.5: Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram of stage on scrubbing train

Joseph Kafumbila Page 31

 The concentration in organic in point (C) (Cor ) is 1.584g/L in loaded
organic from extraction.

 The concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) is random number less
than the concentration in Cobalt electrowinning bleed.

 The concentration in aqueous in point (B) (Caq ) is equal to the
concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ).

 The concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ) is random number high
than the concentration in organic in point (C) (Cor ).

 The concentration organic in point (A) (Cor ) is equal to the concentration
in aqueous in point (B) (Cor ).

 The concentration in aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (3.8) (the operating line does not pass through point having the
coordinates (0;0)).

Caq =Caq +(O/A)*( Cor - Cor ) (3.8)

 The concentration in organic in point (E) (Cor ) is calculated using
Equation (3.9) where “MF” is mixing efficiency.

E C or −Cor )
Cor =Cor + MF

 The concentration in aqueous in point (E) (Caq ) is calculated using
Equation (3.10).

Log(Caq )=11.763*(log(Cor ))2-4.5193*log(Cor
)+1.4213 (3.10)

 The concentration in aqueous in point (E) (Caq ) is calculated also using
Equation (3.11).

aq −Caq )
Caq =Caq − (3.11)

 The value of concentration in organic in point (B) (Cor ) is optimized
using Excel solver where the variable in the concentration in organic in

Joseph Kafumbila Page 32

point (B) (Cor ) and the constraint is that the concentrations in aqueous
in point (E) (Caq ) calculated with Equations (3.10) and (3.11) are equals.

 Repeat the procedure for the second stage where the coordinates of
point (C) of second stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the
first stage.

 Repeat the procedure for the third stage where the coordinates of point
(C) of third stage are equal to the coordinates of point (A) in the second

 The value of concentration in aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) of first stage is
optimized using Excel solver where the variable is concentration in
aqueous in point (C) (Caq ) of first stage and the constraint is that the
value of concentration in aqueous in point (A) (Caq ) in third stage is
equal to concentration in the feed solution (60g/L).

Figure (3.6) shows the McCabe diagram of Cobalt on scrubbing circuit with 90%
of mixing efficiency and O/A of 46.57.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 33

Figure 3.6: Cobalt McCabe Thiele diagram for a solution containing 60g/L of Co, 5g/L Mg
and 1g//L sodium at pH 4.0 with organic phase containing 1.584 g/L of Co,
0.533 g/L of Mg and 7.965% v/v of Cyanex 272 at room temperature (mixing
efficiency=90% and O/A=46.57) generated by RSP

3.3. Number of stages on scrubbing train and optimal

extractant volume percentage in organic

3.3.1. Concept
The McCabe Thiele diagram is done on scrubbing circuit. The outlet solution of
scrubbing circuit is sent back to extraction circuit. The feed composition of extraction
circuit changes. The simulation of extraction and scrubbing circuit together will give the
new optimal value of extractant volume percentage by fixing the number of stages on
extraction and scrubbing circuit.

3.3.2. Flow diagram of scrubbing circuit Flow diagram

Figure (3.7) gives the flow diagram of scrubbing circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 34

Figure 3.7: Flow diagram of scrubbing circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Sc(n): stage of rank “n” in scrubbing train

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 EWB: Electrowinning bleed.

 Sc(n)Raf: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” on scrubbing train
 LO: Loaded organic from extraction train
 ALO: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic
 Sc(n)LO: Scrub loaded organic from stage of rank “n” on scrubbing train.
 Sc(n)ALO: Entrainment solution of scrub loaded organic from stage of
rank “n” on scrubbing train. Plant description

Loaded organic from extraction stage of rank “1” is fed to scrubbing stage of
rank “1”. The loaded organic from scrubbing stage of rank “p-1” is fed to scrubbing stage
of rank “p”. The loaded organic from scrubbing stage of rank “n-1” is fed to scrubbing
stage of rank “n”. The loaded organic of scrubbing stage of rank “n” is the final scrubbing
loaded organic that is sent to stripping circuit. Electrowinning bleed is fed to scrubbing
stage of rank “n”. The scrubbing raffinate of scrubbing stage of rank “p+1” is fed to
scrubbing stage of rank “p”. The scrubbing raffinate of scrubbing stage of rank “2” is fed
to scrubbing stage of rank “1”. The scrubbing raffinate of scrubbing stage of rank “1” is
the final solution that is sent to extraction stage of rank “1”.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 35

3.3.3. Configuration with four extraction stages and two
scrubbing stages Design Criteria

A. Extraction step

Design criteria of extraction circuit mass balance are the following:

 Rich solution composition:

o Cobalt: 2g/L.
o Magnesium: 2g/L.
o pH: 4.5.
 Type of extractant: Cyanex 272.
 O/A ratio:
o External: 1.25.
o Internal: 1.25
 Number of stage: 4.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage E1: 90%.
o Stage E2: 90%.
o Stage E3: 90%
o Stage E4: 90%
 Aqueous entrainment in organic:
o Stage E1: 500ppm.
o Stage E2: 500ppm.
o Stage E3: 500ppm
o Stage E4: 500ppm
 Cobalt loss in extraction stage 4 raffinate: 1% of Cobalt in the rich
 NaOH concentration: 100g/L of NaOH in NaOH solution.
 pH profile:
o Stage E1: 5.5.
o Stage E2: 5.5.
o Stage E3: 5.5
o Stage E4: 5.5

Joseph Kafumbila Page 36

B. Scrubbing step

 Electrowinning bleed composition:

o Cobalt: 60g/L.
o Magnesium: 5g/L.
o Sodium: 1g/L
o pH: 4.0.
 Type of extractant: Cyanex 272.
 O/A ratio:
o Internal: 1.25
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage Sc1: 90%.
o Stage Sc2: 90%.
 Aqueous entrainment in organic:
o Stage Sc1: 500ppm.
o Stage SC2: 500ppm. Simulation results

Table (3.2) gives the summary results. Tables (3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6) give the
mass balance results.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 37

Table 3.2: Summary results

Extractant volume percentage 10.94 %

LO flow rate 264.4 m3/h
NaOH consumption 1666.81 kg/h
Ratio Co/Mg in Extraction Loaded organic 2.312
Recovery Co
Global 99.34 %
E1 59.98 %
E2 68.55 %
E3 73.31 %
E4 80.22 %
Recovery Mg
Global 39.35 %
E1 -14.30 %
E2 -2.23 %
E3 11.79 %
E4 41.11 %
Ratio Co/Mg in scrubbing Loaded organic 19.243
Ratio O/A 22.722
Cobalt Scrubbing efficiency
Global -81.88 %
Sc1 -42.30 %
Sc2 -27.82 %
Magnesium Scrubbing efficiency
Global 78.15 %
Sc1 40.35 %
Sc2 78.15 %
Cobalt in EWB used to scrub Magnesium 49.19 %

Table 3.3: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 2 stages

1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000

mass t/h 202.927 13.198 1.981 0.132 217.844 0.132
volume m3/h 200.000 11.573 1.816 264.400 0.129 213.304 264.400 0.129
SG liquid t/m3 1.015 1.140 1.091 1.021 1.021 1.021
Co g/l 2.000 17.562 0.897 0.353 1.131 2.266 1.131
Mg g/l 2.000 22.427 1.337 3.584 3.534 0.980 3.534
Na g/l 0.000 1.002 57.475 0.992 0.544 0.544
S g/l 3.728 39.838 5.611 5.657 5.657
Ac g/l 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 4.500 4.890 5.500 5.500 5.500

Joseph Kafumbila Page 38

Table 3.4: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 2 stages

9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000

mass t/h 1.846 0.132 219.546 4.089 0.132 223.497
volume m3/h 1.692 264.400 0.130 215.054 3.747 264.400 0.129 218.939
SG liquid t/m3 1.091 1.021 1.021 1.091 1.021 1.021
Co g/l 0.272 0.092 0.353 0.061 0.018 0.092
Mg g/l 1.400 3.104 3.584 1.057 1.750 3.104
Na g/l 57.475 1.960 0.992 57.475 4.242 1.960
S g/l 5.511 5.611 5.276 5.511
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500

Table 3.5: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 2 stages

17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000

mass t/h 10.273 0.000 233.366 13.348 0.132 13.487
volume m3/h 9.414 264.400 0.000 228.575 11.596 264.400 0.116 11.637
SG liquid t/m3 1.091 0.000 1.021 1.151 1.140 1.159
Co g/l 0.000 0.000 0.018 39.547 3.224 17.562 60.000
Mg g/l 0.000 0.000 1.750 13.552 0.585 22.427 5.000
Na g/l 57.475 0.000 4.242 1.004 1.002 1.000
S g/l 0.000 5.276 40.098 39.838 39.955
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.002 0.014
pH g/l 5.500 4.570 4.890 4.000

Table 3.6: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 2 stages

25.000 26.000 27.000 28.000 29.000 30.000 31.000 32.000

mass t/h 0.132
volume m3/h 264.400 0.115
SG liquid t/m3 1.151
Co g/l 4.121 39.547
Mg g/l 0.214 13.552
Na g/l 1.004
S g/l 40.098
Ac g/l 0.004
pH g/l 4.570

Joseph Kafumbila Page 39

3.3.4. Configuration with four extraction stages and tree
scrubbing stages Design Criteria

A. Extraction step

Design criteria of extraction circuit mass balance are the following:

 Rich solution composition:

o Cobalt: 2g/L.
o Magnesium: 2g/L.
o pH: 4.5.
 Type of extractant: Cyanex 272.
 O/A ratio:
o External: 1.25.
o Internal: 1.25
 Number of stage: 4.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage E1: 90%.
o Stage E2: 90%.
o Stage E3: 90%
o Stage E4: 90%
 Aqueous entrainment in organic:
o Stage E1: 500ppm.
o Stage E2: 500ppm.
o Stage E3: 500ppm
o Stage E4: 500ppm
 Cobalt loss in extraction stage 4 raffinate: 1% of Cobalt in the rich
 NaOH concentration: 100g/L of NaOH in NaOH solution.
 pH profile:
o Stage E1: 5.5.
o Stage E2: 5.5.
o Stage E3: 5.5
o Stage E4: 5.5

Joseph Kafumbila Page 40

B. Scrubbing step

 Electrowinning bleed composition:

o Cobalt: 60g/L.
o Magnesium: 5g/L.
o Sodium: 1g/L
o pH: 4.0.
 Type of extractant: Cyanex 272.
 O/A ratio:
o Internal: 1.25
 Number of stage: 3.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage Sc1: 90%.
o Stage Sc2: 90%.
o Stage Sc3: 90%
 Aqueous entrainment in organic:
o Stage Sc1: 500ppm.
o Stage Sc2: 500ppm.
o Stage SC3: 500ppm Simulation results

Table (3.7) gives the summary results. Tables (3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11) give the
mass balance results.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 41

Table 3.7: Summary results

Extractant volume percentage 9.89 %

LO flow rate 261.2 m3/h
NaOH consumption 1411.80 kg/h
Ratio Co/Mg in Extraction Loaded organic 2.099
Recovery Co
Global 99.18 %
E1 58.82 %
E2 66.85 %
E3 71.59 %
E4 78.74 %
Recovery Mg
Global 36.53 %
E1 -11.45 %
E2 -1.82 %
E3 10.32 %
E4 37.58 %
Ratio Co/Mg in scrubbing Loaded organic 21.363
Ratio O/A 28.922
Cobalt Scrubbing efficiency
Global -93.48 %
Sc1 -19.01 %
Sc2 -32.78 %
Sc3 -22.44 %
Magnesium Scrubbing efficiency
Global 80.99 %
Sc1 16.46 %
Sc2 40.44 %
Sc3 61.79 %
Cobalt in EWB used to scrub Magnesium 78.38 %

Table 3.8: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 3 stages

1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000

mass t/h 202.927 10.202 1.654 0.131 214.573 0.131
volume m3/h 200.000 8.976 1.516 261.200 0.128 210.436 261.200 0.128
SG liquid t/m3 1.015 1.137 1.091 1.019 1.020 1.020
Co g/l 2.000 9.633 0.751 0.313 0.952 1.847 0.952
Mg g/l 2.000 25.646 1.156 3.375 3.338 0.880 3.338
Na g/l 0.000 1.000 57.475 0.833 0.457 0.457
S g/l 3.728 39.768 5.204 5.239 5.239
Ac g/l 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 4.500 5.010 5.500 5.500 5.500

Joseph Kafumbila Page 42

Table 3.9: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 3 stages

9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000

mass t/h 1.523 0.131 215.979 3.356 0.131 219.221
volume m3/h 1.396 261.200 0.128 211.880 3.075 261.200 0.128 215.069
SG liquid t/m3 1.091 1.019 1.019 1.091 1.019 1.019
Co g/l 0.239 0.088 0.313 0.057 0.018 0.088
Mg g/l 1.205 2.981 3.375 0.923 1.791 2.981
Na g/l 57.475 1.644 0.833 57.475 3.672 1.644
S g/l 5.126 5.204 4.933 5.126
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
pH g/l 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500

Table 3.10: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 3 stages

17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000

E4Na SO ASO E4Raf Sc2Raf SC1LO Sc1ALO Sc3Raf
mass t/h 8.873 0.000 227.728 10.256 0.131 10.367
volume m3/h 8.131 261.200 0.000 223.376 8.976 261.200 0.115 9.001
SG liquid t/m3 1.091 0.000 1.019 1.143 1.137 1.152
Co g/l 0.000 0.000 0.018 19.956 2.198 9.633 40.936
Mg g/l 0.000 0.000 1.791 21.713 0.735 25.646 12.976
Na g/l 57.475 0.000 3.672 1.006 1.000 1.003
S g/l 0.000 4.933 40.202 39.768 40.094
Ac g/l 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.004
pH g/l 5.500 4.830 5.010 4.540

Table 3.11: Mass balance of extraction circuit with 4 stages and scrubbing 3 stages

25.000 26.000 27.000 28.000 29.000 30.000 31.000 32.000

mass t/h 0.131 10.467 0.131
volume m3/h 261.200 0.114 9.031 261.200 0.113
SG liquid t/m3 1.143 1.159 1.152
Co g/l 2.918 19.956 60.000 3.573 40.936
Mg g/l 0.438 21.713 5.000 0.167 12.976
Na g/l 1.006 1.000 1.003
S g/l 40.202 39.955 40.094
Ac g/l 0.002 0.014 0.004
pH g/l 4.830 4.000 4.540

Joseph Kafumbila Page 43

3.3.5. Observations
The configuration with tree scrubbing stages is the optimal configuration
because the extractant volume percentage is less than 10% to minimize the loss of
extractant in aqueous entrainment, the ratio Co/Mg in scrubbing loaded organic is
around 21.4 comparatively to the configuration with two scrubbing stages where the
ratio Co/Mg is around 19.2 and the use of Cobalt for Magnesium scrubbing is 78.4%
comparatively to the configuration with two scrubbing where is around 49.2%.

The batch counter-current test is done on extraction and scrubbing circuits with
the new optimal Cyanex 272 volume percentage in organic to confirm the number of
stages and the recovery of elements.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 44

4. References
1. J. Kafumbila. 2023. Modeling and design of Cobalt hydroxyl-sulfate
production circuit. researchgate.
2. H.A. Evans. 2008. Modelling Cobalt extraction with Cyanex 272.
International solvent extraction conference.
3. J. Kafumbila. 2017. Design and optimization of copper solvent extraction
configurations. Researchgate
(PDF) Design and optimization of copper solvent extraction configurations
4. Cyril Bourget, 2011, Optimization of the design parameters of a Cyanex 272
circuit for recovery of Nickel and Cobalt, Solvent extraction and Ion
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