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Lines of different widths and sizes when read that are used to represent data which identify a
scanned object are known as barcodes To effectively organise and index information or prices about
a particular object, a barcode is usually used.

The machine readable barcode and the Universal Product Code (UPC) make up the main parts of
barcode. When an item is scanned, the UPC help identify the size, colour, origin, brand name etc

Lines of different widths and sizes when read that are used to represent data which identify a
scanned object are known as barcodes To effectively organise and index information or prices about
a particular object, a barcode is usually used.

The following main steps take place in the CPU instruction cycle

Figure 1 to shows the basic instruction con

Step 1 Getting instructions from memory

Step 2 in the Control Unit cu ecoding the instructions into different command Sep 3 in the Athmetic
Logic Unit (ALU) execute the commands

Step 4 Results are then stored in the memory

1.1.4 Expansion Cards

An electronic card or board that adds extra functionality to a computer is called an expansion card.
The card fits into the corresponding slot on the motherboard. An electronic link is formed by the
edge connectors located on the expansion card. Once they are connected, the motherboard and card
can easily communicate with one another. Examples of expansion cards include video cards, sound
cards, network cards, etc

A video card or graphics card handles the process of visual information or data.
Figure 1.11 Video card

A sound card is used to produce sounds that the user can hear using headphones or speakers.

A Network Interface Card (NIC)

allows the computer to connect to a network and communicate with other computers.

1.1.5 Expansion Slots

In order to insert an expansion card, a socket or expansion slot on the motherboard is used The
expansion slots give more features like Ethernet, memory, graphics, video and sound Figure 1 14
shows the different expansion slots on the motherboard

Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) Thus slot is designed specifically for video/graphic cards

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) This slot is used to connect sound cards

network cards, etc Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)- This slot is designed to be used by modems
This slot is now outdated and not usually found on modern motherboards

1.1.2 Processor

The component which is considered to be the 'brains of the computer is called t Central Processing
Unit (CPU) All of the software which includes the operating and application software is run by the
CPU The computation, memory managemen directing input from the users and sending output are
done by the CPU. Figure 14 shows the CPU

The two typical components of a CPU include the following:

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)-performs arithmetic and logical operations. It is mas up of the Arithmetic
Unit (AU) and the Logic Unit (LU). Control Unit (CU) extracts instructions from memory and decodes
and executes them. Figure 1.5 shows the components of a CPU.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Main Memory

Figure 1.5 CPU Components

Arithmetic Un

Operations like

the Arithmetic

complex opera

Logic Unit

Operations suc

of the Logic Ur

Control Unit

Controlling the

any data proce


Functions of t

Controls the

• Coordinates
Directs the



Does not st


The arithmetic computations and logical operations are performed by the Arithmetic ogic Unit (ALU),
which is a component of the CPU. The ALU consists of the following o subsections Arithmetic Unit

Logic Unit (LU)

software which are the programmes that are on the computer's hard drive. Software it constantly
upgraded and changed while the hardware is not changed that often.

Hardware The physical elements of a computer which can be seen and touched are called hardware.
These elements are also called the internal machinery or the main of the computer. The system unit,
input devices, output devices, storage devices, communication devices and other internal
components make up the hardware. Input devices - these devices are used to enter data into the
computer. Input devices equipment

include the keyboard, mouse, digital camera, scanner, microphone, graphic tablet,


All the programmes on the computer are the software. The programmes instruct the computer on
the various tasks that you want it to perform and produce the output t is needed.

1.1 System Unit

The casing that contains all of the internal components of a computer is called the system unit. The
CPU, motherboard, power supply, and other internal components are inside the system unit. It
protects all of the sensitive parts from water, dust, light, etc and keeps everything together. Figure
1.1 shows the system unit and some of its main components.

Unit Introduction

As learnt earlier, a computer is a machine which accepts input or data, processes this

nto output and then keeps it or stores it. The information that is stored on a computer

=ready to be accessed by the user sometime in the future.

Storage devices these devices perently store or ved Storage devices include the USB drive, Hard ask,
Tippy ex D.

Uss drive

Hard disk

Communication devices these devices are used to conne computers to communicate Communication
devices include the d Interface Card (NIC), etc

Network Interface Card (C)

Internal components-these components are inside the system unit internal components include the
Central Processing Unit (CPU), motherboard, Random Acces Memory (RAM), etc

1.1.1 Motherboard

The motherboard is referred to as the heart or backbone of the computer because all the parts like
the memory, CPU, optical drives, hard drives, sound card, etc are directly connected to it. Some
devices are fixed in the different ports which are located on the motherboard. Peripherals, which are
the input and output devices like the keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor, etc. are connected to the
motherboard through the use of various cables. Figure 1.3 shows the motherboard.

Arithmetic Unit
Operations like addition subtraction multiplication and division are all the functions of the Arithmetic
Unit Using repetitive use of the different operations, the majority of complex operations are handled

Logic Unit Operations such as comparing matching, selecting and merging data are the functions

of the Logic Unit

Control Unit

Controlling the operations of all parts of the computer, the Control Unit does not do any data
processing operations on its own. Figure 1.6 shows the functions of the Control Unit.

Functions of this unit are -

Controls the transfer of instructions and data among the other units of a computer

. Coordinates all units of the computer.

. Directs the operation of the computer by taking instructions from the memory and

interpreting it.

⚫ Input/Output device communication for data transfer or from storage. . Does not store data or

1.1.1 Memory

The storage space in the computer where the instructions for data to be processes stored is called
the computer memory. The main memory contains the data and instructions to be processed
Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) are the two subcategories of the
main memory,

Random Access Memory (RAM)

The internal memory of the CPU for storing data, different programmes and their output is called
Random Access Memory (RAM). It is called read/write memory becaus while the machine is on, the
data is stored. However, once the machine is turned off, the data that was stored is erased Figure 1.7
shows a Random Access Memory (RAM) Module.

1.2.2 Fingerprint Reader

Fingerprints are an excellent tool to help identify or authenticate a particular person because every
human being has a unique set of fingerprints. The friction ridges of human fingers are what leave
behind fingerprints. Figure 1.17 shows a fingerprint

A device that identifies and authenticates fingerprints of an Individual is called a fingerprint reader. It
is primarily used to allow or deny access to a facility or computer system. Fingerprint readers come in
different styles and shapes depending on its use. For example, fingerprint readers are used for
signature verification, authorising financial data or transactions, office attendance, starting your car,
opening locks, alarms, etc. Figure 1.18 shows different types of uses of fingerprint readers.

1.2.3 Robots

A machine that is designed to automatically do a variety of tasks with precision and speed is called a
robot. Programmed by a computer, a robot performs vanous tasks on its own. You can find robots
throughout many different sectors which include: industrial medical transportation, military, etc.

Many factories use robots because they work without getting tired and they perform eir tasks
quickly. Robots are used to build many different things. Since there are many Os which are dangerous
for humans, robots are used for firefighting, exploring planets pecting nuclear power plants, etc.
Figure 1.19 shows a variety of different robots.

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