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Enterprise resource planning (ERP), a business process such as order fulfillment, which involves taking an order from a customer,

shipping it and billing. It also a business management system that integrates all of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. QualSoft's Enterprise resource planning (Q-ERP) is customized application for manufacturing industries. The main modules for Q-ERP are Planning, Orders, Production, Quality Control, Inventory, Purchasing, Financial Control, Receivables, and Reporting. This project has been developed in such a way that it can be implemented for most process based manufacturing industries. It will enable these kinds of industries to optimize the resources and implement proper planning Main features : An enterprise resource planning (Q-ERP) is wide secured & role access module. User, customer, local administrator, and central administrator profiles. supplier management, subcontractor management and customer management, inventory management, purchasing management and Financial Management, production planning and control, MIS and EIS reporting. Major benefits include integration of organization wide date, strong IS support, management decision support, planning support, and organization wide management Support. Q-ERP (offshore enterprise resource planning services) assists in streamlining Processes to provide a Competitive edge Q-ERP provides management with business knowledge tools to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments' particular needs. Our enterprise resource planning system (ERP) consists of modules like order entry, accounts receivable and payable, general ledger, purchasing, warehousing, transport and human resources. Q-ERP(enterprise resource planning solution) is a true enterprise wide decision support system.

Enterprise resource application migration Enterprise product migration services Enterprise platform migration services Enterprise data migration / back-end migration services Enterprise application Migration

(Enterprise Resource Planning) Software for running a business. ERP was coined as an extension of the concept of manufacturing resource planning (MRP) software, which

automated the process of keeping a manufacturing line supplied with materials to meet incoming orders. ERP is a suite of applications including financials, manufacturing, human resources and other modules, that together automate the back-office business administration functions of an enterprise. Leading ERP vendors include SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft and JD Edwards.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Home >Solutions > Tetra Ready Business Solution > Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise resource planning helps in integrating all departments and functions within a company in a single computer system that serves specific needs of different departments.

ERP is often referred as back-office software and does not run the up-front selling process. When the customer service representative enters the customer order in the ERP system, he has access to all the required information such as customers rating, companys inventory levels from the warehouse module, and shipping docks trucking schedule from the logistics module.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) originally implied systems designed to plan the use of enterprisewide resources. Although the acronym ERP originated in the manufacturing environment, in todays world ERP systems has much broader scope.

Tetra has always been a protagonist of Open Source technologies and is one of the very first companies to have moved completely into this arena. Tetra-ERP has been specially developed for SMEs and is being used in live environment. It has all the basic modules e.g. Marketing, Purchase, and Order processing, Stores, Production, Excise & Accounts. Many clients are already reaping rich benefits from it.

Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) integrate (or attempt to integrate) all data and processes of an organization into a unified system. A typical ERP system will use multiple components of computer software and hardware to achieve the integration. A key ingredient of most ERP systems is the use of a unified database to store data for various system modules.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) delivers a database containing:


Supply Chain Management Financials Projects Human Resource Customer Relationship Management Data Warehouse

SME Organizations with international and domestic Purchases through multiple channels would benefit the most from this type of technology.

COMMON FEATURES This technology is web based and can be accessed from anywhere in the world through secure VPN. Linux based Server no licensing fees.

MySQL based, one of the strongest open source databases available, for which no license fees needs to be paid. Porting Option for any database Independent Platform for all major browsers. Takes very less resources. Supports multiple companies. User based authentication. Transaction Log user specific. Can merge CRM & SCM at a later point to integrate with suppliers and clients Source code with the client, so not a vendor dependent solution.

Advantages offered by Tetra Our ERP solutions offer high operational efficiency by facilitating greater integration and focusing attention on specific demands of businesses. Our ERP solutions help in improving business responsiveness with the help of fast and effective applications and agile IT architecture. Our industry tailored application helps in speeding up delivery times, greatly reducing project risks and setting & running up the process fast.

ERP Customization Services

Tetra helps in customizing an ERP package that can be very reliable and cost effective. ERP packages are designed to support customization, so most businesses implement the best practices embedded in the acquired ERP system. Some ERP packages are very generic in their reports and inquiries, such that customization is expected in every implementation. It is important to recognize that for these packages it often makes sense to buy third party plug-ins that interface well with your ERP software

rather than reinventing the wheel.

Customization work is usually undertaken as bespoke software development on a time and materials basis. Because of the specialist nature of the customization and the 'one off' aspect of the work, it is common to pay in the order of per hour for this work.


ERP training is essential for successful business operation

ERP implementations bring significant change to the way employees work. However, no ERP implementation can succeed without proper employee training. What is commonly experienced is that though ERP training is an integral part of ERP system deployment, many such training does not bring out an effective result. Many enterprise system training initiatives erroneously focus on transactional training. Also many ERP training fail to accomplish several key goals, including putting changes in a context that is easily understood by employees, reinforcing changes over time, and providing multiple mechanisms to address different learning styles.

Key elements
Running a business entails much more than merely completing transactions: ERP developers are generally good at creating documentation and training that teaches people how to complete transactions in the system. However, running a business entails much more than merely completing transactions in a system. ERP training courses must deliver knowledge in the context of how employees perform their day-to-day jobs, not simply how to complete the new transactions in a system. It won't be that easy to get away with business processes, since they are going to change in the new ERP environment. The employees must be trained thoroughly to understand the new things. It will help them migrate to the new environment. Apart from that, relating to as-is processes helps highlight the most significant changes affecting employees. Different people learn in different ways, and it often takes repetition and multiple channels to transform understanding and behavior. While most ERP

implementations leverage classroom training, a majority of companies deploying a new ERP system fail to leverage cheat sheets, user instructions, Web-based tutorials, hands-on simulations, and other effective learning tools. It is necessary to include a variety of formal and informal training tools to make sure the changes stick.

People who must get ERP training

In an organization, the decision makers need to have sufficient understanding of what is involved in an implementation project so that they appreciate the potential problems and are able to give the commitment and support that is required. The members of the project team need to get thorough training and skills that will enable them to establish how to best use the functionality for the operation and maintenance phase. Since the members of the project team will become the trainers of other employees in the organization, they must be provided with the skill to able to formulate and deliver a training course. The users of the ERP system need to have the skill for using the functionality relevant to their roles. They should understand the basic concepts of ERP and also how to perform the day-to-day activities in the ERP system. Others who require training include managers, who should have at least an appreciation of what the system does. Ideally, the project manager should have a good understanding o fall aspects of the system so that he can be effective in dealing with any issues raised. A select number of people will require more specific technical training so that they can design databases, write scripts, manage users, generate reports and query the database for specific requirements. The system administrators need to be able to setup the system and then maintain it. They will require knowledge about how to handle system security and deal with technical problems. They will need to develop a level of understanding of the functionality so that, at some stage after implementation when the project team is disbanded, they are able to manage the system smoothly. Additionally, over the period it can be expected that the ERP tool will evolve to some degree along with the company and projects that it serves. From time to time it may be necessary to conduct additional training sessions to keep everyone abreast of the changes that have been implemented. eresource academy, the training wing of eresource Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has developed program dedicated to training users in every aspect of the Integrated ERP software system. Its exclusive two-day basic ERP training course gives an opportunity to the users of ERP systems and other IT professionals to get acquainted with ERP software. This course caters to the vocational needs of the students and is concurrent with the software engineering and technology syllabus covered by the major universities.


Easy to implement and easy to operate, eresource ERP

Many major organizations as well as small and medium companies are increasing their reliance on eresource ERP system as a cost efficient alternative to their current manual procedures or their piecemeal software applications. Under-performed legacy system and cost-factor involving the customization of existing outdated ERP system in many companies are making the business process a time consuming exercise and, in many cases, impractical. eresource ERP has been developed with full awareness of specific requirements of industries and customers. It is an ERP system that serves many vertical industries. eresource ERP system has been incorporated with triggers, alerts and workflow procedures that ensures operational efficiency for any business. Being a web-based ERP system, implementation also not a cucumbersome process like in many other ERP packages. The architecture of eresource ERP systems may be termed the total package approach. All customer-specific functionality has been included in the system effectively. This system has been developed in keeping with the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Indian market in mind. Its operational method, functionality and investment cost all well-suited to address the SMEs requirement in a rightful manner. It must be admitted that developing such a package was not easy. As everyone knows that meshing the specific needs of thousands of customers into a single coherent package was not that easy. But eresource's top quality expert to sift through this mature package, incorporating a massive volume of functionality processes as required by the customer. Although being a web-based ERP solution, eresource has simplified the implementation process, it still brings efficient operational methods and return on investment (ROI). There is also one important reason why eresource is concentrating more on SMEs. That is, SME segment is ignored by large players in the ERP market. But this attitude has ultimately helped competitiveness among ERP developers such as eresource, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the SME segment. Another reason why the bigger players avoiding the SMEs are the high volume of customization and the work demanded by the SMEs need more personal care, which the bigger players do not support. So when it comes to the question of SMEs it takes a great deal of time for them to understand the business and design software programs based on modality. On the other hand eresource understands their requirements and genuinely get involved with them and train them to handle any complicated issues. This has helped the SME sector to

choose and implement a solution which will be suitable not just only for their needs but also will fit into their budget. Sometime there comes a big dilemma for companies evaluating ERP solutions because they are unsure of choosing software offered by a branded player or a small player. Some companies debate that only a branded player can satisfy the requirements even though the recipient is a small concern. It is not true.


Go for eresource, the next-generation ERP system

Undoubtedly, eresource ERP can be termed as the most effective next generation ERP. eresource is an exclusively web-based ERP solution that extensively integrated with all the major and minor modules to run an organization's business operations successfully. With a simple implementation process, eresource ERP can be brought into operational mode in a quickest way. eresource ERP system is armed with real-time data access, interactive and collaborative features such as online customer assistance and, real-time analysis, as well as open access to all internal and external users. This web-based next generation ERP system is enabled with e-commerce, advanced planning and scheduling (APS), net-based procurement, business intelligence (BI), and customer relationship management (CRM). eresource ERP system also identifies critical web-enabled business functions that many other ERP developers have not incorporated into their packages, including quick and simple reconfiguration of business processes, intuitive interfaces that require minimum training. Main strength of eresource ERP application lies in its powerful and complete financial management, which allows accounting staff members to more effectively track net cash flow, accelerate and manage order to cash cycles, and better negotiate and execute purchasing agreements. This ERP system can also deliver significant improvements in other areas, enhancing many non-financial processes such as payroll, quality control, resource allocation and scheduling for project management teams, supplier relationship management for purchasing and procurement departments, and training and time and attendance tracking for human resources groups. The next general ERP, eresource also enables companies to maximize the

utilization of both human and financial resources, better track vendor managed inventory and other off-site or remote stock, and significantly improve workflow management by better planning, mapping, and executing key processes across the business. With the implementation of eresource ERP system, companies can achieve and maintain a solid competitive edge and can achieve operational efficiency.


Workshop on ERP to guide how to run a successful business

WE have, time and again emphasized the importance of having ERP system to run businesses in successful way in today's competitive economic market. As there are number of big and small vendors in the Indian ERP market, selection of a proper system that suits your business needs are very important. To place the matter straight forward, what the decision makers must understand is having an ERP system just can't help your business process. What is important is which system you have implemented. A rightfully conducted ERP workshop could provide you the guidelines of what your requirements and expectations should be, including hands-on experience with the most successful ERP solutions available in India today. ERP workshop can also empower CEOs, COOs, CFOs, accountants, controllers, business owners and key decision-makers with ERP technology concepts. CRM or Customer Relationship Management, the backbone of any business has been integrated as an important module in the ERP system. Sales and marketing teams from companies can benefit from attending the workshop that will help them gain knowledge in marketing plans. The knowledge gained through from workshop can put into practice by the sales or marketing team with the approach to the customers that could help improve your revenue and market share growth and minimize expenses - all of which leads to higher profitability. The workshop will also debate on all areas of an ERP system, its advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to benefits of ERP there are many arenas which are unknown to many. ERP expects boundary-less flat organization structure where every employee is a decision maker and not a mere follower. Secondly, the decision-making must be scientific than based on 'gut feel'. Thirdly, ERP assumes that the user has an in-depth knowledge of the process he is associated with. He has to work in a team as a key resource element. The objective of the user is to pass maximum value to the customer than to create his

own convenience. The user must be analytical in his thinking and be able to use information generated through data iterations for more effective and informed decisions. ERP system will work successfully if the users are training to handle the system to the optimum usage. Proper training makes the users fully equipped with handling of the system independently and this will contribute the success of all the business operations. The solution provider must pay attention while providing training to the user in the right manner. To become a good user, one has to get trained and trained well, and later self trained. But what is the disappointing factor is most of the ERP training in India is more of software training rather than going deeply into the functionality and technicality of the ERP system. Normally the user is shown various screens of the ERP system and taught how to enter what he was doing previously. The trainer must explain to the user why he should enter there, what are the repercussions of his entries in other modules, how to use the best out of multiple settings, why a particular setting is made like that, etc. In fact, the reality that every entry is the financial entry and ultimately gets posted into General Ledger and posted in turn into Profit & Loss Account or Balance Sheet is never realized by the user during training or even after implementation. This feel of responsibility is extremely essential for the user to become a mature ERP user. To enhance the interest of users Indian companies must make a point of user training, focusing on ERP functionalities and not merely on tools for ERP. Ideally, the training session should be designed to cater to individual needs and hence carefully planned. ERP workshop will have a separate session to discuss and elaborate the training method of ERP extensively. Looking at the way it is getting organized, the workshop on ERP on July 31, 2011 at Wagle Estate in Thane, will be very informative and useful event for the people who are connected with IT world. We are also eagerly looking forward to that event.


Manufacturers can increase production cycles and reduce raw material

Manufacturing and distribution companies are mainly depending on ERP system to improve profitability and productivity. eresource ERP has many features that can help these companies reduce expenses

and by that way they can get the potential ROI. Inventory reduction is one of the main features that eresource ERP can provide to the companies. This helps the companies make the right assessment of purchasing. The companies need not stock the products before it is in use as excess stocks can increase wastage and the companies have to make an extra storage space and proper maintenance. eresource ERP system, when implemented, can decide where to store the inventory after completing the process of purchase as the latest data of every department is updated in the system. Another feature is the easy to view workflow system. With this facility the complete analysis of data can be viewed through automated systems, which helps the management to continue work and to have better plant utilization. eresource ERP system increases production cycles and helps in reducing raw material. This way manufacturing units can schedule tasks easily and effectively. These features in eresource ERP help in reducing raw material inventory. This will also help the expenses on storage of finished goods is reduced. Automation of the system also has many other benefits such as increased plant utilization, productivity and customer service, and these features in the eresource ERP helps organizations to get the required competitive edge over their competitors. As everyone will agree that the customer service holds key to success of an organization. When the customer service is improved it helps the products to be delivered to the customers on time. Being a web-based ERP system eresource's real-time functional facilities help customers in a big way and it also enables the buyers to submit their complaints and problems directly to the manufacturer, if required. Organizations must take effective and timely decisions to improve business. eresource ERP helps organizations to act in time to overcome any complex matter as everyone in the organization can be interlinked through its real-time online facilities and decision could be made without any delay. eresource ERP system can also define the accounting period in minutes and the management can take decisions based on information which can be fully trusted. From the case studies we have from our clients, it has been proved beyond doubt that most of them have around twenty five to thirty per cent of reduction in inventory cost after implementation of eresoure ERP system and the cost on manufacturing has been reduced by twenty to twenty five percent.


eresource is an ERP system that allows you to work as you want

ERP scenario is making rapid changes in India. It was one of the sectors in the software industry that was dominated by the major vendors for a quite a long time. Their dominance coupled with huge monetary investment isolated the small and medium scale industries from enjoying the benefit of an Enterprises Resource Planning system. But with the advent of web-based systems such as eresource ERP, it has become altogether a different story now. For the mid-sized companies, they have number of options to choose from eresource. What is required at the moment is executives from these mid-sized companies need guidance to help them choose the right option. Companies CEOs and financial managers can be guided thoroughly with comprehensive video demonstrations. eresource sales executives will be available any time for consultation and demonstration to help midsize businesses make wise choices when buying and implementing the ERP system. Earlier, midsize companies used to buy ERP in two ways directly, from a software vendor or indirectly through a value-added reseller (VAR). It is time to get away with the second choice. The companies can contact eresource directly after the presentation of live demo of eresource ERP functional modules. Any modification, alteration, deletion and addition can be made as per your requirement. This will make your ERP system works the you want rather than work as the ERP system wants you to, as in most cases. Many of the case studies reveals that after eresource ERP system was installed, companies could process 25 per cent more orders on a day, that is without any additional staff. Furthermore, the companies were able to reduce inventory by 30 to 35 per cent. It has also helped in big way in dropping customer complaints. Web-based eresource ERP can speed up business processes, reduce costs, increase selling opportunities, improves quality and customer satisfaction and measure results continuously. There is no place for a misconception about the support and products updates of eresource ERP. It has proved beyond doubt that eresource can match with any big players in the ERP market with its service support products updates. On the other hand many big vendors in the market do not deal directly with midsized companies and trying to express that their products are exclusively suitable for only the large scale industries.

Needless to say, it is the one of the advantages for the companies when they deal with eresource ERP that they will be in direct contact with our executives and technical support personnel for any kind of assistance. It will enable a quick resolve of any technical or non-technical issues arising out of the system. Our 24x7 hour customer care service makes a different player in this field. eresource ERP solutions aim to lower total cost of ownership delivered through its web-based application. eresource understands that established processes and an integrated approach to leveraging technology are vital for the growth of any business unit. eresource ERP solution can efficiently handle a company's core and support business functionalities. It can also make a large difference in improving its ROI (return on investment).


Web-based ERP is the easiest way for SMEs to extend business

If you ask who has benefited most from the Internet and web-based applications without doubt it can be said that SMEs are the one who have benefited most from it. e-commerce applications have become a gateway to the external world which facilitates it to transact and communicate with members of its customers, suppliers and employees. Web-based and e-commerce application permits organizations, especially SMEs who have limited infrastructure, to conduct its entire business though this medium. An effective enterprise solution like eresource ERP automates all internal functions of an organization to ensure that benefits of e-commerce are delivered to the entire organization. As eresource ERP is an integrated system, once implemented organizations need little help from the usual phone calls, faxes, or other communications for business transaction which actually takes up a lot of time and efforts of most of the departments and officials related to it. Web-based eresource ERP not only just connects all the departments and branches of a company but also the customers of the company can directly log to the system through the website to interact with the departments directly. A supplier when logged on to the company site and its ERP system through the web, can enter the Order Date, Select the Supplier Name, Item Code and supplier Quotation Number from list. They can also select Currency, Order Type,

Mode of Payment from the list. Details of all selected items, Price per Unit and Discount from Supplier Quotation are displayed in Order Details. The system calculates the item-wise amounts and the total amount to be paid. Excise Type and value can also be entered. Tax Details lists the various taxes and deductions that may be applicable. Purchase Order Number can be generated on saving the record. One can also print the purchase order. Also unless the Purchase Order is authorized, no material can be received in Inventory against the Purchase Order. User cannot change/modify information displayed in Order details. Once Purchase Order is placed, details of Purchase Requisition, Request for Quotation (Purchase) and Supplier Quotation can neither be altered nor deleted. If any changes have to be made, a separate Purchase Order Amendment has to be placed thereby ensuring security. As all these exercised are performed through online, a lot of time can be saved and also all dealings and transactions becomes transparent. There is no doubt web-based eresource ERP will surely do a lot of good for SMEs in their business process. It is the easiest and cheapest way they can find in extending their presence in the widely spread global market.


eresource, the ultimate ERP system for small businesses

The Enterprise Resource Planning solution is affecting business activities in a big manner. Today all major and small organizations are rightly thinking of enhancing their operational methods with ERP system. But the important factor why many small business houses are hesitant to implement this marvelous technology is due to high cost involved in it. What we are trying to emphasis these organizations are that you need not worry about the big fund required to invest in an ERP infrastructure and other elements such as software right and implementation expenses. With web-based ERP solution you will be opting for the hosted software model which will be softwareas-a-service-model. Going for this option you will be hosting your software on server provided by eresource in our place and we will ensure that you will be able to use the software over the Internet. You will able to access any information related to your business from anywhere at any time using a net connection. Understanding the requirement of small businesses we have designed our solution to suit your needs and budget.

Here we give you a brief description about how your business can benefit with the usage of eresource ERP. Cost-effective: With the manual operations most of your business tasks are getting duplicated and your business is becoming an expensive affair. Once eresource ERP solution is in place, duplication is eliminated. Work becomes faster, and information stored in a central place can be made available to the departments which need it. Centralized controls system: With all the branches/departments/sections using eresource system, it is possible to have tight controls on each process. The systems make users accountable for their delays and take decisions in time to avert cost escalations or schedule delays. Quality control: eresource ERP facilitates you to have quality check level for every process and holds people responsible for it in a transparent manner. This improves your product quality. Wastage control: Our system helps you identify areas which lead to wastage of raw material and labour. You can then take steps to reduce the wastage and bring the project under control. Facilitates management decisions and control: eresource ERP system provides easy and better access to information and data which helps the management get up-to-the-minute information. This facilitates the decision making and brings in better management control across the organization.

Shying away from usage of technology solution won't do any good for you. As a matter of fact all organizations, even the smallest, have to look at this optimistically. Most ERP system in general and eresource in particular is a business management information system that can contribute a lot of benefits to a growing business process. eresource ERP provides a free demonstration of its technology to anyone who wishes to a look at it. Call us (+91 22 41118000) or write to us today if you still have any doubt. eresource will be at your service anytime and anywhere.


eresource tracks business activities across the organization

It is common for all vendors and consultants to say that their products are the best. But when eresource makes such a claim it holds a concrete evidence to support that claim. The commendable feature of web-based eresource ERP is that employees enter information only once and that information is then available to all systems company-wide. Business activities across the organization is tracked or triggered by the eresource ERP are also automatically captured in the enterprise's general ledger, without the risk of re-entry errors. This means

everyone in the company can make decisions based on accurate, real-time information. eresource ERP system manages everything from order capture to accounting and procurement to warehousing. eresource makes timely changes in their modules with the requirement and its functionality has grown in both breadth and depth to suit small to large scale industries. As companies integrate business units through consolidation, shared services, or global operations, their IT ability also to be stretched to support these changes. With eresource ERP's broad functionality, any organization can replace much of their legacy systems. eresource ERP is capable of providing better support for these new business structures and strategies. An efficient and completely integrated web-based ERP system like eresource ERP could capture and create accurate, consistent and timely relevant data, and assist in intelligent business decision-making. The effect of ERP/e-Business integration is will be clearly visible. The result will be reflected in every level of operations, ranging from reduced inventory and personnel level to improved order and cash management. It can also result in improved customer responsiveness, reduced IT costs and the availability for value-added activities. With eresource ERP customer orders can be handled easily and efficiently on a time-bound basis. Like when a customer service agent receives a phone call from an existing customer the agent can quickly locates the customer's account, records the order details, prices the order, and checks the availability date. The customer confirms the order details and the agent books the order. That single entry triggers everything from allocation of the finished product against the order to delivery and billing. That is, based on existing demand and allocation rules, eresource ERP system will determine whether the product should come from current finished goods in a warehouse, in-process goods, scheduled production, or new production. It will set the order up for shipment based on information from either the customer or the customer master record, and, once the order is shipped, prepare an invoice and an accounts receivable entry. However, along with efficient customer handling method, organizations must also have operational efficiency to succeed in business process. Because just keeping customers happy and offering personalized service will not have any effect if the operating efficiency of the company is poor. In order to improve efficiency and to have better information integration, companies should have an effective Web-enabled ERP system in place. There is no doubt that an efficient and well-implemented ERP system like eresource ERP can raise the productivity to unprecedented levels.


Go for an ERP that can bring attractive ROI

During our deliberation about ERP with some of our clients we have came across questions raised on the necessity of an ERP system. They can't be blamed for their doubts. Because their organizations typically have software systems that performed much of the component functions of ERP. In this case it is our duty to make them understand the functioning of web-based eresource ERP system and what makes our system different from a standalone system. The integrated eresource ERP software provides a degree of interoperability that was difficult and expensive to achieve with standalone, custom-built systems. eresource's web-based ERP serves many industries and numerous functional areas in an integrated fashion and automate operations from supply chain management, inventory control, manufacturing scheduling and production, sales support, customer relationship management, financial and cost accounting, human resources and almost any other data-oriented management process. Web-based eresource ERP systems have become increasingly prevalent in almost all major industries and it is gaining wide acceptance among Indian SMBs. Being the most affordable ERP system available in India today, it is not a surprise that the usage of eresource ERP is growing rapidly. With a cent percent success rate in implementation eresource is becoming the first choice for organizations looking for substantial return on investment (ROI) though their enterprise system. With eresource, business operations have become much easier. For example, when a salesperson enters an order in the field, the transaction can immediately flow through to other functional areas both within and external to the firm. The order might trigger an immediate change in production plans, inventory stock levels or employees' schedules, or lead to the automated generation of invoices and credit evaluations for the customer and purchase orders from suppliers. Every growing organization must realize that ERP systems have become the most significant IT investment for most companies in their capital budgeting. It is the business category that plays a very important role in choosing the right ERP and the successful implementation. Because of the specific features of resource ERP system, it is expected to go well with majority of the business process. eresource is being implemented successfully in major industrial segments and there is no concern about its functionality and module compatibility. Numerous case studies conducted successfully proves eresource ERP is one of the best enterprise software solution available in Indian market today.


eresource offers free customization and implementation

Although ERP customization seems to be a costly affair and caused problems with each upgrade, with the introduction of eresource's powerful ERP system, lessons have been learned and customization and implementation of ERP system has become an easy method. eresource could customize your ERP system without compromising your strategic business processes. Our efficient implementation team can effectively manage any customization with appropriate project management, that too free of cost during the current financial year. When an ERP system is selected the heavy implementation cost is always a concern for worry for most of the organizations. To enable all type of companies to escape from these concern eresource has come out without a novel idea to carry out all implementations free of cost for the next one year. Some companies that still using a legacy system that is no longer supported or their existing system has outgrown its usefulness because of more complexity and volume of transactions. In this scenario the IT department must able to convince management that a new ERP system is needed to stay competitive or will generate significant ROI. The reason why some organizations still managing with their outdated legacy system is that they are reluctant to spend the money on new ERP systems due to cash crunch and when there seems to be more pressing needs. Organizations are also fearful of a failed implementation. However, eresource ERP eliminates all these concerns. Because neither eresource ERP expensive nor has any implementation hassles. These elements are the one of the main highlight of our web-based ERP that has been widely accepted by in Indian ERP market. Some companies do not like to change their existing ERP system, and reluctantly live with the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of their old system. These systems could be upgraded to meet the current requirements. eresource ERP system is capable to help and customize these systems provided there are recommendations from the existing users. It will be a big setback for the companies if they do not extend the useful life of an upgrade ERP system from eresource that can improve business process, third party solution, customization, integration workflow and business intelligence and reporting tools. Once again we wanted to remind you that with eresource, you will be able to extend the useful life of your ERP system. And implementing a whole new eresource ERP system is the best opportunity for business process

improvement. This is the right time to improve business process and implement our new ERP system. So if you have confidence in the future, now would be a good time to retool your processes and systems. And the plus point is eresource offers an absolutely free implementation during this current financial year. So don't wait any more. Call us now. We will be at your servicealways.


Enhance your customer service with web-based eresource ERP

With the usage of web-based eresource ERP, organizations have been able to enhance their customer service tremendously. As Internet technology is becoming an indispensable medium for the existence of any business, it is not necessary to emphasis the important of web-based ERP application. With the deployment of web-based eresource ERP system, users become infinitely more responsive to the needs of both their customers. This intelligent enterprise application system provides job status reports over a secured web site and makes it easy for clients of the organizations' users to place or modify orders and releases via the Internet. eresource ERP enables quick response from clients and it helps the organization to take timely decision and action pertaining to the particular decision without losing any valuable time. The beauty of working with eresource ERP system is that it provides information over the web any time of the night or day, eliminating unanswered calls and phone tag - that results in improved customer service. With eresource ERP in place, the answers to a customer's common grievances now can be solved anytime the customer wish to, provided having an Internet connection and a personal computer. A clear advantage of eresource web-based ERP solution is that apart from the users from the different branches and location and also other customers, remote users like company executives and sales representatives can also access the company system with any browser, which is much more convenient than going through terminal-based Services. And easy and quick implementation method of eresource ERP also makes this solution as most preferred and reliable ERP application in India today. Though you may have come across some suggestions on other ERP packages too, selecting the right one is crucial. What is to be understood that a web-hosted solution ensures a lower outlay and predictive spread of cost over time. You have a substantial saving in cost that can be better invested in your business process. Web-based eresource ERP removes your worry about the new functions and features. When you deploy the eresource ERP in your company, you can start using it from day one. eresource ERP solution are like off-the-shelf software. This web-based ERP application is going to be the real player your for the success of

your business strategy which ultimately can bring anticipated return on investment (ROI) without any concern and worries. Apart from the above points there is also another reason for companies to implement the most effective web-based eresource ERP system. The reason being that is that just keeping customers happy by offering personalized service will not have any effect if the operating efficiency of the company is poor. In order to improve efficiency and to have better information integration, companies should have an effective Web-enabled ERP system in place. An efficient and well-implemented ERP system like eresource ERP can raise the productivity to unprecedented levels.


eresource ERP -- big advantage for small companies

eresource, India's leading web-based ERP solution is developed with keeping Indian small scale industries in mind. With eresource ERP smaller companies are finding the value in project management solutions within their ERP platforms. This includes many medium and small manufacturing companies as well as construction companies. Undoubtedly eresource has become the first choice for majority of SMBs in India and it has established as the most popular integrated solution that help keep track of everything from major initiatives to everyday client requests. The big advantage of eresource ERP solution is that it has its fingers in all aspects of running a business; its benefits are myriad and go beyond tangible cost reductions. eresource can improve an organization's customer service and response time when solving issues. It can solve issues of interoperability among multiple manufacturing locations. It can standardize and accelerate manufacturing processes in all of a company's manufacturing sites. eresource ERP can streamline a manufacturer's order-fulfillment processes and can facilitate connecting with partners' and suppliers' enterprise systems. Our ERP system also can help an organization maintain compliance with government regulations, from hiring practices to environmental laws. Case studies in organizations that have implemented eresource ERP reveal a variety of different business-specific benefits. One of the case studies revealed that by replacing legacy systems with an our web-based ERP system, one manufacturing company has reduced its inventory levels by 30 percent, reduced its warehouse space requirements by 38 percent, improved its month-end close process by five days and increased sales by 100 percent without hiring new employees.

With web-based eresource ERP in place, all manual processes are automated, production scheduling is more efficiently managed and inventory is more accurately assessed. Also, business performance can be measured in a much more holistic fashion than ever before. This gives executives real-time visibility into all business processes, enabling them to make better strategic decisions. In short, with eresource ERP package, all small and medium companies can compete more aggressively in global markets. eresource ERP system can also deliver significant improvements in other areas, enhancing many non-financial processes such as payroll, quality control, resource allocation and scheduling for project management teams, supplier relationship management for purchasing and procurement departments, and training and time and attendance tracking for human resources groups


Timely delivery of quality ERP is highlight of eresource

If the success of ERP projects in India for last five years to be measured, you could witness a significant role played by eresource in this field. With the domination of Internet in almost all the business process methods, and with the phenomenal rise of software industry, eresource made its stamp in the ERP field with successful delivery of numerous mega projects using its most effective webbased application. Conceived and developed by our young techies and a steady implementation in all major industries eresource ERP has brought revolutionary changes in this business application during the last couple of years. Flawless performance of eresource ERP in its all implementations has prompted organizations to select eresource as their foremost and first choice when a decision of ERP is taken. The selection of affordable and efficient web-based eresource ERP has benefited by bringing satisfactory return on investment (ROI) to all the companies who have implemented it. Not only did eresource ERP nurture a favourable business environment with affordable cost and substantial ROI, it also meets customer expectations in terms of timely deliveries and quality standards. Though the market seems to be very encouraging for ERP implementation, the time-frame for deployment may be an issue. However, eresource ERP with its guaranteed timely implementation process has helped to put off any such fear from the mind of the investors. The prompt implementation and maintenance method of eresource has helped a long way in building confidence between us and our investors.

Looking at the ERP graph is also very encouraging. From the graph it has been observed that many industry categories, such as Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Automotive, Steel, Consumer Durables, Engineering, and Construction have shown a very high ERP penetration in recent times. This means obviously these categories represent the greatest potential markets in coming years and other industries will also follow. Most of the industries in India already have realized the need for ERP solutions, and finding the industry-related ERP solution has become more and more easy with presence of eresource ERP. To match with their competitors in their field, organizations started looking for a business application that will suit their business process as well as budget. eresource once again remind all its aspirants of ERP project that they must speed up their projects and get the suitable solution from eresource within your limited budget on a guaranteed timely implementation method.


What makes eresource ERP different?

eresource offers web-based Enterprise Resource Planning software for all major industries including Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, and Modular Kitchen etc. Our ERP system is available on a filtered modules basis, so that you only purchase and maintain what you really need. We have categorized it in three phases starting eresource ERP Light, eresource ERP Pro and eresource ERP Enterprise. All these categories are developed with taking into consideration of all needs of the users. eresource ERP manufacturing modules help manage and monitor work in process on the factory floor. We provide a comprehensive collection of plant maintenance modules which takes care of all plant maintenance with utmost efficiency. eresource ERP system software is designed to improve productivity and operational excellence. Organizations that implement eresource ERP software could benefit from checking the cycle-time, which is the total time to produce an order, as an important key performance indicator. By implementing eresource ERP system, organizations could also enjoy the benefits of Greater visibility and control; Reduced lead time; Reduced manufacturing costs: Increased production; Reduced work in process; Reduced inventory; Improved product quality ; Reduced defects and scrap; Reduced cycle time; Improved traceability and Reduced paper work, data entry, manpower. What is unique about web-enabled eresource ERP system is that it addresses the integration of business process that extends across the enterprise and its trading partners. Our ERP system forms the basis of Internet enabled eBusiness

and collaborative commerce. Prime advantage of web-enabled eresource ERP is to give customers and partners access to scheduling, delivery, inventory, manufacturing, invoicing and planning information. Over the last few years, solutions like CRM and SCM have leveraged the Internet to support these processes. eresource ERP system incorporates them all in a single package. To compete with challenging business world companies needs to be open in its business approach and must reach out to its collaborative partners. Our ERP system will enable businesses to compete by providing information on-line and adding real value to businesses of all types and sizes. To be success in business companies need information to be more readily accessible. They must also have the real-time access to their business information to manage timely decision making without having to get out of their seats. eresource ERP system helps the decision makers to manage the business with a click of their mouse's button. Top management personnel could monitor key business information real-time and that could help track the health of their business. Having said about the eresource ERP advantages and its benefits, the actual result will be visible only if the ERP solution has been implemented and operated in a successful manner. The entire organization and its operational methods should bring under ERP system by delivering consistent, measurable processes and up-to-the-second information that supports profitable decision-making. eresource could boost the power of ERP by offering 24x7 accesses to business information and business intelligence irrespective of the geographical location of the user, enabling him or her to make timely decisions


Implement eresource ERP to eliminate your business worries

THE main strength of India's leading ERP solution, eresource, lies in its financial management module, which allows accounting staff members to more effectively track net cash flow, accelerate and manage order to cash cycles, and better negotiate and execute purchasing agreements. eresource ERP system can also deliver significant improvements in other areas, enhancing many non-financial processes such as payroll, quality control, resource allocation and scheduling for project management teams, supplier relationship management for purchasing and procurement departments, and training and time and attendance tracking for human resources groups.

eresource ERP system also enables companies to maximize the utilization of both human and financial resources, better track vendor managed inventory and other off-site or remote stock, and significantly improve workflow management by better planning, mapping, and executing key processes across the business. With eresource ERP companies can achieve and maintain a solid competitive edge, reaching the zenith of productivity and cost-efficiency. Manufacturing was the very first industry to benefit from the use of eresource ERP system. Many manufacturing companies have been utilizing eresource ERP to improve production processes and reduce related costs with enhanced inventory management. Companies can also optimize labour utilization, eliminate lag times in production schedules, and improve the effectiveness of materials management through the use of eresource ERP manufacturing applications. Implementation method also plays an important role in success of eresource ERP. Successful implementation requires a structured methodology. The method should be people and process-focused. This is the best way to manage the risk effectively. A good methodology of eresource ERP implementation process covers all the bases. Therefore if there is anything unexpected pops up the user will be able to handle these exceptions without severe negative consequences. eresource team makes the employees properly trained to handle the ERP system effectively. Evaluation of the organization's business strategy and the right ERP plan makes eresource design the software suited to the business operations. Cost factor also is an important element when it comes to eresource ERP. Unlike some other ERP packages available in the market, eresource is affordable to even small organizations. By choosing this affordable web-based ERP solution, organizations can not only make the business operations easy and sophisticated but also its usage can result in handsome ROI in the short span of period. As the financial year nearing its closing, it is the right time to think and go for eresource ERP system. Let your organization plan it now, so that the next financial year could see the benefit of eresource ERP system. Don't wait any more. Sow today and reap tomorrow.


eresource ERP eliminates disparities and errors in critical business information

Web-based eresource ERP is becoming the best business tool that helps lots of mid-sized companies to maximize operational efficiency, cut overhead costs and compete more effectively in the market Since the introduction of an affordable, low-cost ERP from eresource ERP, many of the midmarket organizations also started to administer their businesses effectively using this latest technology. Ideally, an ERP package should provide company with a solid foundation, incorporating all of the fundamental aspects of running a business. Expectations also run high when a company deploys an ERP package. The company will gain from the ERP system only if the solution is a good fit for the company. And eresource is undoubtedly the number one reliable and affordable ERP system available in the Indian market today. eresource ERP systems automate all routine works, which are carried out manually that waste staff time and often result in errors and re-work. This ultimately results in more efficient completion of day-to-day activities. The system enables the staff to perform their jobs better and get more work done in a shorter period of time. Apart from this, with eresource ERP system, companies can understand which workflows are effective and which ones aren't, so they can implement the kind of best practices and structured, formalized processes that will further improve staff productivity. With the implementation of eresource the company can also reduce the inventory costs, manufacturing operating costs and administrative costs. eresource ERP system has its fingers in all aspects of running a business; its benefits are myriad and go beyond tangible cost reductions. It can improve an organization's customer service and response time when solving issues. It can solve issues of interoperability among multiple manufacturing locations. It can standardize and accelerate manufacturing processes in all of a company's manufacturing sites. eresource can streamline a manufacturer's order-fulfillment processes. It can facilitate connecting with partners' and suppliers' enterprise systems. eresource ERP can even help an organization maintain compliance with government regulations, from hiring practices to environmental laws. eresource ERP system creates a single, consolidated, centralized repository of timely, accurate business information that can be accessed by employees across the business. Every piece of data from every transaction conducted by every person in every department is handled, recorded, and managed by a single system, eliminating all disparities and errors in critical business information. To achieve and maintain a competitive edge and maximize profitability, companies must operate as "lean" as possible. By increasing efficiency and minimizing redundant and overlapping back office tasks and activities, ERP systems can also help mid-sized firms to dramatically reduce their operating costs.

What all companies must remember that any company that do not have an ERP system in place will often challenged to create formal goals and metrics, and accurately measure and assess performance company-wide. eresource ERP system include pre-defined reports and executive dashboards that enhance strategic planning by making it easier to set objectives and monitor achievement.


A business tool that can keep you ahead of your competitors

eresource ERP is a systematic method of dynamically balancing and optimizing the resources of a company. Our ERP system can be used effectively to achieve world-class results in growth, profitability, and product and service development. It works within the paradigm that every business is uniquely similar method. We would like to remaind you again and again that you must implement eresource ERP system when you feel that your customers should be provided with better products and services for lower prices. eresource ERP system also help you to make all your operating methods faster than your competitors which ultimately take your company's success way ahead. To achieve a successful financial planning and related operations, ERP system is a dispensable application and you could find number of ERP system available in the market today. But choosing the right ERP system is the most important task. Just implementing an ERP system alone cannot help your business grow. You need to have an effective system with all required maintenance and training support. eresource ERP is undoubtedly the number one web-based ERP system available in Indian market today and you will never regret choosing the same. The most important benefits of eresource ERP implementation is that it provides the opportunity required to overcome the inertial resistance of years of evolution, a chance to make a quantum leap forward, establishing your company as the industry leader, and devastating your competition. eresource ERP system allows organizations to balance customer demands impacted by multiple interrelated items and multiple plant locations. This system also adds applications for financials, supply chain, and distribution and requirements planning for multiple sites. It facilitates intelligent resource planning in the face of rapidly changing constraints such as materials availability, market readiness, plant capacities, personnel certification and business costs per location. In today's manufacturing operations, information starts at the top and the bottom simultaneously. Data originates at the machines, the process and the workers. It

is collected by sensors, controls and operators. A fully integrated web-based ERP system like eresource ERP will capture and create accurate, consistent and timely relevant data, and assist in intelligent business decision-making. The impact of ERP/e-Business integration is substantial, ranging from reduced inventory and personnel level to improved order and cash management. It also results in improved customer responsiveness, reduced IT costs and the availability for value-added activities. The successful organizations are continuously modifying their methods in serving their clients which also increases their profit margin. To achieve this positive result, organizations have to intelligently integrate the supply chain, so that information, material and money automatically flows up and down the supply chain at high-speeds without any glitches. In order to improve efficiency and to have better information integration, companies should have an effective Web-enabled ERP system in place. An efficient and well-implemented ERP system like eresource ERP can raise the productivity to unprecedented levels.

Make your business operations online

For a successful business, ERP is the future

What is special about eresource ERP? Some may ask. There are plenty. Before we go deep into that we must say there is already some management software in the market which changes their names into ERP sounding system for new business opportunities. They make their clients believe the system could do miracles once implemented. But unfortunately the end result is a huge disappointment. Any organization that plans to invest in an ERP system also must do a proper evaluation before taking the final decision about the right choice of the ERP system. It is to be remembered in today's technologically advanced business environment, a web-based ERP system can definitely do wonders if not miracles. Web-based eresource ERP system can definitely help all business operations. It makes the work easy with avoiding unnecessary entries of information. Once an order is entered, the same data could reflect in all necessary modules instantly. eresource ERP is more dynamic than any management software where you may need to do several entrances to complete one task. With eresouce ERP user can evaluate credit possibilities for a sale in real time according to client debt reports, helping you to reduce irrecoverable amounts. After implementation of eresource ERP, maintaining records will be an effortless talk as employees need not check thousands of files to collect the information they required. With one entry or click all the information required will be displayed

in your ERP module screen. Another important aspect is that with eresource ERP you will be able take precise financial decisions without any difficulty. The right financial decision at the right time in right manner could bring a good profit. We must also remember that timely financial information is absolutely necessary in the business process. This kind of information could decide the gap between profit and loss. With eresource ERP there won't be any gap in communication. You may get any kind of information at any time sitting at anywhere. In addition to this, eresource ERP systems can show you the cash flow immediately, letting you control expenses in general and finding out where your money goes the whole time. This is the key to control for employees in this sector, and it is important for avoiding fraud and unnecessary or unsupervised pay outs. However, control is not the only function remarkable on ERP. The dynamism is very important too. We live in a fluctuating world, a world that never stops, where strong dynamism and flexibility are required to keep on track every day, and this is exactly what ERP offers to your complete enterprise, level by level. eresource ERP could implemented and used in almost all the industries. Appropriate modules are included in every vertical, which will be suitable for all organizations, irrespective of its strength. Web-based eresource ERP system is a more flexible, affordable and reliable ERP system available in India today. This is a tool exclusively designed for every situation. What is more important is that for a successful business, ERP is the future, and it has become essential in the business world because it brings information classified and simplified to those who have to make decisions. And that itself makes the difference.


eresource ERP can raise the productivity to unprecedented levels

In today's changing business setup web-based eresource ERP is definitely an ideal solution. We are not saying it for the sake of saying. As everyone is turning to eBusiness, organizations consider web-enabled eresource ERP as their most important and strategic platform because it provides a solid foundation and information backbone for eBusiness. Organizations that runs it operations on eBusiness, can accept payments - credit

card payments, digital cash, etc - over the Internet. The use of electronic media for information and transmission and financial transactions greatly reduce the time required for completing a transaction at the same time automating the business process involved. An efficient and completely integrated web-based ERP system like eresource ERP could capture and create accurate, consistent and timely relevant data, and assist in intelligent business decision-making. The effect of ERP/e-Business integration is will be clearly visible. The result will be reflected in every level of operations, ranging from reduced inventory and personnel level to improved order and cash management. It can also result in improved customer responsiveness, reduced IT costs and the availability for value-added activities. Upmarket organizations are constantly modifying their client serving methods which also increases their profit margin. To achieve this positive result, organizations have to intelligently integrate the supply chain, so that information, material and money automatically flows up and down the supply chain at highspeeds without any glitches. In the existing competitive business environment, businesses need to attract customers with personalized services. What the decision makers in an organization must realize that there is no consistency in the loyalty of a customer. It is always in fluctuating mode. As the information is freely flowing through the Internet, it is highly possible for the customer to switch loyalty without any indication when there are better quality services available in the market. Therefore the organization should not waste time and must collect information about the customers and analyze it to find the customer preferences, purchase patterns and so on. To do this, companies must be occupied with an effective ERP system which could give them a properly supportive customer relationship management (CRM) module. It is also to be remembered that just keeping customers happy and offering personalized service will not have any effect if the operating efficiency of the company is poor. In order to improve efficiency and to have better information integration, companies should have an effective Web-enabled ERP system in place. An efficient and well-implemented ERP system like eresource ERP can raise the productivity to unprecedented levels. Web enabled ERP system, eresource also helps in making the enterprise operations go on-line. Any authorized person can access the required information very easily and that too by sitting anywhere and anytime.


eresource ERP system is extraordinarily wide in scope

IT is always very difficult to convince people about the benefit of a new system. This is not due to any short comings in the system, but the people who are used to work on an earlier system for years will not accept the changes that easily. A regular training session will help the users of the new ERP system understand the benefit of it. It can bring a lot of benefit to the users as well as the organization. Working methods will become much easier for the users. This will make the users getting more time to concentrate on their job instead of breaking their heads to carry out their usual work. Organizational change is very important factor when it come the implementation of an ERP system as there is going to be some changes in the process. It is a false idea to think that the successful implementation only depends on the services that the ERP solution provider can offer you. Furthermore it is certain that if the organization does not commit with it from the beginning, failure will likely result. This is why the figure of the internal responsible is a matter of vital importance. There are many important factors to be understood before going for eresource ERP implementation. eresource ERP system is extraordinarily wide in scope and can be extremely useful for many organizations. Though there may be some changes required in the work practice it can be effectively done with the proper training of the users. Our training sessions are very effective and with little help from the 'in-house' IT staff everyone in the organization will be accustomed with the new system soon. When a company sets up eresource ERP system, all aspects of the organization can work in harmony. As a result the organization enjoys increased productivity and may use less types of software. The key to eresource ERP is integration. Its main goal is to integrate data and processes from all areas of the organization and unify it, to provide ease of access and an efficient work flow. ERP Systems usually accomplish this through one single database that employs multiple software modules. There is also another factor why you must work with eresource ERP. It is fundamental to work with the best software suppliers, because in this way you can be sure that your investments are not going to be wasted. Another important aspect is that the eresource Infotech gets really involved with the projects, that they offer high levels of commitment. With the advent of Internet and Web-based ERP solutions like eresource ERP, SMEs also started benefiting from the advantages of Enterprise Resource Planning solution. This has not only given more room for SMEs to expand but also sky-rocketed the usage of ERP in bigger companies. Till now many major companies were shying away from investing large sums of money in ERP. With the need-based ERP applications such as eresource ERP investment in ERP has started showing the upward trend which ultimately resulted the companies

yielding good return on their investment. It is encouraging to notice the improving trends in ERP implementations. There was another reason why some companies discouraged ERP implementation. This is because it took such a long time to get an ERP system implemented and set the whole process into action. Since implementation of ERP system is involved a substantial amount of money there were chances for reduction in potential business and losing man-hours. eresource ERP has a quick implementation strategy with easy to learn training session. Needless to say on-time implementation is one of the success factors of eresource ERP.


eresource ERP for easy business operations

Though it is commonly understood that an ERP system is important for an organization's business success, many people doesn't know why eresource ERP is an ideal application for many industries such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automotive, modular kitchen, fleet management, construction, and oil and gas etc. There are still some organizations that run on many kinds of software that do not allow interaction and also cannot be customized. Due to this they are not able to optimize their business activities. The engineering design of the software will be needed in order to improve the product, and to follow the client's behavior and choices since the first contact is quite important. Administration of the different receipts interdependence will be very complex, such as invoices regarding materials purchases, general expenditures or salaries. All these operations can be made easy when you implement eresource ERP. The flow information is constant and allows you to follow a client's processes at any moment, no matter which part of the process they are going through. Purchases and expenditures are registered in a centralized database which allows you to have close control over these activities. Other important aspect of eresource ERP is that organizations can integrate marketing, sales, quality control, products processes, supply lines, stocks and many other areas in one single database. This will help in avoiding the occasional loss of information and other typographical errors. eresource ERP integrates all departments and functions across an organization in a single computer system that is able to serve all those different department's particular needs. eresource ERP systems also automate business processes by putting them into a useful format that is standardized and common for the whole organization, and it could even be used between their suppliers and customers. It captures data about historical activity, current operations and future plans and organizes it into information that every staff member can use to help develop business strategies.

Our ERP system integrates financial data. For the decision makers who want to scrutinize the company performance, reports can be obtained without any hardship. Every department will have its own modules with self function which can be easily shared as per the requirement of other sections. eresource ERP can be implemented in multiple sites of your organization which can be integrated to one main server. Being a web-based ERP, eresource can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. This advantage makes our system more flexible and feasible. There are some organizations with multiple units and its HR department may not have a unified method for keeping employees' record. eresource ERP can take care of this and there will be a unified method of functioning for the Human Resource department of the organization as a whole. eresource ERP systems are exhaustively comprehensive and can be deployed in any major industrial units within a short period of time. eresource ERP systems were designed to be used by all the major industries mentioned earlier. It is the one of the most affordable ERP systems available in Indian market today.


ERP is necessary to deal with businesses in every corner

THE most important aspect of an ERP system is that it is related to sales. Today quick response from a company to its customers is becoming essential part of a healthy and successful business strategy. Therefore organizations are keen to implement tools useful that include applications generating quotes specifying every product that client may require. Organizations have started realizing that the ERP system not only the best tool that can provide them with essential support but also it can help them in a big way in major decision making. ERP system also give organizations the access to price lists, client information, orders, invoices special offers, and many other functions related to this matter. In today's globalized world, ERP is becoming an important requirement for every enterprise. Experts in this field opine that ERP system is necessary to deal with businesses in every corner of the market. The reason they cite for this is ERP just does not work in only one way. ERP system gets to focus on all the relevant aspects that directors need to take into account when they are facing important decisions. ERP software can change the sales employees from a programmed selling

machine into multiple task developer. ERP system can make them more intelligent and active and they will start searching for answers pertaining to intelligent sales strategies. Though getting answer won't be that easy in the beginning for them with the proper training and experience in the working methods of an ERP system they will be able to understand the use facility in the right manner which would ultimately provide the best service to your clients through an exceptional experience where every aspect is organized and detailed. This will enable to generate quick orders and distribute it to the other people who have involved in a matter of seconds. This will not only save the time but also can avoid unwanted paperwork. As all the staff involved in the process will working on the same information there will be less chance of mistakes happening in between the work process. When an ERP implementation starts it is to deal with the people in charge of handling stocks. This is because these people are the first ones to know when a product is not going to be available, and when there is going to be plenty of another one. This will help the ERP system to guide vendors to reduce unnecessary stocks by offering the product that might be exceeding reasonable inventory. Easy process of invoicing and delivery can be carried out with the click of mouse button. When an order is entered all the information is available for vendors to deal with clients at the same time that they are dealing with stocks, prices and possibilities of discount. This information arrives correctly and in a complete way to the rest of the employees speeding up posterior work. ERP system can bring a kind of magic that simplifies daily tasks to your organization. It keeps your employees updated about what they need to know to increase their efficiency levels. Over and above this system also gives you the chance to control anybody at anytime.


A strong finance module must for a healthy business process

WHEN a company decides to implement an ERP system, what they are primarily looking for is the improvement in the management of their financial section. But a hurriedly taken decision about ERP implementation can bring the negative impact. Therefore selection of a suitable ERP system is most important as it must not only suite your business process but also your financial management. By now everyone knows that the continuous changes in the global business environment, efficiency and effective in the management of companies cannot be compromised. For efficiency and effectiveness in the business operation the management must create path for bi-directional relationship of the different areas

and processes of the company. Nowadays team work becomes an essential part for a successful business, which includes the planning and administrative functions of all the corporate areas. The use of eresource ERP in the Financial Department is a best way to manage the account records updated in a reliable and effective way. The General Accounting, the centre of the financial activities of the system, helps to capture and integrate the transactions made inside the module, allowing you to see the influence in financial terms over the enterprise as a joint system. Whatever the financial goals of your organization may be, the financial application components of eresource ERP solution work hand-in-hand to improve the bottom-line. This is true because the financial functionality is tightly integrated across all business areas and all geographic areas. This tight integration includes all the other different modules, from materials management to human resource to logistics. Because eresource ERP system automatically links related areas, it eliminates the need to repeat procedures. You enter your data only once. Within the eresource ERP system all areas work in coordination, creating a new level of efficiency in handling your financial data. All the audits include information details such as who made an entry and when, as well as who created and modified the last time, is recorded in our ERP system in order to maintain a proper order in an organized manner. The display can also be made simpler by opting for filtering the details by date entry. One of the most advantages of financial management module eresource ERP is that the accounting information of several years can be maintained online without affecting the performance; and it also has specific features to leave tracks of audits to determine the origin of the transactions.


What the stars foretell for your business in the year 2011?
THE above headline may read like an astrological question. But we are not into astrology. What we would like to remind you is that your business future is decided neither by some stars located in the galaxy nor just wearing some rings. It will depend on how you are planning your business strategy today. Despite many setbacks in business strategy there are still some small and midsized enterprises that are shying away from implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. What they have failed to realize is that in today's aggressive business environment ERP has become a necessity rather than a luxury.

Still there are three months left in this financial year. Act wisely to turn these 180 days to a decisive time of your business achievements, so that the coming days and months and years will be yours. eresource Infotech is here to help you to turn your enterprise from a people driven organization to a system driven organization. eresource ERP is the right source to gain operational excellence. You may be thinking is it the right time to implement an effective enterprise solution like eresource ERP? Analyze yourself the last months of your business process. Are you satisfied with the outcome of your business strategy? No need to worry if the answer is a big NO. With the implementation of eresource ERP you may overcome any deficiency your business process may have and can also achieve operational excellence in the coming years.

Why eresource ERP?

eresource ERP system is developed in keeping Indian SMEs in mind. . In this age of mergers and acquisitions, many of the organizations that were once small companies, and now, as midmarket organizations need to consolidate various software systems and standardize business processes. It is also true that many of these organization in the SME segment are coping with increasingly complex operating environments, aging technology - including outmoded ERP systems proliferating business-management software and, of course, the need to grow revenue. Though a respectful number of midsized companies have implemented eresource ERP system, there is still a few numbers of others who don't already have an ERP solution. Midsize companies also face challenges specific to their industries. Businesses that make consumer product goods are concerned about regulations and reporting requirements, while public-sector organizations are worried about maintaining customer loyalty. Also, manufacturers are concerned about the commoditization of their products. We are confident, eresource ERP system can help address all these issues, as well. On the other hand it is also to be noted that many ERP implementations in the midmarket are quite mature and ripe for replacement. These midmarket companies must now choose an ERP system on which to standardize after multiple systems were installed, perhaps through mergers, across the enterprise. Currently, the SME segment in India has been one of the most aggressive adopters of ERP software. This substantial increase in the penetration level in the SME segment is attributed to the introduction of low cost ERP solutions such as eresource ERP which also caters the country-specific localizations. The smooth inventory management, timely scheduling of production cycles and shipment of goods, managing human resources and online data communication are also the primary reasons for many SMEs in India switching to eresource ERP system. If you are still confused when and how to go about an ERP implementation, without doubt we can say this is the right time. As the saying goes -- better late than never. For a better tomorrow plan it today with eresource ERP.


Service with quality and security

eresource Infotech, India's leading ERP solution firm, is proved to be the most effective and reliable ERP solution providers. Our highly secured ERP solution provides uninterrupted reliable services. eresource ERP solution is armed with up-to-date security and intrusion detection facility, which provides an organization with quality service. Anyone will agree that security is the main concern when it comes to software application and it is one of the most important issues for an organization. In classical business operation, just as in governmental and military operations, there have long been security issues concerned with physical protection. eresource Infotech has made a thorough study of the situation and incorporated the security measures in our solution as per the requirements. Security threat to ERP is possible in the form of tapping or hacking. In addition to these security risk faced by all computer systems, two aspects of security are critical to ERP. One aspect concerns the quality of data generated and housed on the ERP. The other aspect is control over who can access data. One major benefit of a Web enabled system is the flexibility afforded to users through the ability to log on to the ERP system from any terminal or location. The ability to maintain ERP security in a Web environment is mandatory, given that majority, eresource ERP is responding to demand to provide adequate security. Our project experts study every aspect of the project thoroughly before the implementation. Our experts bring their know-how about the package and about implementation - know-how that is not included in the standard documentation. This practical knowledge is derived from their expertise, which stems from practical experience, because our project managers have seen many projects and have made or seen many mistakes, they can avoid many of the mistakes bound to occur during the implementation period. They know what will work and what will not. Thus, by eliminating the trial and error method of implementation and doing it right the first time. Our project managers help in saving huge amounts of money, time and effort. eresource experts can present the advantages and drawbacks of each area and reach a consensus with the decision makers before the implementation. Needless to say, it is also their duty to understand the total context and scope of the envisioned work and also alert the company management about actions and decisions that must be undertaken on time to time.

Our project managers will maintain technical documentation on the project. Though they will leave once the project is complete, they will create a knowledge base and also will train enough people so that the work they have started will be continued without any interruption.


Real-time business has become costeffective

COST management is always a tricky problem for SMBs. Enterprise resource planning solution plays an important role in cost management. eresource, one of the leading ERP solution which is proved to be the most effective web-enabled ERP solution in India, is an ideal solution to comply with cost management. Quick decision making is needed for a successful management of an organization with its cost management factor. Application modules such as business intelligence and business analytics tools are being integrated into eresource ERP systems in order to facilitate better, accurate and quicker decision-making. Organizations have realized that in order to maximize the value of the information stored in their ERP systems it is also necessary to extend these ERP architectures to include more advanced reporting, and analytical and decision support capabilities. Integration of information tools with the eresource ERP package provides a detailed information delivery solution. Almost all technology today is focused on compressing to zero the amount of time it takes to acquire and use information, to learn, to make decisions, to initiate action, to deploy resources and to innovate. When action and response are simultaneous, we are in real-time. Imagine the competitive edge you could gain by compressing time-to-market, increasing the speed of innovation, streamlining manufacturing and personalizing customer relationships at every point contact. This strategy requires the ability to discover and act on important business intelligence in real-time. Today, real-time business has finally become costeffective because of the convergence of enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, business intelligence and the Internet. To take the full advantage of an ERP system investment, just integrating the system with the business intelligence front-end not enough, the system must also to be made a web-enabled one. When a Web-based interface is provided to the information in the business intelligence system, the World Wide Web becomes an enterprise information utility for employees, partners, suppliers and



The most affordable ERP system in India

TO achieve manufacturing excellence, you need to have an effective and efficient enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implemented in your organization. There is no second opinion that no other ERP than eresource ERP can offer the breadth and depth of support for order-driven, project-based discrete manufacturing industry. eresource ERP covers all your requirements. From make-to-stock to engineer-toorder and from flow line technology to lean manufacturing, it caters all the needs. It also enables you to elevate customer service levels from acquisition though manufacturing and subsequent service and maintenance with full product life cycle management. eresource ERP system helps companies to improve operational efficiency. It enhances performance and scalability. This ERP system also enables organizations improve communication and collaboration apart from increasing productivity and reducing the costs. eresource gives extensive support for discreet manufacturing operations with extending its functionalities to finance, sales, purchasing and manufacturing into freight management, warehouse management and aftermarket service support. eresource ERP, India's most sought after web-based enterprise resource solution has an easy to implement methodology and it is one of the most affordable systems in the Indian market today. eresource is an ideal solution to manage the complexities of standardized, process-driven manufacturing and distribution in high volume/repetitive environments. Inventory management with dynamic weights and measures and product pricing for consumer markets are enabled. Improved performance for pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing, fleet management, construction, modular kitchen and automotive industries are a guaranteed result. eresource ERP delivers comprehensive, customer responsive support. It also helps you take control with industry-specific functionality, advanced workflow technology, shared service capabilities, enhanced configurability and choice of integrated financials. With scalability for future growth, companies seeking excellent performance will benefit from this powerful, proven ERP solution. Rest assured.


ERP reduces cycle time, improves efficiency

AMONG the other benefits that eresource ERP can bring, reduction of cycle time is an important an aspect. Before getting to know the benefits of reduction in cycle time, it is better to understand what cycle time is meant. Cycle time is the time between placement of the order and delivery of the product. At one end of the manufacturing spectrum is the make-to-order operation where the cycle time and cost of production are high. This is because in a make-toorder situation the manufacturer starts making the product or designing the product only after receiving the order. The manufacturer will procure the materials and components required for production only after getting the order. On the other end of the manufacturing operations is the make-to-stock approach, where the products are manufactured and kept in the finished goods inventory before the order is placed. In both cases the cycle time can be reduced by the ERP systems, but the reduction will be more in the case of make-to-order systems. In the case of make-to-stock, the items are already manufactured and kept in warehouses or with distributors, for sales. Here the cycle time is reduced not in the shop floor, but during the order fulfillment. In the earlier days, even for the made-to-stock items, the cycle time used to be high. This is because the process was manual and if computerized, was not integrated. Here is a typical example of old working system. Suppose a customer places an order. The order entry clerk has to check whether the ordered product is available in the warehouse nearest to the customer. If it is not available there, then he will have to check whether it is available in other warehouses or with any of the distributors. Then he will have to process the order, inform the concerned warehouse or distributor to ship the item and then inform the finance department to raise the invoice and so on. All these used to take time, days and sometimes week. But with eresource ERP system, as soon as the order is entered into the system, the system checks the availability of the items. If it is not available at the warehouse closest to the customer, then the warehouse that is closer and which has the item in stock is identified. The warehouse is informed about the order and the shipment details are sent t the distribution module, which will perform the necessary tasks like packaging, picking and so on, so that the goods are delivered on-time. The finance module is also alerted about the order so that they can raise the invoice. All these actions are triggered by the click of a button by the order entry clerk. Since all the data, updated to the minute, is available in the centralized

database and since all the procedures are automated, almost all these activities are done without human intervention. This efficiency of the eresource ERP system helps in reducing the cycle time. eresource ERP system has proved that it can produce goods at the flexibility of make-to-order approach without losing the cost and time benefits of made-toorder operations. This means that the customer will get individual attention and features that they want without spending more money or waiting for long periods. With t web enabled eresource ERP system, customers can place the order, track the status of the order and make the payment sitting at home.


Customer relation key to business success

ONE of the prime components of business success is the ability to service customers effectively. Businesses must have a comprehensive understanding of each and every customer and their history. With access to a full case history, solution providers can tailor their service to the customer's unique circumstances and preferences, in the context of the overall relationship. Customer loyalty has a powerful effect on the business bottom line. The dramatic economic power of customer retention is revealed when customers are viewed in terms of life value. eresource ERP enables the enterprises to retain its customers, which makes a perfect business sense. A consumer retained for life is more cost effective, requires less service, provides more business and contributes to new customer acquisition by offering positive referrals. For the average business, studies indicate that repeat customers account for 70 per cent of total revenues. Thus, customers' retention guarantees significant current and future economic benefit. eresource ERP system integrates case management that show all previous contacts from all media empower companies to serve and market to customers without waiting time or resources. With an accurate, company-wide customer database - including marketing, order, fulfillment and customer service history businesses can reach a greater understanding of their customers over time, delivering increasingly personal and rewarding experiences and products. eresource ERP integration enables businesses to better comprehend and thereby, better serve customers with each and every interaction. There is a common belief that the enterprise application integration is a difficult task. The good news is that with easy implementation methodology of eresource ERP system the difference in your business operations can be experienced within a short period of time. Our case study method and implementation strategy along with its training methods guarantees a smooth function of our ERP system.

What is more important when it comes to implementation of an ERP solution is that the enterprise application integration is a corporate-level problem requiring a corporate-level strategy. Organizations implementing ERP applications have to explore the area of integrating these applications to the other enterprise applications. What approach to take will depend on the need for integration. However, the aggressive organizations have to adopt the right implementation methods in a cautious manner to keep their leadership in the market.


India's leading web-based ERP solution provider

Web-based eresource ERP solution, simplifies back-office process automation for mid-sized and growing business. It provides real-time information about finance, order management, purchase, inventory, employee management, ecommerce and much more. With web-based eresoure ERP solution, you can accelerate business cycles, improve productivity and reliability, and provide higher levels of service to customers, suppliers and partners. Web-based ERP solution improve business among customers, suppliers and partners through self-service portals, providing for lead management, shipment tracking, bill payment and more. Highlights of web-based eresource ERP solution

Reduce IT costs and maintenance

As a web-based hosted solution, eresource Infotech's web-based ERP solution or eresource ERP significantly reduces your overhead expenses. There is no software to install, no hardware to purchase and maintain, and no up-gradation requiring complex re-implementation over time. Our team of IT professionals manages your maintenance, support, and up-gradation at our world-class data center. As a result, you can focus on running your business, while our web-based ERP solution takes care of your business plans with the backend software. Use our real-time master controls (dashboards) for better decision making. Master control gives you a real-time snapshot of your business, enabling you to make better, faster decisions. You can view leads, commissions, sales revenue and forecasts, new cases and more. Read the overview of our various web-based ERP products, select any component from the list below. We encourage you to speak with us to find the product that best fits your needs.

Benefits of web-based ERP Solution:

No Client Installation = Easy Remote Maintenance Platform & Device Dependent = Scalability Time and Location free = Access from Anywhere E-Business Ready = Customers, Employees, Supplier

Easy to Use = Everybody knows browsers & Internet

Advantage of web-based ERP solution:

A clear advantage of the web-based ERP solution is that remote users like executives and sales reps can access the company system with any browser, which is much more convenient than going through a laptop configured for Terminal Services. A quick and on-time implementation of the solution can be done on your existing configuration set up. That means you do not need to upgrade your network for Windows/Exchange Server and SQL Server database. As you would have come across more suggestions on ERP, selecting the right one is crucial. The term "Hosted Solution" is rapidly catching up, on account of its own benefits. A web-hosted solution ensures a lower outlay and predictive spread of cost over time. You have a substantial saving in cost (on both the software and hardware, licensing) that can be better invested in your business process. Web-based ERP removes your headache from the Investment made towards Time and Cost in the maintenance of the server & other hardware. Web-based ERP also removes your worry about the new functions and features (service packs and fixes). When you go in for a web-based ERP, you can start using it from day one (avoids the worry towards implementation time, which has been cited as one major reason for ERP failure). Optimized performance & Support Most of the hosted applications are like off-the-shelf software. The webbased ERP application is available to you anywhere and at anytime from a simple browser. Access through hand-held devices made easy.

Low cost web-based ERP solution

Unlike the other ERP solutions web-based ERP solution like eresource ERP can be purchased in individual modules and a section-wise implementation can be carried out. So it becomes easy for the companies to purchase and implement them without having to worry about the huge initial investment. Being a web-based ERP solution, it is easy to carry out the maintenance, which is most of the time performed online by the vendor. It saves a lot of time and there will be no place for complaint as online help will be provided by eresource ERP help desk any time the customers needed. So it becomes more effective and best service is guaranteed to all customers. The yearly maintenance also won't cost the customers much. Web-based ERP is both offline and accessible online. Hence in a globalized market, the CEO of an organization is given the convenience of making even his hotel room, or the living home desk his convenient office table just by hooking up his laptop to the net. In making the choices of an ideal platform on which to run the business, organizations of all sizes are being attracted by the many advantages and economies that web-based eresource ERP has to offer. Besides being more cost

effective, easier to install and maintain, eresource's web-based ERP solution offers easier access across geographical boundaries without needing additional investment for connectivity.


ERP Software Solution in India

Today, India is transforming into world IT hub and all major players in the field are working constantly towards promoting and expanding their market. In this scenario Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) will be playing a major role in growth of small and medium size industries in India apart from contributing largely into the big business enterprises. ERP system will help streamline the functionality and technicality of a software solution in an organization, without any doubt will be an added advantage in generating return on investment. If the facts and figures are be believed, the ERP market could boom in India and give the necessary impetus to stakeholders. ERP software solutions were initially used only for back office functions. They were not given the due importance and treated just like another supporting function. Reasons like lack of awareness formed one part while other reasons were costs and technical difficulties. As explained earlier the gradual demand for ERP increased with a slump in the software market. Since this led companies to go in for ERP they automatically started to learn more about it either by force or felt need as they were left with no alternative. This indirectly created the awareness among companies. They learned more on ERP and realized its diverse applications. Finally they resorted to use of ERP for the whole of the company and stopped the idea of restricting it to mere back office functions. Financial burden is a major determinant of ERP market in India. Many companies are hesitates to invest in ERP due to the exorbitant costs involved in it. Realizing this situation, eresource Infotech, has come out with an ideal ERP solution, which will be affordable to small and medium enterprises. Today, eresource Infotech has become a name to reckon with in arena of ERP solution providers. We have accomplished this achievement in a short span of seven years by our unrelenting efforts and services, which helped many small and medium scale organizations yield good return on their investment. Only eresource ERP generates reports as per Indian conditions for all kinds of Statutory Records. These are some of the points that make eresource ERP the only Web-based ERP in India with a 100% ERP solution for Indian business condition.

What is the reason for ERP market growth in India?

ERP market in India steadily growing for the last few years and the main reason for this enormous growth can be attributed to the inability of order system to manage the conversion to year 2000. There are also other factors such as industry best practices, easy and faster implementation and good cost predictions. Another factor behind the growth is that already existing clients acquire more licences and modules. The number of employees using the ERP system is increasing and the ERP clients who have started with the basic modules are going for subsequent applications. There is also a trend to replace customized system with standard application packages, like an ERP system. India is expected to present ERP suppliers an important marketplace as manufacturing companies are significantly investing in technology solutions to improve their manufacturing operations. According to observation made by some experts in the field, the ERP market started showing solid organic growth since 2004 as IT spending improved. The Indian ERP market experienced CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of 25.2 during the period of 2004-2009. The market was $83 million in 2004, and is projected to be over $250 million in 2009, according to a research report. The report further clarifies that manufacturers in India are increasingly implementing ERP solutions to ensure that decision makers have the required information visibility across the value chain. Majority of Indian manufacturers are small by global standards, requiring easy-to-use ERP solutions to meet their specific process requirements, including localisation needs to address the continually evolving tax and statutory requirements. Small and medium enterprises across industry verticals and micro verticals, such as automotive, pharmaceuticals, and textiles, are leveraging ERP solutions to gain sustainable competitive advantages.


ERP Implementation Methodology

Eresource Infotech promises ON-TIME implementation of ERP. Our "Go Live On Time" program guarantees the customers on-time implementation of integrated ERP system at affordable cost. Eresource offers a full refund for any implementation fees where the agreedupon ERP go live date is delayed, provided the customer meets all defined milestone deliverables on time. Eresource is the only ERP solution provider that has earned extremely high marks from their existing all customers for its customer support. The Go Live On Time is a simple demonstration of deliverable confidence in

eresource. Eresource eliminated the monitory risk by assuring that the ERP implementation will on time and at the price quoted, but this is provided the customer meets all their obligations and responsibilities. Eresource makes ERP economically viable.

Why, when and how?

Of many reasons to implement an ERP solution, the chief reason is the need for a common IT platform. Other reasons include a desire for process improvement, data visibility, operating cost reductions, increased responsiveness to customers and improvement in strategic decision-making. ERP is certainly action as an impetus for the replacement for a mix of aging legacy system with a common platform. This reputation of legacy system with a common platform had become imperative for a number of reasons. Mainly because mix of aging legacy systems had led to high cost support, and the firms expected business benefits such as process improvements and data visibility to result in cost reductions.

Implementation methodology
Assuming a decision on an ERP has been taken, the implementation normally consists of five stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design Implementation Stabilization Continuous improvement Transformation

The structured implementation programme can speed system deployment and return on investment. This can be done in the following manner: Conducting an effective gap assessment Business and technical processes Organizational measures Data conversion and data clean-up Agreeing on the implementation boundaries Project sponsorship and governance

The implementation strategy is ultimately built on a foundation of people, processes and product


Best manufacturing solution for SMEs
The flexible, affordable and fully scalable, eresource ERP is the ideal solution for newly emerging and smaller companies, as well as for growth-oriented SMEs requiring multi-site and multi-currency capabilities. It is especially well suited to improving the manufacturing processes of engineerto-order, make-to-order and high-volume make- to-stock manufacturers in the automotive, electronics, capital equipment, and discrete products industries. Built on excellence eresource's cost-effective, web-based ERP solution, combined with eresource's flexible and affordable pricing structures, provides SMEs with a technology solution having all of the functionality and benefits of a "big company" ERP system - but with minimal investment and risk. The eresource ERP for SMEs solution is built on the rich technology heritage and deep industry expertise of eresource Infotech Pvt. Ltd. and has a history of success in the manufacturing sector, providing comprehensive solutions that are used by the world's leading manufacturing companies. Implementation is fast and easy, without the need for expensive hardware and high fees for licensing, implementation, upgrades and maintenance. This also helps avoid additional financial burden for SMEs sector. Once implemented, the result is maximum value with minimal investment and low risk. Eresource ERP offers a powerful ERP solution for manufacturers and a high value proposition for SMEs who would rather expand resources on building a successful business. The modules include: Product Management o Costing o Engineering o Engineering Change o Estimating

Manufacturing o Work Orders o Inventory o Master Production Scheduling (MPS) o Materials Requirements Planning o Physical Inventory

Repetitive Manufacturing

Financial/Accounting o Accounts Payable (AP) o Accounts Receivable (AR) o Billing o -Financial Integration Management (FIM) o General Ledger

Customer Management o Bid Process Management (BPM) o Contract Management o Sales Orders o Sales Quotes

Supplier Management o Supplier Quotes o Purchase Orders Project Management o Project Accounting o Project Definition o Project Resource Planning (PRP)

eresource ERP is an integrated solution that brings together a wide variety of business functions. Below is the functional description. Financial - general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, asset management, cost tracking and accounting, cash management, budgeting, invoicing, and time and attendance Sales - pricing, margins, quotations, contracts, and schedules Procurement - pricing, requisitions, quotations, contracts, schedules, and vendor rating Planning - item planning, resource planning, demand planning, order planning, and plan analysis Project - project definition, project estimating, project budgeting, project planning, project progress, project monitoring, and project invoicing Manufacturing - bill of materials, routing, cost price calculations, manufacturing processes, shop floor control, project control, manufacturing control, tooling requirements, configuration control, and product classification Quality Management - inspection plans and execution, calibration plans and

execution Warehousing - inventory planning and handling, inventory analysis Freight Management - freight order control, route planning, loading, rates and invoicing Service Management - contract management, configuration management, subcontract management, call management, planning, service order management, scheduling, and depot repair


ERP Consultancy
Eresource Infotech renders end-to-end ERP consultancy to organization, irrespective of brands (be it SAP, oracle or any other). In the entire process, particular attention is paid to the audit role, which determines ERP feasibility to adapt business dynamics, cost Factors and compliance test. The consultancy of ERP is rendered in 5 broad areas. Selection of vendor (Including mapping of business process functionality with the Vendor software and Risk Analysis) Pre implementation approach Operational audit Post Implementation Audit and control Measuring range compatibility and ROI.

Eresource has a proven method and specialization in rendering ERP consultancy for following Industries Manufacturing (Engineering) Pharmaceutical Kitchen Manufacturing and Distribution Fleet Management Chemical ERP Automotive ERP ERP for Process Industry

Eresource provides total ERP solutions and consultancy to the customer under one single roof, a one-stop enterprise shop. Perfect combination of functional, technical, project management and systems experience, eresource certified professionals, expertise in Manufacturing (Engineering), Kitchen, Fleet Management and Pharmaceutical domain are some of the unique skills of the ERP Consultants at eresource Infotech.


ERP features and functions

Eresource ERP is web-based ERP software promising you to connect your departments, branches, customers, suppliers, agents under a central system. Eresource ERP comprises of host of Integrated functionality including, Manufacturing, Inventory & Material Management, Sales and Distribution Management, Supplier and Purchase Management, Human Resource Management, Finance Resource Management, Plant Maintenance and Excise management. The depth of functionality means that the solution can be readily adapted to support a wide range of operational execution styles. Eresource is designed with operational efficiency in mind. Sales and Distribution Module See your customer Order Management getting easier day by day with the help of our sales module. The sales module implements functions of order placement, order scheduling, shipping and invoicing. It is closely integrated with the organizations e-commerce web sites. We provide you right solution and efficient flow of information. Add new customer's on fly and see them getting instantly affected to Finance - More information Manufacturing Module Manufacturing Resource Planning OR MRP II by itself is the original modality of what we know now as ERP, and covered materials planning. Manufacturing module in eresource provides a collaborative environment for performing manufacturing tasks. It contains the necessary business rules to manage the entire supply chain process whether within a facility, between facilities, or across the entire supply chain. It constitutes of number of functionalities, mainly, Bill of Material, Engineering Change Note, Shop Floor Control, Sales and Distribution Plan, Master Production Schedule, and many more. Supplier and Purchase Order Management Purchase Module in eresource streamlines procurement of required raw Materials, Packaging materials, sub Assembly and other non inventory materials. The procurement plan in eresource is derived from the Material Requirement Planning or a direct PO can also be indented. The purchase module is well integrated with the Production Planning and Inventory Control Modules and also

the supply chain process. Inventory & Material Management Module Inventory module in eresource facilitates the process of maintaining the exact level of stock in warehouse and helps you manage and report your inventory information. The functions of Inventory Control Module involves identifying inventory requirements, setting targets, providing replenishment techniques and options, monitoring item usages, reconciling the inventory balances and reporting inventory status. Total Quality Management Eresource Total Quality Management (TQM) is tightly integrated with Quality Control Management and Quality Assurance. The TQM configuration and acceptable tolerance is a configurable feature, enabling the Quality Department to scale the ERP even with any new product development. eresource ERP Quality Control Module not only monitors quality by control plans in purchasing and manufacturing but also provides real-time process capability index for quick review. Plant Maintenance Module Plant maintenance module in eresource ERP provides with technical and business reports for different work area within the plant, location, Organizational unit, Machines and downtime analysis for each different categories or machines. Preventive Maintenance Schedule and record can be captured. Tracking of Components, Spare part replacements, maintenance warranty claim tracking are easily available to view at one single screen Financial Module Eresource ERP Financial module is tightly integrated with all departments' functionality and generates valuable financial reports such as Profitability Report, Cost Center Analysis report, Management Information Report. The financial module in eresource ERP provides financial functionality and analysis reports for different departments and cost centers. Excise Management Excise duty is a tax on manufacture or production of goods. Excise Tax is commonly known as Excise Duty. Indian manufacturer of excisable products is liable to pay this tax and is levied on a wide variety of commodities manufactured in India. Excise is mandate for Organization who falls under excise commodity product sales or manufacturing. Eresource ERP provides an integrated Excise Module that provides automated information in Excise from the Sales, Purchase and manufacturing module. The data to accounts is posted automatically. Human Resource Management eresource ERP Human resource Management is a suite of integrated solution, facilitates HR operations by reducing time-intensive administrative tasks and lowering costs by deploying self-service applications. Eresource ERP solution offers many different sub-systems under the HR module. The subsystems are Personnel Management, Organization Management, Payroll Management, Time Management and Personal Development.


Brain of your planning activities

eresource ERP is a modular solution built for vertical enterprises, which supports Sales, Purchasing, Supply Chain, Inventory and Material Management, Quality, Research and Development, Production, Quality, Finance, Human Resource, and service functions, amongst others. eresource ERP's major strength lies in the manufacturing modules that provide multiple benefits. eresource, ERP is key to business process automation. eresource ERP helps you control your day-to-day business, irrespective of whether the day is spent on the shop floor or around the board table. Once implemented, eresource ERP will be the heart of your manufacturing business, the wheels of your distribution channel and the brain of your planning activities eresource ERP is the most reliable enterprise resource planning application, providing organizations with the strategic insight, ability to differentiate, increased productivity and flexibility they need to succeed. Eresource ERP helps drive innovation and supports future of your organization. Eresource ERP benefits at a glance eresource ERP offers the functionality you need to increase efficiently across your enterprise. Completing daily task efficiently - Business automation Integrating department for real time collaboration and security. Linking branches, factory, sales, purchase, despatch/delivery, supply chain management spreaded across different geographical location at real time. Uniform monitoring system for customer, suppliers, vendors and partners Managing organized and streamlined business process - purchase, sales, Inventory, billing, production, receipt, payment, HR, Taxation, Excise and Exports. Maintaining efficient product catalogue. Keeping day-to-day track sales, dispatch & payments Calculating accurate production costing Accessing consolidation financial information Accessing daily report without depending on anyone. Timely Delivery and reducing inventory yet maintaining production cost. Maintaining best practices and introducing Industry best practices Ensuring that everyone in the organization is responsible and accountable


Indigenous ERP solution

The fundamental objectives of an ERP do not change. What changes is the legalized, statutory and regulatory requirement. In an effort to drive the business domain, legalization and regulation specifically required for Indian condition, eresource ERP has developed an enterprise solution for ERP users in India, Simply put as "Made in India ERP Software". When people refer to the core ERP application, they want the back-office capabilities to manage human resources, accounting and finance, manufacturing and project management functions. However, eresource ERP solution for Indian manufacturers provide much more - including the statutory needs governed by India, regulatory affairs and legal compliances. eresource ERP is the only Web-based ERP provider in India, providing a indigenous ERP solution. In addition to ERP objectives, reduced costs, ease of deployment, ease of developing customized reports, reduced employee time in manually generating reports and greater flexibility in viewing data from the ERP system are some of the benefits promised by eresource ERP. Most importantly the familiar interface of eresource ERP solution cuts down the cost of training to end-users. Only eresource ERP generates reports as per Indian conditions for all kinds of Statutory Records. These are some of the points that make eresource ERP the only Web-based ERP service Provider in India with 100% ERP solution for Indian business condition.

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