Formal Letter

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You are Shubha/ Krushna Mohanty, residing in Subhadra Apartments, Bhuvaneshwar, Odisha.

You have observed, with increasing concern, that garbage collection continues to be done
without segregation in your neighbourhood. Write a letter to the editor of 'The Real Times',
Bhuvaneshwar, in about 120-150 words, explaining your concern along with the rationale behind
the importance of garbage segregation.Suggest ways in which the R.W.As can participate in this

(5 marks)

201, Subhadra Apartments

October 21, 20XX

The Editor
The Real Times
K.G. Marg, Bhuvaneshwar
Subject: Regarding garbage collection without segregation.

Dear Sir
Through the columns of your widely circulated daily and being a responsible citizen, I would like
to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the negligent attitude of the residents
of Subhadra Apartments who do not even bother to segregate the garbage according to its kind.
The society has provided two containers meant for dry waste and wet waste. Still there is hardly
anyone with enough concern to use the same accordingly.
It's a pity to say that several complaints registered in the society office have remained unheeded
and this practice is in full force. The Resident Welfare Associations should acknowledge and
come forward to deal with the issue and do the needful.
You are requested to highlight the issue and bring it to the notice of the authority.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely
Shubha/Krushna Murthy

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