Whiteboard Mar 27, 2023

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Tiine: 1hrs
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Vhat is the dielectric constant of a

(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 0
(d)Jnfinite if a charge q is placed at
od lux
through the faces of the cube with side of length a

corner A of the cube is

ot6E0 z4en ( (d) none of these.
3 Electric field lines provide information about
a ield-strength (b) direction (c) nature of charge lOT these ha
e Si unit of electtic flux is
fa) NC m* (6) N Cm c) N C2 m2 (d)Ne"m 1
with co-ordinates
number of charges each ofcharee 1uC, are
placed on the X-axis
force acting on 1C cliarge?
t e

then what is the net

IT a charge of 1C is kept at the origin

(a 9000N (b)1200ON (c) 2400ON (d)3600ON of 2cm. Calculate the

inear cnarge
at a distance
u t e ine charge produces a fiétd of 9x10'N/C
DI2in wny two field line never-cross each other at any point. phenomet0n is
both. A similar
charges appear on
d 8lass rod is rubbed with a silk
observation is consistent with the law ofccnservation o
how this
a y
Otner pairs of bodies. Explain
negative change
charge. (ie q>0) and (i)

(i) isolated positiv2 change

etch eiectric lines of ferce due to
(ieq<o) direction. Write
its S.i unit. An
electric dipole indicating
the term dipoie
moment o f an on it.
Detine Torque acting
Deduce the expression for the
a uniform
electric field , of 10 cm3.
electric dipole is placed in flux of this field
through a square
What is the square if
uniform electric
field E=3x10* TN/C (a) flux through the
Consider a What is the
to the yz plane? (b)
on a side whose plane is parallel
with the x-axis? the line joir.ing
plane makes a 60° angle Find the point on
normal to its distance of 8cm.
and -911C are separated
by a
charges 16uC
T w 0 point zero? in the hole
electric field is that the electric
the two charges whre surface. Show
cut into its
conductor has a tiny hole the suríace charge
density near

A hollow charged direction,

outward normal
vector in the
whereñ is the unit
is 32
at point P
the electric field
the hole. 2a apart.
placed at a distance What is the fie!d
are the charges.
q and-q the line joining
14 wo point changes the perpendicular
situted at a distancèy along
is quantised'.
whenr>> a? statement
'electric charge of a body
meaning of
Explain the

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