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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung



Maya Fransiska1, Akhmad Sutiyono2, Destia Herlisya3

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

Abstract: This research aimed to improve the students’ reading comprehension

through Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) at the tenth grade students of
SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2022/2023. The subject of
this research was 34 students of X.5 class. This research used Classroom Action
Research with two cycles where each cycle consisted of three meetings. In each
cycles consist of planning, Action, Observation, and Reflecting. The data were
analyzed by using descriptive statistics and quantitative data. The result showed
that use of Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) improved the students’
reading comprehension. From quantitative data, the result showed that the mean
score of each cycle was increased from post-test of cycle 1 to cycle 2. The first
cycle was 66.58 there were 18 students or 52.94% who passed Minimum Mastery
Criterion, then the second cycle was 86.00 there were 26 students or 76.47% who
passed Minimum Mastery Criterion. The improvement can also be seen from
qualitative data the result of students’ observation sheet students’ learning activity
from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The mean score of first cycle was 7.01, then in second
cycle was 7.66. As from the result, it improved in each cycle which stated the
implementation of Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) can improve students’
learning activities and reading comprehension.

Keywords: Reading comprehension, RCRR, Classroom Action Research

INTRODUCTION agree that reading will increase

Reading is a component that intelligence and knowledge. Reading
cannot be separated in human beings is one of the most significant abilities
as it considered an important aspect for English learners who study
for students in general because it English as a foreign language in
offers a lot of useful information. particular. They can get information
Reading has a very vital role in in many ways through reading, such
contributing to the golden generation as reading books, newspapers,
that bring progress, of course we journals, magazines, and comics. In
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Read, Cover, Remember,
Retell (Rcrr) At The Tenth Grade Students Of Sma Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung
In The Academic Year 2022/2023

general, reading can be interpreted as meaning. This causes students have

an activity in reciting, spelling, difficulty in understanding the main
sounding symbols, the alphabet to idea of the text. Then, the students
become words to sentences that have tend to be lazy to find the meaning of
meaning. “Reading can also be the word because reading takes
defined as a process in which readers longer texts, this makes it difficult
learn something from what they read for students to understand English
and are involved in the academic texts. As a result they do not
context as part of education (Grabe, understand the contents of the texts
2009:5)”. they read.The needs of students that
Reading is one of the skills make them less enthusiastic and less
contained in the English curriculum motivation in reading a text, students
that must be possessed mastered by also become passive because reading
students. Besides being able to activities still depend on the teacher's
develop skills, reading books can add explanation.
insight into vocabulary. The students These problems can be solved
have a variety of new words to through the learning process by
express something. The superior teachers, like using the right teaching
reading competence of the 2013 high strategy. There are many teaching
school curriculum expects students to reading strategies for students who
be able to understand short are active in comprehension
functional texts which include activities and an appropriate strategy
recount, narrative,descriptive is needed to help them solve
analytical exposition texts and problems. One of them is the Read,
procedures in everyday contexts.This Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR)
means that students must understand strategy. In addition to Brummer and
the type of text that contains Macceca (2008:102), Read, Cover,
definitions,frequent system and Remember, the Retell strategy is an
language features of the text, but in effective approach to help readers
fact after doing the pre-research there who are good at reading read quickly
are still many students who have and as a result, they do not
limited potential in understand texts. understand what they are reading. It
Based on Preliminary research at is modeled for students during the
SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung, entire class instruction period and
the writer found several problems then undertaken with students
that faced by the students in reading working as partners to read the same
comprehension. The problems such text. The students have opportunities
as, students have limited vocabulary, for mutual support and stimulation
and limited interest in reading. They and students are also motivated to
just read without knowing the share information or reveal their
information to each other's stories. 2) Students choose a small amount
This means that reading with this of text on a page that their hand
strategy will be able to read quickly can cover.
followed by a good result of 3) The subject of the text is
understanding what they have read. determined by teachers or
Based on the problem above, the students.
writer interested to improve students 4) The students read just as much
reading comprehension by using text silently as they can cover
RCRR. The writer proposes research words with one hand.
entitles: “Improving Students’ 5) Ask each group to read the text
Reading Comprehension Through they receive and discuss it.
Read, Cover, Remember, Retell 6) Ask them to cover the text with
(Rcrr) At The Tenth Grade Students their hand again after reading
Of Sma Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung and think about what they're
In The Academic Year 2022/2023”. read.
7) Remember what you've just
The formualtion of problem read.
in this research can be formulated as 8) The students silently or with a
follows: partner tell the section of the text
1. Can RCRR improve students' they just read.
learning activities in learning
2. Can RCRR strategy improve In this research, the writer
students' reading comprehension? used Classroom Action Research
This research was conducted to (CAR) as a method to improve
found out: students’ reading comprehension.
1. Read Cover Remember Retell Classroom action research is the
(RCRR) Strategy can improve systematic collection of information
students’ learning activities. that is designed to bring about
2. Read Cover Remember Retell social change (Bogdan & Biklen
(RCRR) Strategy can improve 1992: 223). In accordance with that
students’ reading comprehension. Allwright and Bailey (1991: 2)
mention that is a research centers on
Teaching Procedure the classroom, and simply tries to
Nova Yulimariza (2013:5), provides investigate what actually happens
some procedures for Read, Cover, inside the classroom. It treats
Remember, Retell (RCRR) strategy classroom interaction as virtually the
as follows: only object worthy of investigation.
1) The teacher may separate the According to Kemmis and
students into several groups/pair McTaigant in Burns (1999: 35)
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Read, Cover, Remember,
Retell (Rcrr) At The Tenth Grade Students Of Sma Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung
In The Academic Year 2022/2023

there are four steps in the action The reserach was conducted
research that are: planning, action, at the tenth grade students of SMA
observation, and reflection. Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung,
consisting of 34 students. The
a. Identifying problems and
research implemented Read, Cover,
planning action.
Remember, Retell (RCRR) to
b. Implementing the action and improve students’reading
observing or monitoring the comprehension. It was divided in two
action. cycles. Before entering the cycle, the
researcher did pre-cycle. The result
c. Reflecting the result of the
of pre-cycle showed that students’
reading comprehension and students’
d. Revising the plan for the learning activities were still in very
following step. low category, and that should be
In this classroom action improved. Every cycle was held in
research, the researcher collected the three meetings. Each cycle in this
data by using qualitative and research consisted of series steps,
quantitative method. Arikunto namely: Planning, Action,
(2006:12) quantitative research is an Observing, and Reflecting. Result of
approach wich must to use numbers, the data from cycle 1 and cycle 2 of
began from collecting data, the students’ learning can be seen in
interpretation of these data as well as the table below:
the appearance of this result.
The researcher used 2 cycles
in the classroom action research.
Each cycle consisted of three Table 1. Students’ Learning Result
meetings. The sample of this for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 the Tenth
research is the students of X.5 class Grade at SMA Negeri 16 Bandar
at SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung. Lampung
The instrument used in this Cycle 1 Cycle 2
classroom action research consisted Num Num
of three assesment, such as students’ ber Complet ber Complet
observation sheet and fieldnotes to of eness of eness
asses students’ learning activities, Stud (%) Stud (%)
and the reading test to asses students’ ent ent
learning result.
18 52,94% 26 76,47%

16 47,05% 8 23,52%
Research Findings
Based on the table above, it Read, Cover, Remember, Retell
can be seen that in the cycle 1, the (RCRR). Based on the data that had
students who passed the test were 18 obtained from the test and
students with the percentage of observation sheet, the researcher
52.94%. It increased in cycle 2, the found a positive in learning process
students who passed the test were 26 especially in reading by using Read,
students with the percentage of Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR).
76.47%. It can be conclude that the Read, Cover, Remember, Retell
implementation of Read, Cover, (RCRR) could help students to
Remember, Retell (RCRR) could understand the content and
improve students’ reading understand the meaning of the text
comprehension. they have read.
1). The result of students’ reading
Table 2. Students’ Learning test from two cycles showed that the
Activities of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 of implementation of Read, Cover,
the Tenth Grade at SMA Negeri 16 Remember, Retell (RCRR) could
Bandar Lampung improve students’ reading
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Improvement comprehension. It can be conclude
Average Average by analyzing the students’ mean
Score Score 0.65 score of each cycle. The mean score
7.01 7.66 of the test in the cycle 1 was 66.58 it
was low, the students who got >75
Based on the table of the point only 18 students or 52.94% that
table above, it can be seen that the passed the Minimum Mastery
mean score of total score in cycle 1 Criterion. While the mean score of
was 7.01 (mid), while in cycle 2 the the test in the cycle 2 was 86.00, it
mean score of total score was 7.66 was higher than cycle 1, it meant that
(high). The improvement of students’ the students who get >75 point were
learning activity from cycle 1 to 26 students or 76.47%. Based on the
cycle 2 was 0.65. Therefore, it can be result of students’ reading
conclude that the students’ learning comprehension, the data showed that
activity in the class was improved the students had the improvement.
from cycle 1 to cycle 2. 2). The result of students’ learning
activity in the class could be seen
that there was an improvement from
Based on the observation of
cycle 1 to cycle 2. The mean score of
this research which had been done by
cycle 1 was 7.01. Meanwhile, the
the researcher, the researcher
mean score of the cycle 2 was 7.66.
conclude the indicated that there was
The improvement of students’
an improvement in the students’
learning activity from cycle 1 to
reading comprehension by using
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Read, Cover, Remember,
Retell (Rcrr) At The Tenth Grade Students Of Sma Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung
In The Academic Year 2022/2023

cycle 2 was 0.65. Based on the result increased and teaching and learning
of students’ reading comprehension, process became better.
the data showed that the students had Related to the students’
the improvement in students’ behavior to the lesson, there were
learning activity because it because it some positive progressions that
has exceeded the classical supported them in teaching learning
completeness of 75%. In addition, reading. Read, Cover, Remember,
Brummer and Macceca (2013), Retell (RCRR) could create more
stated that the read, cover, remember, comfortable atmosphere during
retell activity is an effective learning process. During the teaching
approach to help readers at all grade and learning process, the students
levels who think that good reading is were more active, confidence and
reading quickly and as a result do not interested to take a part in the lesson.
understand what they have read. This They were not shy nor afraid
was supported by Hoyt (2008:174- anymore.
176) stated that Read, Cover,
Remember, Retell (RCRR) is an RECOMMENDATION
instructional strategy that is applied From the conclusion above,
to help students stop reading small there are some recommendation as in
portions of the text and retell what case of improving students’ reading
the sections was mostly about. It can comprehension through Read, Cover,
be concluded that this strategy is Remember, Retell (RCRR), as
more effective to make students can follows: 1) For the teacher, the
understand and remember what they teacher must understands students’
read in the text. weaknesses in reading
comprehension, teacher can apply
CONCLUSION the RCRR strategy in teaching
After conducting the research reading comprehension.
of teaching English reading at Senior 2) For further research, other
High School, the conclusion is that researchers applied finding of the
the implementation of Read, Cover, research as the basic conduction on
Remember, Retell (RCRR) can the following research.
improve the students’ reading
comprehension at the tenth grade of REFERENCES
SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung. Allwright, Dick., Bailey, Kathlen M.
Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (1991). Focus On The Language
(RCRR) is very useful and Classroom An
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activity. Students’ individual score Research For Language
Teachers. Cambridge: Cover, Remember, Retell and
Cambridge University Press Three Two One.

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