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Student’s book pages 36-37 (Sample answer)


The purpose of this report is to outline the findings of my research into an unusual
fundraising project for local charities involving young offenders, and to indicate the
lessons that can be learned. As preparation for this report I Interviewed some young
offenders who participated in the project, an officer responsible for them and a
representative of one of the charities.
Aims of the project
I To get young offenders to raise money for charity.
2 To give young offenders useful unpaid work in the community that helps them
understand the impact that their offending behaviour had on the local community and
helps change their behaviour for the better.
Methods of fundraising
Techniques included distributing collection boxes to local businesses; charity collections
under the supervision of an officer; helping organise a jumble sale.
1 The total raised to date has exceded €200, which will benefit many local charities, who
are obviously delighted.
2 On the whole, the young people worked really hard to do something positive that would
benefit the local community. Many of the offenders said that they had taken part in
several community service activities, including picking up litter, but this was by far the
most rewarding as the money will make a real difference to people's lives.
In my view, this approach to community service helps provide the youngsters with so
many important life skills which will help reintegrate them into the community. I have no
hesitation in recommending the approach to be tried elsewhere.
[257 words]

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