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Reevaluate the Business Model: As the CEO and consultants of Alikolo, the

first step to saving the company would be to reevaluate the business model.
Identify the reasons for the company's failure in 2015 and understand what went
wrong. Assess the market dynamics and customer preferences to determine if
there is still a viable market for an online marketplace in Indonesia.
Market Research and Customer Insights: Conduct comprehensive market
research to understand the current consumer trends, demands, and behaviors.
Use this data to tailor the product offerings to meet the needs of the Indonesian
market. Listen to customer feedback and incorporate it into the platform's design
and functionality.
Technology Upgrade: If the technology infrastructure is outdated, invest in
modernizing the platform. Ensure that it is user-friendly, responsive, and capable
of handling high traffic loads. Implement robust security measures to protect user
data and transactions.
Competitive Analysis: Study the competition, including Lazada,, and
Tokopedia. Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Differentiate Alikolo by
offering unique features, better pricing, or superior customer service. Consider
strategic partnerships or acquisitions if it makes sense for growth.
Customer Acquisition and Retention: Develop a comprehensive marketing
and advertising strategy to acquire new customers. Consider loyalty programs,
discounts, and promotions to retain existing customers. Focus on building a
strong brand identity.
Supply Chain Management: Strengthen relationships with suppliers to ensure a
diverse and high-quality product catalog. Streamline the supply chain to reduce
costs and improve delivery times.
Financial Management: Carefully manage finances, monitor expenses, and
seek additional funding if required. Ensure that the company operates within a
sustainable financial framework.
Mobile App and Social Media Presence: In Indonesia, mobile usage is high.
Invest in a mobile app to make shopping convenient for users. Establish a strong
presence on social media platforms to engage with customers and drive traffic to
the platform.
Customer Support and Resolution: Provide excellent customer support with
multiple channels for inquiries and issue resolution. Address customer
complaints promptly and use feedback to make continuous improvements.
Localization: Consider the cultural and linguistic diversity within Indonesia.
Localize the platform by offering content and customer support in multiple
languages and understanding regional preferences.

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